Liturgies of the Word

Concerning these Services
Our Christian life is a pilgrimage of growth into the stature of Christ. That growth is fostered above all by a regular pattern of prayer and reflection on the biblical story, especially the gospel. Our faith has been shaped by that story, and our patterns of worship have been enriched by passages and verses from the Bible as part of our praise and prayer before God.
In these services extensive provision is made for patterns of worship that provide for regular reflection on central elements of the gospel.
Morning and Evening Worship is a full Liturgy of the Word that is most suitable for use with a congregation or group.
Daily Services provide a simpler pattern of reading, psalms, praise and prayer for each day of the week, morning and evening, and are suitable for small groups and individuals.
Daily Devotions may be used as self-contained acts of reflection and prayer, based on the New Testament, but may also be added to by the use of appointed readings.
Midday Prayer, Night Prayer and Family Prayer provide brief services of praise and prayer that are suitable for groups, for families or for individual use.
Psalms for Worship. Together with biblical readings, the Psalms are the most common feature of regular patterns of worship, and provision is made for their use in the above services.
The Lectionary. A lectionary, offering a cycle of readings, psalms and other material for every day of the year, provides a helpful aid for use with the various services. A duly authorised table of readings and psalms shall be followed.
Worship is the highest activity of the human spirit. In worship we contemplate the truth, mercy and power of God shown to us in Jesus Christ. We respond with adoration, we acknowledge our failures, and we seek to amend our lives in the strength of the Holy Spirit.