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Psalms for Worship

Concerning Psalms for Worship
A collection of poems and songs that grew out of the life and experience of the people of ancient Israel, the psalms have been treasured as a source of spirituality and devotion since long before the time of Jesus.
Jesus himself knew the psalms, and used them. The Christian Church has continued throughout its history to use them in public worship and private devotions.
The wide appeal of the psalms rests on their ability to give words to some of our deepest feelings in the face of life’s experiences. Whether for joy, worship and exaltation, or degradation and rejection, or hope, faith, love, anger, or despair, the psalms contain verses that reflect such moods. In them the various writers expressed to God the thoughts of their heart and spirit. The richness of the psalms still speaks to us and in them we too can find words to match many of our moods and express them before God. In turn God can still address us through these psalms.
The psalms can be used in a number of ways. So valued are they as a spiritual resource that many Christians over the centuries have recited them in a regular pattern as part of their daily worship. Equally we can browse through them in a less formal way. Many phrases and verses have been used to give expression to worship in the services of the Church.
In order to make the collection of psalms as widely appreciated now as possible, several changes have been made in this version. The text has been checked with modern translations and commentaries, and corrected to ensure accuracy. Attention has been paid to contemporary English to ensure that as far as possible all those using these Psalms for Worship may identify with the psalmist’s expressions of prayer or praise.
Some omissions have been made on the grounds that we are not making a new translation of the Book of Psalms, but providing psalms suitable for Christian worship. Some verses of the psalms are not suitable for use in the corporate worship of the Church.
The passages omitted are:
18:38–43; 55:16; 79:10, 12; 110:5–7; 143:13; |
21:8–12; 58 in toto; 83 in toto; 137:7–9; 149:7–9. |
28:4, 5; 59:5, 11–13; 101:6, 9; 139:19–22; |
35:4–8; 68:21–23; 106:34; 140:9–11; |
54:5, 7 69:24–30; 109:5–19; 141:7, 8; |
The recital of the psalms, whether said or sung, can enhance public worship. There are various ways of saying the psalms corporately:
by minister and congregation saying the psalm together;
by alternate verses (the minister reading a verse, and the congregation responding with the next verse);
antiphonally (when the congregation divides into parts, and each in turn reads every alternate verse);
by use of a repeated refrain after each two or three verses, the refrain being some key verse of the psalm itself (e.g. verses 3 and 5 of Psalm 67, or 7 and 11 of Psalm 46);
or the psalms may be sung.
When the psalms are sung to Anglican chant (as pointed in this version) the following conventions apply:
(a) | Breath is to be taken at the end of lines, except where the sign ‿ indicates a ‘carry-over’. |
(b) | The inverted dot (·) is used to indicate how the syllables are to be divided between the notes of the bar when there are more than two syllables between the bar-marks (′). |
(c) | An obelus (†) indicates that the second half of a double chant is to be sung to the verse. |
(d) | A double space between verses, and the division of some psalms into parts indicates sections of psalms that may be used independently, or that a change of chant may be appropriate. |
(e) | The final ‘ed’ should be pronounced as a separate syllable when it is marked with an accent (e.g. blessèd). |
The Gloria, in one of the following forms, is usually said or sung at the end of each psalm.
The Gloria
Glory to the Father and ′ to the ′ Son:
and ′ to the ′ Holy ′ Spirit;
as it was in the be′ginning is ′ now:
and shall be for ′ ever. ′ A′men.
Kia whakakorōriatia te Matua, te Tama:
me te Wairua Tapu;
ko te ritenga ia i te tīmatanga, ā, tēnei anō ināianei:
ā, ka mau tonu iho, ā, ake ake ake. Āmine.
Korōria ki a koe, e te Ariki.
Korōria ki te Matua, ki te Tama,
ki te Wairua Tapu;
mai i te tīmatanga, ki tēnei wā,
ā, haere ake nei. Āmine.
Psalms for Worship
1Day 1 Morning
1 |
Blessèd are those‿ who do not follow the ′ counsel · of the ′ wicked: or linger in the way of sinners, or sit down a′mong ′ those who ′ mock. |
2 |
But their delight is in the ′ law · of the ′ Lord: and on that law they ′ medi·tate ′ day and ′ night. |
3 |
They are like trees planted be′side a ′ watercourse: which yield their ′ fruit in ′ due ′ season. |
4 |
Their leaves also ′ do not ′ wither: and look, what′ever · they ′ do · it shall ′ prosper. |
5 |
As for the wicked, it is not ′ so with ′ them: but they are like the chaff, which is ′ driven · a′way · by the ′ wind. |
6 |
Therefore the wicked shall not be able to stand‿ when ′ judgment ′ comes: nor sinners in the as′sembly ′ of the ′ righteous. |
7† |
For the Lord watches over‿ the ′ way · of the ′ righteous: but the ′ way · of the ′ wicked · is ′ doomed. |
1 |
Why are the ′ nations · in ′ turmoil: and why are the peoples‿ en′gaged in ′ futile ′ plotting? |
2 |
The kings of the earth arise, and the rulers take ′ counsel · to′gether: against the Lord and against the ′ Lord’s an′ointed ′ king. |
3† |
‘Let us break their ′ fetters,’ · they ′ say: ‘and let us ′ cast ′ off their ′ chains.’ |
4 |
The one whose throne is in heaven ′‿ laughs them · to ′ scorn: the Lord ′ has them ′ in de′rision. |
5 |
Then you speak to them ′ in your ′ wrath: and ′ terrify · them ′ in your ′ fury. |
6† |
‘I myself have set ′ up my ′ king: up′on my ′ holy ′ hill.’ |
7 |
I will recite the de′cree · of the ′ Lord: who has said to me, ‘You are my son, today have ′ I be′come your ′ father.’ |
8 |
‘Ask, and I will give you the nations‿ for ′ your in′heritance: and the ends of the ′ earth for ′ your pos′session.’ |
9 |
‘You shall crush them with a ′ rod of ′ iron: and break them in pieces ′ like a ′ potter’s ′ vessel.’ |
10 |
Now therefore you ′ kings be ′ wise: be prudent, you ′ rulers ′ of the ′ earth. |
11 |
Serve the ′ Lord with ′ fear: and with trembling bow down be′fore the ′ Most ′ High, |
12 |
lest the Lord be angry, and you perish, for God’s anger is ′ quickly ′ kindled: blessèd are all who ′ put their ′ trust · in the ′ Lord. |
1 |
Lord, how my ′ enemies · have ′ multiplied: how many there are who ′ rise ′ up a′gainst me. |
2 |
Many there are who ′ say a′bout me: that there is no ′ help · for me ′ in my ′ God. |
3 |
But you Lord are a ′ shield to ′ cover me: you are my glory, and the ′ lifter ′ up · of my ′ head. |
4 |
I cry aloud to ′ you O ′ Lord: and you answer me ′ from your ′ holy ′ hill. |
5 |
I lie ′ down and ′ sleep: I wake up again ′ for the ′ Lord sus′tains me. |
6 |
I will not be afraid of ten thousands ′ of the ′ people: who have set themselves a′gainst me · on ′ every ′ side. |
7 |
Rise up Lord, and help me ′ O my ′ God: for you strike all my enemies across the face, and ′ break the ′ teeth · of the ′ wicked. |
8 |
Victory be′longs · to the ′ Lord: your blessing Lord ′ be up′on your ′ people. |
1 |
Answer me when I call, O God, the defender ′ of my ′ cause: You set me free when I was in distress, be gracious to me ′ now and ′ hear my ′ prayer. |
2 |
How long, O mortals, will you de′fame my ′ honour: how long will you love‿ what is worthless and ′ seek ′ after ′ lies? |
3 |
Know this, that the Lord has chosen ′‿ those · who are ′ righteous: the Lord ′ hears me ′ when I ′ call. |
4 |
Stand in awe, and ′ cease from ′ sin: commune with your own heart‿ up′on your ′ bed · and be ′ still. |
5 |
Offer the sacrifices that ′ are ap′pointed: and ′ put your ′ trust · in the ′ Lord. |
6 |
There are many who say, ‘O that we might ′ see pros′perity: lift up the light of your ′ face on ′ us O ′ Lord.’ |
7 |
But you have put gladness ′ in my ′ heart: more than they have‿ when corn and ′ wine ′ are in ′ plenty. |
8 |
I lie down in peace, and sleep ′ comes at ′ once: for O Lord, it is you only‿ who ′ make me ′ dwell in ′ safety. |
1 |
Listen to my ′ words O ′ Lord: give heed to the ′ sound ′ of my ′ groaning. |
2 |
Hear my cry for help, my ′ king · and my ′ God: for to ′ you · I di′rect my ′ prayer. |
3 |
In the morning Lord you ′ hear my ′ voice: early in the morning I make my plea, and look ′ up to ′ you · for an ′ answer. |
4 |
For you are not a God who takes ′‿ pleasure · in ′ wickedness: no one who is ′ evil · can ′ be your ′ guest. |
5 |
The boastful may not ′ stand in · your ′ sight: you hate all ′ those who ′ work ′ mischief. |
6 |
You destroy all those who ′ speak ′ lies: the bloodthirsty and treacherous O ′ Lord ′ you ab′hor. |
7 |
But I, through the abundance of your steadfast love, will come ′ into · your ′ house: and bow low in reverence to′ward your ′ holy ′ temple. |
8 |
Lead me O Lord in your righteousness, be′cause of · my ′ enemies: make straight your ′ way be′fore my ′ face. |
9 |
There is no truth ′ in their ′ mouth: and there is de′struction ′ in their ′ heart. |
10 |
Their throat is an ′ open ′ grave: they ′ flatter ′ with their ′ tongue. |
11 |
Give judgment against them O God, let them perish through their ′ own de′vices: cast them out because of their many transgressions, for ′ they have · re′belled a′gainst you. |
12 |
But let all who put their trust in ′ you re′joice: let them ever give thanks because you defend them, those who love your name ′ shall be ′ joyful · in ′ you. |
13† |
For you Lord will give your blessing ′ to the ′ righteous: and with your favour‿ you will de′fend them ′ as · with a ′ shield. |
6Day 1 Evening
1 |
Lord, do not rebuke me ′ in your ′ anger: do not ′ punish · me ′ in your ′ wrath. |
2 |
Be merciful to me O Lord, for ′ I am ′ weak: O Lord heal me, for my ′ bones are ′ racked with ′ pain. |
3 |
My soul also is shaken ′ with dis′may: how ′ long O ′ Lord · will you ′ punish me? |
4 |
Turn O ′ Lord · and de′liver me: O save me ′ for your ′ mercy’s ′ sake. |
5 |
For in death ′ no one · re′members you: and who will ′ give you ′ thanks · in the ′ grave? |
6 |
I am wearied ′ with my ′ groaning: every night I weep upon my bed, and ′ drench my ′ couch · with my ′ tears. |
7 |
My eyes have become dim ′ through my ′ grief: and worn ′ out with ′ all my ′ troubles. |
8 |
Away from me, all ′ you that · do ′ evil: for the Lord has ′ heard the ′ sound · of my ′ weeping. |
9 |
The Lord has ′ heard · my en′treaty: the ′ Lord · will re′ceive my ′ prayer. |
10 |
All my enemies shall be confounded‿ and ′ greatly · dis′mayed: they shall turn back, and be ′ put to ′ sudden · con′fusion. |
1 |
O Lord my God, in you I ′ take ′ refuge: save me from all my pur′suers ′ and de′liver me, |
2 |
lest like a lion, they ′ tear me · to ′ pieces: dragging me a′way with ′ no one · to ′ rescue me. |
3 |
O Lord my God, if I have done ′ any · such ′ thing: if there is any ′ wicked· ness ′ on my ′ hands, |
4 |
if I have done harm to one who ′ was my ′ friend: or plundered my ′ enemy · with′out · any ′ cause, |
5† |
then let my enemies pur′sue me · and ′ take me: indeed let them trample my life to the ground, and lay my ′ soul ′ in the ′ dust. |
6 |
Arise O Lord in your anger, rise up against the fury ′ of my ′ enemies: awake O my God, for ′ you · have de′manded ′ judgment. |
7 |
Let the people be as′sembled · a′round you: and take your seat on high above them, O ′ Lord the ′ judge · of the ′ nations. |
8 |
Give judgment for me O Lord, according ′ to my ′ righteousness: and ac′cording to · my ′ soul’s in′tegrity. |
9 |
O let the evil of the wicked ′ come · to an ′ end: but up′hold the ′ cause · of the ′ just. |
10† |
For you O ′ God are ′ righteous: you search the very ′ secrets ′ of the ′ heart. |
11 |
You are my ′ shield and · de′fence: you preserve ′ those · who are ′ true of ′ heart. |
12 |
You are a ′ righteous ′ judge: one who is moved to indig′nation ′ every ′ day. |
13 |
If people will not repent, you ′ sharpen · your ′ sword: you bend your ′ bow and ′ make it ′ ready. |
14 |
You have prepared your ′ deadly ′ weapons: and ′ tipped your ′ arrows · with ′ fire. |
15 |
Look at those who are in ′ labour · with ′ mischief: they conceive ′ wickedness · and ′ bring forth ′ lies. |
16 |
They have made a pit and ′ dug it ′ out: but will fall themselves‿ into the ′ trap they ′ made for ′ others. |
17 |
For their mischief shall recoil up′on them′selves: and their violence descend ′ on their ′ own ′ head. |
18 |
I will give thanks to the Lord‿ for giving ′ righteous ′ judgment: and I will praise the ′ name · of the ′ Lord most ′ high. |
1 |
O Lord our God, how glorious is your name in ′ all the ′ earth: from the lips of infants and children, your praises reach ′ up ′ to the ′ heavens. |
2 |
You have set up a stronghold‿ a′gainst your ′ adversaries: to quell the ′ ene·my ′ and · the a′venger. |
3 |
When I look up at the heavens, the ′ work · of your ′ fingers: the moon and the‿ stars you have ′ set ′ in their ′ places, |
4 |
what are we mortals, that you should be ′ mindful · of ′ us: mere human beings that ′ you should ′ care for ′ us? |
5 |
You have made us little ′ less · than di′vine: and ′ crowned · us with ′ glory · and ′ honour. |
6 |
You made us rulers over ′ all · your cre′ation: and put all things in sub′jection ′ under · our ′ feet, |
7 |
all ′ sheep and ′ cattle: and all the ′ creatures ′ of the ′ wild, |
8 |
the birds of the air and the ′ fish · in the ′ sea: and all that make their ′ way ′ through the ′ waters. |
9† |
O ′ Lord our ′ God: how glorious is your ′ name in ′ all the ′ earth. |
9Day 2 Morning
1 |
I will give thanks to you O Lord with ′ all my ′ heart: I will speak of ′ all your ′ marvel·lous ′ deeds. |
2 |
I will be glad and re′joice in ′ you: my songs I will make to your ′‿ name O ′ God most ′ high, |
3 |
for my enemies are ′ driven ′ back: they ′ stumble · and ′ perish · be′fore you. |
4 |
You have upheld the justice ′ of my ′ cause: seated on your throne you have ′ given ′ righteous ′ judgment. |
5 |
You have rebuked the nations‿ and de′stroyed the ′ wicked: you have blotted out‿ their ′ name for ′ ever · and ′ ever. |
6 |
The enemy have perished, you have made their cities a ′ deso′lation: even the ′ memory · of ′ them has ′ vanished. |
7 |
You O Lord sit en′throned for ′ ever: you have set ′ up your ′ seat for ′ judgment. |
8 |
You will judge the ′ world with ′ righteousness: and mete out true ′ justice ′ to the ′ peoples. |
9 |
The Lord also is a stronghold ′ for · the op′pressed: a tower of ′ strength in ′ time of ′ trouble. |
10 |
Those who cherish your name‿ will put their ′ trust in ′ you: for you Lord‿ have never ′ failed ′ those who ′ seek you. |
11 |
Sing praise to the Lord who dwells ′ in Je′rusalem: proclaim to the peoples the ′ things that ′ God has ′ done. |
12 |
For the one who avenges ′ blood · has re′membered: and has not forgotten the ′ cry ′ of the ′ poor. |
13 |
Have pity on me Lord, consider the trouble I suffer‿ from ′ those who ′ hate me: you that lift me up ′ from the ′ gates of ′ death, |
14 |
so that I may recount all your praises‿ within the ′ gates · of the ′ city: and rejoice ′ in your ′ saving ′ help. |
15 |
The nations have fallen into a pit of their ′ own ′ making: in the net they laid in secret‿ their own ′ feet ′ are en′tangled. |
16 |
You have made yourself known O Lord, and ′ given ′ judgment: the wicked are trapped‿ in the ′ work · of their ′ own ′ hands. |
17 |
The wicked go down ′ to the ′ dead: all the nations ′ that are ′ heedless · of ′ God. |
18 |
The needy shall not always ′ be for′gotten: the hope of the poor shall ′ not for ′ ever · be ′ vain. |
19 |
Rise up Lord, let not mere ′ mortals · pre′vail: let the ′ nations · be ′ judged be′fore you. |
20 |
Strike them with ′ fear O ′ Lord: let the nations ′ know · that they ′ are but ′ human. |
1 |
Why do you stand so far ′ off O ′ Lord: and hide your face in ′ time of ′ need and ′ trouble? |
2 |
The wicked in their pride hunt ′ down the ′ poor: let them be snared ′ by their ′ own de′vices. |
3 |
The wicked boast of their ′ heart’s de′sire: the covetous have the Lord in contempt, and blaspheme the ′ name ′ of the ′ Lord. |
4 |
In their pride they care ′ nothing · for ′ God: they say in their heart that ′ there is ′ no ′ God. |
5 |
They prosper in ′ all their ′ ways: your judgments Lord are far above out of their sight, all their ′ enemies · they ′ hold · in con′tempt. |
6 |
They say in their heart, ‘I shall ′ never · be ′ shaken: there shall ′ no harm ′ happen · to ′ me.’ |
7 |
Their mouth is full of cursing, de′ceit and ′ fraud: under their ′ tongue are ′ mischief · and ′ wrong. |
8 |
They lie in ambush ′ in the ′ villages: and in secret they murder the innocent, stealthily they ′ watch ′ for the ′ helpless. |
9 |
They lie in hiding, as a lion ′ lurks · in its ′ den: they lie ′ waiting · to ′ seize their ′ prey. |
10 |
They ′ seize the ′ poor: and ′ drag them ′ off · in their ′ net. |
11 |
The innocent are crushed, and sink ′ down be′fore them: the weak cannot ′ stand a′gainst their ′ might. |
12 |
They say in their heart, ′ ‘God · has for′gotten: God has looked away ′ and will ′ never ′ see it.’ |
13 |
Arise O Lord God, and lift ′ up your ′ hand: do not forget the ′ poor ′ in their ′ need. |
14 |
Why should the wicked make ′ light of ′ God: and say in their hearts, ‘God will not ′ call us ′ to ac′count’? |
15 |
Surely you have seen it, for you take note of ′ trouble · and ′ sorrow: so that you may take the ′ matter ′ into · your ′ hand. |
16 |
The poor commit them′selves to ′ you: for you are the ′ helper ′ of the ′ orphaned. |
17† |
Break the power of the wicked ′ and ma′licious: search out their wickedness, till ′ nothing · is ′ left · unre′vealed. |
18 |
The Lord shall reign for ′ ever · and ′ ever: the heathen shall ′ perish ′ out of · the ′ land. |
19 |
Lord you have heard the lament ′ of the ′ poor: you will strengthen their heart, and ′ you · will in′cline your ′ ear, |
20† |
to do justice to the orphaned ′ and · the op′pressed: so that no one on earth‿ may ′ any · more ′ cause them ′ terror. |
1 |
In the Lord I have ′ taken ′ refuge: how then can you say to me, ‘Flee like a ′ bird ′ to the ′ mountains. |
2 |
‘See how the wicked are bending their bow, and fitting their arrow ′ to the ′ string: to shoot from ambush ′ at the ′ true of ′ heart. |
3 |
‘If the foundations ′ are de′stroyed: what ′ can the ′ righteous ′ do?’ |
4 |
You O Lord are in your ′ holy ′ temple: your ′ throne ′ is in ′ heaven. |
5 |
Your eyes are upon ′ human′kind: you take our ′ measure ′ at a ′ glance. |
6 |
You put the righteous and the wicked ′ to the ′ test: those who delight in ′ violence · your ′ soul ab′hors. |
7 |
On the wicked you shall rain‿ coals of ′ fire and ′ brimstone: scorching wind shall ′ be their ′ portion · to ′ drink. |
8 |
For you are just O Lord, and you ′ love just ′ dealing: the ′ upright · shall be′hold your ′ face. |
12Day 2 Evening
1 |
Help Lord, for there is not one godly ′ person ′ left: the faithful have ′ vanished ′ from a′mong us. |
2 |
They all speak falsely ′ to their ′ neighbours: they flatter with their lips, but dissemble ′ in their ′ double ′ heart. |
3 |
O that the Lord would cut off all ′ flatter·ing ′ lips: and the ′ tongue that ′ speaks so ′ boastfully. |
4 |
They have said: ‘With our tongue we ′ will pre′vail: our lips are our own, ′ who is ′ Lord · over ′ us?’ |
5 |
‘Because the poor ′ are op′pressed: and because of the ′ groans ′ of the ′ needy, |
6 |
‘I will arise,’ ′ says the ′ Lord: ‘and give them the ′ place of ′ safety · they ′ long for.’ |
7 |
The words of the Lord are pure‿ as silver refined ′ in a ′ furnace: as gold that is purified ′ seven · times ′ in the ′ fire. |
8 |
Pro′tect us · O ′ Lord: and guard us from ′ this · gener′ation · for ′ ever, |
9† |
for the wicked flaunt themselves on ′ every ′ side: and the worthless are ex′alted · a′mong the ′ people. |
1 |
How long O Lord will you ′ utterly · for′get me: how long will you ′ hide your ′ face ′ from me? |
2 |
How long must I suffer anguish in my soul, and be so grieved in my heart ′ day and ′ night: how long shall my ′ ene·my ′ triumph ′ over me? |
3 |
Look at me, and answer me O ′ Lord my ′ God: give light to my eyes, lest I ′ fall a′sleep in ′ death, |
4 |
lest my enemies should claim‿ to have pre′vailed a′gainst me: lest my foes should re′joice ′ at my ′ downfall. |
5 |
But my trust is ′ in your ′ mercy: let my heart be ′ joyful · in ′ your sal′vation. |
6 |
I will sing to you O Lord, because you have dealt so ′ loving·ly ′ with me: I will praise your ′ name O ′ Lord most ′ high. |
1 |
The foolish have spoken ′ in their ′ heart: and said, ′ ‘There is ′ no ′ God.’ |
2 |
All are corrupt, they do a′bomin·able ′ things: there is ′ no one · who ′ does · what is ′ good. |
3 |
The Lord looks down from ′ heaven · on ′ all of us: to see if there are any who‿ act wisely and ′ seek ′ after ′ God. |
4 |
But they have all gone astray, all alike have ′ been cor′rupted: there is not one that does ′ good ′ no not ′ one. |
5 |
Have they no knowledge, all ′ those · who do ′ evil?: they eat up my people like eating bread, and ′ do not ′ pray · to the ′ Lord. |
6 |
See now, they ′ tremble · with ′ fear: for God is on the ′ side ′ of the ′ righteous. |
7 |
Though you mock at the ′ hope · of the ′ poor: yet the ′ Lord ′ is their ′ refuge. |
8 |
O that deliverance for God’s people‿ would come ′ forth · from Jerusalem: when the Lord restores the fortunes of the people, then shall Jacob re′joice and ′ Israel · be ′ glad. |
15Day 3 Morning
1 |
Lord, who may be a ′ guest · in your ′ house: or who may dwell ′ on your ′ holy ′ mountain? |
2 |
One who leads a ′ blameless ′ life: who does what is right, and speaks ′ truthful·ly ′ from the ′ heart, |
3 |
whose tongue is free from malice, who never ′ wrongs a ′ friend: and utters no re′proach a′gainst a ′ neighbour, |
4 |
who does not ′ honour · the un′worthy: but makes much of ′ those who ′ fear the ′ Lord. |
5 |
Such a one stands by a ′ promise ′ given: though it be at ′ person·al ′ disad′vantage, |
6 |
and will not take interest ′ on a ′ loan: nor accept a bribe‿ to ′ testi·fy a′gainst the ′ innocent. |
7† |
Whoever ′ does all ′ this: shall ′ never · be ′ over′thrown. |
1 |
Preserve ′ me O ′ God: for in ′ you · I have ′ taken ′ refuge. |
2 |
I have said to the Lord, ′ ‘You are · my ′ God: from you alone ′ comes all ′ my pros′perity.’ |
3 |
All my delight is in the faithful‿ who ′ dwell · in the ′ land: and in ′ those · who ex′cel in ′ virtue. |
4 |
But as for those who run after ′ other ′ gods: their ′ troubles ′ shall be ′ multiplied. |
5 |
Libations of blood I will not offer to ′ those ′ gods: nor will I take their ′ names up′on my ′ lips. |
6 |
You Lord are my allotted portion ′ and my ′ cup: you your′self have ′ cast my ′ lot. |
7 |
My boundaries enclose a ′ pleasant ′ land: indeed I ′ have a ′ noble ′ heritage. |
8 |
I will thank you O Lord for ′ giving · me ′ counsel: at night ′ also · you ′ teach my ′ heart. |
9 |
I keep you ′ always · be′fore me: you are on my right hand, ′ therefore · I ′ shall not ′ fall. |
10 |
So my heart is glad, and my ′ soul re′joices: my body ′ also · shall ′ rest in ′ safety. |
11 |
For you will not give me up to the ′ power · of ′ death: nor suffer your be′lovèd · to ′ see · the A′byss. |
12 |
You will show me the path of life, in your presence is the ′ fulness · of ′ joy: and from your right hand flow de′lights for ′ ever′more. |
1 |
Hear my just cause, attend to my ′ cry O ′ Lord: listen to my prayer from ′ lips that ′ do not ′ lie. |
2 |
Let judgment in my favour‿ come ′ forth · from your ′ presence: and let your ′ eyes dis′cern · what is ′ right. |
3 |
You have searched my heart, and visited ′ me by ′ night: if you test me, you will find no wickedness in me, my ′ mouth does ′ not of′fend. |
4 |
With regard to ′ human ′ deeds: because of the word of your lips, I have a′voided · the ′ ways · of the ′ violent. |
5† |
My steps have been ′ firm in · your ′ paths: and my ′ feet ′ have not ′ stumbled. |
6 |
I call upon you O God for ′ you will ′ answer me: incline your ear to ′ me and ′ hear my ′ words. |
7 |
Show me the wonders of your ′ steadfast ′ love: for by your right hand you save from their adversaries ′‿ those · who take ′ refuge · with ′ you. |
8 |
Guard me as the ′ apple · of your ′ eye: hide me under the ′ shadow ′ of your ′ wings, |
9 |
from the wicked ′ who as′sail me: from ′ deadly ′ foes · who sur′round me. |
10 |
They have closed their ′ hearts to ′ pity: and their ′ mouths speak ′ arro·gant ′ things. |
11 |
They press hard upon me from ′ every ′ side: watching how they may ′‿ strike me ′ down · to the ′ ground, |
12† |
like a lion that is ′ greedy · for ′ prey: like a young lion ′‿ crouching ′ in a ′ place of ′ ambush. |
13 |
Arise O Lord, stand in their way‿ and ′ bring them ′ down: let your sword ′ rescue · me ′ from the ′ wicked. |
14 |
Let your hand deliver me from people‿ whose portion in life is ′ of the ′ world: who have gorged themselves ′ with your ′ good ′ things. |
15 |
They have children at ′ their desire: and leave to heirs ′ what re′mains · of their ′ wealth. |
16 |
But as for me, I shall see your face‿ because my ′ plea is ′ just: when I awake‿ and see your ′ face I ′ shall be ′ satisfied. |
18Day 3 Evening
1 |
I love you O ′ Lord my ′ strength: the Lord is my rock, my ′ fortress · and ′ my de′liverer; |
2 |
my God, the rock where ′ I take ′ refuge: my shield, my sal′vation ′ and my ′ stronghold. |
3† |
I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy of ′ all ′ praise: so shall I be ′ saved ′ from my ′ enemies. |
4 |
The waves of death were ′ all a′round me: the torrents of de′struction ′ over′took me. |
5 |
The cords of death ′ tightened · up′on me: and its snares were ′ laid ′ in my ′ path. |
6 |
In my trouble I ′ called · to the ′ Lord: and cried for ′ help ′ to my ′ God. |
7 |
From your temple you ′ heard my ′ voice: and my ′ cry to · you ′ reached your ′ ears. |
8 |
Then the earth ′ heaved and ′ quaked: the very foundations of the hills were shaken, they ′ reeled be′cause of · your ′ anger. |
9 |
Smoke issued from your nostrils, and a consuming fire came ′ out of · your ′ mouth: glowing ′ coals flamed ′ forth · from your ′ presence. |
10 |
You parted the heavens and ′ came ′ down: a ′ storm cloud ′ under · your ′ feet. |
11 |
Mounted on the ′ cherubim · you ′ flew: you swooped on the ′ wings ′ of the ′ wind. |
12 |
You made darkness your ′ covering · a′round you: thick clouds ′ dark with ′ rain your ′ canopy. |
13 |
Out of the brightness ′ of your ′ presence: there broke through the clouds, ′ hailstones · and ′ coals of ′ fire. |
14 |
You O Lord most high thundered ′ out of ′ heaven: you uttered your voice, ′ hailstones · and ′ coals of ′ fire. |
15 |
You sent out your arrows and ′ scattered · your ′ enemies: you flashed forth your ′‿ lightnings · and ′ put them · to ′ flight. |
16† |
The bed of the sea was laid bare, the foundations of the world ′ were un′covered: at your rebuke O Lord, at the blasting of the ′ breath of ′ your dis′pleasure. |
17 |
You O Lord reached down from on ′ high and ′ grasped me: you drew me ′ out · of the ′ great ′ waters. |
18 |
You delivered me from my powerful enemy, and from ′ those who ′ hated me: be′cause they ′ were too ′ strong for me. |
19 |
They came upon me in the day of ′ my cal′amity: but you were ′ my up′holder · O ′ Lord. |
20 |
You brought me out into a ′ place of ′ liberty: you rescued me be′cause · you de′lighted · in ′ me. |
21 |
You rewarded me for my ′ righteous ′ dealing: you recompensed me be′cause my ′ hands were ′ clean. |
22 |
For I have kept your ′ ways O ′ Lord: and have not ′ wickedly · for′saken · my ′ God. |
23 |
All your laws are be′fore my ′ eyes: and your commandments I have not ′ put a′way ′ from me. |
24 |
I was also ′ blameless · be′fore you: and I ′ kept my′self from ′ wickedness. |
25† |
So you rewarded me for my ′ righteous ′ dealing: because my ′ hands were ′ clean · in your ′ sight. |
26 |
With the faithful you ′ show yourself ′ faithful: with the ′ upright · you ′ show your·self ′ upright. |
27 |
With the pure you ′ show your · self ′ pure: but with the ′ crafty · ones ′ you are ′ crafty. |
28 |
For you will deliver a ′ humble ′ people: but you will bring down the ′‿ high looks ′ of the ′ proud. |
29 |
You light my lamp O ′ Lord my ′ God: you turn my ′ darkness ′ into ′ light. |
30† |
With you I can ′ break · through a ′ hedge: with the help of my God I can ′ leap ′ over · a ′ wall. |
31 |
The way of our God is perfect, the word of the ′ Lord proves ′ true: you are the shield of ′ all · who take ′ refuge · in ′ you. |
32 |
For who is ′ God · but the ′ Lord: and who is a ′ rock ex′cept our ′ God? |
33 |
It is God who ′ girds me · with ′ strength: and makes the ′ path be′fore me ′ safe. |
34 |
You make my feet like the ′ feet · of a ′ deer: and ′ set me · up′on the ′ heights. |
35 |
You teach my ′ hands to ′ fight: so that my arms can bend ′ even · a ′ bow of ′ bronze. |
36 |
You have given me the shield of ′ your sal′vation: your right hand held me up, and your loving ′ care has ′ made me ′ great. |
37 |
You have made a broad ′ path · for my ′ feet: and my ′ footsteps ′ have not ′ faltered. |
* * * | |
44 |
You delivered me from the ′ strife · of the ′ peoples: and you ′ made me · the ′ head · of the ′ nations. |
45 |
A people whom I ′ had not ′ known: became ′ subjects ′ under · my ′ rule. |
46 |
As soon as they heard of me ′ they o′beyed me: and foreigners ′ humbled · them′selves be′fore me. |
47† |
The strength of the ′ ali·ens ′ failed: in fear they ′ came out ′ from their ′ strongholds. |
48 |
The Lord lives, and blessèd ′ be my ′ rock: and ′ praised · be the ′ God who ′ saves me. |
49 |
You are the God ′ who a′venged me: and sub′dued the ′ peoples ′ under me. |
50 |
You delivered me ′ from my ′ enemies: you set me up above my adversaries, and ′ saved me ′ from the ′ violent. |
51 |
Therefore Lord, I will extol you a′mong the ′ nations: and sing ′ praises ′ to your ′ name. |
52† |
Great triumphs O Lord you ′ give · to your ′ king: and show unfailing love to your anointed one, to David and ′ his de′scendants · for ′ ever. |
19Day 4 Morning
1 |
The heavens proclaim the ′ glory · of ′ God: and the vault of the ′ sky re′veals God’s ′ handiwork. |
2 |
One day ′ speaks · to an′other: and night ′ shares its ′ knowledge · with ′ night, |
3 |
and this without ′ speech or ′ language: their ′ voices ′ are not ′ heard. |
4 |
But their sound goes out into ′ all ′ lands: their ′ words · to the ′ ends · of the ′ earth. |
5 |
In them God has pitched a ′ tent · for the ′ sun: which comes out like a bridegroom, like an athlete ′ eager · to ′ run a ′ race. |
6 |
Its rising is at one end of the sky, it runs its ′ course · to the ′ other: and there is nothing that is ′ hidden ′ from its ′ heat. |
7 |
The law of the Lord is perfect, re′freshing · the ′ soul: the instruction of the Lord is sure, and gives ′ wisdom ′ to the ′ simple. |
8 |
The precepts of the Lord are right, and re′joice the ′ heart: the commandment of the Lord is‿ pure and gives ′ light ′ to the ′ eyes. |
9 |
The fear of the Lord is clean, and en′dures for ′ ever: the judgments of the Lord are true‿ and ′ righteous ′ every ′ one. |
10 |
They are more to be desired than gold, even ′ much fine ′ gold: sweeter also than honey, pure ′ honey ′ from the ′ comb. |
11 |
By them is your ′ servant ′ taught: and for keeping them ′ there is ′ great re′ward. |
12 |
Who can discern un′witting ′ sins?: O cleanse me ′ from my ′ secret ′ faults. |
13 |
Keep your servant also from presumptuous sins, lest they get the ′ better ′ of me: then shall I be clean, and ′ innocent · of ′ great of′f ence. |
14 |
Let the words of my mouth‿ and the ′ thoughts · of my ′ heart: be acceptable in your sight, O Lord my ′ strength and ′ my re′deemer. |
1 |
May the Lord answer you in the ′ day of ′ trouble: the name of the ′ God of ′ Jacob · de′fend you, |
2 |
send you ′ help · from the ′ sanctuary: and give you sup′port · from the ′ holy ′ mountain. |
3 |
May the Lord remember ′ all your ′ offerings: and ac′cept your ′ burnt ′ sacrifices, |
4 |
grant you your ′ heart’s de′sire: and give suc′cess to ′ all your ′ plans, |
5† |
so that we may rejoice in your victory, and triumph in the ′ name · of our ′ God: because the Lord has ′ granted ′ all · your pe′titions. |
6 |
Now I know O Lord that you help your anointed king, and will answer him from your ′ holy ′ heaven: with the victorious ′ might of ′ your right ′ hand. |
7 |
Some put their trust in chariots, and ′ some in ′ horses: but we will trust in the ′‿ name · of the ′ Lord our ′ God. |
8 |
They will ′ totter · and ′ fall: but we shall ′ rise and ′ stand ′ upright. |
9 |
O Lord ′ save the ′ king: and ′ answer · us ′ when we ′ call. |
1 |
The king rejoices in your ′ strength O ′ Lord: how greatly ′ he ex′ults · in your ′ victory. |
2 |
You have given him his ′ heart’s de′sire: and not de′nied him · the re′quest · of his ′ lips. |
3 |
You come to meet him with the ′ blessings · of suc′cess: and set a crown of pure ′ gold up′on his ′ head. |
4 |
He asked you for life, and you ′ gave it ′ to him: length of ′ days for ′ ever · and ′ ever. |
5 |
Great is his glory be′cause of · your ′ victory: splendour and majesty ′ you have ′ laid up′on him. |
6 |
You have given him ever′lasting · fe′licity: and you make him ′ glad with ′ joy · in your ′ presence. |
7 |
For the king puts his ′ trust · in the ′ Lord: and through the steadfast love of God most high, ′ he · will re′main un′shaken. |
* * * | |
13 |
Arise O Lord ′ in your ′ strength: and we will ′ sing and ′ praise your ′ power. |
22Day 4 Evening
1 |
My God, my God, why have ′ you for′saken me: why are you so far from my help, and from my ′ cry ′ of dis′tress? |
2 |
O my God I cry out in the daytime, but you ′ do not ′ answer: at night also, ′ but I · get ′ no re′lief . |
3 |
But ′ you · are the ′ Holy One: enthroned on the ′ praises ′ of your ′ people. |
4 |
Our ancestors ′ trusted · in ′ you: they ′ trusted · and ′ you de′livered them. |
5 |
They called to ′ you · and were ′ rescued: they put their trust in you, ′ and were ′ not · disap′pointed. |
6 |
But I am a worm and something ′ less than ′ human: an object of scorn and an ′ outcast ′ of the ′ people. |
7 |
All those who see me ′ laugh · me to ′ scorn: they curl their lips and ′ toss their ′ heads ′ saying, |
8 |
‘You trusted in ′ God · for de′liverance: if God ′ cares · for you, ′ let God ′ rescue you.’ |
9 |
But you are the one who took me ′ out · of the ′ womb: you kept me safe up′on my ′ mother’s ′ breast. |
10 |
On you have I been cast ever ′ since · I was ′ born: and you are my God ′ even · from my ′ mother’s ′ womb. |
11 |
Be not far from me, for trouble is ′ close at ′ hand: and ′ there is ′ no one · to ′ help me. |
12 |
Many bulls have ′ come a′round me: great bulls of Bashan‿ close in on ′ me from ′ every ′ side. |
13 |
They open ′ wide their ′ mouths at me: like ′ ravening · and ′ roaring ′ lions. |
14 |
I am poured out like water, and all my bones are ′ out of ′ joint: my heart within my ′ breast has ′ melted · like ′ wax. |
15 |
My mouth is parched as dry clay, my tongue ′ clings · to my ′ jaws: and I am ′ laid · in the ′ dust of ′ death. |
16 |
Many dogs have ′ come a′round me: and the wicked hem me ′ in on ′ every ′ side. |
17 |
They pierce my hands and my feet, I can count ′ all my ′ bones: they stand ′ staring · and ′ gloating ′ over me. |
18 |
They share out my ′ garments · a′mong them: and they cast ′ lots ′ for my ′ clothing. |
19 |
Do not stand far off from ′ me O ′ Lord: you are my helper, come ′ quickly ′ to my ′ rescue. |
20 |
Deliver me ′ from the ′ sword: my precious ′ life · from the ′ mauling · of ′ dogs. |
21† |
Save me from the ′ lion’s ′ mouth: my afflicted soul from the ′ horns · of the ′ wild ′ cattle. |
22 |
I will declare your ′ name · to my ′ people: in the midst of the as′sembly ′ I will ′ praise you. |
23 |
Give praise all you that ′ fear the ′ Lord: proclaim God’s greatness, all you children of Jacob, stand in awe ′ all you ′ children · of ′ Israel. |
24 |
For you O God have not despised or abhorred‿ the poor in ′ their af′fliction: you have not hidden your face from them, but you ′ heard them ′ when they ′ called to you. |
25 |
You are the theme of my praise in the ′ full as′sembly: my vows I will perform‿ in the ′ sight of ′ those who ′ fear you. |
26 |
The poor shall ′ eat · and be ′ satisfied: those who seek you O Lord shall praise you, may they ′ be in · good ′ heart for ′ ever. |
27 |
Let all the ends of the earth remember‿ and turn to ′ you O ′ Lord: and let all the families‿ of the ′ nations · bow ′ down be′fore you. |
28 |
For yours is the ′ kingdom · O ′ Lord: and you are the ′ ruler ′ over · the ′ nations. |
29 |
As for those who sleep in the grave, how shall they ′ worship ′ you: all those who go down into the dust, how shall they ′ bow be′fore ′ you? |
30 |
But I shall live through you, and my ′ children · shall ′ serve you: they shall tell of you‿ to the generations ′ that are ′ yet to ′ come. |
31 |
To a people as yet unborn they shall ′ make ′ known: the ′ saving ′ deeds · you have ′ done. |
1 |
The Lord ′ is my ′ shepherd: therefore ′ can I ′ lack ′ nothing. |
2 |
You Lord make me lie down in ′ green ′ pastures: and lead me be′side the ′ waters · of ′ peace. |
3 |
You re′vive my ′ spirit: and guide me in right pathways ′‿ for your ′ name’s ′ sake. |
4 |
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will ′ fear no ′ evil: for you are with me, your ′ rod · and your ′ staff · are my ′ comfort. |
5 |
You spread a table for me‿ in the ′ sight · of my ′ enemies: you have anointed my head with oil, and my ′ cup is ′ over′flowing. |
6 |
Surely your goodness and mercy shall follow me‿ all the ′ days · of my ′ life: and I will dwell in the ′ house · of the ′ Lord for ′ ever. |
24Day 5 Morning
1 |
The earth is the Lord’s and ′ all · that is ′ in it: the ′ world and ′ its in′habitants. |
2 |
For the Lord has founded it up′on the ′ seas: and planted it firm up′on the ′ waters · be′neath. |
3 |
Who may ascend the ′ hill · of the ′ Lord: or who may ′ stand · in God’s ′ holy ′ place? |
4 |
Those who have clean hands and a ′ pure ′ heart: who have not set their minds on falsehood, or ′ sworn · a de′ceitful ′ oath. |
5 |
They shall receive blessing ′ from the ′ Lord: and ′ recompense · from ′ God their ′ saviour. |
6 |
So it is with those who ′ seek the ′ Lord: with those who seek‿ the ′ face · of the ′ God of ′ Jacob. |
7 |
Lift up your heads you gates, lift yourselves up, you ever′lasting ′ doors: that the king of ′ glory ′ may come ′ in. |
8 |
‘Who is the ′ king of ′ glory?’: ‘It is the Lord strong and mighty, the ′ Lord · who is ′ mighty · in ′ battle.’ |
9 |
Lift up your heads you gates, lift yourselves up, you ever′lasting ′ doors: that the king of ′ glory ′ may come ′ in. |
10 |
‘Who is the ′ king of ′ glory?’: ‘It is the Lord, the Lord of hosts who ′‿ is the ′ king of ′ glory.’ |
1 |
To you Lord I lift up my soul, my God I have put my ′ trust in ′ you: let me not be disappointed, nor let my ′ ene·mies ′ triumph ′ over me. |
2 |
For all those who hope in you shall ′ not be · a′shamed: but only those who ′ wanton·ly ′ break ′ faith. |
3 |
Make known to me your ′ ways O ′ Lord: and ′ teach me ′ your ′ paths. |
4 |
Lead me in the way of your ′ truth and ′ teach me: you are God my saviour, for you have I waited ′ all the ′ day ′ long. |
5 |
Call to remembrance O Lord your ′ tender ′ care: and the unfailing love‿ which you have ′ shown ′ from of ′ old. |
6 |
Do not remember the sins and offences ′ of my ′ youth: but according to your mercy, remember me ′ Lord ′ in your ′ goodness. |
7 |
You O Lord are ′ upright · and ′ good: therefore you show the path to ′ those who ′ go a′stray. |
8 |
You guide the humble to do ′ what is ′ right: and those who are ′ gentle · you ′ teach your ′ way. |
9 |
All your ways are ′ loving and ′ sure: to those who keep your ′‿ covenant· and ′ your com′mandments. |
10 |
For your name’s ′ sake O ′ Lord: pardon my guilt, ′ which in′deed is ′ great. |
11 |
If there are any who ′ fear the ′ Lord: to them the Lord will ′‿ show the ′ path · they should ′ choose. |
12 |
They themselves shall ′ dwell · in pros′perity: and their ′ children · shall in′herit · the ′ land. |
13 |
Your friendship O Lord is for ′ those who ′ honour you: and to ′ them · you re′veal your ′ covenant. |
14 |
My eyes are always on ′ you O ′ Lord: for you will re′lease my ′ feet · from the ′ net. |
15 |
Turn to me Lord ′ and have ′ mercy: for I am ′ lonely ′ and op′pressed. |
16 |
Relieve the ′ sorrows · of my ′ heart: and bring me ′ out of ′ my dis′tress. |
17 |
Look at my affliction ′ and my ′ trouble: and for′give me ′ all my ′ sins. |
18 |
See how many ′ are my ′ enemies: how violent ′ is their ′ hatred ′ for me. |
19 |
Preserve my life ′ and de′liver me: let me not be disappointed, for I have ′ put my ′ trust in ′ you. |
20 |
Let integrity and righteous ′ dealing · pre′serve me: let me not be disappointed, for I have ′ put my ′ trust in ′ you. |
21† |
Redeem your ′ people · O ′ God: and bring them ′ out of ′ all their · dis′tress. |
1 |
Give judgment O Lord in my favour, for I have walked the ′ way · of in′tegrity: and I have put un′waver·ing ′ trust · in the ′ Lord. |
2 |
Examine me O ′ Lord and ′ try me: put my heart and my ′ mind ′ to the ′ test. |
3 |
For your steadfast love is ever be′fore my ′ eyes: and I walk in the ′ way ′ of your ′ faithfulness. |
4 |
I do not sit down with people ′ who are ′ false: nor ′ do I · con′sort with ′ hypocrites. |
5 |
I hate the ′ company · of ′ wrongdoers: and ′ will not ′ sit · with the ′ wicked. |
6 |
I wash my hands in ′ innocence · O ′ Lord: and so will I ′ go a′round your ′ altar, |
7 |
singing a ′ song of ′ thanksgiving: and pro′claiming ′ all your ′ wonders. |
8 |
Lord I love the house you have ′ made your ′ home: the ′ place · where your ′ glory ′ dwells. |
9 |
Do not sweep me a′way with ′ sinners: nor my life with ′ those who ′ thirst for ′ blood, |
10 |
whose fingers are ′ active · in ′ mischief: and whose right ′ hand is ′ full of ′ bribes. |
11 |
But as for me, I will walk the ′ way · of in′tegrity: deliver me and ′ show me ′ your ′ favour. |
12 |
My foot stands firm on ′ level ′ ground: in the full assembly ′ I will ′ praise the ′ Lord. |
27Day 5 Evening
1 |
The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom then ′ shall I ′ fear?: the Lord is the stronghold of my life, of whom then ′ shall I ′ be a′fraid? |
2 |
When the wicked close in on me ′ to de′vour me: it is they, my enemies‿ and my ′ foes who ′ stumble · and ′ fall. |
3 |
If an army should encamp against me, my heart shall ′ not · be a′fraid: if war should arise against me, even then ′ I will ′ not · be dis′mayed. |
4 |
One thing I have asked of the Lord, ′ which I ′ long for: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord ′‿ all the ′ days · of my ′ life, |
5† |
to gaze on your ′ beauty · O ′ Lord: and to ′ seek you ′ in your ′ temple. |
6 |
For in the time of trouble you will ′ give me ′ shelter: you will hide me under the cover of your tent, and set me ′ high up′on a ′ rock. |
7 |
And now you have ′ raised my ′ head: above my ′ ene·mies ′ round a′bout me. |
8† |
Therefore I will offer in your dwelling‿ a sacrifice with ′ great ′ gladness: I will sing and give ′ praise to ′ you O ′ Lord. |
9 |
Hear my voice O Lord ′ when I ′ call: have ′ mercy · on ′ me and ′ answer me. |
10 |
Of you my heart has said, ′ ‘Seek God’s ′ face’: your ′ face Lord ′ I will ′ seek. |
11 |
Do not hide your ′ face ′ from me: or re′ject your ′ servant ⋅ in ′ anger. |
12 |
You have ′ been my ′ helper: do not cast me off, or for′sake me ⋅ O ′ God my ′ saviour. |
13† |
Though my father and my ′ mother ⋅ for′sake me: the ′ Lord will ′ take me ′ up. |
14 |
Teach me your ′ way O ′ Lord: and lead me by a level path, safe from ′ those who ′ lie in ′ wait for me. |
15 |
Do not give me up to the ′ will ⋅ of my ′ enemies: for liars, and those who breathe out malice, have risen ′ up to ′ witness ⋅ a′gainst me. |
16 |
I believe that I shall see the ′ goodness ⋅ of the ′ Lord: in the ′ land ′ of the ′ living. |
17 |
Wait for the Lord, be strong and let your ′ heart take ′ courage: yes, ′ wait I ′ say ⋅ for the ′ Lord. |
1 |
To you I call O Lord my rock, be not ′ deaf ⋅ to my ′ cry: lest if you answer with silence, I become like those who go ′ down ′ to the ′ grave. |
2 |
Hear the voice of my pleading when I cry to ′ you for ′ help: when I lift up my hands‿ towards the ′ shrine ⋅ of your ′ holy ′ temple. |
3 |
Do not cast me off with the wicked and ′ those ⋅ who do ′ evil: who speak peace to their neighbours, but ′ mischief ⋅ is ′ in their ′ hearts. |
* * * | |
6 |
Because they give no heed to your acts O Lord, or to the ′ work ⋅ of your ′ hands: you will break them ′ down and ′ never ⋅ re′build them. |
7 |
Blessèd are ′ you O ′ Lord: for you have ′ heard my ′ plea for ′ mercy. |
8 |
You are my strength and my shield, my heart trusts in you and ′ I am ′ helped: therefore my heart dances for joy, and in my ′ song ′ I will ′ praise you. |
9 |
You Lord are the ′ strength · of your ′ people: and a sure refuge for ′ your an′ointed ′ king. |
10 |
O Lord save your people, and ′ bless · your in′heritance: be a shepherd to them, and ′ bear them ′ up for ′ ever. |
1 |
Ascribe to the Lord you ′ heaven·ly ′ powers: ascribe to the ′ Lord all ′ glory · and ′ might. |
2 |
Ascribe due honour to God’s ′ holy ′ name: worship the Lord ′ in the ′ beauty · of ′ holiness. |
3 |
The voice of the Lord is up′on the ′ waters: it is the glorious God‿ who makes the thunder up′on the ′ great ′ waters. |
4 |
The voice of the ′ Lord is ′ power: the voice of the ′ Lord is ′ full of ′ majesty. |
5 |
The voice of the Lord ′ breaks the ′ cedar-trees: the Lord ′ splinters · the ′ cedars · of ′ Lebanon. |
6 |
The Lord makes Lebanon ′ skip · like a ′ calf: and Sirion ′ like a ′ young wild ′ bull. |
7 |
The voice of the Lord di′vides the ′ lightning: the voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness, the Lord ′ shakes the ′ wilderness · of ′ Kadesh. |
8 |
The voice of the Lord makes the oaks to writhe, and strips the ′ forests ′ bare: while in God’s ′ temple ′ all cry, ′ ‘Glory’. |
9 |
The Lord sits enthroned a′bove the ′ waters: the Lord sits en′throned as ′ king for ′ ever. |
10 |
You Lord will give ′ strength · to your ′ people: you will give your ′ people · the ′ blessing · of ′ peace. |
30Day 6 Morning
1 |
I will extol you O Lord for you have ′ lifted · me ′ up: you have not let my ′ ene·mies ′ triumph ′ over me. |
2 |
O Lord my God I cried to ′ you for ′ help: and ′ you · have re′stored my ′ health. |
3† |
Lord you have brought me back ′ from the ′ dead: you have saved my life‿ from among those going ′ down ′ to · the A′byss. |
4 |
Let all your servants sing praises to ′ you O ′ Lord: and give ′ thanks · to your ′ holy ′ name. |
5 |
For your anger is but for a moment, and in your ′ kindness · is ′ life: tears may linger at nightfall, but ′ joy comes ′ with the ′ dawn. |
6 |
In my prosperity I said, ‘I shall ′ never · be ′ shaken: your favour O Lord has made me‿ as firm as ′ any ′ strong ′ mountain.’ |
7 |
You turned your ′ face a′way from me: and ′ I was ′ greatly · dis′mayed. |
8 |
I called to ′ you O ′ God: to the ′ Lord I ′ made · my ap′peal. |
9 |
‘What profit is there ′ in my ′ death: in my ′ going ′ down · to the ′ grave? |
10 |
‘Will the dust ′ give you ′ praise: or ′ will it · pro′claim your ′ faithfulness? |
11 |
‘Hear O Lord, and be ′ gracious ′ to me: O ′ Lord ′ be my ′ helper.’ |
12 |
You have turned my mourning ′ into ′ dancing: you have stripped off my ′‿ sackcloth · and ′ clothed · me with ′ joy, |
13 |
so that my heart shall sing your ′ praise with·out ′ ceasing: O Lord my God, I will give ′ thanks to ′ you for ′ ever. |
1 |
In you Lord I have ′ taken ′ refuge: let me ′ never · be ′ put to ′ shame, |
2 |
deliver me ′ in your ′ righteousness: incline your ear to me, come ′ quickly ′ to my ′ rescue. |
3 |
Be to me a ′ rock of ′ refuge: a ′ stronghold · to ′ keep me ′ safe. |
4 |
You are to me a ′ rock · and a ′ fortress: for your name’s sake ′ lead me ′ and ′ guide me. |
5 |
Release me from the net they have ′ secret·ly ′ laid for me: for you O ′ Lord ′ are my ′ strength. |
6 |
Into your hands I com′mend my ′ spirit: for you have redeemed me, O ′ Lord ′ God of ′ truth. |
7 |
You hate those who pay regard to ′ worthless ′ idols: but I ′ put my ′ trust · in the ′ Lord. |
8 |
I will be glad and re′joice in · your ′ mercy: for you have seen my affliction, and taken ′ heed · of my ′ soul’s dis′tress. |
9† |
You have not given me up to the ′ power · of the ′ enemy: you have set my feet where ′ I may ′ walk at ′ liberty. |
10 |
Have mercy on me Lord, for ′ I · am in ′ trouble: my eyes are wasted from grief, my ′ soul · and my ′ body ′ also. |
11 |
My life is worn out with sorrow, and my ′ years with ′ sighing: my strength fails me in my misery, my ′ bones are ′ wasted · a′way. |
12 |
I am the ′ scorn · of my ′ enemies: and a ′ byword · a′mong my ′ neighbours. |
13 |
Those of my acquaintance shudder ′ at the ′ sight of me: when they see me in the ′‿ street they ′ shrink a′way from me. |
14 |
I have passed out of mind like ′ one · who is ′ dead: I have be′come · like a ′ broken ′ vessel. |
15 |
I hear the whispering of many, fear is on ′ every ′ side: while they conspire together against me, and plot to ′ take a′way my ′ life. |
16 |
But my trust is in ′ you O ′ Lord: I say, ‘You are my God, my ′ fortunes · are ′ in your ′ hands.’ |
17 |
Deliver me from the ′ power · of my ′ enemies: and from the ′ hand of ′ those who ′ persecute me. |
18 |
Make your face to shine ′ on your ′ servant: and save me ′ for your ′ mercy’s ′ sake. |
19 |
Let me not be put to shame when I ′ call up′on you: let the wicked be shamed, and put to ′ silence ′ in the ′ grave. |
20† |
Let the lying lips be ′ put to ′ silence: which speak insolently against‿ the ′ righteous · with ′ pride · and con′tempt. |
21 |
O how great is your goodness, which you have laid up for ′ those who ′ fear you: which you have prepared in the sight of all, for ′ those · who take ′ refuge · in ′ you. |
22 |
You hide them under the cover of your presence‿ from those who con′spire a′gainst them: you keep them under your shelter, ′ safe · from the ′ strife of ′ tongues. |
23 |
Blessèd are ′ you O ′ Lord: for you have wonderfully shown your love to me, when I was beset like a ′ city ′ under ′ siege. |
24 |
I said in ′ my a′larm: ‘I am cut off from the ′ sight ′ of your ′ eyes.’ |
25 |
But you heard the ′ voice · of my ′ plea: when I ′ called to ′ you for ′ help. |
26 |
Love the Lord all you servants ′ of the ′ Lord: for the Lord preserves those who are faithful, and fully repays the ′ haughty · for ′ their pre′sumption. |
27† |
Be strong, and let your ′ heart take ′ courage: all ′ you that ′ wait · for the ′ Lord. |
32Day 6 Evening
1 |
Blessèd are those whose offences ′ are for′given: whose ′ sin · has been ′ put a′way. |
2 |
Blessèd are those to whom the Lord im′putes no ′ guilt: and in whose spirit ′ there is ′ no de′ceit. |
3 |
While I held back from con′fessing · my ′ sin: my body wasted away‿ through my ′ groaning ′ all day ′ long. |
4 |
For your hand was heavy upon me ′ day and ′ night: I was dried up and withered, as it ′ were by ′ drought in ′ summer. |
5 |
Then I acknowledged my ′ sin to ′ you: my ′ guilt I ′ did not ′ hide. |
6 |
I said, ‘I will confess my sins ′ to the ′ Lord’: and so you forgave the ′ wicked·ness ′ of my ′ sin. |
7 |
Therefore let all those that are faithful‿ pray to you in ′ time of ′ trouble: when great flood-water rises, ′ it shall ′ not come ′ near them. |
8 |
You are a place to hide me in, you will pre′serve me · from ′ trouble: you will surround me with ′ shouts ′ of de′liverance. |
9 |
‘I will teach you, and guide you in the ′ way · you should ′ go: I will keep you under my ′ eye and ′ give you ′ counsel. |
10 |
‘Be not like horse or mule, which have no ′ under′standing: whose course must be ′ checked with ′ bit and ′ bridle.’ |
11 |
Many pains are in store ′ for the ′ wicked: but whoever trusts in the Lord‿ is sur′rounded · by ′ steadfast ′ love. |
12 |
Be glad you righteous, and rejoice ′ in the ′ Lord: shout for joy all ′ you · that are ′ upright · in ′ heart. |
1 | Rejoice in the ′ Lord, you ′ righteous: praise comes ′ well · from the ′ upright · in ′ heart. |
2 |
Give thanks to the Lord ′ on the ′ harp: sing God’s praise ′ with the ′ ten-stringed ′ lute. |
3 |
Sing to the Lord a ′ new ′ song: play ′ loudly · with ′ all your ′ skill. |
4 |
For your word O ′ Lord is ′ true: and you are ′ faithful · in ′ all you ′ do. |
5 |
You love what is ′ just and ′ right: the ′ earth is ′ full of · your ′ kindness. |
6 |
By your word were the ′ heavens ′ made: and the stars in their ′‿ hosts · by the ′ breath of · your ′ mouth. |
7 |
You gathered up the sea as ′ into · a ′ water-jar: you laid up the ′ deep as ′ in a ′ storehouse. |
8 |
Let all the earth ′ fear you · O ′ Lord: and all the inhabitants of the ′ world ′ stand in ′ awe of you. |
9 |
For you spoke, and the world ′ came to ′ be: you commanded ′ and it ′ stood ′ firm. |
10 |
You Lord bring the counsels of the ′ nations · to ′ nothing: and frus′trate · the de′signs · of the ′ peoples. |
11 |
Your counsel shall en′dure for ′ ever: the purpose of your ′ heart to ′ all · gener′ations. |
12 |
How blest are the people whose ′ God · is the ′ Lord: the people you ′ chose · as your ′ own pos′session. |
13 |
You Lord look down from heaven upon ′ all ′ people: from the place where you dwell‿ you consider ′ all · who in′habit · the ′ earth. |
14 |
You fashion the ′ hearts · of them ′ all: and ob′serve ′ all their ′ deeds. |
15 |
A king is not saved by a ′ mighty ′ army: nor is a warrior de′livered · by ′ much ′ strength. |
16 |
A horse is a vain thing to ′ count on · for ′ victory: nor will it save anyone ′ by its ′ great ′ strength. |
17 |
But your eye O Lord is on ′ those who ′ fear you: on those who rely ′ on your ′ steadfast ′ love, |
18 |
to de′liver them · from ′ death: and to ′ keep them · a′live in ′ famine. |
19 |
We have waited eagerly for ′ you O ′ Lord: for you are our ′ help ′ and our ′ shield. |
20 |
Our heart shall re′joice in ′ you: because we have ′ hoped · in your ′ holy ′ name. |
21† |
Let your constant love at′tend us · O ′ Lord: as we ′ put our ′ trust in ′ you. |
1 | I will give thanks to the Lord at ′ all ′ times: God’s praise will ′ always · be ′ on my ′ lips. |
2 |
My soul will glory ′ in the ′ Lord: the humble will ′ hear ′ and be ′ glad. |
3 |
O praise the ′ Lord with ′ me: let us ex′alt God’s ′ name to′gether. |
4 |
I sought your help O Lord ′ and you ′ answered me: and ′ freed me · from ′ all my ′ fears. |
5 |
Look towards the Most High, and be ′ radiant · with ′ light: and your ′ faces · will ′ not · be a′shamed. |
6 |
In my affliction I cried out, and the ′ Lord ′ heard me: and ′ saved me · from ′ all my ′ troubles. |
7 |
Your angel O Lord‿ keeps guard around ′ those who ′ fear you: to ′ rescue · them in ′ time of ′ danger. |
8 |
Taste and see ′ how gracious the ′ Lord is: happy are those who find refuge ′ in the ′ Most ′ High. |
9 |
Fear the Lord, you that are God’s ′ holy ′ people: for those who fear the Lord ′ are in ′ want of ′ nothing. |
10 |
Strong lions suffer ′ want · and go ′ hungry: but those who seek the Lord‿ shall lack ′ nothing ′ that is ′ good. |
11 |
Come my children and ′ listen · to ′ me: I will ′ teach you · the ′ fear · of the ′ Lord. |
12 |
Which of you de′lights in ′ life: and desires ′ many ′ days · of pros′perity? |
13 |
Keep your ′ tongue from ′ evil: and your ′ lips from ′ speaking ′ lies. |
14 |
Turn away from evil and ′ do ′ good: seek ′ peace and ′ steadily · pur′sue it. |
15 |
The eyes of the Lord are ′ on the ′ righteous: God’s ears are ′ open ′ to their ′ cry. |
16 |
The Lord opposes ′ those · who do ′ evil: to blot out the re′membrance · of them ′ from the ′ earth. |
17 |
The righteous cry out, and the ′ Lord ′ hears them: and ′ rescues · them from ′ all their ′ troubles. |
18 |
The Lord is near to those who are ′ broken-′hearted: the Lord saves ′ those · who are ′ crushed in ′ spirit. |
19 |
The troubles of the ′ righteous · are ′ many: but the Lord ′ sets them ′ free · from them ′ all. |
20 |
The Lord guards every bone in the body ′ of the ′ righteous: and so not ′ one of ′ them is ′ broken. |
21 |
Evil brings ′ death · to the ′ wicked: and those who hate the ′ righteous · are ′ brought to ′ ruin. |
22 |
You O Lord ransom the ′ lives of · your ′ servants: and none who take ′ refuge · in ′ you shall ′ perish. |
35Day 7 Morning
1 |
Contend O Lord with those who con′tend with ′ me: and fight against ′ those who ′ fight a′gainst me. |
2 |
Take hold upon ′ shield and ′ buckler: rise ′ up and ′ come · to my ′ help. |
3† |
Draw the spear and the javelin a′gainst · my pur′suers: and say to me, ′ ‘I am ′ your sal′vation.’ |
* * * | |
9 |
Then shall my soul be joyful ′ in the ′ Lord: it shall re′joice in ′ God’s sal′vation. |
10 |
My very bones shall say, ‘Lord who is like you, for you save the poor from ′ those too ′ strong for them: the poor and needy from ′ those ′ who de′spoil them?’ |
11 |
Witnesses rise up with malice ′ in their ′ hearts: they question me about things of ′ which I ′ know ′ nothing. |
12 |
They repay me ′ evil · for ′ good: I am like ′ one · who is ′ deeply · be′reaved. |
13 |
Yet when they were sick I put on sackcloth, and afflicted my′self with ′ fasting: I prayed with my whole heart, as though for my ′ friend ′ or my ′ brother. |
14 |
I went about like one mourning ′ for a ′ mother: I was bowed ′ down with ′ heaviness · of ′ heart. |
15 |
But when I stumbled they gathered with glee, and came to′gether · a′gainst me: creatures unknown to me, they tore me a′part · with un′ending ′ slander. |
16 |
They mocked profanely ′ more and ′ more: and ′ gnashed · at me ′ with their ′ teeth. |
17 |
Lord how long will you look ′ on at ′ this?: rescue me from the evils they intend for me, save my ′ precious ′ life · from the ′ lions. |
18 |
Then I will give you thanks in the ′ great as′sembly: in the ′ mighty ′ throng · I will ′ praise you. |
19 |
Let not my treacherous enemies ′ triumph ′ over me: let not those gloat over me‿ who ′ hate me · with′out · any ′ cause. |
20 |
For their talk is ′ not of ′ peace: but they devise lying words‿ against those who are ′ quiet ′ in the ′ land. |
21 |
They open wide their mouths a′gainst me · and ′ say: ‘Shame on you, shame on you, we have seen it ′ with our ′ own ′ eyes.’ |
22 |
You also have ′ seen O ′ Lord: do not be silent then, and go not ′ far from ′ me ′ Lord. |
23 |
Awake, and bestir yourself to ′ do me ′ justice: to defend my cause, my ′ God ′ and my ′ Lord. |
24 |
Give me judgment O Lord my God, according ′ to your ′ righteousness: and ′ let them · not ′ triumph ′ over me. |
25 |
Let them not say to themselves, ‘There, we have our ′ heart’s de′sire’: let them not ′ say they ′ have de′stroyed me. |
26 |
Let all those who rejoice at my misfortune‿ be put to disgrace ′ and con′fusion: let those who exult over me‿ be ′ clothed with ′ shame and dis′honour. |
27 |
Let those who favour my righteous cause‿ shout for ′ joy · and be ′ glad: let them cry out continually, ‘Great is the Lord, who de′lights · in a ′ servant’s · pros′perity.’ |
28 |
Then shall my tongue ′ speak of · your ′ justice: and ′ all the · day ′ long · of your ′ praise. |
1 | Sin speaks to the wicked ′ deep · in their ′ heart: there is no fear of ′ God be′fore their ′ eyes. |
2 |
They flatter themselves in their ′ own ′ sight: that their iniquity will ′ not be · found ′ out and ′ hated. |
3 |
The words of their mouth are mischief ′ and de′ceit: they have ceased to act ′ wisely · and ′ do ′ good. |
4 |
They plot mischief as they ′ lie in ′ bed: they are set on a course that is not good, and hold back from ′ nothing ′ that is ′ evil. |
5 |
Your steadfast love, O Lord, ex′tends · to the ′ heavens: your ′ faithful·ness ′ up · to the ′ clouds. |
6 |
Your righteousness is like the strong mountains, your judgments are like the ′ great ′ deep: you Lord ′ save both ′ people · and ′ beasts. |
7 |
How precious is your steadfast ′ love O ′ God: mortals take refuge in the ′ shadow ′ of your ′ wings. |
8 |
They feast on the rich abundance ′ of your ′ house: you give them drink‿ from the ′ stream of ′ your de′lights. |
9 |
For with you is the ′ well of ′ life: and in your ′ light ′ we see ′ light. |
10 |
Continue your loving kindness to ′ those who ′ know you: and your justice ′ to the ′ true of ′ heart. |
11 |
Let not the foot of pride ′ come a′gainst me: nor the hand of the ′ wicked ′ drive · me a′way. |
12 |
There are they fallen, ′ those · who do ′ evil: they are thrown down ′ and un′able · to ′ rise. |
37Day 7 Evening
1 | Do not fret be′cause · of the ′ wicked: or ′ envy ′ those · who do ′ evil. |
2 |
For they will soon dry up ′ like the ′ grass: and wither ′ like the ′ green ′ herb. |
3 |
Trust in the Lord and ′ do ′ good: then you shall dwell in the land, and ′ there find ′ safe ′ pasture. |
4 |
Find your delight ′ in the ′ Lord: and the Lord will ′ give you · your ′ heart’s de′sire. |
5 |
Commit your life ′ to the ′ Lord: put your trust ′ in the ′ one · who will ′ act for you, |
6 |
so that the justice of your cause‿ will break ′ forth · as the ′ light: your righteousness ′ like the ′ sun at ′ noon. |
7 |
Be still before the Lord, and ′ wait in ′ patience: do not grieve at the prosperity of‿ those who ′ follow ′ evil ′ purposes. |
8 |
Refrain from anger, and sup′press your ′ rage: do not fret yourself, for ′ that leads ′ only · to ′ evil. |
9 |
Those who do ′ evil · shall ′ perish: but those who wait‿ for the ′ Lord · shall pos′sess the ′ land. |
10 |
A little while, and the wicked shall ′ be no ′ more: look well, and you will ′ find their ′ place is ′ empty. |
11† |
But the humble shall pos′sess the ′ land: and enjoy the ′ fulness · of ′ peace. |
12 |
The wicked have evil designs ′ on the ′ just: and ′ grind their ′ teeth · at the ′ sight of them. |
13 |
But the Lord shall ′ laugh · at the ′ wicked: for the Most High ′ sees · that their ′ time is ′ coming. |
14 |
The wicked have drawn the sword and ′ bent the ′ bow: to strike down the poor and needy, and to slay ′ those who ′ walk ′ uprightly. |
15 |
Their sword shall pierce their ′ own ′ hearts: and their bow ′ shall be ′ broken · in ′ pieces. |
16 |
The little that the ′ righteous ′ have: is better than the ′ riches ′ of the ′ wicked. |
17 |
The power of the wicked ′ shall be ′ broken: but the Lord ′ will up′hold the ′ righteous. |
18 |
The Lord cares for the upright ′ all their ′ days: and their ′ heritage · will ′ last for ′ ever. |
19 |
They will not be dismayed when ′ times are ′ evil: and in days of famine their ′ food ′ will not ′ fail. |
20 |
But the wicked, enemies of the ′ Lord, shall ′ perish: like fuel in the furnace ′ they shall ′ vanish · in ′ smoke. |
21 |
The wicked person borrows but does ′ not re′pay: but the righteous ′ is a ′ gener·ous ′ giver. |
22 |
Those whom God has blessed shall pos′sess the ′ land: but those whom God has cursed ′ shall be ′ rooted ′ out. |
23 |
The Lord directs the ′ steps · of the ′ upright: the Lord steadies them, and ′ keeps them ′ safe · in the ′ path. |
24† |
Though they stumble they shall ′ not fall ′ down: for the Lord ′ holds them ′ each · by the ′ hand. |
25 |
I have been young and ′ now · I am ′ old: but never have I seen the righteous forsaken, or their ′ children ′ begging · their ′ bread. |
26 |
The righteous are always open′handed · in ′ lending: and their ′ children · are ′ destined · for ′ blessing. |
27 |
Turn from evil and ′ do ′ good: and ′ dwell · in the ′ land for ′ ever. |
28 |
For the Lord is a ′ lover · of ′ justice: and will ′ not for′sake a ′ friend. |
29 |
The unrighteous shall be wiped ′ out for ′ ever: and the ′ children · of the ′ wicked · shall ′ perish. |
30 |
The just shall in′herit · the ′ land: and ′ dwell there′in for ′ ever. |
31 |
The mouth of the righteous ′ utters ′ wisdom: and their tongue ′ speaks of ′ that · which is ′ right. |
32 |
The law of their God is ′ in their ′ heart: and their ′ footsteps ′ will not ′ falter. |
33 |
The wicked are on the watch ′ for the ′ righteous: and ′ seek oc′casion · to ′ slay them. |
34 |
But the Lord will not leave them ′ in their ′ power: or let them be condemned ′ when · they are ′ put on ′ trial. |
35† |
Wait for the Lord and keep to the way of holiness, and the Lord will raise you up to pos′sess the ′ land: the wicked shall perish, and ′ you · shall be ′ there to ′ see it. |
36 |
I have seen the wicked in ′ great pros′perity: and towering ′ like the ′ cedars · of ′ Lebanon. |
37 |
I passed by again, and ′ they were ′ gone: I searched for them, but ′ nowhere · could ′ they be ′ found. |
38 |
Mark well the blameless person, and take ′ note · of the ′ upright: for those who seek ′ peace shall ′ have pos′terity. |
39 |
But sinners shall be alto′gether · de′stroyed: the descendants ′ of the ′ wicked · shall ′ perish. |
40 |
Deliverance for the righteous ′ comes · from the ′ Lord: the Most High is their ′ stronghold · in ′ time of ′ trouble. |
41 |
God will help them ′ and de′liver them: and will save them, because they take ′ refuge ′ in the ′ Lord. |
38Day 8 Morning
1 | Do not rebuke me Lord ′ in your ′ anger: do not ′ punish · me ′ in your ′ wrath. |
2 |
For your arrows stick ′ fast · in my ′ body: and your ′ hand lies ′ heavy · up′on me. |
3 |
There is no health in my flesh‿ because of your ′ indig′nation: no soundness in my ′ bones be′cause of · my ′ sin. |
4 |
My sins are like a flood risen ′ over · my ′ head: like a burden too ′ heavy · for ′ me to ′ bear. |
5 |
My wounds are ′ foul and ′ festering: by ′ reason ′ of my ′ foolishness. |
6 |
I am bowed down, and ′ utter·ly ′ prostrate: I go about ′ mourning ′ all the · day ′ long. |
7 |
For my loins are ′ filled with ′ burning: there is no ′ soundness · in ′ all my ′ body. |
8 |
I am numbed and ′ utter·ly ′ crushed: I groan in the ′ anguish ′ of my ′ heart. |
9 |
Lord, all my longing is ′ known to ′ you: and my sighing ′ is not ′ hidden ′ from you. |
10 |
My heart is pounding, my ′ strength has ′ failed me: and the light of my ′ eyes has ′ gone ′ from me. |
11 |
My friends and companions avoid me in ′ my af′fliction: and my own ′ family · keep ′ far a′way. |
12 |
Those who seek my ′ life lay ′ snares for me: those who desire my hurt speak mischief, and plan treachery ′ all the ′ day ′ long. |
13 |
But I am like the deaf , who ′ do not ′ hear: like one who is dumb ′ and un′able · to ′ speak. |
14 |
Yes, I am like one who ′ does not ′ hear: and in whose ′ mouth · there is ′ no re′tort. |
15 |
On you O Lord I ′ fix my ′ hope: you O ′ Lord my ′ God will ′ answer me. |
16 |
For I pray, ‘Let not the people ex′ult ′ over me: who rejoice ′ if my ′ foot should ′ slip.’ |
17 |
Indeed I am on the ′ point of ′ falling: and my ′ pain is ′ with me · con′tinually. |
18 |
I confess that ′ I am ′ guilty: I am dismayed ′ at the ′ thought · of my ′ sin. |
19 |
Those who are my enemies without ′ cause are ′ strong: those who ′ hate me ′ wrongfully · are ′ many. |
20 |
Those who repay evil for good are ′ also · a′gainst me: because I ′ seek to ′ do · what is ′ right. |
21 |
Do not for′sake me · O ′ Lord: be not ′ far · from me ′ O my ′ God. |
22 |
Make haste and ′ come · to my ′ help: O Lord ′ God of ′ my sal′vation. |
1 | I said, ‘I will be watchful ′ over · my ′ ways: lest I ′ should of′fend · with my ′ tongue. |
2 |
`I will ′ bridle · my ′ mouth: so long as the wicked ′ are be′fore my ′ eyes.’ |
3 |
I was dumb and ′ kept ′ silent: I refrained from speaking, but my dis′tress be′came more ′ painful. |
4 |
My heart grew ′ hot with′in me: and at the thought of it the fire kindled, and my ′ tongue broke ′ out · into ′ speech. |
5 |
‘Lord let me know my end, and the number ′ of my ′ days: that I may learn how ′ fleeting ′ is my ′ life. |
6 |
‘You have made my days but a hand’s breadth, and my lifetime is as nothing ′ in your ′ sight: even at our best, each of us is ′ only · a ′ puff of ′ wind. |
7 |
‘We go about like phantoms, and trouble ourselves ′ to no ′ purpose: we heap up riches, and ′ cannot · tell ′ who will ′ gather them.’ |
8 |
And now ′ what · do I ′ hope for?: indeed truly my ′ hope ′ is in ′ you. |
9 |
Deliver me from all ′ my of′fences: and do not ′ make me · the ′ butt of ′ fools. |
10 |
I was dumb, I did not ′ open · my ′ mouth: because ′ it was ′ your ′ doing. |
11 |
Take away your ′ scourge ′ from me: I am crushed by the ′ stroke · of your ′ heavy ′ hand. |
12 |
When you rebuke us, and ′ chasten us · for ′ sin: you consume all we treasure, like a moth ′ eating · a′way a ′ garment. |
13† |
It is ′ so with ′ all of us: truly each is no more ′ than a ′ puff of ′ wind. |
14 |
Hear my prayer O Lord, and give ′ ear · to my ′ cry: do not be ′ silent ′ at my ′ tears. |
15 |
For I am only a passing guest ′ in your ′ house: a wayfarer as ′ all my ′ forbears ′ were. |
16† |
Turn your frowning gaze from me, that I may ′ smile a′gain: before I go from here ′ and am ′ seen no ′ more. |
1 | I waited patiently for ′ you O ′ Lord: and you bent down to ′ me and ′ heard my ′ cry. |
2 |
You lifted me out of the horrible pit, out of the ′ miry ′ clay: and set my feet upon a rock, and ′ made my ′ foothold ′ sure. |
3 |
And you put a new ′ song · in my ′ mouth: a song of ′ praise ′ to our ′ God. |
4 |
Many shall see it, and be ′ filled with ′ awe: and so they will ′ trust ′ in the ′ Lord. |
5 |
Blessèd are those who have put their ′ trust · in the ′ Lord: who have not turned to the proud, or to those who stray ′ after ′ false ′ gods. |
6 |
O Lord my God, great are the wonderful things you have done, and the things you ′ have in ′ mind for us: there is none to ′ be com′pared with ′ you. |
7† |
I would pro′claim them · and ′ speak of them: but they are ′ more than ′ can be ′ numbered. |
8 |
Sacrifice and offering you do not desire, but you have opened my ′ ears to ′ hear: burnt-offering and sacrifice for sin ′‿ you have ′ not re′quired of me. |
9 |
Then I said, ′ ‘Look, · I have ′ come: in the scroll of the book it is written‿ that ′ I should ′ do your ′ will.’ |
10 |
I delight to do your will ′ O my ′ God: truly your ′ law is ′ in my ′ heart. |
11 |
I have told the glad news of deliverance‿ in the ′ great as′sembly: I did not restrain my lips, as ′ you well ′ know O ′ Lord. |
12 |
I have not kept your goodness hidden ′ in my ′ heart: I have spoken of your faithfulness ′‿ and your ′ saving ′ help. |
13 |
I have not concealed your ′ steadfast ′ love: nor your truth ′ from the ′ great as′sembly. |
14 |
Lord, do not withhold from me your ′ tender ′ care: let your love and ′ faithful·ness ′ ever · pre′serve me. |
15 |
For innumerable ′ troubles · be′set me: my sins have overtaken me, ′ and I ′ cannot ′ see. |
16 |
They are more in number than the ′ hairs · of my ′ head: and my ′ heart ′ utter·ly ′ fails me. |
17 |
Be pleased O ′ Lord · to de′liver me: O ′ Lord make ′ haste to ′ help me. |
18 |
Let those who seek my life be put to ′ shame · and con′fusion: let those who desire my hurt be ′ turned back ′ in dis′grace. |
19 |
Let those who mock at my hu′mili′ation: be appalled at ′ their re′ward of ′ shame. |
20 |
Let all who seek you rejoice and be ′ glad in ′ you: may those who love your saving help‿ say ′ always · ‘The ′ Lord is ′ great.’ |
21 |
As for me, I am ′ poor and ′ needy: but the ′ Lord ′ will take ′ care of me. |
22† |
You are my helper and ′ my de′liverer: make no long de′lay ′ O my ′ God. |
41Day 8 Evening
1 | Blessèd are those who consider the ′ poor and ′ helpless: the Lord will ′ save them · in ′ time of ′ trouble. |
2 |
The Lord protect them and keep them alive, so that they are counted happy ′ in the ′ land: and never give them up ′ to the ′ will · of their ′ enemies. |
3 |
The Lord comfort them ′ on their ′ sick-bed: and turn their ′ sickness ′ into ′ health. |
4 |
I said, ‘Lord have ′ mercy · up′on me: heal me, for ′ I have ′ sinned a′gainst you.’ |
5 |
My enemies say to ′ me in ′ malice: ‘When will you ′ die · and your ′ name ′ perish?’ |
6 |
If any come to see me, they speak ′ insin′cerely: their heart gathers mischief, then they go ′ out and ′ spread it · a′broad. |
7 |
All who hate me whisper to′gether · a′gainst me: they imagine about me the ′ worst ′ that can ′ happen. |
8 |
They say that a deadly thing has ′ fastened · up′on me: that I will rise up no ′ more from ′ where I ′ lie. |
9 |
Even the friend I trusted, who ate ′ bread · at my ′ table: has ′ lifted · a ′ heel a′gainst me. |
10 |
Lord have ′ mercy · up′on me: raise me up again, ′ so that ′ I may · re′pay them. |
11 |
By this I shall ′ know · that you ′ favour me: in that my enemy ′ shall not ′ triumph ′ over me. |
12 |
Because of my integrity ′ you up′hold me: you have set me ′ in your ′ presence · for ′ ever. |
13† |
Blessèd be the ′ Lord our ′ God: from everlasting to everlasting. ′ Amen. ′ A′men. |
1 | Like a deer that longs for the ′ running ′ streams: so do I ′ long for ′ you my ′ God. |
2 |
My soul is thirsting for you O God, thirsting for the ′ living ′ God: when shall I come to ap′pear in ′ your ′ presence? |
3 |
My tears have been my food ′ day and ′ night: while all day long they ask me, ′ ‘Where now ′ is your ′ God?’ |
4 |
This I remember as I pour out my ′ soul · in dis′tress: how I went with the throng, and led them ′ to the ′ house of ′ God, |
5† |
amid cries of gladness ′ and thanks′giving: from people ′ keeping · a ′ holy ′ day. |
6 |
Why are you cast ′ down my ′ soul: and why are ′ you so ′ troubled · with′in me? |
7 |
Wait in ′ hope for ′ God: for I will yet praise the one‿ who is my ′ saviour ′ and my ′ God . |
8 |
My soul is cast ′ down with′in me: therefore I remember you from the land of Jordan, from Mizar a′mong the ′ hills of ′ Hermon. |
9 |
Deep calls to deep in the ′ roar · of your ′ waters: all your ′ waves · and your ′ torrents · pass ′ over me. |
10 |
You will grant me loving ′ kindness · by ′ day: and at night I will sing to you, and ′ pray · to the ′ God of · my ′ life. |
11 |
I say to God my rock, ‘Why have ′ you for′gotten me: why do I go mourning‿ be′cause the ′ enemy · op′presses me?’ |
12 |
I am like one whose bones are ′ broken · to ′ pieces: through the ′ taunting ′ of my ′ enemies, |
13 |
while they say to me ′ all day ′ long: ‘Tell us, ′ where now ′ is your ′ God?’ |
14 | Why are you cast ′ down my ′ soul: and why are ′ you so ′ troubled · with′in me? |
15 | Wait in ′ hope for ′ God: for I will yet praise the one‿ who is my ′ saviour ′ and my ′ God. |
1 | Give judgment for me O God, and plead my cause against an un′godly ′ people: save me from the de′ceitful ′ and the ′ wicked. |
2 |
You are my stronghold, why have ′ you re′jected me: why do I go mourning op′pressed ′ by the ′ enemy? |
3 |
O send out your light and your ′ truth to ′ lead me: and bring me to your holy ′ hill and ′ to your ′ dwelling. |
4 |
Then I will go to the altar of God, the God of my ′ joy and ′ gladness: and praise you with the ′ harp O ′ God my ′ God. |
5 |
Why are you cast ′ down my ′ soul: and why are ′ you so ′ troubled · with′in me? |
6 |
Wait in ′ hope for ′ God: for I will yet praise the one‿ who is my ′ saviour ′ and my ′ God. |
44Day 9 Morning
1 | We have heard with our ears O God, we have ′ learned · from our ′ ancestors: the things you did in their ′ time in ′ days of ′ old. |
2 |
With your own hand you uprooted the nations‿ and ′ planted · us ′ in: you broke up the peoples, and ′ caused · us to ′ strike ′ root. |
3 |
It was not by their own sword‿ that our forbears got pos′session · of the ′ land: nor did their ′ own arm ′ bring them ′ victory, |
4 |
but it was your right hand, your arm‿ and the ′ light · of your ′ face: because you ′ looked up·on ′ them with ′ favour. |
5 |
You are my king ′ and my ′ God: it was ′ you · that sent ′ help to ′ Jacob. |
6 |
Through you we beat ′ down our ′ foes: and in your name we ′ trampled ′ down · our as′sailants. |
7 |
For I did not ′ trust · in my ′ bow: nor ′ was it · my ′ sword that ′ saved me. |
8 |
But it was you that saved us ′ from our ′ enemies: and put ′ those who ′ hate us · to ′ shame. |
9† |
In God we made our ′ boast con′tinually: and gave thanks to your ′ name with′out ′ ceasing. |
10 |
But now you have re′jected · and ′ humbled us: you no longer ′ go out ′ with our ′ armies. |
11 |
You make us turn our ′ backs · to the ′ enemy: who ′ plunder · us ′ now at ′ will. |
12 |
You have given us like ′ sheep · to the ′ slaughter: and ′ scattered us · a′mong the ′ nations. |
13 |
You have sold your ′ people · for ′ nothing: and made no ′ profit ′ from the ′ sale. |
14 |
You have made us the ′ taunt · of our ′ neighbours: derided and scorned by ′ those ′ round a′bout us. |
15 |
You have made us a byword a′mong the ′ nations: so that the peoples ′ toss their ′ heads in ′ scorn. |
16 |
All day long my dis′grace · is be′fore me: and ′ shame has ′ covered · my ′ face, |
17 |
at the words of those who ′ taunt · and re′vile me: as the ′ enemy ′ takes re′venge. |
18 |
All this has come upon us, yet we do ′ not for′get you: nor have we been ′ false ′ to your ′ covenant. |
19 |
Our heart has not turned ′ back from ′ you: nor have our feet ′ strayed from ′ your ′ path. |
20† |
Yet you have crushed us in a ′ place of ′ sorrows: and covered us ′ with the ′ shadow · of ′ death. |
21 |
If we had forgotten the ′ name · of our ′ God: and stretched out our ′ hands in ′ prayer · to an′other, |
22 |
would you not find it ′ out O ′ God: for you know the very ′ secrets ′ of the ′ heart? |
23 |
For your sake we face death ′ all the · day ′ long: and are ′ counted · as ′ sheep · for the ′ slaughter. |
24 |
Rise up Lord, ′ why · do you ′ sleep?: Awake, and do not re′ject ′ us for ′ ever. |
25 |
Why do you ′ hide your ′ face: and for′get · our op′pression · and ′ misery? |
26 |
For we are brought low, down to the ′ very ′ dust: our body lies ′ prone ′ on the ′ ground. |
27† |
Rise up Lord, and ′ come · to our ′ help: deliver us ′ for your ′ mercy’s ′ sake. |
1 | My heart overflows with a ′ noble ′ theme: I utter the song I have made for a king, my tongue is like the ′ pen · of a ′ ready ′ writer. |
2 |
You are the fairest of men, grace is up′on your ′ lips: therefore ′ God has ′ blessed you · for ′ ever. |
3 |
Gird your sword upon your ′ thigh O ′ mighty one: in ′ splendour ′ and in ′ state. |
4 |
In your majesty ride on to conquer, in the cause of ′ truth and ′ justice: and let your right hand ′ teach · by its ′ awesome ′ deeds. |
5 |
Your arrows will be very sharp, in the heart of the ′ king’s ′ enemies: and the nations shall ′ fall ′ at your ′ feet. |
6 |
Your throne is as God’s throne, it en′dures for ′ ever: your royal sceptre ′ is a ′ sceptre · of ′ righteousness. |
7 |
You are a lover of right and a ′ hater · of ′ wrong: therefore God your God, has anointed you‿ with the oil of gladness a′bove ′ other ′ kings. |
8 |
All your garments are fragrant with‿ myrrh ′ aloes · and ′ cassia: music of strings from ivory ′ pala·ces ′ makes you ′ glad. |
9† |
Kings’ daughters are among your ′ ladies · of ′ honour: on your right hand is the ′ queen in ′ gold of ′ Ophir. |
10 |
Listen my daughter, hear and ′ ponder · my ′ words: forget your own ′ people · and your ′ father’s ′ house. |
11 |
The king de′sires your ′ beauty: he is your lord, ′ therefore · bow ′ down be′fore him. |
12† |
The people of Tyre will come ′ with their ′ gifts: the richest in the ′ land will ′ court your ′ favour. |
13 |
The bride is a king’s daughter, in the palace all ′ honour · a′waits her: her ′ clothes · are em′broidered · with ′ gold. |
14 |
In robes of many colours she is brought to ′ you O ′ king: her maiden companions with her‿ to ′ bring her ′ into · your ′ presence. |
15† |
With joy and ′ gladness · they ′ bring her: they ′ enter · the ′ royal ′ palace. |
16 |
In place of your fathers ′ you shall · have ′ sons: and you will make them princes ′ over ′ all the ′ earth. |
17 |
And I will cause your name to be remembered‿ from one generation ′ to an′other: therefore the ′ peoples · shall ′ praise you · for ′ ever. |
1 | God is our ′ refuge · and ′ strength: a very ′ present ′ help in ′ trouble. |
2 |
So we will not be afraid though the ′ earth should ′ quake: and mountains fall into the ′ depths ′ of the ′ sea, |
3† |
though the waters of the sea ′ rage and ′ foam: and the mountains ′ tremble ′ at the ′ tumult. |
4 |
There is a river, its streams make glad the ′ city · of ′ God: which the Most High has ′ made a ′ holy ′ dwelling. |
5 |
God is within her, she ′ cannot · be ′ shaken: God will help her ′ at the ′ break of ′ day. |
6 |
Nations are in tumult, ′ kingdoms · are ′ shaken: but God has spoken, and the ′ earth ′ melts a′way. |
7 | The Lord of ′ hosts is ′ with us: the God of ′ Jacob ′ is our ′ stronghold. |
8 |
Come and see what the ′ Lord has ′ done: the devastation ′ brought up′on the ′ earth. |
9 |
The Lord makes wars to cease in ′ all the ′ world: the Lord breaks the bow and snaps the spear, and ′ burns the ′ shields · in the ′ fire. |
10 |
‘Be still then, and know that ′ I am ′ God: high over the nations, ′ high a′bove the ′ earth.’ |
11 | The Lord of ′ hosts is ′ with us: the God of ′ Jacob ′ is our ′ stronghold. |
47Day 9 Evening
1 | Clap your hands ′ all you ′ peoples: cry out to ′ God with ′ shouts of ′ joy. |
2 |
For the Lord most high is ′ to be ′ feared: and is the great sovereign ′ over ′ all the ′ earth. |
3 |
The Lord has subdued the ′ peoples ′ under us: and the ′ nations ′ under · our ′ feet. |
4 |
The Lord chose a land to ′ be our ′ heritage: it is the pride of ′ Jacob ′ whom God ′ loves. |
5 |
God has gone up with ′ shouts of ′ triumph: the Lord has gone ′ up · with a ′ fanfare · of ′ trumpets. |
6 |
Sing praises, sing ′ praises · to ′ God: sing praises, sing ′ praises ′ to our ′ king. |
7 |
For God is the king of ′ all the ′ earth: sing praises ′ with your ′ utmost ′ skill. |
8 |
God reigns ′ over · the ′ nations: God is seated ′ on a ′ holy ′ throne. |
9 |
The princes of the ′ nations · as′semble: with the ′ people · of the ′ God of ′ Abraham. |
10 |
For the mighty ones of the earth‿ have become the ′ servants · of ′ God: the Lord is ex′alted ′ over ′ all. |
1 | Great is the Lord and ′ highly · to be ′ praised: in the ′ city ′ of our ′ God. |
2 |
Fair and lofty is God’s ′ holy ′ mountain: it is the ′ joy of ′ all the ′ earth. |
3† |
On Mount Zion, as in the far north, stands the city of the ′ Most ′ High: in her citadels God is well ′ known · as a ′ sure de′fence. |
4 |
See how the ′ rulers · as′sembled: they came ′ on to′gether · a′gainst her. |
5 |
They were amazed ′ when they ′ saw her: they were dis′mayed and ′ ready · to ′ flee. |
6 |
Trembling came upon ′ them and ′ anguish: as it ′ comes · on a ′ woman · in ′ child-birth, |
7 |
or as when the ′ east wind ′ blows: and ′ breaks up · the ′ ships of ′ Tarshish. |
8 |
As we have heard, so have we seen‿ in the city of the ′ Lord of ′ hosts: the city our ′ God up′holds for ′ ever. |
9 |
We have called to mind your steadfast ′ love O ′ God: in the ′ midst of ′ your ′ temple. |
10 |
As your name is great O God, so is your praise to the ′ ends · of the ′ earth: your right ′ hand is ′ filled with ′ victory. |
11 |
Let God’s mountain rejoice, and the daughter-cities of ′ Judah · be ′ glad: be′cause of ′ your ′ judgments. |
12 |
Go in procession around the circuit ′ of Je′rusalem: count the ′ number ′ of her ′ towers, |
13 |
take note of her ramparts, ex′amine · her ′ citadels: so that you may ′ tell the ′ next · gener′ation, |
14† |
that such is God, our God for ′ ever · and ′ ever: God shall be our ′ guide to ′ all e′ternity. |
1 | Hear this ′ all you ′ people: give heed, ′ all · who in′habit · the ′ world, |
2 |
people of both low and ′ high es′tate: the ′ rich · and the ′ poor to′gether. |
3 |
My mouth shall speak ′ words of ′ wisdom: the thoughts of my heart are ′ full of ′ under′standing. |
4 |
I will turn my ′ mind · to a ′ proverb: and with harp and ′ song de′clare its ′ meaning. |
5 |
Why should I fear in ′ evil ′ days: when the wicked ′ dog my ′ steps · and be′set me? |
6 |
They are people who ′ trust · in their ′ wealth: and boast of ′ their a′bundant ′ riches. |
7 |
Truly one cannot ′ ransom · one′self: or pay to ′ God the ′ price of · one’s ′ life, |
8 |
the ransom that would permit life to go ′ on for ′ ever: and never ′ come · to the ′ pit of ′ death. |
9† |
For that ransom would be ′ far too ′ costly: for ever beyond ′ human · a′bility · to ′ pay. |
10 |
We see that the wise also die, as well as the ′ foolish · and ′ stupid: they perish alike, and ′ leave their ′ wealth to ′ others. |
11 |
Their tomb is their home for ever, their dwelling-place from ′ age to ′ age: though once they called estates ′ after · their ′ own ′ names. |
12 |
One who is rich but without ′ under′standing: is ′ like the ′ beasts that ′ perish. |
13 |
This is the fate of those with a ′ foolish · self′confidence: the fate too of those who follow them, who ap′prove of ′ their ′ boastings. |
14 |
Like sheep they are driven into Sheol, death shall ′ be their ′ shepherd: quickly they de′scend ′ to the ′ grave. |
15 |
Their bodies shall con′sume a′way: the grave shall ′ be their ′ home for ′ ever. |
16 |
But God will ′ ransom · my ′ life: and save me ′ from the ′ power · of ′ death. |
17 |
Do not fear when some be′come ′ rich: or when the ′ wealth · of their ′ household · in′creases. |
18 |
For at death they take ′ nothing · a′way with them: and their ′ riches ′ will not ′ follow them. |
19 |
While they lived they counted them′selves ′ happy: and others ′ praise them ′ in their · pros′perity, |
20 |
but they will go to ′ join their ′ ancestors: who will never a′gain ′ see the ′ light. |
21 |
One who is rich but without ′ under′standing: is ′ like the ′ beasts that ′ perish. |
50Day 10 Morning
1 | The Lord, the most mighty ′ God has ′ spoken: and summoned the world, from the rising of the ′ sun ′ to its ′ setting. |
2 |
God shines ′ out from ′ Zion: a ′ city ′ perfect · in ′ beauty. |
3 |
Our God is coming, and will ′ not keep ′ silence: before you O God runs a consuming fire, and a mighty ′ tempest ′ rages · a′bout you. |
4 |
You call on the heavens above, and on the ′ earth be′low: to witness the ′ judgment ′ of your ′ people. |
5 |
‘Gather my ′ people · be′fore me: the people who made ′ covenant · with ′ me by ′ sacrifice.’ |
6 |
The heavens pro′claim your ′ justice: for ′ you your′self are ′ judge. |
7 |
‘Listen my people, and ′ I will ′ speak: I will testify against you Israel, ′ I am ′ God your ′ God. |
8 |
‘I find no fault ′ with your ′ sacrifices: your burnt-′offerings · are ′ always · be′fore me. |
9 |
‘I need take no young ′ bull · from your ′ farm: nor ′ he-goat ′ out of · your ′ folds. |
10 |
‘For all the beasts of the ′ forest · are ′ mine: and so are the cattle ′ on a ′ thousand ′ hills. |
11 |
‘I know all the ′ birds · of the ′ air: and all living things in the ′ field are ′ in my ′ care. |
12 |
‘If I were hungry I ′ would not ′ tell you: for the world is ′ mine and ′ all · that is ′ in it. |
13 |
‘Do you think that I eat the ′ flesh of ′ bulls: or ′ drink the ′ blood of ′ goats? |
14 |
‘Offer to God the ′ sacrifice · of ′ thanksgiving: and pay your ′ vows · to the ′ One Most ′ High. |
15† |
‘And call upon me in ′ time of ′ trouble: then I will de′liver you · and ′ you shall ′ honour me.’ |
16 |
But God’s word to the ′ wicked · is ′ this: ‘How can you recite my laws, and take my ′ covenant · up′on your ′ lips? |
17 |
‘For you hate to ′ be cor′rected: and turn your ′ back when ′ I am ′ speaking. |
18 |
‘You go along with a thief ′ when you ′ meet one: and you throw ′ in your ′ lot · with a′dulterers. |
19 |
‘You unbridle your mouth to ′ speak ′ evil: and with your tongue ′ you con′trive de′ception. |
20 |
‘You sit down and ′ slander · your ′ brother: and malign your ′ own ′ mother’s ′ son. |
21 |
‘All this you have done, and I ′ kept ′ silence: and you thought I was ′ one ′ like yourself. |
22 |
‘But now ′ I re′buke you: and ′ lay the ′ charge be′fore you. |
23 |
‘Mark this, you that for′get ′ God: lest I tear you to pieces, and ′ there will · be ′ no one · to ′ save you. |
24† |
‘Whoever offers a sacrifice of thanksgiving‿ does me ′ due ′ honour: and to those who follow my way‿ I will ′ show · the sal′vation · of ′ God.’ |
1 |
Have mercy on me O God in your ′ great ′ kindness: in the fulness of your mercy ′ blot out ′ my of′fences. |
2 |
Wash away ′ all my ′ guilt: and ′ cleanse me ′ from my ′ sin. |
3 |
For I ac′knowledge · my ′ faults: and my ′ sin is ′ always · be′fore me. |
4 |
Against you only have I sinned‿ and done evil ′ in your ′ sight: so that you are justified in your sentence, and ′ blameless ′ in your ′ judging. |
5 |
Evil have I been ′ from my ′ birth: sinner I am from the ′ time of ′ my con′ception. |
6 |
But you desire truth in our ′ inward ′ being: therefore teach me wisdom ′ in my ′ secret ′ heart. |
7 |
Take hyssop, sprinkle me with water and I ′ shall be ′ clean: wash me, and I ′ shall be ′ whiter · than ′ snow. |
8 |
Let me hear the sounds of ′ joy and ′ gladness: that the bones you have ′ broken ′ may re′joice. |
9 |
Turn away your face ′ from my ′ sins: and ′ blot out ′ all my · mis′deeds. |
10 |
Create in me a clean ′ heart O ′ God: and re′new a · right ′ spirit · with′in me. |
11 |
Do not cast me away ′ from your ′ presence: do not take your ′ holy ′ spirit ′ from me. |
12 |
Give me the joy of your ′ help a′gain: and strengthen me ′ with a ′ willing ′ spirit. |
13† |
Then I will teach trans′gressors · your ′ ways: and sinners will ′ turn to ′ you a′gain. |
14 |
Rescue me from bloodshed O ′ God my ′ saviour: and my tongue shall ′ sing of ′ your de′liverance. |
15 |
O Lord ′ open · my ′ lips: and my ′ mouth · shall pro′claim your ′ praise. |
16 |
You desire no sacrifice, or ′ I would ′ give it: but you take no de′light in ′ burnt-′offerings. |
17 |
The sacrifice acceptable to God is a ′ broken ′ spirit: a broken and contrite heart O God ′ you will ′ not de′spise. |
18 |
Let it be your pleasure to do ′ good to · Je′rusalem: to re′build the ′ walls · of the ′ city. |
19 |
Then will you delight in the appointed sacrifices, in burnt-offerings ′ and ob′lations: then will they offer young ′ bulls up′on your ′ altar. |
52Day 10 Evening
1 |
Why O mighty one do you ′ boast · of your ′ wickedness?: always bent on harming ′ those ′ faithful · to ′ God. |
2 |
Your tongue is like a ′ sharpened ′ razor: you contriver ′ of de′ceit and ′ slander. |
3 | You love evil ′ rather · than ′ good: lying ′ rather · than ′ speaking · the ′ truth. |
4 |
You love all words that ′ may do ′ hurt: O lying ′ tongue ′ that you ′ are. |
5 |
Therefore God will de′stroy you · for ′ ever: God will pluck you from your tent, and uproot you ′ from the ′ land · of the ′ living. |
6 |
The righteous will look ′ on with ′ awe: and ′ then · will they ′ laugh and ′ say, |
7† |
‘Here is one who would not look to ′ God for ′ strength: but trusted in great wealth, and ′ in · the se′curity · of ′ riches.’ |
8 |
But I am like a green olive tree in the ′ house of ′ God: I trust in the goodness of ′ God for ′ ever · and ′ ever. |
9 |
I will always give you thanks, for this was ′ your ′ doing: I will proclaim that your name is good, in the ′ presence ′ of the ′ faithful. |
1 |
The foolish have spoken ′ in their ′ heart: and said, ′ ‘There is ′ no ′ God.’ |
2 | All are corrupt, they do a′bomina·ble ′ things: there is ′ no one · who ′ does · what is ′ good. |
3 | God looks down from heaven up′on us ′ all: to see if any are ′ wise and ′ seek · after ′ God. |
4 |
But they have all gone astray, all alike have ′ been cor′rupted: there is not one that does ′ good, ′ no not ′ one. |
5 |
Have they no knowledge, all ′ those · who do ′ evil?: they devour my people like so much bread, and ′ do not ′ pray · to the ′ Lord. |
6 |
There they are, in great terror; terror such as ′ never · has ′ been: for God will scatter the ′ bones ′ of the · un′godly. |
7 |
They shall be ′ put to ′ shame: because ′ God ′ has re′jected them. |
8 |
O that deliverance for God’s people‿ would come forth ′ from Je′rusalem: when God restores the fortunes of the people, then shall Jacob re′joice and ′ Israel · be ′ glad. |
1 |
Save me O God by the ′ power · of your ′ name: and ′ vindicate · me ′ by your ′ might. |
2 |
Hear my ′ prayer O ′ God: and ′ listen · to the ′ words of · my ′ mouth. |
3 |
For insolent people have ′ risen · a′gainst me: ruthless ones are seeking my life, they ′ give no ′ thought to ′ God. |
4 |
But see, ′ God · is my ′ helper: it is the Lord ′ who up′holds my ′ life. |
* * * | |
6† |
The offering of a willing heart ′ I will ′ give you: and praise your ′ name O ′ Lord · in your ′ faithfulness. |
* * * |
1 |
Hear my ′ prayer O ′ God: do not ′ hide your·self ′ from my ′ pleading. |
2 |
Give heed to ′ me and ′ answer me: for I am ′ anxious · and ′ greatly ′ troubled, |
3 |
because my enemies shout, and the wicked press ′ hard up′on me: they bring down trouble upon me, and as′sail me ′ in their ′ fury. |
4 |
My heart is dis′tressed with′in me: and the terrors of ′ death have ′ fallen · up′on me. |
5 |
Fear and ′ trembling · come ′ over me: and ′ horror ′ over′whelms me. |
6 |
And I said, ‘O that I had ′ wings · like a ′ dove: for then I would fly a′way and ′ be at ′ rest. |
7 |
‘I would escape ′ far a′way: and find a ′ refuge ′ in the ′ wilderness. |
8 |
‘I would hasten to ′ find a ′ shelter: from the raging ′ wind ′ and the ′ storm.’ |
9 |
Frustrate their counsels O Lord, and con′fuse their ′ speech: for I have seen ′ violence · and ′ strife · in the ′ city. |
10 |
Day and night they patrol a′long its ′ walls: trouble and ′ mischief ′ are with′in it. |
11† |
Wickedness is ′ at its ′ centre: oppression and fraud ′ never ′ leave its ′ streets. |
12 |
It was not an open enemy ′ who in′sulted me: for then I ′ could have ′ borne the ′ taunts. |
13 |
Nor was it a rival who made ′ boasts a′gainst me: for then I might have ′ kept out ′ of the ′ way. |
14 |
But it was you, one of my ′ own ′ kind: my companion ′ and my ′ inti·mate ′ friend. |
15 |
Pleasantly we con′versed to′gether: and walked in the ′ house of ′ God as ′ friends. |
* * * | |
17 |
But I will call to ′ you O ′ God: you O ′ Lord my ′ God will ′ save me. |
18 |
Evening, morning, ′ and at ′ noon: I cry out to you in my grief, and ′ you will ′ hear my ′ cry. |
19 |
You will deliver me in ′ safety · from ′ battle: for ′ those · who be′set me · are ′ many. |
20 |
You O God will hear. You, the eternal ′ judge will ′ humble them: because they keep no law, and ′ have no ′ fear of ′ you. |
21 |
The treacherous have raised their hand‿ against those who ′ were at ′ peace with them: they have ′ broken · their ′ solemn ′ covenant. |
22 |
The words of their mouth were softer than butter, yet war was ′ in their ′ heart: their words were smoother than oil, but ′ they · were like ′ naked ′ swords. |
23 |
Cast your burden on the Lord‿ and the ′ Lord · will sus′tain you: the Lord will never al′low the ′ righteous · to ′ stumble. |
24 |
But as for the treacherous ′ and the ′ bloodthirsty: you O God will cast them ′ into · the ′ pit · of de′struction. |
25† |
They shall not live out ′ half their ′ days: but I will ′ put my ′ trust in ′ you. |
56Day 11 Morning
1 |
Be merciful to me O God, for my assailants are ′ treading · me ′ down: they harass me ′ all the ′ day ′ long. |
2 |
My enemies tread me down ′ all day ′ long: for many are ′ those who ′ fight a′gainst me. |
3 |
When I am afraid O ′ God most ′ high: I will ′ put my ′ trust in ′ you. |
4 |
In God whose word I praise, in God I trust and will not ′ be a′fraid: for what can human ′ malice ′ do to ′ me? |
5 |
All day long they dis′tort my ′ words: all their ′ thoughts · are to ′ do me ′ evil. |
6 |
They gather together and ′ lie in ′ ambush: they track me down, and ′ seek to ′ take my ′ life. |
7 |
Recompense them O God ′ for their ′ wickedness: in your ′ anger ′ bring · down the ′ nations. |
8 |
You have taken account of my wanderings, you have stored up my ′ tears · in your ′ bottle: are not these things ′ entered ′ in your ′ book? |
9 |
My enemies shall turn back on the ′ day · that I ′ call: this I know, for ′ God is ′ on my ′ side. |
10 |
In God whose ′ word I ′ praise: in the ′ Lord whose ′ word I ′ praise, |
11† |
in God I trust, I shall ′ not · be a′fraid: for what can human ′ malice ′ do to ′ me? |
12 |
To you O God I must per′form my ′ vows: to you I will ′ offer ′ my thanks′giving. |
13 |
For you have saved me from death, and kept my ′ feet from ′ stumbling: so that I may walk‿ in your presence ′ in the ′ light · of the ′ living. |
1 |
Be merciful to me O ′ God, be ′ merciful: for ′ I have ′ made · you my ′ refuge. |
2 |
In the shadow of your wings ′ I take ′ shelter: until the storms of de′struction ′ pass ′ by. |
3 | I call to you O ′ God most ′ high: for you ful′fil your ′ purpose ′ for me. |
4 |
You will send from heaven and save me, you will put to shame those‿ who would ′ trample · me ′ down: you will send forth your ′ steadfast ′ love and ′ faithfulness. |
5 |
For I lie down amongst lions greedy for ′ human ′ prey: their teeth are spears and arrows, and their ′ tongues are ′ sharpened ′ swords. |
6 | Be exalted O God a′bove the ′ heavens: and let your glory be ′ over ′ all the ′ earth. |
7 |
They set a net for my feet, and ′ I · was brought ′ low: they dug a pit in my path, but ′ fell · into ′ it them′selves. |
8 |
My heart is steadfast O God, my ′ heart is ′ steadfast: I will ′ sing and ′ make ′ melody. |
9 |
Awake my soul, awake ′ lute and ′ harp: I myself ′ will a′waken · the ′ dawn. |
10 |
I will give you thanks O Lord a′mong the ′ peoples: I will sing your ′ praise a′mong the ′ nations. |
11 |
For the greatness of your mercy reaches ′ to the ′ heavens: and your ′ faithful·ness ′ up · to the ′ clouds. |
12 | Be exalted O God a′bove the ′ heavens: and let your glory be ′ over ′ all the ′ earth. |
59Day 11 Evening
1 |
Rescue me from my enemies ′ O my ′ God: pro′tect me · from ′ those · who as′sail me. |
2 |
Deliver me from ′ those · who do ′ evil: and ′ save me ′ from the ′ bloodthirsty. |
3 |
See, they lie in ′ wait · for my ′ life: cruel enemies are gathered against me‿ through no fault of mine, nor for ′ any ′ wrong · I have ′ done. |
4 |
They run and take position against me, innocent ′ though I ′ am: arise O Lord to help me, and ′ see it ′ for your′self. |
* * * | |
6 |
Each evening they come back ′ howling · like ′ dogs: and ′ prowling · a′bout the ′ city. |
7 |
They snarl contempt from their mouths, and swords come ′ out · from their ′ lips: but they say, ′‘Who is ′ there to ′ hear us?’ |
8 |
But you Lord will treat them ′ with de′rision: you will laugh ′ all the ′ nations · to ′ scorn. |
9 |
It is to you my strength ′ that I ′ turn: because ′ you O ′ God · are my ′ refuge. |
10† |
In your love you will ′ come to ′ meet me: you will let me look in ′ triumph ′ on my ′ foes. |
* * * | |
14 |
Let people know that God ′ rules · over ′ Jacob: and to the ′ very ′ ends · of the ′ earth. |
15 |
Each evening they come back ′ howling · like ′ dogs: and ′ prowling · a′bout the ′ city. |
16 |
They roam about ′ looking · for ′ food: and growl if they ′ do not ′ get their ′ fill. |
17 |
But I will sing of your power O Lord, and each morning ac′claim your ′ love: for you have been my stronghold, and a refuge in the ′ day of ′ my dis′tress. |
18† |
To you O my strength ′ I will ′ sing: for you are my refuge, and my ′ God · of un′failing ′ love. |
1 |
O God you have re′jected us · and ′ broken us: you have been angry, re′store · us a′gain · to your ′ favour. |
2 |
You have made the earth shudder, and ′ torn it ′ open: heal its wounds, for ′ it is ′ falling · to ′ pieces. |
3 | You have made your people drink a ′ cup of ′ bitterness: you have given us ′ wine that ′ makes us ′ stagger. |
4 |
You have given a warning to ′ those who ′ fear you: to make their escape ′ from the ′ power · of the ′ bow. |
5† |
Save us by your right ′ hand and ′ answer us: so that your be′lovèd · may ′ be de′livered. |
6 |
You have spoken in your ′ holy ′ place: ‘I will go up and divide Shechem, and measure ′ out the ′ valley · of ′ Succoth. |
7 |
‘Gilead and Ma′nasseh · are ′ mine: Ephraim is my helmet, and ′ Judah ′ is my ′ sceptre. |
8 |
‘Moab is my wash-basin, to Edom I will ′ cast my ′ shoe: over Philistia ′ I will ′ shout in ′ triumph.’ |
9 |
Who will bring me into the ′ forti·fied ′ city: who will ′ lead me ′ into ′ Edom, |
10† |
since you O God ′ have re′jected us: and no longer go ′ out ′ with our ′ armies? |
11 |
Grant us help a′gainst the ′ enemy: for vain ′ is all ′ human ′ help. |
12 |
With the help of our God we ′ shall do ′ valiantly: for it is God ′ who will ′ tread down · our ′ foes. |
1 |
Hear my ′ cry O ′ Lord: and ′ listen ′ to my ′ prayer. |
2 |
From the ends of the earth I ′ call to ′ you: when my ′ heart is ′ faint with′in me. |
3 | Set me on a rock that is too high for ′ me to ′ reach: for you have been my refuge, and a strong tower for ′ me a′gainst the ′ enemy. |
4 |
Let me dwell in your ′ tent for ′ ever: and find shelter under the ′ cover·ing ′ of your ′ wings. |
5 |
For you Lord have ′ heard my ′ vows: and granted the desire of ′ those · who re′vere your ′ name. |
6 |
Give long life ′ to the ′ king: may his years cover ′ many ′ gener′ations. |
7 |
May he live in God’s ′ presence · for ′ ever: your steadfast love and ′ faithfulness · be ′ his pro′tection. |
8 |
So will I always sing praise ′ to your ′ name: while I ′ daily · per′form my ′ vows. |
62Day 12 Morning
1 |
My soul truly is still, and ′ waits for ′ God: from ′ whom comes ′ my de′liverance. |
2 |
In truth the Lord is my rock and ′ my sal′vation: my tower of strength, ′ so · that I ′ stand un′shaken. |
3 | How long will all of you set upon ′ me and ′ batter me: as though I were a tottering ′ wall · or a ′ leaning ′ fence? |
4 |
Their purpose is to thrust me down ′ from my ′ eminence: they delight in lies, they bless with their lips‿ but ′ curse me ′ in their ′ hearts. |
5 |
Yet be still my soul, and ′ wait for ′ God: from whom ′ comes my ′ hope · of de′liverance. |
6 |
God only is my rock and ′ my sal′vation: my tower of strength, ′ so that · I ′ stand un′shaken. |
7 |
In God is my deliverance ′ and my ′ honour: the rock of my strength ′ and my ′ place of ′ refuge. |
8 |
Put your trust in God ′ always · you ′ people: pour out your hearts before the ′ one who ′ is our ′ refuge. |
9 |
For we mortals are only a puff of wind, the great among us are ′ but il′lusion: weighed in the balance they rise upward, ′ all · of them ′ lighter · than ′ air. |
10 |
Put no trust in extortion, set no vain ′ hopes on ′ plunder: if riches increase, do not ′ set your ′ heart up′on them. |
11 |
Once God has spoken, and twice I have ′ heard God ′ say: ‘Power be′longs to ′ God a′lone.’ |
12 |
Steadfast love O ′ Lord is ′ yours: and you reward us all ac′cording ′ to our ′ deeds. |
1 |
O God ′ you are · my ′ God: and ′ earnest·ly ′ will I ′ seek you. |
2 |
My soul thirsts for you, my body ′ yearns for ′ you: like a land that is ′ dry and ′ thirsty · for ′ water. |
3 | With this longing I have come before you ′ in the ′ sanctuary: that I may see your ′ power ′ and your ′ glory. |
4 |
Your steadfast love is better than ′ life it′self: therefore my ′ lips will ′ speak your ′ praise. |
5 |
As long as I live ′ I will ′ bless you: and lift up my ′ hands to ′ pray · in your ′ name. |
6 |
I shall be satisfied as with a rich and ′ sumptu·ous ′ feast: and my mouth shall ′ praise you · with ′ joyful ′ lips. |
7 |
When I remember you up′on my ′ bed: and think of you in the ′ watches ′ of the ′ night, |
8 |
how you have ′ been my ′ helper: how I am safe in the ′ shadow ′ of your ′ wings, |
9† |
then my ′ soul ′ clings to you: and ′ your right ′ hand up′holds me. |
10 |
But those who seek to des′troy my ′ life: shall go down to the ′ depths ′ of the ′ earth. |
11 |
They shall be given over to the ′ power · of the ′ sword: their bodies shall ′ be a ′ prey for ′ jackals. |
12† |
But the king shall rejoice in God, and all who swear by God ′ shall ex′ult: for the mouths of ′ liars ′ shall be ′ stopped. |
1 |
Hear my voice O God ′ in my ′ prayer: preserve my ′ life from ′ fear · of the ′ enemy. |
2 |
Hide me from those who con′spire a′gainst me: from the ′ turbu·lent ′ throng · of the ′ wicked. |
3 | They sharpen their ′ tongues like ′ swords: they aim ′ bitter ′ words like ′ arrows, |
4 |
to shoot from ambush at ′ one · who is ′ blameless: sudden the attack ′ and by ′ foes un′seen. |
5 |
They hold fast to their ′ evil ′ purpose: they conspire to lay their snares, and they ′ say, ′ ‘Who will ′ see us?’ |
6 |
With skill and cunning they con′trive ′ mischief: for the human heart and ′ mind are ′ very ′ deep. |
7 |
But God will shoot at them with a ′ swift ′ arrow: and ′ sudden·ly ′ strike them ′ down. |
8 |
Their own tongue will be ′ their un′doing: and all who see their ′ fate shall ′ flee ′ from them. |
9 |
Then all shall fear, and say, ′ ‘This is ′ God’s work’: and they shall ′ ponder · what ′ God has ′ done. |
10 |
The righteous shall rejoice in the Lord, and find their refuge in the ′ Most ′ High: and all who are ′ true of ′ heart · shall be ′ glad. |
65Day 12 Evening
1 |
You O God are to be ′ praised · in Je′rusalem: to ′ you shall ′ vows · be per′formed. |
2 |
You give ′ heed to ′ prayer: to you all mortals shall come ′ to con′fess their ′ sins. |
3† |
The burden of our ′ sins · is too ′ great for us: but ′ you will ′ purge · them a′way. |
4 |
Blessèd are the people you choose, and bring to ′ dwell· in your ′ courts: we shall be filled with the blessings‿ of your ′ house your ′ holy ′ temple. |
5 |
With awesome deeds you answer‿ our prayers for deliverance, O ′ God our ′ saviour: you that are the hope of all the ends of the earth, ′ and · of the ′ far-off ′ seas. |
6 |
By your strength you made ′ fast the ′ mountains: and ′ gird your·self ′ round with ′ power. |
7 |
You still the raging of the seas, and the ′ roar · of their ′ waves: and the ′ tumult ′ of the ′ peoples. |
8† |
The dwellers at the ends of the earth‿ are awed ′ by your ′ wonders: you make the lands of sunrise and sunset‿ re′sound with ′ shouts of ′ joy. |
9 |
You visit the ′ earth and ′ water it: you ′ make it ′ very ′ fruitful. |
10 |
The waters of heaven brim ′ over · their ′ channel: providing us with grain, for so you ′ have pre′pared the ′ land, |
11 |
drenching its furrows, ′ levelling · its ′ ridges: softening it with ′ showers · and ′ blessing · its ′ growth. |
12 |
You crown the year ′ with your ′ goodness: and your paths ′ over′flow with ′ plenty. |
13 |
The pastures of the wilderness a′bound with ′ grass: and the ′ hills are ′ girded · with ′ joy. |
14 |
The fields are ′ clothed with ′ sheep: the valleys are decked with wheat, so that they ′ shout for ′ joy and ′ sing. |
1 |
Cry out with joy all ′ people · on ′ earth: sing to the honour of God’s name, make the ′ praise · of the ′ Lord ′ glorious. |
2 |
Say to the Almighty, ‘How awesome ′ are your ′ deeds: seeing your great power, your ′ ene·mies ′ cringe be′fore you. |
3 |
‘For all the ′ world shall ′ worship you: sing to ′ you and ′ praise your ′ name.’ |
4 |
O come and see what the ′ Lord has ′ done: what God has wrought in ′ terror · a′mong all ′ people. |
5 |
The Lord turned the sea into dry land, and they crossed the ′ river · on ′ foot: therefore in ′ God let ′ us re′joice, |
6 |
who rules with power for ever, whose eyes keep ′ watch · on the ′ nations: let not the re′bellious · lift ′ up their ′ heads. |
7 |
Praise our ′ God all ′ peoples: and let the ′ sound of ′ praise be ′ heard. |
8 |
The Lord has preserved us a′mong the ′ living: and ′ kept our ′ feet from ′ stumbling. |
9 |
For you O ′ God have ′ tested us: and refined us as ′ silver ′ is re′fined. |
10 |
You led us ′ into · the ′ snare: you laid a burden of ′ trouble · up′on our ′ backs. |
11† |
You let enemies ride over our heads, we went through ′ fire and ′ water: but you have brought us out ′ into · a ′ place of ′ liberty. |
12 |
I will come into your house with ′ burnt-′offerings: and I will ′ pay you ′ my ′ vows, |
13 |
the vows which I made ′ with my ′ lips: and swore with my mouth ′ when I ′ was in ′ trouble. |
14 |
I will offer fat beasts in sacrifice, with the smoke of ′ burning ′ rams: I will prepare you an ′ offering · of ′ bulls and ′ goats. |
15 |
Come then and listen, all you that ′ fear the ′ Lord: and I will ′ tell you · what ′ God has ′ done for me. |
16 |
I cried a′loud to ′ God: high praise was ′ ready ′ on my ′ tongue. |
17 |
If I had cherished evil ′ in my ′ heart: the ′ Lord would ′ not have ′ heard me. |
18 |
But truly ′ God has ′ heard me: and has ′ given ′ heed · to my ′ prayer. |
19 |
Blessèd are you O God, for you have not re′jected · my ′ prayer: nor withdrawn from ′ me your ′ steadfast ′ love. |
1 |
Be gracious to us O ′ God and ′ bless us: and make the light of your ′ face to ′ shine up′on us, |
2 |
that your ways may be ′ known up·on ′ earth: your saving ′ power · a′mong all ′ nations. |
3 | Let the peoples ′ praise you · O ′ God: let ′ all the ′ peoples ′ praise you. |
4 |
Let the nations be glad, and ′ sing for ′ joy: for you judge the peoples righteously, and ′ guide the ′ nations · on ′ earth. |
5 |
Let the peoples ′ praise you · O ′ God: let ′ all the ′ peoples ′ praise you. |
6 |
The earth has ′ yielded · its ′ harvest: and ′ you our ′ God will ′ bless us. |
7† |
Your blessing O God ′ be up′on us: and let all the ′ ends · of the ′ world re′vere you. |
68Day 13 Morning
1 |
Arise O God and let your ′ enemies · be ′ scattered: let those who ′ hate you ′ flee be′fore you. |
2 |
As smoke vanishes before the wind, and as wax ′ melts · in the ′ fire: so let the wicked ′ perish · at the ′ presence · of ′ God. |
3 | But let the righteous be glad and ex′ult be·fore ′ God: let them re′joice · with ex′ceeding ′ joy. |
4 |
Sing praises to God’s ′ holy ′ name: make a highway for the one who rides on the clouds, whose name is the Lord, ′ in whose ′ presence · ex′ult. |
5 |
Guardian of orphans and pro′tector · of ′ widows: such are you O God ′ in your ′ holy ′ dwelling-place. |
6 |
You give the lonely a home to live in, and lead out the prisoners ′ into · pros′perity: but the re′bellious · must ′ live · in the ′ wasteland. |
7 |
O God when you went out at the ′ head · of your ′ people: when you ′ marched a′cross the ′ wilderness, |
8 |
the earth quaked, the heavens ′ poured down ′ rain: before God the Lord of Sinai, before ′ God the ′ Lord most ′ high. |
9 |
You sent down a generous ′ rain O ′ God: to refresh the wilting ′ land of ′ your pos′session. |
10 |
There your people ′ found a ′ home: which in your goodness you pro′vided ′ for the ′ poor. |
11 |
The Lord ′ gave the ′ word: and great was the company‿ of ′ those who ′ carried · the ′ news, |
12 |
‘Kings with their armies are in ′ headlong ′ flight: the women at home ′ are di′viding · the ′ spoil. |
13 |
‘You lingered a′mong the ′ sheepfolds: but Israel is like a dove, its wings covered with silver, and its ′ feathers ′ shining · with ′ gold.’ |
14 |
When the Almighty ′ scattered ′ kings: it was like snowflakes ′ falling · up′on Mount ′ Zalmon. |
15 |
A mighty mountain is the ′ mountain · of ′ Bashan: the mountain of Bashan is a ′ mountain · of ′ many ′ peaks. |
16 |
O mountain of many peaks, why do you look with envy‿ at the mountain where God has ′ chosen · to ′ dwell: and where the ′ Lord will ′ live for ′ ever? |
17 |
The chariots of God are twenty thousand, indeed ′ thousands up·on ′ thousands: you O Lord have come from Sinai ′ into · your ′ holy ′ place. |
18 |
You have gone up on high, leading ′ captives ′ with you: and receiving tribute, even from among the rebellious, that ′ you might ′ dwell a′mong them. |
19 |
Blessèd are you O Lord, for you bear us daily ′ as your ′ burden: you are the ′ God of ′ our de′liverance. |
20 |
Our God is a ′ God · of sal′vation: God is the Lord through whom ′ we es′cape from ′ death. |
* * * | |
24 |
Your procession O God has ′ come · into ′ view: the procession of my God and king ′‿ as it ′ enters · the ′ sanctuary. |
25 |
The singers walk in front, the ′ minstrels ′ follow: with them the maidens ′‿ playing · the ′ timbrels · and ′ singing, |
26 |
‘Give thanks to the Lord in the ′ great · congre′gation: bless the Lord, all you that ′ spring · from the ′ fountain · of ′ Israel.’ |
27 |
There in the lead is the little tribe of Benjamin, there the company of the ′ princes · of ′ Judah: the princes of Zebulun ′ and the ′ princes · of ′ Naphtali. |
28 |
Summon your ′ strength O ′ God: the strength in which‿ you performed for ′ us your ′ mighty ′ deeds. |
29 |
For your temple’s sake ′ at Je′rusalem: summon ′ kings to ′ bring you ′ gifts. |
30 |
Rebuke the wild ′ beast · of the ′ reeds: that ′ herd of ′ bulls · with their ′ calves. |
31 |
Trample under foot those who are ′ greedy · for ′ silver: and scatter the people ′ whose de′light · is in ′ war. |
32† |
Let tribute be brought ′ out from ′ Egypt: and Ethiopia stretch ′ out her ′ hands to ′ God. |
33 |
Sing to God you ′ kingdoms· of the ′ earth: sing ′ praises ′ to the ′ Lord, |
34 |
who rides on the heavens, the ′ ancient ′ heavens: who speaks aloud ′ with a ′ mighty ′ voice. |
35 |
Ascribe power to God, whose majesty is ′ over · our ′ people: and whose ′ strength is ′ in the ′ skies. |
36 |
Terrible are you O God, as you come from your ′ holy ′ place: you give power and strength to your people. ′ Blessèd ′ be ′ God. |
69Day 13 Evening
1 |
Save ′ me O ′ God: for the waters have ′ risen ′ up · to my ′ neck. |
2 |
I am sinking into miry depths and ′ have no ′ foothold: I have come into deep waters, ′ and the ′ flood en′gulfs me. |
3 | I am wearied with crying out, my ′ throat is ′ parched: my eyes grow dim with ′ watching · so ′ long · for my ′ God. |
4 |
Those who hate me without reason‿ are more in number than the ′ hairs · of my ′ head: mighty are those who ′ seek · to de′stroy me · with ′ lies. |
5 |
They bid me give back things that I ′ never ′ took: God you know how foolish I am, and my faults ′ are not ′ hidden · from ′ you. |
6 |
Let not those who hope in you‿ be put to shame through ′ me O ′ God: let not those who seek you‿ be dismayed at ′ me, Lord ′ God of ′ hosts. |
7 |
It is for you I have ′ suffered · re′proach: and ′ shame has ′ covered· my ′ face. |
8 |
I have become a stranger ′ to my ′ family: an alien ′ to my ′ mother’s ′ children. |
9 |
Zeal for your house ′ has con′sumed me: and insults aimed at ′ you have ′ fallen · on ′ me. |
10 |
When I afflicted my′self with ′ fasting: that was turned ′ as a · re′proach a′gainst me. |
11 |
I put on ′ sackcloth ′ also: and I be′came a ′ by-word · a′mong them. |
12 |
I am the talk of those who ′ sit · at the ′ gate: and the ′ drunkards · make ′ songs a′bout me. |
13 |
But Lord I make my ′ prayer · to ′ you: accept me ′ now in ′ your great ′ love. |
14 |
Answer ′ me O ′ God: with ′ your un′failing ′ help. |
15 |
Rescue me from the mire, do not ′ let me ′ sink: let me be delivered ′ from the ′ muddy ′ depths. |
16 |
Do not let the flood engulf me, or the deep ′ swallow · me ′ up: or the Abyss of death ′ close its ′ mouth up′on me. |
17 |
Answer me Lord, for your ′ love is ′ good: turn to me ′ in your ′ great com′passion. |
18 |
Do not hide your face ′ from your ′ servant: be swift to answer me, for ′ I am ′ in dis′tress. |
19 |
Come near to me ′ and re′deem me: O ′ ransom me · be′cause of · my ′ enemies. |
20 |
You know my reproach, my shame and hu′mili′ation: my enemies are ′ all ′ in your ′ sight. |
21 |
Reproach has ′ broken · my ′ heart: and my ′ sickness · is ′ past all ′ healing. |
22 |
I looked for compassion, ′ but I · re′ceived none: for someone to console me, ′ but I ′ found ′ no one. |
23† |
They gave me ′ poison · for ′ food: and in my thirst they ′ gave me ′ vinegar · to ′ drink. |
* * * |
31 |
As for me, I am afflicted ′ and in ′ pain: O God, lift me up ′ by your ′ saving ′ power. |
32 |
I will praise your name ′ with a ′ song: and ′ glori·fy ′ you with ′ thanksgiving. |
33 |
And that will please you‿ more than the offering ′ of an ′ ox: more than a ′ bull with ′ horns and ′ hoofs. |
34 |
Consider this, you that are humble, ′ and be ′ glad: let your heart rejoice, ′ you that ′ seek · after ′ God. |
35 |
For you O God ′ listen · to the ′ poor: and do not despise your ′ servants ′ in cap′tivity. |
36 |
Let the heavens and the ′ earth ′ praise you: the ′ seas and ′ all that ′ moves in them. |
37 |
For you will deliver Jerusalem, and rebuild the ′ cities · of ′ Judah: and your people shall ′ dwell there ′ and pos′sess it. |
38 |
Your servants’ children ′ shall in′herit it: and those who ′ love your ′ name shall ′ dwell in it. |
1 |
O God be ′ pleased · to de′liver me: make ′ haste O ′ Lord to ′ help me. |
2 |
Let those who seek my life‿ be put to ′ shame · and con′fusion: let those who desire my hurt‿ be turned ′ back and ′ brought · to dis′honour. |
3 | Let those who mock at my hu′mili′ation: be ap′palled · at their ′ own dis′grace. |
4 |
Let all who seek you rejoice and be ′ glad in ′ you: and let those who long for your saving help‿ say ′ always, ′ ‘God is ′ great.’ |
5 |
As for me I am ′ poor and ′ needy: come ′ quickly · O ′ God · to my ′ aid. |
6 |
You are my helper and ′ my de′liverer: O ′ Lord make ′ no de′lay. |
71Day 14 Morning
1 |
In you O Lord I have ′ taken ′ refuge: let me ′ never · be ′ put to ′ shame. |
2 |
In your righteousness de′liver me · and ′ rescue me: incline your ′ ear to ′ me and ′ save me. |
3 | Be to me a rock of refuge, a fortress where I may ′ find ′ safety: for you are my ′ rock ′ and my ′ stronghold. |
4 |
Rescue me O my God, from the ′ hand · of the ′ wicked: from the ′ grasp of · the un′righteous · and ′ cruel. |
5 |
For you O Lord ′ are my ′ hope: my trust has been in you ′ from the ′ time · of my ′ youth. |
6 |
On you have I leaned since ′ I was ′ born: it is you that brought me out of my mother’s womb, you are the ′ theme · of my ′ constant ′ praise. |
7 |
I have become a warning ′ sign to ′ many: but you are my ′ strength ′ and my ′ refuge. |
8 |
My mouth shall be ′ filled · with your ′ praises: I will sing of your ′ glory ′ all the · day ′ long. |
9 |
Do not cast me off in the time of ′ old ′ age: or forsake me ′ when my ′ strength is ′ failing, |
10 |
when my enemies ′ speak a′gainst me: and those who lie in wait for me‿ con′spire to′gether · a′gainst me. |
11† |
They are sure that ′ you · have for′saken me: that they may pursue me and seize me, for ′ there is ′ no one · to ′ save me. |
12 |
O God, do not ′ stand off ′ from me: my ′ God make ′ haste to ′ help me. |
13 |
Let my accusers be put to ′ shame · and con′fusion: let those who seek my hurt‿ be ′ covered · with ′ scorn · and dis′grace. |
14 |
But as for me, I will wait in ′ hope con′tinually: and I will ′ praise you ′ more and ′ more. |
15 |
My mouth shall speak of your righteousness‿ and of your saving acts ′ all the · day ′ long: for their ′ number · is be′yond my ′ telling. |
16 |
I will begin with your mighty acts O ′ Lord my ′ God: and speak of your ′ righteous·ness, ′ yours a′lone. |
17 |
O God you have taught me ′ from my ′ childhood: and to this day I pro′claim your ′ wondrous ′ deeds. |
18 |
Do not forsake me now that I am old and ′ grey′headed: till I have made known the strength of your arm‿ to the generations ′ that are ′ yet to ′ come. |
19 |
Your righteousness O God reaches ′ to the ′ heavens: great are the things you have done, ′ who O ′ God is ′ like you? |
20 |
Many bitter troubles you have laid upon me, yet you will ′ turn · and re′vive me: and raise me up again ′ from the ′ depths · of the ′ earth. |
21 |
Restore me to more than my ′ former ′ greatness: O ′ turn to me · a′gain and ′ comfort me. |
22 |
Then will I praise you on the lute‿ for your faithfulness ′ O my ′ God: I will sing to you with the ′ harp, O ′ Lord most ′ high. |
23 |
My lips will shout for ′ joy· when I ′ sing to you: and my soul also ′ which you ′ have de′livered. |
24† |
My tongue shall speak of your righteousness ′‿ all the · day ′ long: for those who sought to harm me‿ shall be ′ put to ′ shame · and dis′grace. |
1 |
Give the king your ′ justice · O ′ God: and your righteousness ′ to a ′ king’s ′ son, |
2 |
that he may judge your ′ people ′ rightly: and up′hold the ′ poor with ′ justice. |
3 | Let the mountains bring forth peace ′ for the ′ people: and the ′ hills pros′perity · with ′ justice. |
4 |
May the king defend the cause of the poor‿ a′mong the ′ people: save the children of the ′‿ needy · and ′ crush · the op′pressor. |
5 |
May he live as long as the ′ sun en′dures: as long as the ′ moon from ′ age to ′ age. |
6 |
May he come down like rain up′on the ′ grass: like ′ showers · that ′ water · the ′ earth. |
7 |
In his days may ′ righteous·ness ′ flourish: and abundance of peace ′ till the ′ moon · is no ′ more. |
8 |
May his rule extend from ′ sea to ′ sea: and from the ′ River · to the ′ ends · of the ′ earth. |
9 |
May the tribes of the desert bow ′ down be′fore him: and his ′ ene·mies ′ lick the ′ dust. |
10 |
May the kings of Tarshish and of the ′ isles pay ′ tribute: the kings of Sheba and ′ Seba ′ bring their ′ gifts. |
11† |
May all kings fall ′ prostrate · be′fore him: and all ′ nations ′ render · him ′ service. |
12 |
He shall deliver the needy ′ when they ′ cry: and the ′ poor who ′ have no ′ helper. |
13 |
He shall have pity on the ′ weak · and the ′ needy: and ′ save the ′ lives · of the ′ poor. |
14† |
He shall rescue them from op′pression · and ′ violence: and their blood shall be ′ precious ′ in his ′ sight. |
15 |
Long may the king live, and receive gifts of ′ gold from ′ Sheba: may prayer be made for him continually, and may people ′ bless him ′ every ′ day. |
16 |
Let there be abundance of wheat in the land, growing thick ′ up · to the ′ hill-tops: may its crops flourish like those of Lebanon, and the sheaves be ′ numberless · as ′ blades of ′ grass. |
17 |
May the king ′ live for ′ ever: and his name en′dure as ′ long · as the ′ sun. |
18 |
May all nations pray to be ′ blessed as ′ he is: and all ′ peoples ′ call him ′ blessèd. |
19 |
Blessèd are you O ′ Lord our ′ God: for you a′lone do ′ marvel·lous ′ things. |
20 |
Blessèd be your glorious ′ name for ′ ever: let the whole earth be filled with your glory. ′ Amen. ′ A′men. |
73Day 14 Evening
1 |
Truly God is ′ good · to the ′ upright: to ′ those · who are ′ pure in ′ heart. |
2 |
Nevertheless my feet had ′ almost ′ stumbled: my ′ steps had ′ well-nigh ′ slipped. |
3 | For the boasting of the wicked ′ roused me · to ′ envy: when I ′ saw how ′ greatly · they ′ prosper. |
4 |
They ′ suffer · no ′ pain: their ′ bodies · are ′ sound and ′ sleek. |
5 |
They come to no misfortune as ′ others ′ do: nor are they af′flicted · like ′ other ′ people. |
6 |
So they wear their pride ′ like a ′ necklace: and cover themselves with ′ vio·lence ′ as · with a ′ cloak. |
7 |
Iniquity comes ′ forth · from with′in them: and folly ′ over′flows · from their ′ hearts. |
8 |
They scoff, they ′ speak ma′liciously: indeed they speak of oppression ′ by the ′ Most ′ High. |
9 |
Their slanders reach ′ up to ′ heaven: while their tongues ply ′ to and ′ fro on ′ earth. |
10 |
So the people ′ turn and ′ follow them: and ′ find in ′ them no ′ fault. |
11† |
They say, ′ ‘How can · God ′ know: is there ′ knowledge ′ in the · Most ′ High?’ |
12 |
So the ′ wicked ′ talk: yet they prosper, and ′ still their ′ riches ′ grow. |
13 |
So it was all in vain that I kept my ′ heart ′ clean: and ′ washed my ′ hands in ′ innocence. |
14 |
All the day long have ′ I been ′ buffeted: and ′ punished · a′new · every ′ morning. |
15 |
If I had said, ‘I will go on ′ speaking · like ′ this’: then I should have be′trayed the ′ children · of ′ God. |
16 |
So I kept thinking how to ′ under·stand ′ this: but I ′ found it · too ′ hard for ′ me, |
17 |
till I went into the ′ sanctuary · of ′ God: and then I perceived ′ what be′comes · of the ′ wicked. |
18 |
Surely it is on slippery ground ′ that you ′ set them: and make them ′ fall ′ headlong · to ′ ruin. |
19 |
How suddenly they ′ come · to de′struction: they are swept away, and ′ come · to a ′ fearful ′ end. |
20† |
Like a dream when ′ one a′wakens: so Lord you a′rise · to dis′miss them · as ′ phantoms. |
21 |
When therefore I ′ was em′bittered: and ′ envy ′ goaded · my ′ heart, |
22 |
stupid was ′ I and ′ ignorant: no ′ better · than a ′ beast in · your ′ sight. |
23 |
Yet I am ′ always ′ with you: for you hold me ′ by my ′ right ′ hand. |
24 |
You guide me ′ with your ′ counsel: and afterwards ′ will re′ceive me · with ′ glory. |
25 |
Whom have I in ′ heaven · but ′ you?: and having you, I desire ′ nothing ′ else up·on ′ earth. |
26 |
My flesh and my ′ heart may ′ fail: but God is the strength of my heart‿ and ′ my pos′session · for ′ ever. |
27 |
Those who go far from you ′ Lord shall ′ perish: and all who are ′ faithless ′ you will · de′stroy. |
28 |
But for me it is good to draw ′ near to ′ God: I have made you Lord God my refuge, and I will ′ speak of ′ all · you have ′ done. |
1 |
O God, why have you cast us ′ off for ′ ever: why is your anger so hot‿ a′gainst the ′ sheep of · your ′ pasture? |
2 |
Remember the assembly ′ of your ′ people: whom you long ago ′ chose ′ for your ′ own. |
3 | Remember the tribe you redeemed‿ to be your ′ own pos′session: and the hill ′ where you ′ made your ′ dwelling. |
4 |
Draw near, and see how ′ all · is in ′ ruins: how the enemy have ′‿ utterly · laid ′ waste your ′ sanctuary. |
5 |
Your adversaries have made uproar in your ′ holy ′ place: and set up their ′ standards · in ′ token · of ′ victory. |
6 |
Like timber cutters hacking at a ′ thicket · of ′ trees: they broke the carved ′‿ woodwork · with ′ axes · and ′ hammers. |
7 |
They set ′ fire · to your ′ sanctuary: defiled your dwelling-place, and ′ razed it ′ to the ′ ground. |
8 |
They said in their hearts, ′ ‘Let us · de′stroy them’: and they burned every ′ shrine of ′ God · in the ′ land. |
9 |
We see no signs, we have no ′ prophet ′ now: no one knows how ′ long these ′ things · shall con′tinue. |
10 |
How long O God shall the ′ adver·sary ′ scoff: will the enemy blas′pheme your ′ name for ′ ever? |
11† |
Why do you hold ′ back your ′ hand: why do you keep your ′ right hand ′ in your ′ bosom? |
12 |
Yet God ′ reigns · from of ′ old: achieving ′ victory · up′on the ′ earth. |
13 |
It was you that split the sea in two ′ by your ′ power: and smashed the heads of the ′ monsters ′ in the ′ waters. |
14 |
It was you that crushed the ′ heads · of Le′viathan: and gave him for food to the ′ creatures ′ of the ′ deep. |
15 |
It was you that opened channels for ′ springs and ′ torrents: and ′ dried up · per′enni·al ′ rivers. |
16 |
Yours is the day, and yours ′ also · the ′ night: you ap′pointed · the ′ moon · and the ′ sun. |
17 |
It was you that fixed the ′ bounds · of the ′ earth: and ′ you made ′ summer · and ′ winter. |
18 |
Remember O Lord the ′ taunts · of the ′ enemy: see how an ungodly ′ people · re′viles your ′ name. |
19 |
Do not hand over to wild beasts‿ the ′ soul · that con′fesses you: do not forget your af′flicted ′ people · for ′ ever. |
20 |
Look upon the ′ world · you have ′ made: see how full it is of darkness, and how ′ violence · in′habits · the ′ earth. |
21 |
Let not the oppressed be turned away ′ disap′pointed: but let the poor and ′ needy ′ praise your ′ name. |
22 |
Arise O God, and defend your ′ own ′ cause: remember how the ungodly ′‿ taunt you ′ all the · day ′ long. |
23 |
Do not ignore the clamour ′ of your ′ foes: or the uproar of your adversaries, which ′ rises ′ up con′tinually. |
75Day 15 Morning
1 |
To you O God ′ we give ′ thanks: yes, to you O ′ Lord ′ we give ′ thanks. |
2 |
We ′ call on · your ′ name: and tell of ′ all your ′ marvel·lous ′ deeds. |
3 | ‘At the time of ′ my a′ppointing: I will ′ judge the ′ world with ′ justice. |
4 |
‘The earth may shake, with ′ all who ′ dwell in it: but it is ′ I · who keep ′ steady · its ′ pillars. |
5 |
‘To the boastful I say, ′ “Boast no ′ longer”: and to the wicked, ′ “Do not ′ toss your ′ horns. |
6 |
‘ “Do not toss your ′ horns so ′ high: or ′ speak with ′ stiff-necked ′ pride.” ’ |
7 |
For help comes neither from the east nor ′ from the ′ west: neither from the ′ desert · nor ′ yet · from the ′ mountains. |
8 |
But it is ′ God · who is ′ judge: the Lord puts down one, and ′ raises ′ up an′other. |
9 |
In the Lord’s hand is a cup of wine ′ foaming · and ′ spiced: the Lord gives it to ′ each of ′ them to ′ drink. |
10 |
All the wicked of the ′ earth shall ′ drink from it: they shall ′ drain it ′ to the ′ dregs. |
11 |
But I will re′joice for ′ ever: I will sing ′ praises · to the ′ God of ′ Jacob. |
12 |
‘All the horns of the wicked ′ I will ′ break: but the horns of the righteous ′ shall be ′ lifted ′ high.’ |
1 |
In Judah you are ′ known O ′ God: your ′ name is ′ great in ′ Israel. |
2 |
Your tent is ′ pitched in ′ Salem: and your dwelling is ′ on your ′ holy ′ hill. |
3 |
There you broke the ′ flashing ′ arrows: the shield, the ′ sword · and the ′ weapons · of ′ battle. |
4 |
Glorious are ′ you O ′ Lord: more majestic than the ′ ever′lasting ′ mountains. |
5 |
The mighty ones have been despoiled, they sleep their ′ last ′ sleep: the strongest ′ cannot ′ lift a ′ hand. |
6 |
At your rebuke O ′ God of ′ Jacob: both ′ horse and ′ rider · fell ′ stunned. |
7 |
Terrible are ′ you O ′ Lord: who can stand in your ′ presence · when ′ you are ′ angry? |
8 |
You gave ′ sentence · from ′ heaven: the ′ earth in ′ terror · was ′ still, |
9 |
when God a′rose to · give ′ judgment: to save all that are op′pressed up′on ′ earth. |
10 |
The fierceness of Edom shall ′ turn · to your ′ praise: and the remnant of ′ Hamath · shall ′ keep your ′ festival. |
11 |
Make your vows to the Lord your ′ God, and ′ keep them: let all the surrounding nations bring gifts to the Lord, as to the ′ one who ′ is · to be ′ feared, |
12 |
who curbs the ′ spirit · of ′ princes: and is the terror of the ′ rulers ′ of the ′ earth. |
1 |
I cry a′loud to ′ God: I cry aloud ′ to the ′ one · who will ′ hear me. |
2 |
In the day of my distress I ′ sought the ′ Lord: by night my hands were‿ spread out in prayer without ceasing, my ′ soul re′fused all ′ comfort. |
3 |
I remembered my God, ′ and I ′ groaned: in my ′ thinking · my ′ spirit ′ fainted. |
4 |
You kept my ′ eyelids · from ′ closing: I was ′ dazed · and I ′ could not ′ speak. |
5 |
I thought of the ′ days of ′ old: I re′membered · the ′ years long ′ past. |
6 |
At night I communed ′ with my ′ heart: I pondered, ′ and I ′ questioned · my ′ spirit, |
7 |
‘Will you O Lord re′ject us · for ′ ever: and ′ never · more ′ show us · your ′ favour? |
8 |
‘Has your unfailing love now ′ failed us · for ′ ever: is your promise made ′ void for ′ all · gener′ations? |
9 |
‘Have you for′gotten · to be ′ gracious: and in ′ anger · with′held · your com′passion?’ |
10 |
And I said, ‘This thought ′ causes · me ′ grief: that the right hand of the Most ′.‿ High has ′ lost its ′ strength.’ |
11 |
But then I remember what the ′ Lord has ′ done: and call to ′ mind your ′ wonders · of ′ old. |
12 |
I meditate on ′ all your ′ works: and ′ ponder · the ′ things you have ′ done. |
13 |
Your way O ′ God is ′ holy: what god is so ′ great as ′ our ′ God? |
14 |
You are the God ′ who does ′ wonders: you have shown your ′ power · a′mong the ′ nations. |
15 |
With your strong arm you de′livered · your ′ people: the ′ offspring · of ′ Jacob · and ′ Joseph. |
16 |
The waters saw you O God, the waters saw you and ′ were a′fraid: they ′ trembled ′ in their ′ depths. |
17 |
The clouds poured out water, the ′ heavens ′ thundered: and your ′ arrows ′ flashed a′broad. |
18 |
The voice of your thunder was ′ heard · in the ′ whirlwind: the ′ earth was ′ shaken · and ′ trembling. |
19 |
Your path was in the sea, and your way was through the ′ great ′ waters: and your ′ footprints ′ were not ′ seen. |
20 |
You led your ′ people · like ′ sheep: by the ′ hand of ′ Moses · and ′ Aaron. |
78Day 15 Evening
1 |
Give heed to my teaching ′ O my ′ people: turn your ′ ears · to the ′ words of · my ′ mouth. |
2 |
I will open my ′ mouth · in a ′ parable: I will reveal the hidden ′‿ meanings · of ′ things · in the ′ past, |
3 |
things we have ′ heard and ′ known: and ′ such · as our ′ forbears · have ′ told us. |
4 |
We will not hide them from their children, but declare to the ′ next · gener′ation: your glories O Lord and your might, and the ′ wonders · that ′ you have ′ done, |
5 |
the testimony that you gave to Jacob, and the law you ap′pointed · in ′ Israel: which you com′manded · them to ′ teach their ′ children, |
6 |
that their posterity might know it, the children ′ yet un′born: and these in turn should a′rise and ′ tell their ′ children, |
7 |
that they should put their ′ trust in ′ you: and not forget your great acts, but ′ keep all ′ your com′mandments, |
8 |
and not be like their ancestors, a stubborn and re′belli·ous ′ race: a generation fickle of heart, whose spirit ′ was not ′ faithful · to ′ you. |
9 |
The sons of Ephraim ′ armed · with the ′ bow: turned ′ back · on the ′ day of ′ battle. |
10 |
They did not ′ keep your ′ covenant: and they would not live ac′cording ′ to your ′ law. |
11 |
They forgot what ′ you had ′ done: and the ′ wonder·ful ′ things · you had ′ shown them. |
12 |
Marvellous things you did in the ′ sight · of our ′ ancestors: in the land of Egypt, ′ in the ′ plain of ′ Zoan. |
13 |
You divided the sea and ′ let them · go ′ through: and made the waters ′ stand up ′ like a ′ wall. |
14 |
In the daytime you led them ′ with a ′ cloud: and all the night ′ long · with a ′ beacon · of ′ fire. |
15 |
You split ′ rocks · in the ′ wilderness: and gave them drink in plenty, as ′ from the ′ great ′ deep. |
16 |
You brought streams ′ out · of the ′ cliff: and made ′ water · run ′ down like ′ rivers. |
17 |
But for all this they sinned yet ′ more a′gainst you: and provoked the Most ′ High ′ in the ′ desert. |
18 |
They tried your ′ patience ′ wilfully: demanding ′ food to ′ satisfy · their ′ craving. |
19 |
They spoke a′gainst you · and ′ said: ‘Can God prepare a ′ table ′ in the ′ wilderness? |
20 |
‘God struck the rock indeed, so that water gushed out and streams ′ over′flowed: but can God also give bread, or provide ′ meat · for the ′ people · to ′ eat?’ |
21 |
When you heard this O Lord, ′ you were ′ angry: a fire was kindled against Jacob, your ′ fury ′ rose a·gainst ′ Israel, |
22 |
because they had no ′ faith in ′ you: and would ′ not re′ly · on your ′ help. |
23 |
Yet you commanded the ′ clouds a′bove: and ′ opened · the ′ doors of ′ heaven. |
24 |
You rained down manna for ′ them to ′ eat: and ′ gave them · the ′ grain of ′ heaven. |
25 |
So mortals ate the ′ bread of ′ angels: you ′ sent them ′ food · in a′bundance. |
26 |
You made the east wind ′ blow from ′ heaven: and brought in the ′ south wind ′ through your ′ power. |
27 |
You rained food upon them as ′ thick as ′ dust: winged ′ birds · like the ′ sand · of the ′ sea. |
28 |
You let it fall in the ′ midst · of the ′ camp: all around the ′ tents · where they ′ dwelt. |
29 |
So the people ate, and ′ had their ′ fill: for you had ′ given · them ′ what they ′ craved. |
30 |
But they had not satisfied their craving, and the food was ′ still · in their ′ mouths: when your ′ anger · rose ′ up a′gainst them. |
31† |
You laid low the ′ strongest · a′mong them: and struck down the ′ flower of ′ Israel’s ′ youth. |
32 |
But for all this they ′ went on ′ sinning: and despite your wonders ′ they did ′ not be′lieve. |
33 |
So you made their days vanish ′ like a ′ breath: and ′ ended · their ′ years · in ca′lamity. |
34 |
When you struck them down, ′ they would ′ seek you: they would re′pent and ′ earnest·ly ′ look for you. |
35 |
They would remember that ′ you · were their ′ rock: and that God most ′ high was ′ their re′deemer. |
36 |
But such words on their lips ′ were but ′ flattery: and their ′ tongues were ′ speaking ′ lies. |
37 |
For their heart was not ′ steadfast · to′wards you: nor were they ′ faithful ′ to your ′ covenant. |
38 |
But in your mercy you for′gave · their mis′deeds: and ′ did not ′ utterly · de′stroy them. |
39 |
Many a time you turned your ′ wrath a′way: and did not let your anger ′ rise · to its ′ full ′ height. |
40† |
For you remembered that they ′ were but ′ mortal: like a wind that ′ passes · and ′ never · re′turns. |
41 |
How often they rebelled against you ′ in the ′ wilderness: and ′ grieved you ′ in the ′ desert. |
42 |
Again and again they ′ put you · to the ′ test: and pro′voked the ′ Lord most ′ high. |
43 |
They did not keep in ′ mind your ′ power: or the day when you ′ saved them ′ from the ′ enemy, |
44 |
how you worked your ′ miracles · in ′ Egypt: and your ′ wonders · in the ′ plain of ′ Zoan. |
45 |
You turned their rivers ′ into ′ blood: so that they ′ could not ′ drink · from their ′ streams. |
46 |
You sent flies in swarms ′ to de′vour them: and ′ frogs · to make ′ devas′tation. |
47 |
You gave their ′ crops · to the ′ locust: and the fruit of their ′ labour ′ to the ′ grasshopper. |
48 |
You destroyed their ′ vines with ′ hail: and their ′ syca·more ′ trees with ′ frost. |
49 |
You gave up their ′ cattle · to the ′ plague: and their ′ flocks · to a ′ burning ′ fever. |
50 |
You loosed upon them the fierceness of your anger, wrath, indig′nation · and ′ havoc: these were the messengers ′ sent for ′ their de′struction. |
51 |
You gave free course to your anger, and did not ′ spare them · from ′ death: but gave up their ′ lives ′ to the ′ plague, |
52 |
and struck down the ′ first-born · of ′ Egypt: the first-fruits of their‿ strength ′ in the ′ dwellings · of ′ Ham. |
53 |
But your own people you led ′ out like ′ sheep: and guided them in the ′ wilder·ness ′ like a ′ flock. |
54 |
You brought them out safely, and they were ′ not a′fraid: but the sea ′ over′whelmed their ′ enemies. |
55 |
So you brought them to your ′ holy ′ land: to the mountain you had ′‿ won · by your ′ own right ′ hand. |
56 |
You drove out the ′ nations · be′fore them: you allotted their lands to Israel for a heritage, and ′ settled · your ′ tribes · in their ′ tents. |
57 |
Still they tried your patience O God, and rebelled against the ′ Most ′ High: for they ′ did not ′ keep · your com′mandments. |
58 |
They turned away, faithless ′ like their ′ forbears: they started back, like a ′ bow · when its ′ string is ′ loosed. |
59 |
They grieved you ′ with their ′ hill-altars: and provoked you to ′ anger ′ with their ′ idols. |
60 |
when you heard this you were ′ filled with ′ fury: and ′ utterly · re′jected ′ Israel, |
61 |
so that you forsook your ′ dwelling-place · at ′ Shiloh: the tent ′ where you ′ lived a′mong them. |
62 |
You gave the ark of your power ′ into · cap′tivity: your glory ′ into · the ′ hands · of the ′ enemy. |
63 |
You delivered your ′ people · to the ′ sword: and vented your ′ wrath on ′ your in′heritance. |
64 |
The fire of war consumed their ′ young ′ men: and for their ′ maidens · there ′ was no ′ marriage song. |
65† |
Their priests ′ fell · by the ′ sword: and their ′ widows · made ′ no · lamen′tation. |
66 |
Then you awoke O Lord, as ′ one from ′ sleep: as one who is strong ′ throws · off the ′ stupor · of ′ wine. |
67 |
You struck down your enemies and ′ drove them ′ back: and ′ put them · to per′petu·al ′ shame. |
68 |
You rejected the ′ tent of ′ Joseph: you did not ′ choose the ′ tribe of ′ Ephraim. |
69 |
But you chose the ′ tribe of ′ Judah: and the ′ mountain ′ which you ′ loved. |
70 |
There you built your temple, like the ′ heights of ′ heaven: like the ′ earth · you had ′ founded · for ′ ever. |
71 |
You chose ′ David · your ′ servant: and ′ took him · a′way · from the ′ sheepfolds. |
72 |
From following the ′ sheep, you ′ brought him: to be shepherd of Jacob your people, and ′ Israel ′ your in′heritance. |
73 |
He tended them with ′ upright ′ heart: and ′ guided them · with ′ skilful ′ hands. |
79Day 16 Morning
1 |
O God the heathen have come ′ into · your ′ land: your holy temple they have defiled, and made Je′rusalem · a ′ heap of ′ stones. |
2 |
They have given the dead bodies of your servants‿ to be food for the ′ birds · of the ′ air: and the flesh of your ′ people · to the ′ beasts of · the ′ land. |
3 |
Their blood has been spilled like water all ′ round Je′rusalem: and ′ there is ′ no one · to ′ bury them. |
4 |
We have become the ′ taunt · of our ′ neighbours: the scorn and de′rision · of ′ those a′round us. |
5 |
How long O Lord? Will you be ′ angry · for ′ ever: will your jealous ′ wrath ′ burn like ′ fire? |
6 |
Pour out your rage on the nations that ′ do not ′ know you: and on the kingdoms that ′ do not ′ call · on your ′ name. |
7 |
For they have de′voured ′ Jacob: and ′ laid ′ waste his ′ homeland. |
8 |
Do not remember against us the sins of our forbears, let your compassion come ′ swiftly · to ′ meet us: for we are ′ brought ′ very ′ low. |
9 |
Help us O God our saviour, for the ′ glory · of your ′ name: deliver us, and wipe out our ′ sins · for your ′ name’s ′ sake. |
* * * | |
11 |
Let the groans of the prisoners ′ come be′fore you: and by your strong arm‿ set free ′ those con′demned to ′ die. |
* * * | |
13† |
So we your people, and the sheep of your pasture, will give you ′ thanks for ′ ever: we will recount your ′ praise to ′ all · gener′ations. |
1 |
Hear O Shepherd of Israel, you that led Joseph ′ like a ′ flock: shine forth from your ′ throne up′on the ′ cherubim. |
2 |
Before Ephraim, Benjamin ′ and Man′asseh: stir up your ′ strength and ′ come · to our ′ rescue. |
3† | Restore us a′gain O ′ God: show us the light of your ′ face and ′ we · shall be ′ saved. |
4 |
O Lord ′ God of ′ hosts: how long will you set your face‿ a′gainst your ′ people’s ′ prayer? |
5 |
You have fed them with the ′ bread of ′ tears: and given them ′ tears in ′ plenty · to ′ drink. |
6 |
You make a mockery of us ′ to our ′ neighbours: and our ′ ene·mies ′ laugh us · to ′ scorn. |
7 | Restore us again O ′ God of ′ hosts: show us the light of your ′ face and ′ we · shall be ′ saved. |
8 |
You brought a vine ′ out of ′ Egypt: you drove out the ′ nations · and ′ planted · it ′ in. |
9 |
You ′ cleared the ′ ground for it: and when it had taken ′ root it ′ filled the ′ land. |
10 |
The mountains were covered ′ with the ′ shade of it: and its boughs were like ′ those of ′ mighty ′ cedars. |
11 |
It stretched out its branches as ′ far · as the ′ Sea: and its ′ shoots as ′ far · as the ′ River. |
12 |
Why then have you broken ′ down its ′ fences: so that all who go ′ by pluck ′ off its ′ grapes? |
13 |
The boar out of the forest ′ roots it ′ up: and the ′ beasts · of the ′ field de′vour it. |
14 |
Turn to us again O ′ God of ′ hosts: look ′ down from ′ heaven · and ′ see. |
15 |
Bestow your care up′on this ′ vine: upon its stock which ′ your right ′ hand has ′ planted. |
16 |
As for those who burn it with fire, and ′ cut it ′ down: let them perish ′ at the ′ frown · of your ′ face. |
17 |
Let your hand rest upon the one at your ′ right ′ hand: the one you have ′ made so ′ strong · for your ′ service. |
18 |
Then we will ′ never · for′sake you: O give us life, and we will ′ call up′on your ′ name. |
19 | Restore us again Lord ′ God of ′ hosts: show us the light of your ′ face and ′ we · shall be ′ saved. |
1 |
Sing out with joy to ′ God our ′ strength: shout in ′ triumph · to the ′ God of ′ Jacob. |
2 |
Raise a song and ′ sound the ′ hand-drum: the ′ tuneful ′ harp · with the ′ lute. |
3 |
Blow the trumpet in the ′ new ′ moon: and at the ′ full moon ′ on our ′ festival. |
4 |
For this was made a ′ statute · for ′ Israel: and a ′ law · of the ′ God of ′ Jacob, |
5† |
which was imposed as a ′ duty · on ′ Joseph: when he came ′ out · of the ′ land of ′ Egypt. |
6 |
‘I eased your shoulders ′ from the ′ burden: and your ′ hands were ′ freed · from the ′ load. |
7 |
‘You called to me in trouble ′ and I ′ saved you: I answered you in the thunder-cloud, but put you to the test ′ at the ′ waters · of ′ Meribah. |
8 |
‘Hear O my people, and ′ I · will ad′monish you: O Israel, if ′ only ′ you would ′ listen. |
9 |
‘There shall be no strange ′ god a′mong you: nor shall you ′ worship · an ′ ali·en ′ god. |
10† |
‘I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the ′ land of ′ Egypt: open wide your ′ mouth and ′ I shall ′ fill it. |
11 |
‘But my people would not ′ hear my ′ voice: and ′ Israel · would ′ not o′bey me. |
12 |
‘So I left them in their ′ stubbornness · of ′ heart: to ′ follow · their ′ own de′vices. |
13 |
‘O that my ′ people · would ′ listen to me: and that ′ Israel · would ′ walk · in my ′ ways. |
14 |
‘I would soon put ′ down their ′ enemies: and turn my ′ hand a′gainst their ′ adversaries. |
15 |
‘Those who hate me would ′ cringe be′fore me: and their ′ fate · would be ′ sealed for ′ ever. |
16 |
‘But Israel I would feed with the ′ finest ′ wheat-flour: and satisfy them with ′ honey ′ from the ′ rock.’ |
82Day 16 Evening
1 |
God stands in the ′ council · of ′ heaven: in the midst of the ′ gods the ′ Lord gives ′ judgment. |
2 |
‘How long will you ′ judge un′justly: and favour the ′ cause ′ of the ′ wicked? |
3 |
‘Defend the ′ weak · and the ′ orphaned: maintain the ′ cause of · the af′flicted · and ′ destitute. |
4 |
‘Rescue the ′ weak · and the ′ needy: and save them ′ from the ′ hands · of the ′ wicked. |
5 |
‘You neither know nor understand, but go a′bout in ′ darkness: all the found′ations · of the ′ earth are ′ shaken. |
6 |
‘I say then to you, ′ “Gods you ′ may be: and all of you ′ offspring ′ of the · Most ′ High, |
7 |
‘“but you shall ′ die like ′ mortals: and fall like ′ any ′ of the ′ princes.”’ |
8 |
Arise O God and ′ judge the ′ earth: for you shall take all ′ nations · as ′ your pos′session. |
1 |
How lovely ′ is your ′ dwelling-place: Lord ′ God of ′ power and ′ might. |
2 |
My soul has a desire and longing‿ to enter the ′ courts · of the ′ Lord: my heart and my flesh re′joice · in the ′ living ′ God. |
3 |
The sparrow finds for her′self a ′ house: and the swallow a nest‿ where ′ she may ′ lay her ′ young. |
4 |
Even so have the singers a ′ home · at your ′ altars: they stand always praising you my ′ king ′ and my ′ God. |
5 |
O Lord ′ God of ′ hosts: blessèd are ′ those who ′ dwell in · your ′ house. |
6 |
Blessèd are those whose ′ strength · is in ′ you: who have ′ set their ′ hearts on ′ pilgrimage. |
7 |
Going through the arid valley, they find a spring from ′ which to ′ drink: the early rain ′ covers it · with ′ pools of ′ water. |
8 |
They go from ′ strength to ′ strength: and appear every one before ′ God ′ in Je′rusalem. |
9 |
O Lord God of hosts, ′ hear my ′ prayer: give ′ ear O ′ God of ′ Jacob. |
10 |
Show favour O God to the ′ king · our de′fender: and look upon the face of ′ your an′ointed ′ prince. |
11 |
Truly one day ′ in your ′ courts: is better ′ than a ′ thousand ′ elsewhere. |
12 |
I would rather stand at the threshold‿ of the ′ house · of my ′ God: than ′ live · in the ′ homes of · the ′ wicked. |
13 |
For the Lord God is a defence and shield, the Lord will give ′ grace and ′ honour: and no good thing will be withheld‿ from those who ′ live a ′ blameless ′ life. |
14 |
O Lord ′ God of ′ hosts: blessèd are those who ′ put their ′ trust in ′ you. |
1 |
Lord you were once gracious ′ to your ′ land you re′stored the ′ fortunes · of ′ Jacob. |
2 |
You forgave the of′fence · of your ′ people: and ′ covered ′ all their ′ sin. |
3 |
You put away ′ all · your dis′pleasure: and ′ turned · from your ′ bitter ′ wrath. |
4 |
Restore us again O ′ God our ′ saviour: and ′ let your ′ anger ′ cease from us. |
5 |
Will you be displeased at ′ us for ′ ever: will you prolong your wrath‿ from one gener′ation ′ to an′other? |
6 |
Will you not re′vive us · a′gain: so that your ′ people ′ may re′joice in you? |
7† |
Show us your ′ mercy · O ′ Lord: and ′ give us · your ′ saving ′ help. |
8 |
Let me hear what you will ′ say O ′ Lord: for you will speak peace to your people, to your servants whose ′ hearts are ′ turned to ′ you. |
9 |
For deliverance is at hand for ′ those who ′ fear you: so that your ′ glory · may ′ dwell · in our ′ land. |
10 |
Mercy and faithfulness have ′ met to′gether: justice and ′ peace · have em′braced each ′ other. |
11 |
Faithfulness will spring up ′ from the ′ ground: and righteousness will ′ look ′ down from ′ heaven. |
12 |
You Lord will ′ give pros′perity: and our ′ land shall ′ yield its ′ harvest. |
13 |
Justice shall ′ go be′fore you: and the path for your ′ feet ′ shall be ′ peace. |
86Day 17 Morning
1 |
Turn your ear to me O ′ Lord and ′ answer me: for I am ′ poor ′ and in ′ misery. |
2 |
Preserve my life for ′ I am ′ faithful: my God save your servant for I ′ put my ′ trust in ′ you. |
3 |
Be merciful to ′ me O ′ Lord: for I call to you ′ all the ′ day ′ long. |
4 |
Gladden the ′ heart · of your ′ servant: for to you Lord I ′ lift ′ up my ′ soul. |
5 |
For you Lord are ′ good · and for′giving: and of great mercy to ′ all who ′ call up′on you. |
6 |
Give heed O Lord ′ to my ′ prayer: and listen to my ′ cry of ′ suppli′cation. |
7† |
In the day of my distress ′ I will ′ call: and ′ surely ′ you will ′ answer me. |
8 |
Among the gods there is none like ′ you O ′ Lord: nor can the deeds of ′ any · be com′pared with ′ yours. |
9 |
All the nations you have made‿ shall come and bow ′ down be′fore you: and they shall ′ glori′fy your ′ name. |
10 |
For you are great, and do ′ marvel·lous ′ things: truly ′ you a′lone are ′ God. |
11 |
Show me your way O Lord, that I may ′ walk in · your ′ truth: let my heart rejoice in ′ rever·ence ′ for your ′ name. |
12 |
I will praise you O Lord my God with ′ all my ′ heart: and ′ glorify · your ′ name for ′ ever. |
13 |
For great is your steadfast ′ love for ′ me: you have delivered my ′ life · from the ′ pit of ′ death. |
14 |
O God the proud have ′ risen · a′gainst me: the ruthless seek my life, and ′ pay no ′ heed to ′ you. |
15 |
But you are a God of com′passion · and ′ mercy: slow to anger, a′bounding · in ′ love and ′ faithfulness. |
16 |
Turn to me then and have mercy, give your ′ strength · to your ′ servant: and ′ save the ′ son of · your ′ handmaid. |
17 |
Give me a sign of your favour, that those who hate me may see it, and be ′ put to ′ shame: because you Lord have ′ been my ′ help · and my ′ comfort. |
1 |
The Lord loves the city that is founded on the ′ holy ′ hill: its gates are dearer to God‿ than ′ all the ′ dwellings · of ′ Jacob. |
2 |
Glorious things are ′ spoken · of ′ you: Zion, ′ city ′ of our ′ God. |
3 |
‘I the Lord will count ′ Egypt · and ′ Babylon: as among ′ those who ′ are my ′ friends. |
4 |
‘The people of Philistia, Tyre and ′ Ethi′opia: each ′ one was ′ born in ′ her. |
5 |
‘All shall call Je′rusa·lem, ′ “Mother”: for each one of ′ them was ′ born in ′ her.’ |
6 |
The Most High will ′ keep her · se′cure: when the roll of the peoples is written up, the Lord shall record, ′ ‘Each · one was ′ born in ′ her.’ |
7† |
Singers and dancers a′like · shall pro′claim: ‘In ′ you all ′ find their ′ home.’ |
1 |
O Lord my God, I call for ′ help by ′ day: and I cry ′ out to ′ you by ′ night. |
2 |
Let my prayer enter ′ into · your ′ presence: and ′ turn your ′ ear · to my ′ cry. |
3 |
For my soul is ′ full of ′ trouble: and my life is ′ on the ′ brink · of the ′ grave. |
4 |
I am counted among those who go‿ down to the ′ pit of ′ death: I am a ′ person · quite ′ drained of ′ strength, |
5 |
like one forsaken among the dead, like the slain in battle who ′ lie · in the ′ grave: whom you remember no more, cut off as they ′ are from ′ your ′ care. |
6 |
You have put me in the ′ lowest · a′byss: in a place of ′ darkness ′ in the ′ depths. |
7 |
Your wrath lies ′ heavy · up′on me: you over′whelm me · with ′ all your ′ waves. |
8 |
You have taken away my friends, and made me loathsome ′ in their ′ sight: I am im′prisoned · and ′ cannot es′cape. |
9 |
My eyes grow ′ dim with ′ sorrow: Lord I have called to you every day, and stretched ′ out my ′ hands in ′ prayer. |
10 |
Do you work wonders ′ for the ′ dead: will the ′ shades rise ′ up to ′ praise you? |
11 |
Do they speak of your ′ love · in the ′ grave: or of your faithfulness ′ in the ′ place · of de′struction? |
12 |
Will your wonders be known ′ in the ′ darkness: or your saving help ′ in the ′ land · of ob′livion? |
13 |
Yet Lord I ′ cry to ′ you: in the morning my ′ prayer ′ comes be′fore you. |
14 |
Lord why do you ′ cast me ′ off: why do you ′ hide your ′ face ′ from me? |
15 |
From childhood I have suffered, and come ′ near to ′ death: helpless ′ I have ′ borne your ′ terrors. |
16 |
Your fury has swept ′ down up′on me: and your dread as′saults have ′ utter·ly ′ crushed me. |
17 |
They surround me like a flood ′ all the · day ′ long: they close in on ′ me from ′ every ′ side. |
18 |
Friend and acquaintance you have ′ taken · a′way from me: and my ′ one com′panion · is ′ darkness. |
89Day 17 Evening
1 |
I will sing of your steadfast love for ′ ever · O ′ Lord: my mouth will proclaim your faithfulness‿ from one gener′ation ′ to an′other. |
2 |
For your love is such as to en′dure for ′ ever: your faithfulness is e′stablished · as ′ firm · as the ′ heavens. |
3 |
You have said, `I have made a covenant ′ with my ′ chosen: I have ′ sworn to ′ David · my ′ servant, |
4 |
‘I will establish your pos′terity · for ′ ever: and uphold your ′ throne for ′ all · gener′ations.’ |
5 |
O Lord the heavens pro′claim your ′ wonders: and the council of the‿ holy ones ′ praises ′ your ′ faithfulness. |
6 |
For who is there in the skies to com′pare · with the ′ Lord: or who is like the Lord a′mong the ′ heaven·ly ′ beings? |
7 |
A God to be feared in the council ′ of the ′ holy ones: great and terrible above ′ all · that are ′ round a′bout. |
8 |
O Lord God of hosts, who is a mighty ′ one like ′ you?: your ′ faithfulness · is ′ all a′round you. |
9 |
You rule the sea in its ′ swelling ′ pride: and ′ check the ′ surge · of its ′ waves. |
10 |
You crushed the monster of the deep with a ′ mortal ′ blow: you scattered your foes ′ with your ′ mighty ′ arm. |
11 |
The heavens are yours, the earth ′ also · is ′ yours: you founded the ′ world and ′ all · that is ′ in it. |
12 |
You made the ′ north · and the ′ south: Tabor and ′ Hermon · re′joice · in your ′ name. |
13 |
Yours is a ′ mighty ′ arm: strong is your hand, your ′ right hand ′ lifted ′ high. |
14 |
Righteousness and justice‿ are the foundation ′ of your ′ throne: love and ′ faithfulness · at′tend your ′ presence. |
15 |
Blessèd are the people‿ who know the shout ′ that ac′claims you: the people who walk ′ in the ′ light · of your ′ presence. |
16 |
They rejoice in your name ′ all the · day ′ long: and because of your ′ righteousness · they ′ are ex′alted. |
17 |
For you are their glory ′ and their ′ strength: and through your favour our ′ heads are ′ lifted ′ high. |
18 |
Truly the ′ Lord · is our ′ shield: the ′ Holy · One ′ is our ′ sovereign. |
19 |
Once in a vision to your ′ servant · you ′ said: ‘I have set the crown upon one who is mighty, I have exalted one ′ chosen ′ from the ′ people. |
20 |
‘I have found ′ David · my ′ servant: and with my holy ′ oil I ′ have an′ointed him. |
21 |
‘My hand shall ′ always · be ′ with him: and my ′ arm shall ′ give him ′ strength. |
22 |
‘The enemy shall ′ never · out′wit him: nor the ′ wicked ′ bring him ′ low. |
23 |
‘I will beat down his ′ foes be′fore him: and ′ vanquish ′ those who ′ hate him. |
24 |
‘My faithfulness and constant love ′ shall be ′ with him: and through my name his ′ head · shall be ′ lifted ′ high. |
25 |
‘I will stretch out his ′ hand · to the ′ Sea: and his ′ right · hand as ′ far · as the ′ River. |
26 |
‘He will say to me, ′ “You · are my ′ father: my God and the ′ rock of ′ my sal′vation.” |
27 |
‘And I will ′ name him · my ′ first-born: the highest among the ′ rulers ′ of the ′ earth. |
28 |
‘My steadfast love for him I will main′tain for ′ ever: and my covenant with ′ him shall ′ stand ′ firm. |
29† |
‘I will maintain his pos′terity · for ′ ever: and make his throne en′dure as ′ long · as the ′ heavens. |
30 |
‘But if his children for′sake my ′ law: and cease to ′ live · as I ′ have de′creed, |
31 |
‘if they break my statutes, and do not ′ keep · my com′mandments: I will punish their offences with the rod, ′ and their ′ sin with ′ lashes. |
32 |
‘But I will not take back my ′ love ′ from him: nor ′ let my ′ promise ′ fail. |
33 |
‘My covenant I ′ will not ′ break: nor go ′ back · on the ′ word · I have ′ spoken. |
34† |
‘Once and for all I have ′ sworn · by my ′ holiness: that I ′ will not ′ lie to ′ David. |
35 |
‘His posterity shall en′dure for ′ ever: and his throne as ′ long · as the ′ sun be′fore me. |
36 |
‘It shall stand fast for ever ′ like the ′ moon: for as ′ long · as the ′ heavens · en′dure.’ |
37 |
But now you have cast off and rejected your an′ointed ′ king: and poured ′ out your ′ wrath up′on him. |
38 |
You have renounced your covenant ′ with your ′ servant: you have de′filed his ′ crown · in the ′ dust. |
39 |
You have broken down ′ all his ′ walls: and re′duced his ′ strongholds · to ′ ruins. |
40 |
All those who pass ′ by de′spoil him: and he has be′come the ′ scorn · of his ′ neighbours. |
41 |
You have increased the power ′ of his ′ adversaries: and given ′ joy to ′ all his ′ foes. |
42 |
You have blunted the ′ edge · of his ′ sword: and ′ failed · to sup′port him · in ′ battle. |
43 |
You have removed the sceptre ′ from his ′ hand: and ′ cast his ′ throne · to the ′ ground. |
44 |
You have cut short the ′ days · of his ′ youth: and ′ covered ′ him with ′ shame. |
45 |
Lord how ′ long · will you ′ hide yourself: how long will your ′ wrath ′ burn like ′ fire? |
46 |
Remember how ′ short my ′ life is: have you created ′ human′kind for ′ nothing? |
47 |
Who is there alive that shall ′ not see ′ death: or who can escape ′ from the ′ power · of the ′ grave? |
48 |
Where O Lord are your former acts of ′ loving ′ kindness: and your faithful ′ promises ′ made to ′ David? |
49 |
Remember Lord how your ′ servant · is ′ taunted: how I bear in my heart the ′ insults ′ of the ′ peoples. |
50 |
Remember O Lord how your ′ ene·mies ′ mock: how they fling back their taunts at ′ your an′ointed ′ king. |
51† |
Blessèd be the ′ Lord for ′ ever: A′men and ′ A′men. |
90Day 18 Morning
1 |
Lord you have ′ been our ′ refuge: from one gener′ation ′ to an′other. |
2 |
Before the mountains were brought forth, or the earth and the ′ world were ′ made: you are God, from ′ age to ′ age · ever′lasting. |
3 |
You turn humanity ′ back · into ′ dust: saying, `Return to ′ dust you ′ children · of ′ mortals. ′ |
4 |
For a thousand years in your sight are ′ only · as ′ yesterday: as it ′ were · but a ′ day · that is ′ past. |
5 |
As a night-watch that comes‿ quickly to an ′ end you ′ scatter them: they ′ fade · like a ′ dream at ′ daybreak. |
6 |
They are like the grass which in the ′ morning · is ′ green: but in the ′ evening · is ′ dried up · and ′ withered. |
7 |
For we consume away ′ in your ′ anger: and are ′ terri·fied ′ by your ′ wrath. |
8 |
You set our mis′deeds be′fore you: our secret ′ sins · in the ′ light of · your ′ face. |
9 |
All our days pass away ′ under · your ′ anger: we bring our years to an end ′ as it ′ were a ′ sigh. |
10 |
The span of our life is seventy years, though the strong may ′ come to ′ eighty: yet all the years bring is labour and sorrow, so soon they ′ pass and ′ we are ′ gone. |
11 |
But who understands the ′ power · of your ′ wrath: or who considers the ′ fierceness ′ of your ′ anger? |
12 |
Teach us to know how ′ few · are our ′ days: that we may ap′ply our ′ hearts to ′ wisdom. |
13 |
Turn from your wrath O Lord, how long be′fore · you re′lent?: have ′ pity ′ Lord · on your ′ servants. |
14 |
Satisfy us in the morning with your ′ constant ′ love: so that we may rejoice‿ and be glad ′ all the ′ days · of our ′ life. |
15 |
Make us glad for as many days as you ′ have af′flicted us: for as many years as ′ we have ′ suffered · ad′versity. |
16 |
Show your ′ servants · your ′ work: and let their ′ children ′ see your ′ glory. |
17† |
May your favour O Lord our God ′ be up′on us: and prosper the work of our hands, O ′ prosper · the ′ work · of our ′ hands. |
1 |
Whoever dwells in the shelter of the ′ Most ′ High: and passes the night‿ under the ′ shadow ′ of the · Al′mighty, |
2 |
will say to the Lord, ‘You are my refuge ′ and my ′ stronghold: my ′ God in ′ whom I ′ trust.’ |
3 |
The Lord will free you from the ′ snare · of the ′ hunter: and ′ from · the de′stroying ′ pestilence. |
4 |
The wings of the Most High will cover you, and you will be safe‿ under the feathers ′ of · the Al′mighty: the faithfulness of the Lord will ′‿ be your ′ shield · and de′fence. |
5 |
You will not be afraid of any ′ terror · by ′ night: nor of the ′ arrow · that ′ flies by ′ day, |
6 |
of the pestilence that ′ stalks in ′ darkness: nor of the ′ plague · that lays ′ waste at ′ noon. |
7 |
A thousand may fall beside you, ten thousand at your ′ right ′ hand: but ′ you · will re′main un′scathed. |
8 |
You have only to ′ look · with your ′ eyes: to see the re′ward ′ of the ′ wicked. |
9 |
Because you have said, ‘The ′ Lord · is my ′ refuge’: and ′ made the · Most ′ High your ′ stronghold, |
10 |
there shall no ′ evil · be′fall you: no ′ plague · shall come ′ near your ′ dwelling. |
11 |
For the angels of God ′ have been ′ charged: to ′ keep you · in ′ all your ′ ways. |
12 |
They shall bear you up ′ in their ′ hands: lest you should strike your ′ foot a′gainst a ′ stone. |
13 |
You shall tread on the ′ asp · and the ′ adder: the viper and the serpent you shall ′ trample ′ under′foot. |
14 |
‘Because they have set their love upon me‿ I ′ will de′liver them: I will uphold them be′cause they ′ know my ′ name. |
15 |
‘When they call to me ′ I will ′ answer: I will be with them in trouble, I will ′ rescue them · and ′ bring them · to ′ honour. |
16 |
‘With long life ′ I will ′ satisfy them: and ′ show · them my ′ saving ′ power.’ |
1 |
It is good to give ′ thanks · to the ′ Lord: to sing praise to your ′ name ′ O Most ′ High, |
2 |
to tell of your love ′ in the ′ morning: and of your ′ faithful·ness ′ during · the ′ night, |
3† |
on the ten-stringed ′ lyre · and the ′ lute: with the ′ tuneful ′ sound · of the ′ harp. |
4 |
For you Lord have made me glad ′ by your ′ deeds: I shout for joy at the ′ works ′ of your ′ hands. |
5 |
O Lord, what great things ′ you have ′ done: your ′ thoughts are ′ very ′ deep. |
6 |
The dull of heart ′ do not · per′ceive this: the foolish ′ do not ′ under′stand, |
7 |
how the wicked may ′ sprout like ′ grass: and ′ evil′doers · may ′ flourish, |
8 |
yet they shall be destroyed for ′ all ′ time: while you Lord are en′throned on ′ high for ′ ever. |
9 |
See Lord how your ′ ene·mies ′ perish: and all ′ evil′doers · are ′ scattered. |
10 |
But you have lifted up my head‿ like the ′ wild bull’s ′ horns: you have a′nointed me · with ′ fresh ′ oil. |
11 |
My eyes have looked down in triumph ′ on my ′ enemies: and my ears were ′‿ gladdened · with ′ news · of their ′ downfall. |
12 |
The just shall flourish ′ like a ′ palm tree: and grow ′ like a ′ cedar · in ′ Lebanon. |
13 |
Planted in the ′ house · of the ′ Lord: they flourish in the ′ courts of ′ our ′ God. |
14 |
Still bearing fruit in their ′ old ′ age: they are still ′ green and ′ full of ′ sap, |
15 |
to show that the ′ Lord is ′ just: the Lord my rock, in ′ whom is ′ no un′righteousness. |
93Day 18 Evening
1 |
You O Lord are king, you are ′ clothed in ′ majesty: you have robed yourself, and put ′ on the ′ girdle · of ′ strength. |
2 |
You have made the ′ world so ′ firm: that it can ′ never ′ be ′ moved. |
3 |
Your throne O Lord has stood firm ′ from of ′ old: from all e′terni·ty ′ you are ′ God. |
4 |
The waters have lifted up O Lord, the waters have lifted ′ up their ′ voice: the waters lift ′ up their ′ pounding ′ waves. |
5 |
Mightier than the noise of great waters, mightier than the ′ waves · of the ′ sea: so the ′ Lord on ′ high is ′ mighty. |
6 |
Truly your ′ law stands ′ firm: holiness O Lord a′dorns your ′ house for ′ ever. |
1 |
O Lord God to whom ′ vengeance · be′longs: God to whom vengeance belongs, ′ shine out ′ in your ′ glory. |
2 |
Rise up O ′ judge · of the ′ earth: and give the ′ proud what ′ they de′serve. |
3 |
How long shall the ′ wicked · O ′ Lord: how ′ long · shall the ′ wicked · ex′ult? |
4 |
How long shall evildoers pour out ′ arro·gant ′ words: and ′ flaunt themselves · with ′ much ′ boasting? |
5 |
They crush your ′ people · O ′ Lord: and af′flict your ′ chosen ′ nation. |
6 |
They murder the widow ′ and the ′ alien: and ′ put the ′ orphan · to ′ death. |
7† |
And they say, ‘The ′ Lord · does not ′ see: the God of ′ Jacob ′ gives no ′ heed to it.’ |
8 |
Consider this, you most ′ stupid · of the ′ people: fools, when ′ will you ′ under′stand? |
9 |
Does the one who planted the ′ ear not ′ hear: does the one who ′ formed the ′ eye not ′ see? |
10 |
Shall the one who instructs the ′ nations · not ′ punish: is the one who teaches ′ all of us · with′out ′ knowledge? |
11 |
The Lord knows our ′ human ′ thoughts: the Lord knows that they are ′ no more ′ than a ′ breath. |
12 |
Blessèd are those you in′struct O ′ Lord: to whom you give ′ teaching ′ out of · your ′ law, |
13 |
so that they may have respite from ′ days · of ad′versity: until a ′ pit is ′ dug · for the ′ wicked. |
14 |
For you O Lord will not a′bandon · your ′ people: you will ′ never · for′sake your ′ own. |
15 |
But justice shall return to the ′ place of ′ judgment: all the ′ true of ′ heart · shall up′hold it. |
16 |
Who is on my side a′gainst the ′ wicked: who will stand up for me against ′ those who ′ do ′ evil? |
17 |
If the Lord ′ had not ′ helped me: I would soon have gone to ′ dwell · in the ′ land of ′ silence. |
18 |
But when I said, ‘I have ′ lost my ′ foothold’: your love O ′ Lord ′ held me ′ up. |
19 |
When the cares of my ′ heart are ′ many: your consolations give ′ joy ′ to my ′ soul. |
20 |
You are no friend of un′righteous ′ judges: who frame mischief ′ under ′ cover · of ′ law. |
21 |
They band together against the ′ life · of the ′ righteous: and con′demn the ′ innocent · to ′ death. |
22 |
But the ′ Lord · is my ′ stronghold: my God ′ is the ′ rock · of my ′ refuge. |
23 |
The Lord shall recompense them for their wickedness, and destroy them for their ′ evil ′ deeds: truly the ′ Lord our ′ God · shall de′stroy them. |
95Day 19 Morning
1 |
O come let us ′ sing · to the ′ Lord: let us shout with joy to the ′ rock of ′ our sal′vation. |
2 |
Let us come into God’s ′ presence · with ′ thanksgiving: and sing to the ′ Lord with ′ psalms of ′ triumph. |
3 |
For you Lord are a ′ great ′ God: and a great ′ king a·bove ′ all ′ gods. |
4 |
In your hand are the ′ depths · of the ′ earth: so also are the ′ heights ′ of the ′ mountains. |
5† |
The sea is yours ′ and you ′ made it: the dry land also ′ which your ′ hands have ′ fashioned. |
6 |
O come let us bow ′ down and ′ worship: let us kneel be′fore the ′ Lord our ′ maker. |
7 |
For the Lord ′ is our ′ God: we are the Lord’s people, the ′ flock that ′ God ′ shepherds. |
8 |
O that today you would listen to ′ God’s ′ voice: ‘Do not harden your hearts as at Meribah, as on that day at ′ Massah ′ in the ′ wilderness, |
9 |
‘when your forbears tried me, and ′ put me · to the ′ test: although ′ they had ′ seen my ′ works. |
10 |
‘Forty years long I had a loathing for‿ this gener′ation · and ′ said: “They are a people whose hearts are perverse, for they ′ give no ′ heed · to my ′ ways.” |
11 |
‘Then I vowed ′ in my ′ anger: “They shall ′ never ′ enter · my ′ rest.”’ |
1 |
O sing to the Lord a ′ new ′ song: sing to the ′ Lord ′ all the ′ earth. |
2 |
Sing, and give praise to ′ God’s ′ name: tell the glad news of sal′vation · from ′ day to ′ day. |
3 |
Proclaim God’s glory ′ to the ′ nations: God’s marvellous ′ deeds to ′ all the ′ peoples. |
4 |
For you O Lord are great and highly ′ to be ′ praised: more to be ′ feared than ′ all the ′ gods. |
5 |
The gods of the nations are no ′ more than ′ idols: but you O Lord are the ′ one who ′ made the ′ heavens. |
6 |
Glory and ′ majesty · at′tend you: strength and ′ beauty · are ′ in your ′ sanctuary. |
7 |
Ascribe to the Lord, you families ′ of the ′ nations: ascribe to the ′ Lord ′ honour · and ′ might. |
8 |
Ascribe due honour to God’s ′ holy ′ name: bring offerings, and ′ enter · the ′ courts · of the ′ Lord. |
9 |
Worship the Lord in the ′ beauty · of ′ holiness: let the ′ whole earth ′ stand in ′ awe. |
10 |
Proclaim to the nations, ‘The ′ Lord is ′ king: the Lord has made the world so firm it cannot be moved, and will ′ judge the ′ peoples · with ′ justice.’ |
11 |
Let the heavens rejoice, and the ′ earth be ′ glad: let the sea roar and ′ all the ′ creatures ′ in it. |
12 |
Let the fields be joyful and ′ all · that is ′ in them: then all the trees of the forest‿ will shout with ′ joy be′fore the ′ Lord. |
13† |
For you O Lord are coming to ′ judge the ′ earth: with righteousness you will judge the world, and the ′ peoples ′ with your ′ truth. |
1 |
You are king O Lord, let the ′ earth be ′ glad: let the many ′ islets · and ′ coastlands · re′joice. |
2 |
Clouds and darkness are ′ round a′bout you: righteousness and justice are‿ the found′ation ′ of your ′ throne. |
3 |
Fire ′ goes be′fore you: and burns up your ′ enemies · on ′ every ′ side. |
4 |
The world is lit up ′ by your ′ lightnings: and earth ′ trembles ′ at the ′ sight. |
5 |
The mountains melt like ′ wax be′fore you: before the ′ Lord of ′ all the ′ earth. |
6 |
The heavens pro′claim your ′ righteousness: and all the ′ peoples ′ see your ′ glory. |
7 |
Shame on all who worship images, and glory in their ′ worthless ′ idols: bow down before the ′ Lord ′ all you ′ gods. |
8 |
Jerusalem hears ′ and is ′ glad: the cities of Judah rejoice O ′ Lord ′ at your ′ judgments. |
9 |
For you Lord are most high over ′ all the ′ earth: you are exalted ′ far a·bove ′ all the ′ gods. |
10 |
You love those who ′ hate ′ evil: you preserve the lives of your servants, and deliver them ′ from the ′ hand · of the ′ wicked. |
11 |
Light has dawned ′ for the ′ righteous: and ′ joy · for the ′ upright · in ′ heart. |
12 |
Rejoice in the ′ Lord you ′ righteous: and give ′ thanks · to God’s ′ holy ′ name. |
98Day 19 Evening
1 |
Sing to the Lord a ′ new ′ song: for the Lord has ′ done ′ marvel·lous ′ things. |
2 |
With your own right hand O Lord, and with your ′ holy ′ arm: you have ′ gained · for your′self the ′ victory. |
3 |
You have made ′ known your ′ victory: you have displayed your saving ′‿ power · to ′ all the ′ nations. |
4 |
You have remembered your faithfulness, and your love for the ′ house of ′ Israel: and all the ends of the ′ earth have ′ seen your ′ victory. |
5 |
Shout with joy to the Lord ′ all the ′ earth: sing and rejoice ′ with the ′ sound of ′ melody. |
6 |
Sing to the Lord ′ with the ′ harp: with the harp ′ and the ′ voice of ′ song. |
7 |
With trumpets ′ also · and ′ horns: shout with joy be′fore the ′ Lord our ′ king. |
8 |
Let the sea roar and ′ all · that is ′ in it: the world and ′ those ′ who in′habit it. |
9 |
Let the rivers ′ clap their ′ hands: and let the hills rejoice to′gether · be′fore the ′ Lord. |
10 |
For you O Lord are coming to ′ judge the ′ earth: with righteousness you will judge the world, and the ′ peoples ′ with ′ equity. |
1 |
You are king O Lord, and the ′ people ′ tremble: you sit enthroned upon the cherubim, ′ and the ′ earth is ′ quaking. |
2 |
You O Lord are great upon your ′ holy ′ mountain: you are exalted ′ over ′ all the ′ nations. |
3 |
Let them praise your great and ′ terri·ble ′ name: holy are you and mighty, a ′ king · who de′lights in ′ justice. |
4 |
You have e′stablished ′ equity: you have dealt ′ justice · and ′ righteousness · in ′ Jacob. |
5† | We proclaim your greatness O ′ Lord our ′ God: we bow down before your ′‿ footstool · for ′ you are ′ holy. |
6 |
Moses and Aaron among your priests, and Samuel among those who ′ called · on your ′ name: these called to you O ′ Lord ′ and you ′ answered. |
7 |
You spoke to them out of the ′ pillar · of ′ cloud: they kept your teachings‿ and the ′ law ′ that you ′ gave them. |
8 |
You answered them O ′ Lord our ′ God: to them you were a God who forgives, though you ′ punished ′ their of′fences. |
9 | We proclaim your greatness O ′ Lord our ′ God: we bow down towards your holy hill, for you O ′ Lord our ′ God are ′ holy. |
1 |
Cry out with joy to the Lord ′ all the ′ earth: worship with gladness, and enter the Lord’s ′ presence · with ′ songs of ′ joy. |
2 |
Know that the Lord is God, our maker, whose ′ people · we ′ are: the flock which the ′ Lord our ′ God ′ shepherds. |
3 |
Enter the gates of the temple with thanksgiving, and go into its ′ courts with ′ praise: give thanks, and ′ bless God’s ′ holy ′ name. |
4 |
For the Lord is a gracious God, whose mercy is ′ ever′lasting: and whose faithfulness endures‿ from gener′ation · to ′ gener′ation. |
1 |
My song is of ′ mercy · and ′ justice: to ′ you O ′ Lord · I will ′ sing. |
2 |
I will give heed to the ′ way · that is ′ blameless: O Lord ′ when ′ will you ′ come to me? |
3 |
I will walk with′in my ′ house: in ′ puri′ty of ′ heart. |
4 |
No base aim will I set be′fore my ′ eyes: I hate the ways of disloyalty, and I will ′ have no ′ part with ′ them. |
5† |
Perversity of heart shall be ′ far from ′ me: I will ′ have no ′ dealings · with ′ evil. |
* * * | |
7 |
I will look with favour on the faithful in the land, that they may ′ dwell with ′ me: whoever leads a blameless ′ life shall ′ be my ′ servant. |
8 |
No treacherous person shall ′ live · in my ′ house: the liar shall be ′ banished ′ from my ′ presence. |
102Day 20 Morning
1 |
Hear my ′ prayer O ′ Lord: and let my ′ cry ′ come be′fore you. |
2 |
Do not hide your face from me in my ′ time of ′ trouble: incline your ear to me, and be swift to ′ answer · me ′ when I ′ call. |
3 |
For my days pass a′way like ′ smoke: and my bones are burnt ′ up as ′ in a ′ furnace. |
4 |
I am beaten down and ′ withered · like ′ grass: I waste away, be′cause I ′ cannot ′ eat. |
5 |
I ′ groan ′ loudly: I am ′ nothing · but ′ skin and ′ bones. |
6 |
I am like a vulture ′ in the ′ wilderness: like an ′ owl in ′ desol·ate ′ places. |
7 |
I lie a′wake ′ moaning: I am like a sparrow a′lone up′on a ′ housetop. |
8 |
My enemies taunt me ′ all the · day ′ long: and those who deride me ′ use my ′ name in ′ cursing. |
9 |
The bread I eat ′ is like ′ ashes: and tears are ′ mingled ′ with my ′ drink, |
10 |
because of your ′ anger · and ′ fury: for you have picked me ′ up and ′ flung · me a′way. |
11† |
My days decline as the ′ shadows ′ lengthen: and I ′ wither · a′way like ′ grass. |
12 |
But you O Lord shall ′ reign for ′ ever: and your name shall be remembered‿ through′out all ′ gener′ations. |
13 |
You will arise and have mercy ′ on Je′rusalem: for the ′ time has ′ come to ′ pity her. |
14 |
Even her tumbled stones are ′ dear · to your ′ servants: it moves them with pity to ′ see her ′ in the ′ dust. |
15 |
The nations shall fear your ′ name O ′ Lord: and all the ′ kings · of the ′ earth your ′ majesty, |
16 |
when you build up Je′rusalem · a′gain: and ′ show your·self ′ in your ′ glory, |
17 |
when you turn to the ′ prayer · of the ′ destitute: and do ′ not re′ject · their ap′peal. |
18 |
Let this be written for ′ those who · come ′ after: and a people yet to be ′ born shall ′ praise the ′ Lord, |
19 |
‘The Lord looked down from the holy ′ place on ′ high: out of heaven the ′ Lord ′ looked · at the ′ earth, |
20 |
‘to hear the groaning of ′ those held ′ prisoner: and give freedom to those ′ under ′ sentence · of ′ death, |
21 |
‘so that the Lord’s name may be pro′claimed · in Je′rusalem: and God’s praises ′ in the ′ holy ′ city, |
22† |
‘when peoples are ′ gathered · to′gether: and ′ kingdoms · to ′ serve the ′ Lord.’ |
23 |
God has broken my strength be′fore my ′ time: and shortened the ′ number ′ of my ′ days. |
24 |
O my God, do not take me away in the ′ midst · of my ′ life: for your life en′dures through ′ all · gener′ations. |
25 |
You Lord in the beginning laid the ′ earth’s found′ations: and the ′ heavens · are the ′ work of · your ′ hands. |
26 |
They shall perish, but ′ you · shall en′dure: like clothes they shall all wear out, you will cast them off‿ like a ′ cloak and ′ they shall ′ vanish. |
27 |
But you remain the ′ same for ′ ever: and your ′ years shall ′ have no ′ end. |
28 |
The children of your servants shall ′ dwell se′cure: and their posterity ′ shall stand ′ fast · in your ′ sight. |
1 |
Praise the Lord ′ O my ′ soul: and all that is within me ′ praise God’s ′ holy ′ name. |
2 |
Praise the Lord ′ O my ′ soul: and forget not ′ all that ′ God has ′ done for you. |
3 |
The Lord forgives you ′ all your ′ sin: and heals you of ′ all ′ your in′firmities. |
4 |
The Lord saves your ′ life · from the ′ grave: and ′ crowns you · with ′ love and ′ mercy. |
5† |
The Lord fills your life with ′ good ′ things: so that your ′ youth · is re′newed · like the ′ eagle’s. |
6 |
You Lord are righteous ′ in your ′ acts: and bring justice to ′ all that ′ are op′pressed. |
7 |
You showed your ′ ways to ′ Moses: your ′ deeds · to the ′ children · of ′ Israel. |
8 |
You are full of com′passion · and ′ mercy: slow to ′ anger · and ′ rich in ′ kindness. |
9 |
You will not ′ always · be ′ chiding: nor do you ′ keep your ′ anger · for ′ ever. |
10 |
You have not dealt with us ac′cording · to our ′ sins: nor punished us ac′cording ′ to our ′ wickedness. |
11 |
For as the heavens are high a′bove the ′ earth: so great is your ′ mercy · over ′ those who ′ fear you. |
12 |
As far as the east is ′ from the ′ west: so far have you put a′way our ′ sins ′ from us. |
13 |
As parents have compassion ′ on their ′ children: so do you Lord‿ have com′passion · on ′ those who ′ fear you. |
14† |
For you know what ′ we are ′ made of: you re′member · that we ′ are but ′ dust. |
15 |
Our days are ′ like the ′ grass: we flourish ′ like a ′ flower · of the ′ field. |
16 |
But as soon as the wind goes over it, ′ it is ′ gone: and its ′ place shall ′ know it · no ′ more. |
17 |
But your merciful goodness O Lord‿ extends for ever toward ′ those who ′ fear you: and your ′ righteousness · to ′ children’s ′ children, |
18 |
when they are true ′ to your ′ covenant: and re′member · to ′ keep · your com′mandments. |
19 |
You O Lord have established your ′ throne in ′ heaven: and you rule as ′ sovereign ′ over ′ all. |
20 |
O praise the Lord all you angels, you mighty ones who ′ do God’s ′ bidding: and heed the com′mand · of the ′ Most ′ High. |
21 |
Praise the Lord all you ′ heaven·ly ′ hosts: you ′ servants · who ′ do God’s ′ will. |
22 |
Praise the Lord all things created, in all places ′ under · God’s ′ rule: praise the ′ Lord ′ O my ′ soul. |
104Day 20 Evening
1 |
Praise the Lord ′ O my ′ soul: O Lord my God you are great indeed, you are ′ clothed in ′ majesty · and ′ splendour. |
2 |
You cover yourself with light as it were ′ with a ′ garment: you have spread out the ′ heavens ′ like a ′ tent. |
3 |
You laid out the beams of your dwelling‿ on the ′ waters · a′bove: you make the clouds your chariot, and ride up′on the ′ wings · of the ′ wind. |
4 |
You make the ′ winds your ′ messengers: and ′ flames of ′ fire your ′ servants. |
5 |
You fixed the earth on ′ its found′ations: so that ′ it can ′ never · be ′ shaken. |
6 |
You wrapped it with the ocean ′ as · with a ′ cloak: the ′ waters ′ covered · the ′ mountains. |
7 |
The waters fled at ′ your re′buke: at the voice of your ′ thunder · they ′ rushed a′way. |
8 |
They flowed over the mountains, and down ′ into · the ′ valleys: to the place ′ you · had ap′pointed ′ for them. |
9 |
You set the limits which they ′ may not ′ pass: lest they should re′turn to ′ cover · the ′ earth. |
10 |
You cause springs to gush ′ forth · in the ′ valleys: their waters ′ flow be′tween the ′ hills. |
11 |
They give drink to the ′ beasts · of the ′ field: and the wild ′ asses ′ quench their ′ thirst. |
12 |
The birds make their nests‿ in the trees a′long their ′ banks: and ′ sing a′mong the ′ branches. |
13 |
From your dwelling on high you ′ water · the ′ hills: the earth is filled with the ′ fruits ′ of your ′ bounty. |
14 |
You cause the grass to ′ grow · for the ′ cattle: and ′ plants for ′ us to ′ cultivate, |
15 |
that we may bring out ′ food · from the ′ earth: and ′ wine to ′ gladden · our ′ heart, |
16 |
oil to give us a ′ shining ′ face: and ′ bread to ′ give us ′ strength. |
17 |
The trees of the Lord are ′ watered · a′bundantly: the cedars of Lebanon ′ which the ′ Lord has ′ planted. |
18 |
There the birds ′ make their ′ nests: and the stork has its ′ home ′ in their ′ tops. |
19 |
The high hills are a refuge for the ′ wild ′ goats: and the boulders are a ′ shelter ′ for the ′ rabbits. |
20 |
You created the moon to ′ mark the ′ seasons: and the sun ′ knows the ′ time · for its ′ setting. |
21 |
You make darkness that it ′ may be ′ night: when all the ′ beasts · of the ′ forest · creep ′ out. |
22 |
The young lions ′ roar · for their ′ prey: and ′ seek their ′ food from ′ God. |
23 |
When the sun rises they ′ slink a′way: and ′ go to ′ rest · in their ′ dens. |
24 |
The labourer goes ′ out to ′ work: and will ′ toil un′til the ′ evening. |
25 |
O Lord how manifold ′ are your ′ works: in wisdom you have made them all, the ′ earth is ′ full of · your ′ creatures. |
26 |
There is the great and ′ mighty ′ sea: which teems with living ′ things both ′ great and ′ small. |
27 |
Upon it ′ sail the ′ ships: and there is Leviathan, the ′ monster · you ′ made to ′ sport in it. |
28 |
All these ′ look to ′ you: to, give them their ′ food in ′ due ′ season. |
29 |
What you give them they ′ gather ′ up: when you open your hand, they are ′ filled with ′ good ′ things. |
30 |
But when you hide your face ′ they · are dis′mayed: when you take away their breath they die, and re′turn · to the ′ dust they ′ came from. |
31 |
When you send out your spirit they ′ are cre′ated: and you re′new the ′ face · of the ′ earth. |
32 |
May your glory O Lord en′dure for ′ ever: may you re′joice O ′ Lord · in your ′ works. |
33 |
When you look at the ′ earth it ′ trembles: when you ′ touch the ′ mountains · they ′ smoke. |
34 |
I will sing to the Lord as ′ long · as I ′ live: I will praise my God ′ while I ′ have my ′ being. |
35 |
May my meditation ′ please the ′ Lord: as I ′ show my ′ joy in ′ God. |
36 |
Let sinners vanish from the earth, and the wicked ′ come · to an ′ end: bless the Lord O my soul. Whaka′moemi′titia · a ′ Ihowā. / O ′ praise ′ - the ′ Lord. |
105Day 21 Morning
1 |
Give thanks and call upon the ′ name · of the ′ Lord: make known to the ′ nations · what ′ God has ′ done. |
2 |
Sing to God, O ′ sing God’s ′ praise: tell of all the wonderful ′ deeds · of the ′ Most ′ High. |
3 |
Exult in God’s ′ holy ′ name: let the heart of those who ′ seek the ′ Lord re′joice. |
4 |
Turn for help to the ′ Lord your ′ strength: and ′ constant·ly ′ seek God’s ′ presence. |
5 |
Remember the marvellous things the Most ′ High has ′ done: the wonders, and the ′ judgments ′ God has ′ given, |
6 |
O children of Abraham the ′ servant · of ′ God: O offspring of Jacob the ′ chosen ′ of the ′ Lord. |
7 |
You are the ′ Lord our ′ God: and your judgments ′ are in ′ all the ′ earth. |
8 |
You are mindful of your ′ coven·ant ′ always: and of the promise you made‿ to a ′ thousand ′ gener′ations, |
9 |
the covenant that you ′ made with ′ Abraham: and the ′ oath · that you ′ gave to ′ Isaac, |
10 |
which you confirmed to ′ Jacob · as ′ binding: as your ever′lasting ′ covenant · with ′ Israel, |
11 |
saying, ‘To you I will give the ′ land of ′ Canaan: as ′ your ap′pointed · in′heritance.’ |
12 |
They were as yet ′ few in ′ number: and ′ ali·ens ′ in that ′ land, |
13 |
wandering from ′ country · to ′ country: and from one ′ kingdom ′ to an′other. |
14 |
But you let ′ no one · op′press them: and re′buked · even ′ kings for · their ′ sake, |
15† |
saying, ‘Do not touch my an′ointed ′ servants: and ′ do my ′ prophets · no ′ harm.’ |
16 |
You called down famine ′ on the ′ land: and cut ′ off · the sup′ply of ′ bread. |
17 |
But you had sent a ′ man be′fore them: Joseph ′ who was ′ sold · as a ′ slave, |
18 |
whose feet they ′ bound with ′ fetters: and a collar of ′ iron · was ′ round his ′ neck. |
19 |
Until his pre′dictions · came ′ true: he was ′ tested ′ by · your com′mand. |
20 |
The king ′ sent · and re′leased him: the ruler of ′ nations ′ let him · go ′ free. |
21 |
He made him ′ lord · of his ′ household: and ruler ′ over ′ all · his pos′sessions, |
22† |
to correct his ′ officers · at ′ will: and to ′ teach his ′ counsel·lors ′ wisdom. |
23 |
Then Israel ′ came · into ′ Egypt: Jacob settled ′ in the ′ land of ′ Ham. |
24 |
There Lord you made your ′ people ′ fruitful: and they became ′ stronger ′ than their ′ enemies, |
25 |
whose hearts you turned to hatred ′ of your ′ people: and to deceitful ′ dealing ′ with your ′ servants. |
26 |
Then you sent ′ Moses · your ′ servant: and ′ Aaron · whom ′ you had ′ chosen. |
27 |
They performed your ′ signs a′mong them: and your wonders ′ in the ′ land of ′ Ham. |
28 |
You sent darkness, and all ′ was ′ dark: but they would ′ not o′bey your ′ word. |
29 |
You turned their waters ′ into ′ blood: and ′ caused their ′ fish to ′ die. |
30 |
Their land ′ swarmed with ′ frogs: yes, even ′ in the ′ rooms · of the ′ palace. |
31 |
You commanded, and there rose up ′ clouds of ′ flies: and ′ gnats · throughout ′ all their ′ country. |
32 |
You gave them ′ hail for ′ rain: and ′ lightning · flashed ′ over · their ′ land. |
33 |
You struck their ′ vines · and their ′ fig-trees: and shattered the ′ trees with′in their ′ borders. |
34 |
You gave the word, and grasshoppers came, and ′ locusts · in′numerable: they ate up everything green in the land, and devoured all ′ produce ′ of the ′ soil. |
35† |
You struck down all the first-born ′ in the ′ land: the ′ first-fruits · of ′ their vir′ility. |
36 |
You led Israel out, with spoil of ′ silver · and ′ gold: among the tribes not one ′ person ′ fell be′hind. |
37 |
The Egyptians were glad ′ when they ′ went: for dread of ′ Israel · had ′ fallen · up′on them. |
38 |
You O Lord spread out a cloud ′ as a ′ screen: and ′ fire · to give ′ light at ′ night. |
39 |
The people asked, and you ′ sent them ′ quails: and you ′ filled · them with ′ bread from ′ heaven. |
40 |
You opened a rock and ′ water · gushed ′ out: it flowed like a river ′ through the ′ arid ′ land. |
41 |
For you remembered your ′ sacred ′ promise: which you had made to ′ Abra′ham your ′ servant. |
42 |
So you led out your ′ people · re′joicing: your ′ chosen ones · with ′ songs of ′ gladness. |
43 |
You gave them the ′ lands · of the ′ heathen: and they took pos′session · where ′ others had ′ toiled, |
44† |
so that they might keep your statutes and o′bey your ′ laws: Whaka′moemi′titia · a ′ Ihowā. / O ′ praise ′ - the ′ Lord. |
106Day 21 Morning
1 |
Whakamoemititia a Ihowā. / Praise the Lord. O give thanks, for the ′ Lord is ′ good: God’s ′ love en′dures for ′ ever. |
2 |
Who can recount your mighty ′ acts O ′ Lord: or ′ tell of ′ all your ′ praise? |
3 |
Blessed are those who ′ act ′ justly: and ′ always · do ′ what is ′ right. |
4 |
Remember me Lord, when you show favour ′ to your ′ people: and come to me ′ with your ′ saving ′ help. |
5† |
So that I may see the prosperity ′ of your ′ chosen: rejoice with the nation’s gladness, and exult with the people ′‿ you have ′ made your ′ own. |
6 |
We have sinned ′ like our ′ ancestors: we have erred, and ′ we have ′ acted ′ wickedly. |
7 |
They made light of your wonders in Egypt, they did not recall your many great ′ acts of ′ kindness: but showed themselves re′bellious · at the ′ Red ′ Sea. |
8 |
Yet you saved them for your ′ name’s ′ sake: so that they might make ′ known your ′ mighty ′ power. |
9 |
At your rebuke the Red Sea ′ dried ′ up: and you led them through the deep as ′ over ′ dry ′ land. |
10 |
Thus you saved them ′ from their ′ adversary: and delivered them ′ out of the ′ ene·my’s ′ hand. |
11 |
As for their oppressors, the waters ′ over′whelmed them: not ′ one of them · was ′ left a′live. |
12† |
Then they be′lieved your ′ words: then too they ′ sang ′ your ′ praises. |
13 |
But they soon forgot all the ′ Lord had ′ done: they would not ′ wait to ′ hear God’s ′ counsel. |
14 |
Greed came upon them ′ in the ′ wilderness: and they tried God’s ′ patience ′ in the ′ desert. |
15 |
So the Lord gave them ′ what they ′ asked for: but sent a ′ wasting ′ sickness · a′mong them. |
16 |
Some in the camp grew ′ envious · of ′ Moses: and of Aaron the ′ Lord’s ′ holy ′ servant. |
17 |
So the earth opened and ′ swallowed · up ′ Dathan: and closed over the ′ compa·ny ′ of A′biram. |
18 |
Fire broke ′ out a′mong them: and the ′ flames burnt ′ up · the un′godly. |
19 |
They made a young ′ bull in ′ Horeb: and ′ worshipped · that ′ molten ′ image. |
20 |
So they exchanged the ′ glory · of ′ God: for the image of a ′ creature · that ′ feeds on ′ grass. |
21 |
They forgot that you were the ′ God · who had ′ saved them: by your ′ mighty ′ acts in ′ Egypt, |
22 |
wonderful things in the ′ land of ′ Ham: and awesome things ′ at the ′ Red ′ Sea. |
23† |
So you would have destroyed them‿ but for ′ Moses · your ′ chosen one: who stood before you in the breach, to turn back your ′ wrath from ′ their de′struction. |
24 |
They thought ill of the ′ pleasant ′ land: because they did ′ not be′lieve God’s ′ promise. |
25 |
They complained in′side their ′ tents: and would not ′ listen · to the ′ voice of · the ′ Lord. |
26 |
So you lifted your ′ hand and ′ vowed: that you would ′ strike them ′ down · in the ′ wilderness, |
27 |
and scatter their descendants a′mong the ′ nations: and dis′perse them · through′out the ′ world. |
28 |
They joined in the worship of ′ Baal of ′ Peor: in the feasts of ′ gods that ′ have no ′ life. |
29 |
Their wanton deeds provoked the ′ Lord to ′ anger: and ′ plague broke ′ out a′mong them. |
30 |
Then Phinehas stood up and ′ inter′ceded: and ′ so the ′ plague was ′ checked, |
31 |
and this was counted ′ in his ′ favour: throughout ′ all · gener′ations · for ′ ever. |
32 |
Then they angered the Lord at the ′ waters · of ′ Meribah: and Moses ′ suffered · on ′ their ac′count. |
33 |
For they em′bittered · his ′ spirit: and he uttered ′ ill-con′sidered ′ words. |
* * * | |
35 |
They intermarried ′ with the ′ heathen: and ′ learned to ′ follow · their ′ ways. |
36 |
They worshipped foreign idols, which be′came a ′ snare to them: they sacrificed their ′‿ sons · and their ′ daughters · to ′ demons. |
37 |
They shed innocent blood, the blood of those ′ sons and ′ daughters: and the ′ land · was de′filed with ′ blood. |
38 |
Thus they polluted themselves ′ by their ′ deeds: and wantonly broke ′ faith ′ with their ′ Lord. |
39 |
Therefore your wrath was ′ kindled · a′gainst them: and you loathed the ′‿ people · you had ′ made your ′ own. |
40 |
You gave them into the ′ hands · of the ′ nations: and people who ′ hated them · be′came their ′ rulers. |
41 |
Their ′ enemies · op′pressed them: and made them ′ subject ′ to their ′ power. |
42 |
Many a ′ time you ′ rescued them: but they were bent on rebellion, and were brought ′ low ′ by their ′ wickedness. |
43 |
Yet you gave heed to ′ their dis′tress: when′ever · you ′ heard their ′ cry. |
44 |
You remembered your covenant with them, and in your boundless love ′ you re′lented: causing even their ′ captors · to ′ pity ′ them. |
45 |
Deliver us O Lord our God, and gather us from a′mong the ′ nations: that we may give thanks to your holy name, and ′ make it · our ′ glory · to ′ praise you. |
46 |
Blessèd be the Lord our God‿ from age to ′ age for ′ ever: and let all the people say, ‘Amen.’ Whaka′moemi′titia · a ′ Ihowā. / O ′ praise ′ - the ′ Lord. |
107Day 22 Morning
1 |
‘O give thanks, for the ′ Lord is ′ gracious: God’s steadfast ′ love en′dures for ′ ever.’ |
2 |
So let the people say whom the ′ Lord · has re′deemed: whom the Lord has redeemed‿ from the ′ hand ′ of the ′ enemy, |
3† |
and gathered out of the lands, from the east and ′ from the ′ west: from the ′ north and ′ from the ′ south. |
4 |
Some went astray in the ′ desert ′ wastes: and found no way to a ′ city ′ where · they could ′ dwell. |
5 |
They were ′ hungry · and ′ thirsty: and their ′ soul was ′ fainting · with′in them. |
6 |
Then they cried to you O Lord ′ in their ′ trouble: and you rescued ′ them from ′ their dis′tress. |
7 |
You led them by a ′ straight ′ path: until they came to a ′ city ′ where · they could ′ live. |
8 |
Let them thank you O Lord for your ′ steadfast ′ love: for the ′ wonders ′ that you ′ do for us. |
9 |
For you ′ satisfy · the ′ thirsty: and fill the ′ hungry · with ′ good ′ things. |
10 |
Some lay in ′ darkness · and ′ gloom: prisoners fast ′ bound in ′ fetters · of ′ iron, |
11 |
because they had defied the ′ words · of the ′ Lord: and spurned the ′ counsel · of ′ God most ′ high. |
12 |
So their hearts were subdued by ′ hard ′ labour: they ′ stumbled · with ′ no one · to ′ help them. |
13 |
Then they cried to you O Lord ′ in their ′ trouble: and you ′ rescued them · from ′ their dis′tress. |
14† |
You brought them out of ′ darkness · and ′ gloom: and ′ broke their ′ fetters · in ′ pieces. |
15 |
Let them thank you O Lord for your ′ steadfast ′ love: for the ′ wonders ′ that you ′ do for us. |
16 |
For you break open ′ doors of ′ bronze: and ′ smash the ′ bars of ′ iron. |
17 |
Some were sick be′cause of · their ′ sins: afflicted ′ on ac′count · of their ′ wrongdoing. |
18 |
They loathed every ′ kind of ′ food: and drew ′ near · to the ′ gates of ′ death. |
19 |
Then they cried to you O Lord ′ in their ′ trouble: and you ′ rescued them · from ′ their dis′tress. |
20 |
You sent forth your ′ word and ′ healed them: and ′ saved their ′ life · from the ′ grave. |
21 |
Let them thank you O Lord for your ′ steadfast ′ love: for the ′ wonders ′ that you ′ do for us. |
22 |
Let them offer the ′ sacrifice · of ′ thanksgiving: and tell of your ′ deeds with ′ shouts of ′ joy. |
23 |
Those who go down to the ′ sea in ′ ships: and ply their ′ trade on ′ great ′ waters, |
24 |
they have seen your ′ works O ′ Lord: and the ′ wonders · you ′ do · in the ′ deep. |
25 |
At your command the stormy ′ wind a′rose: and ′ lifted ′ up the ′ waves. |
26 |
They were carried up to the sky, and down again ′ to the ′ depths: their courage ′ melted · a′way · in their ′ peril. |
27 |
They reeled to and fro, and staggered ′ as if ′ drunken: their seafaring skill was ′ utterly · with′out a′vail. |
28 |
Then they cried to you O Lord ′ in their ′ trouble: and you ′ rescued them · from ′ their dis′tress. |
29 |
You made the ′ storm be ′ still: and the ′ roaring ′ waves were ′ hushed. |
30 |
Then they were glad be′cause it · was ′ calm: and so you brought them to the harbour‿ where ′ they had ′ longed to ′ be. |
31 |
Let them thank you O Lord for your ′ steadfast ′ love: for the ′ wonders ′ that you ′ do for us. |
32 |
Let them extol you in the as′sembly · of the ′ people: and praise you ′ in the ′ council · of ′ elders. |
33 |
The Lord turns rivers ′ into ′ desert: and springs of water ′ into ′ thirsty ′ ground. |
34 |
A fruitful land you make a ′ salty ′ waste: because of the ′ wickedness · of ′ those who ′ live in it. |
35 |
You turn desert into ′ standing ′ pools: and dry land ′ into ′ springs of ′ water. |
36 |
There you ′ settle · the ′ hungry: and they ′ build there · a ′ city · to ′ live in. |
37 |
They sow fields and ′ plant ′ vineyards: which ′ yield them · a ′ bounti·ful ′ harvest. |
38 |
You bless them, and their ′ numbers · in′crease: and you permit ′ no de′crease · of their ′ herds. |
39 |
When they are weakened and ′ brought ′ low: through stress of mis′fortune ′ and ′ sorrow, |
40 |
you pour contempt on their ′ princely · op′pressors: whom you send a′stray · in the ′ trackless ′ desert. |
41 |
But the poor you ′ lift · out of ′ misery: and increase their ′ families · like ′ flocks of ′ sheep |
42 |
The upright see it, ′ and are ′ glad: but the ′ wicked · are ′ put to ′ silence. |
43† |
Let those who are wise ′ ponder · these ′ things: and consider the ′ Lord’s un′failing ′ love. |
108Day 22 Evening
1 |
My heart is steadfast O God, my ′ heart is ′ steadfast: I will ′ sing and ′ make ′ melody. |
2 |
Awake my soul, awake ′ lute and ′ harp: I my′self · will a′waken · the ′ dawn. |
3 |
I will give thanks to you Lord a′mong the ′ peoples: I will ′ praise you · a′mong the ′ nations. |
4 |
For the greatness of your love ′ reaches · to the ′ heavens: and your ′ faithful·ness ′ up · to the ′ clouds. |
5 |
Show yourself O God a′bove the ′ heavens: let your glory shine ′ over ′ all the ′ earth, |
6 |
so that your belovèd may ′ be de′livered: O save us by ′ your right ′ hand and ′ answer us. |
7 |
You have spoken in your ′ holy ′ place: ‘I will go up and divide Shechem, and measure ′ out the ′ valley · of ′ Succoth. |
8 |
‘Gilead and Man′asseh · are ′ mine: Ephraim is my helmet, ′ Judah ′ is my ′ sceptre, |
9† |
‘Moab is my wash-basin, to Edom I will ′ throw my ′ shoe: and over Philistia ′ I will ′ shout in ′ triumph.’ |
10 |
Who will bring me to the ′ forti·fied ′ city: who will ′ lead me ′ into ′ Edom, |
11 |
since you O ′ God · have re′jected us: and no ′ longer · go ′ out · with our ′ armies? |
12 |
Grant us help a′gainst the ′ enemy: for vain is ′ any ′ human ′ help. |
13 |
With the help of our God we ′ shall do ′ valiantly: for it is God who will ′ tread ′ down our ′ enemies. |
1 |
Be silent no longer O ′ God · of my ′ praise: for the mouth of the wicked and‿ de′ceitful · is ′ opened · a′gainst me. |
2 |
They speak against me with ′ lying ′ tongues: they beset me with words of hatred, and at′tack me · with′out · any ′ cause. |
3 |
In return for my love ′ they ac′cuse me: though I con′tinue · to ′ pray for ′ them. |
4 |
Thus have they repaid me ′ evil · for ′ good: and ′ hatred · for ′ my good′will. |
* * * | |
20 |
O Lord my God, deal with me as be′fits your ′ name: in the goodness of your ′ steadfast ′ love de′liver me. |
21 |
For I am ′ poor and ′ needy: and my ′ heart is ′ wounded · with′in me. |
22 |
I fade like a ′ shadow · at ′ evening: I am ′ shaken ′ off · like a ′ locust. |
23 |
My knees are ′ weak from ′ fasting: my body is ′ gaunt from ′ meagre ′ nourishment. |
24† |
I have become the scorn of ′ my ac′cusers: when they see me, they ′ toss their ′ heads · in de′rision. |
25 |
Help me O ′ Lord my ′ God: save me ′ in your ′ steadfast ′ love, |
26 |
that all may know this is ′ your ′ doing: and that you a′lone O ′ Lord have ′ done it. |
27 |
They may curse, but ′ you will ′ bless: my assailants will be put to shame, and your ′ servant ′ will re′joice. |
28 |
Let my accusers be ′ clothed · with dis′honour: let them be covered in ′ shame as ′ with a ′ cloak. |
29 |
As for me, loud thanks to the Lord are ′ on my ′ lips: I will praise the Lord ′ in the ′ midst · of the ′ throng. |
30 |
For the Lord stands at the right ′ hand · of the ′ poor: to save from death ′ those un′justly · con′demned. |
110Day 23 Morning
1 |
The Lord ′ said to ′ my lord: ‘Sit at my right hand, until I ′ make your ′ enemies · your ′ footstool.’ |
2 |
From the holy mountain‿ the Lord hands you the ′ sceptre · of ′ power saying, ′ ‘Rule · in the ′ midst · of your ′ enemies.’ |
3 |
On the day of your power your people‿ shall willingly ′ offer · them′selves: in holy array they will come to you‿ like ′ dew · at the ′ birth of · the ′ morning. |
4 |
The Lord has sworn an oath that will never ′ be re′tracted: ‘You are a priest for ever ′‿ in the ′ line · of Mel′chizedek.’ |
* * * |
1 |
Whakamoemititia a Ihowā. / Praise the Lord. I will thank you O Lord with ′ all my ′ heart: in the company of the ′ upright · in ′ their as′sembly. |
2 |
Great are your ′ works O ′ Lord: and to be ′ studied · by ′ all · who de′light in them. |
3 |
Your deeds are full of ′ majesty · and ′ splendour: and your ′ righteousness · en′dures for ′ ever. |
4 |
You have caused your marvellous acts to ′ be re′membered: you Lord are ′ gracious · and ′ full of · com′passion. |
5 |
You give food to ′ those who ′ fear you: you keep your ′ cove·nant ′ always · in ′ mind. |
6 |
You have shown your people your ′ power in ′ action: by giving them the ′ lands of ′ other ′ nations. |
7 |
The works of your hands are ′ faithful · and ′ just: and ′ all your ′ precepts · are ′ trustworthy. |
8 |
They stand fast for ′ ever · and ′ ever: they are ′ grounded · in ′ truth and ′ justice. |
9 |
You sent redemption to your people, you decreed your e′ternal ′ covenant: holy and ′ awesome ′ is your ′ name. |
10 |
The fear of you O Lord is the beginning of wisdom, those who revere you have ′ good · under′standing: your ′ praise · shall en′dure for ′ ever. |
1 |
Whakamoemititia a Ihowā. / Praise the Lord. Blessèd are those who ′ fear the ′ Lord: and greatly de′light in ′ God’s com′mandments. |
2 |
Their descendants will be ′ mighty · in the ′ land: the children of the ′ upright ′ will be ′ blessed. |
3 |
Riches and plenty shall ′ fill their ′ houses: righteousness ′ shall be ′ theirs for ′ ever. |
4 |
They are a light in the darkness ′ for the ′ upright: being ′ gracious · com′passionate · and ′ just. |
5 |
It goes well with those who are ′ generous · in ′ lending: who con′duct · their af′fairs with ′ justice. |
6 |
For the righteous will ′ never · be ′ shaken: they will be ′ kept · in re′membrance · for ′ ever. |
7 |
They will not live in fear of ′ bad ′ news: because with steadfast ′ heart they ′ trust · in the ′ Lord. |
8 |
Their heart is steady, they ′ will not ′ fear: in the end they shall ′ see their ′ ene·mies’ ′ downfall. |
9 |
They give freely ′ to the ′ poor: their righteousness stands for ever, and they will hold ′ up their ′ head with ′ honour. |
10 |
The wicked will be vexed ′ when they ′ see it: they will grind their teeth and slink away, for the hopes of the ′ wicked · shall ′ come to ′ nothing. |
1 |
Whakamoemititia a Ihowā. / Praise the Lord. O praise the Lord, you servants ′ of the ′ Lord: O ′ praise the ′ name · of the ′ Lord. |
2 |
Blessèd be the ′ name · of the ′ Lord: both ′ now · and for ′ ever′more. |
3 |
The Lord’s ′ name be ′ praised: from the ′ rising · of the ′ sun · to its ′ setting. |
4 |
The Lord is high a′bove the ′ nations: and the glory of the ′ Lord a′bove the ′ heavens. |
5 |
Who can be likened to the Lord our God, who sits en′throned on ′ high: yet deigns to look ′ down from ′ heaven · to ′ earth? |
6 |
The Lord lifts the weak ′ out · of the ′ dust: and raises the ′ poor ′ from the ′ dung-heap, |
7 |
to make them ′ sit with ′ princes: with the ′ princes ′ of God’s ′ people. |
8 |
The Lord gives the barren ′ woman · a ′ home: and makes her the joyful mother of children. Whaka′moemi′titia · a ′ Ihowā. / O ′ praise ′ - the ′ Lord. |
114Day 23 Evening
1 |
When Israel came ′ out of ′ Egypt: the house of Jacob‿ from among a ′ people · of an ′ ali·en ′ tongue, |
2 |
Judah became the ′ Lord’s ′ temple: and ′ Israel · be′came God’s ′ kingdom. |
3 |
The sea fled ′ at the ′ sight of it: and ′ Jordan · turned ′ back · in its ′ course. |
4 |
The mountains ′ skipped like ′ rams: and the ′ hills like ′ yearling ′ sheep. |
5 |
Why was it that you ′ fled O ′ sea: and you Jordan ′ that you ′ turned ′ back, |
6 |
you mountains that you ′ skipped like ′ rams: and you ′ hills like ′ yearling ′ sheep? |
7 |
Tremble O earth at the ′ presence · of the ′ Lord: at the ′ presence · of the ′ God of ′ Jacob, |
8 |
who turned the hard rock into a ′ pool of ′ water: and the flint-stone ′ into · a ′ gushing ′ spring. |
1 |
Not to us O Lord not to us, but to your name ′ give the ′ glory: because of your ′ love ′ and your ′ faithfulness, |
2 |
lest the ′ nations · should ′ ask: ‘And ′ where then ′ is their ′ God?’ |
3 |
You O God ′ are in ′ heaven: you ′ do what′ever · you ′ will. |
4 |
As for their idols, they are ′ silver · and ′ gold: the ′ work of ′ human ′ hands. |
5 |
They have mouths that ′ cannot ′ speak: and ′ eyes that ′ cannot ′ see. |
6 |
They have ears that ′ cannot ′ hear: and ′ noses · that ′ cannot ′ smell. |
7 |
With their hands they cannot feel, with their feet they ′ cannot ′ walk: and no ′ sound comes ′ from their ′ throat. |
8 |
Those who make idols ′ grow · to be ′ like them: and so do all who ′ put their ′ trust in ′ them. |
9 |
But you O Israel, put your ′ trust · in the ′ Lord: God is your ′ help ′ and your ′ shield. |
10 |
O house of Aaron, put your ′ trust · in the ′ Lord: God is your ′ help ′ and your ′ shield. |
11 |
You that fear the Lord, put your ′ trust · in the ′ Lord: God is your ′ help ′ and your ′ shield. |
12 |
The Lord has remembered us, ′ and will ′ bless us: the Lord will bless the house of Israel, the Lord will ′ bless the ′ house of ′ Aaron. |
13† |
You Lord will bless ′ those who ′ fear you: the ′ little · no ′ less · than the ′ great. |
14 |
May the Lord increase you ′ more and ′ more: both ′ you · and your ′ children ′ after you. |
15 |
May you be ′ blessed · by the ′ Lord: the Lord who ′ made ′ heaven · and ′ earth. |
16 |
The heavens be′long · to the ′ Lord: but the earth has been ′ given · to ′ human′kind. |
17 |
It is not the dead who ′ praise the ′ Lord: nor do those who ′ go down ′ into ′ silence. |
18† |
But we the living ′ bless the ′ Lord: now and for ever. Whaka′moemi′titia · a ′ Ihowā. / O ′ praise ′ - the ′ Lord. |
116Day 24 Morning
1 |
I love you O Lord because you ′ heard my ′ voice: when I ′ made my ′ suppli′cation, |
2 |
because you turned your ′ ear to ′ me: when I ′ called up′on your ′ name. |
3 |
The cords of death entangled me, and the grip of ′ Sheol · laid ′ hold on me: distress and ′ anguish · de′scended · up′on me. |
4 |
Then I called upon the ′ name · of the ′ Lord: ‘Deliver me O ′ Lord ′ I be′seech you.’ |
5 |
Gracious is the ′ Lord and ′ righteous: truly our God ′ is a ′ God · of com′passion. |
6 |
The Lord preserves the ′ simple-′hearted: when I was brought ′ low the ′ Lord ′ saved me. |
7 |
Be at rest once more ′ O my ′ soul: for the ′ Lord has ′ treated · you ′ kindly. |
8 |
The Lord has ′ saved me · from ′ death: and kept my eyes from ′‿ tears · and my ′ feet from ′ stumbling, |
9† |
so that I may walk in the presence ′ of the ′ Lord: in the ′ land ′ of the ′ living. |
10 |
I kept my faith, even when I said, ‘I am in ′ sore dis′tress’: in my haste I said, ′ ‘No one ′ can be ′ trusted.’ |
11 |
How can I re′pay you · O ′ Lord: for all the good things ′ you have ′ done to ′ me? |
12 |
I will take up the ′ cup · of sal′vation: and call on the ′ name ′ of the ′ Lord. |
13 |
I will pay my ′ vows · to the ′ Lord: in the ′ presence · of ′ all God’s ′ people. |
14 |
Grievous in the ′ sight · of the ′ Lord: is the ′ death · of a ′ faithful ′ servant. |
15 |
Lord I am your servant, the ′ child · of your ′ maidservant: you have ′ freed me ′ from my ′ bonds. |
16 |
I will offer a ′ sacrifice · of ′ thanksgiving: and call on the ′ name ′ of the ′ Lord. |
17 |
I will pay my ′ vows · to the ′ Lord: in the ′ presence · of ′ all God’s ′ people, |
18† |
in the courts of the ′ Lord’s ′ house: in your midst O Jerusalem. Whaka′moemi′titia · a ′ Ihowā. / O ′ praise ′ - the ′ Lord. |
1 |
Praise the Lord ′ all you ′ nations: acclaim the Most ′ High ′ all you ′ peoples. |
2 |
For great is God’s ′ love for ′ us: and the faithfulness of the Lord endures for ever. Whaka′moemi′titia · a ′ Ihowā. / O ′ praise ′ - the ′ Lord. |
1 |
We give thanks to you O Lord for ′ you are ′ gracious: and your ′ love en′dures for ′ ever. |
2 |
Let the house of ′ Israel ′ say: ‘God’s ′ love en′dures for ′ ever.’ |
3 |
Let the house of ′ Aaron ′ say: ‘God’s ′ love en′dures for ′ ever.’ |
4 |
Let those who fear the ′ Lord ′ say: ‘God’s ′ love en′dures for ′ ever.’ |
5 |
I called to you O Lord in ′ my dis′tress: and your ′ answer · was to ′ set me ′ free. |
6 |
The Lord is on my side, I ′ will not ′ fear: for what can human ′ power ′ do to ′ me? |
7 |
The Lord is on my ′ side to ′ help me: I will ′ triumph ′ over · my ′ enemies. |
8 |
It is better to take refuge ′ in the ′ Lord: than to ′ put · any ′ trust in ′ people. |
9† |
It is better to take refuge ′ in the ′ Lord: than to ′ put · any ′ trust in ′ princes. |
10 |
The nations ′ all sur′rounded me: but in the name of the ′ Lord I ′ drove them ′ back. |
11 |
They hemmed me in, they hemmed me in on ′ every ′ side: but in the name of the ′ Lord I ′ drove them ′ back. |
12 |
They swarmed around me like bees, they blazed like fire a′mong the ′ thorns: but in the name of the ′ Lord I ′ drove them ′ back. |
13 |
They pressed hard upon me, so that I ′ almost ′ fell: but the ′ Lord ′ came · to my ′ help. |
14† |
The Lord is my strength and ′ my de′fence: and has be′come ′ my de′liverer. |
15 |
There are shouts of joy and deliverance‿ in the ′ tents · of the ′ righteous: the right hand of the ′ Lord does ′ mighty ′ things. |
16 |
The right hand of the Lord ′ raises ′ up: the right hand of the ′ Lord does ′ mighty ′ things. |
17 |
I shall not ′ die but ′ live: and pro′claim · what the ′ Lord has ′ done. |
18 |
The Lord in′deed has ′ punished me: but did not ′ give me ′ over · to ′ death. |
19 |
Open to me the ′ gates · of the ′ temple: that I may enter and give ′ thanks ′ to the ′ Lord. |
20 |
This is the ′ gate · of the ′ Lord: through ′ which the ′ righteous · shall ′ enter. |
21 |
I will thank you because ′ you have ′ answered me: and you have be′come ′ my de′liverer. |
22 |
The stone which the ′ builders · re′jected: has be′come the ′ head · of the ′ corner. |
23 |
This is the ′ Lord’s ′ doing: and it is ′ marvel·lous ′ in our ′ eyes. |
24 |
This is the day which the ′ Lord has ′ made: let us re′joice ′ and be ′ glad in it. |
25 |
Save us O ′ Lord we ′ pray: Lord we ′ pray · you to ′ give us · suc′cess. |
26 |
Blessèd is the one who comes in the ′ name · of the ′ Lord: we bless you ′ from the ′ house · of the ′ Lord. |
27 |
The Lord is God, and has ′ given · us ′ light: with branches in your hands, go forward in procession up to the ′ horns ′ of the ′ altar. |
28 |
You are my God and ′ I will ′ thank you: you are my ′ God and ′ I · will ex′tol you. |
29† |
We give thanks to you O Lord for ′ you are ′ gracious: and your ′ love en′dures for ′ ever. |
119Day 24 Evening
A |
1 |
Blessèd are those who live a ′ blameless ′ life: who ′ follow · your ′ law O ′ Lord. |
2 |
Blessèd are those who o′bey · your in′struction: and ′ seek you · with ′ all their ′ heart. |
3 |
They also ′ do no ′ wrong: but ′ always ′ walk · in your ′ ways. |
4 |
You laid ′ down your ′ precepts: for ′ us to ′ keep them ′ diligently. |
5 |
O that my ways ′ might be ′ steadfast: in the ′ keeping ′ of your ′ statutes. |
6 |
Then I would not be ′ put to ′ shame: when I give ′ heed to ′ all · your com′mandments. |
7 |
I will truly thank you ′ from the ′ heart: when I ′ learn your ′ just de′crees. |
8 |
I will ′ keep your ′ statutes: O ′ do not ′ utterly · for′sake me. |
B |
9 |
How shall the young keep themselves ′ unde′filed: surely by ′ obeying ′ your ′ word. |
10 |
With my whole ′ heart I ′ seek you: let me not ′ stray from ′ your com′mandments. |
11 |
I treasure your word ′ in my ′ heart: for fear ′ I should ′ sin a′gainst you. |
12 |
Blessèd are ′ you O ′ Lord: O ′ teach me ′ your ′ statutes. |
13 |
With my lips have ′ I been ′ telling: of all the ′ judgments ′ you have ′ uttered. |
14 |
I have found more joy‿ in the way of ′ your com′mandments: than in ′ all ′ manner · of ′ riches. |
15 |
I will meditate ′ on your ′ precepts: and I will give ′ heed ′ to your ′ ways. |
16 |
I will delight ′ in your ′ statutes: and I will ′ not for′get your ′ word. |
C |
17 |
Deal kindly with your servant that ′ I may ′ live: and living ′ I shall ′ keep your ′ word. |
18 |
Take the veil away ′ from my ′ eyes: that I may see the ′ wonder·ful ′ things · of your ′ law. |
19 |
I am but a ′ stranger · on ′ earth: do not ′ hide · your com′mandments ′ from me. |
20 |
My soul is con′sumed · with the ′ longing: it has at ′ all times ′ for your ′ judgments. |
21 |
You have re′buked the ′ insolent: and cursed are those‿ who ′ stray from ′ your com′mandments. |
22 |
Turn from me their re′proach and ′ scorn: for ′ I have ′ kept your ′ testimonies. |
23 |
Rulers sit ′ plotting · a′gainst me: but your servant will give ′ thought ′ to your ′ statutes. |
24 |
For your testimonies are ′ my de′light: and ′ they ′ are my ′ counsellors. |
D |
25 |
I lie ′ prone · in the ′ dust: revive me ac′cording ′ to your ′ word. |
26 |
I acknowledged my ways, ′ and you ′ answered me: in′struct me ′ in your ′ statutes. |
27 |
Help me to understand the ′ way of · your ′ precepts: and I will ′ medi·tate ′ on your ′ wonders. |
28 |
My soul melts a′way through ′ sorrow: strengthen me ac′cording ′ to your ′ word. |
29 |
Keep me from the ′ way of ′ falsehood: and in your ′ goodness ′ teach me · your ′ law. |
30 |
I have chosen the ′ way of ′ faithfulness: and ′ set your ′ judgments · be′fore me. |
31 |
I hold fast to your de′crees O ′ Lord: let me ′ never · be ′ put · to con′fusion. |
32 |
I will run the way of ′ your com′mandments: when you en′large my ′ under′standing. |
E Day 25 Morning |
33 |
Teach me Lord the ′ way · of your ′ statutes: and in keeping them ′ I shall ′ have · my re′ward. |
34 |
Give me understanding, and I shall ′ keep your ′ law: I shall ′ keep it · with ′ all my ′ heart. |
35 |
Make me walk in the path of ′ your com′mandments: for ′ that is ′ my de′sire. |
36 |
Incline my heart to ′ your in′struction: and a′way from ′ covetous · de′sires. |
37 |
Turn away my eyes from what is ′ empty · and ′ false: and ′ give me ′ life · in your ′ way. |
38 |
Fulfil your promise ′ to your ′ servant: your ′ promise · to ′ those who ′ fear you. |
39 |
Turn away from me the scorn ′ that I ′ dread: for your ′ judgments · are ′ very ′ good. |
40 |
How I ′ long · for your ′ precepts: in your ′ righteous·ness ′ give me ′ life. |
F |
41 |
Let your steadfast love come to ′ me O ′ Lord: your saving help ac′cording ′ to your ′ promise. |
42 |
Then shall I have my answer for ′ those who ′ taunt me: for my ′ trust is ′ in your ′ word. |
43 |
Let my mouth never fail to ′ speak the ′ truth: for my ′ hope is ′ in your ′ judgments. |
44 |
I shall always ′ keep your ′ law: I shall ′ keep it · for ′ ever · and ′ ever. |
45 |
I shall walk in the ′ path of ′ freedom: because I ′ study · your ′ precepts. |
46 |
I will speak of your de′crees be·fore ′ kings: and I will ′ not · be a′bashed in · their ′ presence. |
47 |
I find delight in ′ your com′mandments: which ′ I have ′ greatly ′ loved. |
48 |
I will revere your com′mandments · and ′ love them: and I will ′ medi·tate ′ on your ′ statutes. |
G |
49 |
Remember your ′ word · to your ′ servant: by ′ which · you have ′ given · me ′ hope. |
50 |
This is my ′ comfort · in ′ trouble: for your ′ promise · has ′ given · me ′ life. |
51 |
The arrogant may ′ utterly · de′ride me: but I ′ do not ′ swerve · from your ′ law. |
52 |
I remember your ′ judgments · of ′ old: and ′ then O ′ Lord · I take ′ comfort. |
53 |
I am seized with ′ hot · indig′nation: because of the wicked ′ who for′sake your ′ law. |
54 |
But your statutes are the ′ theme · of my ′ song: in the ′ house ′ of my ′ pilgrimage. |
55 |
I remember your name O Lord ′ in the ′ night: and ′ dwell up′on your ′ law. |
56 |
This is ′ true of ′ me: be′cause · I have ′ kept your ′ precepts. |
H |
57 |
You Lord are ′ all · that I ′ have: I have ′ promised · to ′ keep your ′ word. |
58 |
I have sought your favour with ′ all my ′ heart: be gracious to me ac′cording ′ to your ′ promise. |
59 |
I have given thought ′ to my ′ ways: and always turned ′ back to ′ your in′struction. |
60 |
I made ′ no de′lay: but hastened to ′ keep ′ your com′mandments. |
61 |
Though the nets of the ′ wicked · en′snared me: I did ′ not for′get your ′ law. |
62 |
At midnight I rise to ′ give you ′ thanks: for the ′ justice · of ′ your de′crees. |
63 |
I keep company with ′ those who ′ fear you: with ′ those who ′ keep · your com′mandments. |
64 |
The earth is full of your un′failing ′ love: O Lord in′struct me ′ in your ′ statutes. |
I |
65 |
Lord you have been ′ good · to your ′ servant: ac′cording ′ to your ′ word. |
66 |
Teach me good ′ judgment · and ′ knowledge: for I ′ trust in ′ your com′mandments. |
67 |
Before I was afflicted I ′ went a′stray: but ′ now I ′ keep your ′ word. |
68 |
You are good, and your ′ deeds are ′ good: in′struct me ′ in your ′ statutes. |
69 |
The proud have ′ smeared me · with ′ lies: but I will keep your ′ precepts · with ′ all my ′ heart. |
70 |
Their heart is ′ gross like ′ fat: but my de′light is ′ in your ′ law. |
71 |
It is good for me that ′ I · was af′flicted: so that ′ I might ′ learn your ′ statutes. |
72 |
The law from your mouth is to ′ me more ′ precious: than a ′ fortune · in ′ gold and ′ silver. |
J Day 25 Evening |
73 |
Your hands have ′ made me · and ′ shaped me: give me understanding‿ that ′ I may ′ learn · your com′mandments. |
74 |
Let those who fear you be glad ′ when they ′ see me: because I ′ trust · in your ′ word. |
75 |
Lord I know that your de′crees are ′ just: and that in your very faithfulness‿ you have ′ caused · me to ′ be af′flicted. |
76 |
Let your unfailing love ′ be my ′ comfort: according to your ′ promise ′ to your ′ servant. |
77 |
Let your compassion come to me, that ′ I may ′ live: for your ′ law is ′ my de′light. |
78 |
Let the arrogant be put to shame, for with their lies ′ they have ′ wronged me: but I will ′ medi·tate ′ on your ′ precepts. |
79 |
Let those who fear you ′ turn to ′ me: that ′ they may ′ know your ′ testimonies. |
80 |
Let my heart be sound ′ in your ′ statutes: so that I may ′ never · be ′ put to ′ shame. |
K |
81 |
I yearn for your ′ saving ′ help: hoping for the ful′filment ′ of your ′ word. |
82 |
My eyes are strained with ′ watching · for your ′ promise: and I say, ′ ‘When O ′ Lord · will you ′ comfort me?’ |
83 |
I am shrivelled like a wineskin ′ in the ′ smoke: yet I do ′ not for′get your ′ statutes. |
84 |
How long must your ′ servant ′ wait: for you to give ′ judgment ′ on my ′ persecutors? |
85 |
The arrogant have dug ′ pitfalls · to ′ trap me: and ′ thus they ′ flout your ′ law. |
86 |
All your com′mandments · are ′ true: help me, for ′ they pur′sue me · with ′ lies. |
87 |
They had almost made an end of ′ me on ′ earth: but I did ′ not for′sake your ′ precepts. |
88 |
Give me life, because of your ′ steadfast ′ love: so that I may keep the ′ testi·monies ′ of your ′ mouth. |
L |
89 |
Your word O Lord is ′ ever′lasting: it is ′ firmly ′ fixed · in the ′ heavens. |
90 |
Your faithfulness endures throughout ′ all · gener′ations: stable as the earth you created and ′ made to ′ stand ′ firm. |
91 |
Your ordinances stand fast ′ to this ′ day: for ′ all things ′ are your ′ servants. |
92 |
If my delight had not ′ been · in your ′ law: I should have ′ perished · in ′ my af′fliction. |
93 |
I will never for′get your ′ precepts: for by them ′ you have ′ given · me ′ life. |
94 |
I am ′ yours O ′ save me: for ′ I have ′ studied · your ′ precepts. |
95 |
Though the wicked lie in wait ′ to de′stroy me: I will apply my ′ mind to ′ your in′struction. |
96 |
I see that all things ′ reach a ′ limit: but your com′mandment ′ has no ′ bounds. |
M |
97 |
Lord how I ′ love your ′ law: all the day long ′ it is ′ in my ′ mind. |
98 |
Your commandment has made me wiser ′ than my ′ enemies: for ′ it is ′ always ′ with me. |
99 |
I have more understanding than ′ all my ′ teachers: for your in′struction ′ is my ′ study. |
100 |
I am wiser ′ than the ′ agèd: be′cause I ′ keep · your com′mandments. |
101 |
I have held back my feet from every ′ evil ′ way: in ′ order · to ′ keep your ′ word. |
102 |
I have not swerved ′ from your ′ judgments: because ′ you your′self have ′ taught me. |
103 |
How sweet are your ′ words · to my ′ taste: sweeter than ′ honey ′ in my ′ mouth. |
104 |
Through your commandments I get ′ under′standing: therefore I hate ′ all the ′ ways of ′ falsehood. |
N Day 26 Morning |
105 |
Your word is a lamp ′ for my ′ feet: and a ′ light up′on my ′ path. |
106 |
I have sworn an oath, ′ and con′firmed it: to ′ keep your ′ righteous ′ judgments. |
107 |
I am in ′ deep dis′tress: revive me O Lord, ac′cording ′ to your ′ word. |
108 |
Accept O Lord the willing tribute ′ of my ′ lips: and ′ teach me ′ your de′crees. |
109 |
I take my life in my ′ hands con′tinually: yet I ′ never · for′get your ′ law. |
110 |
The wicked have ′ laid a ′ snare for me: but I ′ have not ′ strayed · from your ′ precepts. |
111 |
Your testimonies are my ′ heritage · for ′ ever: they are the ′ very ′ joy · of my ′ heart. |
112 |
I have applied my heart to ful′fil your ′ statutes: for ′ ever · and ′ to the ′ end. |
O |
113 |
I detest those who are not ′ single-′minded: but my ′ love is ′ for your ′ law. |
114 |
You are my shelter ′ and my ′ shield: my ′ hope is ′ in your ′ word. |
115 |
Away from me, ′ you · that do ′ evil: I will keep the com′mandments ′ of my ′ God. |
116 |
Support me Lord according to your promise, so that ′ I may ′ live: and let me not be disap′pointed ′ in my ′ hope. |
117 |
Hold me up and I ′ shall be ′ safe: and I shall be occupied ′ with your ′ statutes · con′tinually. |
118 |
You spurn all those who ′ swerve · from your ′ statutes: their ′ cunning · is ′ all in ′ vain. |
119 |
All the wicked of the earth are to you as ′ so much ′ dross: therefore I ′ love ′ your in′struction. |
120 |
My flesh trembles with ′ dread of ′ you: I ′ stand in ′ awe · of your ′ judgments. |
P |
121 |
I have done what is ′ just and ′ right: do not a′bandon me · to ′ my op′pressors. |
122 |
Stand surety for your ′ servant’s ′ welfare: let ′ not the ′ arrogant · op′press me. |
123 |
My eyes grow dim from watching for your ′ saving ′ help: for the fulfilment ′ of your ′ righteous ′ promise. |
124 |
Deal with your servant according to your ′ loving ′ mercy: and ′ teach me ′ your de′crees. |
125 |
I am your servant, O give me ′ under′standing: that ′ I may ′ know your ′ testimonies. |
126 |
It is time for you O ′ Lord to ′ act: for people have ′ flouted ′ your ′ law. |
127 |
I love your commandments ′ more than ′ gold: yes, ′ more · than the ′ finest ′ gold. |
128 |
Therefore I direct my steps by ′ all your ′ precepts: and I hate ′ all the ′ ways of ′ falsehood. |
Q |
129 |
Your in′struction · is ′ wonderful: therefore I ′ keep it · with ′ all my ′ heart. |
130 |
The unfolding of your ′ word gives ′ light: and those who are untaught re′ceive ′ under′standing. |
131 |
I open my ′ mouth and ′ sigh: with ′ longing · for ′ your com′mandments. |
132 |
Turn to me and be ′ merci·ful ′ to me: as is your ′ way with ′ those who ′ love you. |
133 |
Keep steady my footsteps, according ′ to your ′ promise: and let no evil get ′ master·y ′ over ′ me. |
134 |
Rescue me from ′ human · op′pression: so that ′ I may ′ keep your ′ precepts. |
135 |
Let your face ′ shine · on your ′ servant: and ′ teach me ′ your de′crees. |
136 |
Tears stream ′ from my ′ eyes: because people ′ do not ′ heed your ′ law. |
R |
137 |
Lord you are ′ just in′deed: and ′ upright ′ are your ′ judgments. |
138 |
The decrees that ′ you have ′ made: are ex′ceeding·ly ′ righteous · and ′ true. |
139 |
My indig′nation · con′sumes me: because my enemies ′ have for′gotten · your ′ words. |
140 |
Your promise has been tested ′ to the ′ uttermost: and ′ therefore · your ′ servant ′ loves it. |
141 |
I am small and of ′ little · ac′count: but I do ′ not for′get · your com′mandments. |
142 |
Your justice is an ever′lasting ′ justice: and your ′ law ′ is the ′ truth. |
143 |
Trouble and anguish have ′ fallen · up′on me: yet my de′light · is in ′ your com′mandments. |
144 |
The righteousness of your decrees is ′ ever′lasting: O give me under′standing · that ′ I may ′ live. |
S Day 26 Evening |
145 |
I call with my ′ whole ′ heart: answer me Lord, ′ I will ′ keep your ′ statutes. |
146 |
I cry out to ′ you to ′ save me: that ′ I may ′ keep your ′ testimonies. |
147 |
I rise before dawn and ′ call to ′ you: for my ′ hope is ′ in your ′ word. |
148 |
I wake before the ′ hour · of my ′ night-watch: so that I may ′ medi·tate ′ on your ′ words. |
149 |
Hear me in your un′failing ′ kindness: and give me ′ life by ′ your de′crees. |
150 |
Those who pursue me with ′ malice · draw ′ near: and they are ′ far ′ from your ′ law. |
151 |
But you O Lord are ′ near at ′ hand: and ′ all · your com′mandments · are ′ true. |
152 |
I have long known from ′ your de′crees: that you have ′ given them · e′ternal · found′ations. |
T |
153 |
Consider my affliction ′ and de′liver me: for I do ′ not for′get your ′ law. |
154 |
Plead my cause and ′ win · my re′lease: true to your ′ promise ′ give me ′ life. |
155 |
Salvation is ′ far · from the ′ wicked: for they ′ give no ′ heed · to your ′ statutes. |
156 |
Great is your com′passion · O ′ Lord: give me ′ life by ′ your de′crees. |
157 |
Many are those who persecute ′ me and ′ trouble me: yet I do not ′ swerve from ′ your in′struction. |
158 |
I looked at the ′ faithless · with ′ loathing: because they ′ do not ′ keep · your com′mandments. |
159 |
Consider O Lord how I ′ love your ′ precepts: and in your steadfast ′ love pre′serve my ′ life. |
160 |
The sum of your ′ words is ′ truth: and all your just de′crees en′dure for ′ ever. |
U |
161 |
Princes oppress me without ′ any ′ cause: but my heart ′ stands in ′ awe · of your ′ word. |
162 |
I rejoice ′ at your ′ promise: as ′ one who ′ finds great ′ spoil. |
163 |
Lies I ′ hate · and de′test: but your ′ law · is the ′ thing · that I ′ love. |
164 |
Seven times a ′ day I ′ praise you: for the ′ justice · of ′ your de′crees. |
165 |
Great is the peace of those who ′ love your ′ law: and ′ nothing · shall ′ make them ′ stumble. |
166 |
Lord I have waited for your ′ saving ′ help: and I have ful′filled ′ your com′mandments. |
167 |
From my heart I have o′beyed · your in′struction: and ′ I have ′ loved it ′ deeply. |
168 |
I have kept your precepts ′ and com′mands: for all my ′ ways are ′ open · be′fore you. |
V |
169 |
Let my cry come be′fore you · O ′ Lord: give me understanding ac′cording ′ to your ′ word. |
170 |
Let my supplication ′ come be′fore you: save me ac′cording ′ to your ′ word. |
171 |
My lips shall pour ′ forth your ′ praise: because ′ you have ′ taught me · your ′ statutes. |
172 |
My tongue shall ′ sing · of your ′ word: for ′ all · your com′mandments · are ′ just. |
173 |
Let your hand be ′ ready · to ′ help me: for ′ I have ′ chosen · your ′ precepts. |
174 |
Lord I long for your ′ saving ′ help: and your ′ law is ′ my de′light. |
175 |
Let me live, that ′ I may ′ praise you: and let your ′ judgments · be ′ my sup′port. |
176 |
I have gone astray like a ′ sheep · that is ′ lost: O seek your servant, for I do ′ not for′get · your com′mandments. |
120Day 27 Morning
1 |
In my distress I called to ′ you O ′ Lord: I ′ called · to you ′ and you ′ answered me. |
2 |
‘Deliver me from lying ′ lips,’ I ′ cried: ‘and ′ from a ′ treacher·ous ′ tongue.’ |
3 |
What shall be ′ given to ′ you: what more shall God do to ′ you O ′ treacher·ous ′ tongue? |
4 |
It will be a warrior’s ′ sharp ′ arrows: tempered with ′ hot ′ glowing ′ charcoal. |
5 |
Alas, I live like an ′ exile · in ′ Meshech: or like one who dwells a′mong the ′ tents of ′ Kedar. |
6 |
Too long have I ′ had my ′ dwelling: among ′ those · who are ′ enemies · to ′ peace. |
7† |
I am for peace, but ′ when I ′ speak of it: they ′ make them·selves ′ ready · for ′ war. |
1 |
I lift up my ′ eyes · to the ′ hills: but ′ where · shall I ′ look for ′ help? |
2 |
My help ′ comes · from the ′ Lord: who has ′ made ′ heaven · and ′ earth. |
3 |
The Lord will not let your ′ foot ′ stumble: the one who ′ guards you ′ will not ′ sleep. |
4 |
The one who keeps watch ′ over · this ′ people: shall ′ neither ′ doze nor ′ sleep. |
5 |
The Lord is the one ′ who will ′ guard you: the Lord at your right ′ hand will ′ be · your de′fence, |
6 |
so that the sun shall not ′ strike you · by ′ day: nor ′ yet the ′ moon by ′ night. |
7 |
The Lord shall preserve you from ′ all ′ evil: yes it is the ′ Lord · who will ′ keep you ′ safe. |
8 |
The Lord shall take care of your‿ going out, and your ′ coming ′ in: from this time ′ forth ′ and for ′ ever. |
1 |
I was glad when they ′ said to ′ me: ‘Let us ′ go · to the ′ house · of the ′ Lord.’ |
2 |
And now our ′ feet are ′ standing: with′in your ′ gates · O Je′rusalem, |
3 |
Jerusalem that is ′ built · as a ′ city: where people ′ come to′gether · in ′ unity. |
4 |
There the tribes go up, the ′ tribes · of the ′ Lord: as was decreed for Israel, to give ′ thanks · to the ′ name · of the ′ Lord. |
5† |
There are set ′ thrones of ′ judgment: the ′ thrones · of the ′ house of ′ David. |
6 |
Pray for the ′ peace · of Je′rusalem: may ′ those who ′ love you ′ prosper. |
7 |
Peace be with′in your ′ walls: and pros′perity · with′in your ′ palaces. |
8 |
For the sake of my kinsfolk ′ and com′panions: I will ′ pray that ′ peace · may be ′ with you. |
9 |
Because of the house of the ′ Lord our ′ God: I will ′ pray ′ for your ′ good. |
1 |
To you I lift ′ up my ′ eyes: to you that are en′throned ′ in the ′ heavens. |
2 |
As the eyes of servants are on the ′ hand · of their ′ masters: and the eyes of a ′ maid · on the ′ hand of · her ′ mistress, |
3† |
so our eyes are on you O ′ Lord our ′ God: as we wait ′ till you ′ show us · your ′ favour. |
4 |
Have mercy on us O ′ Lord, have ′ mercy: for we have had ′ more · than e′nough of · con′tempt. |
5 |
Too long have we suffered the ′ scorn · of the ′ wealthy: and the con′tempt ′ of the ′ arrogant. |
1 |
‘If the Lord had not been on our side,’ now may ′ Israel ′ say: ‘If the Lord had not been on our side‿ when our ′ enemies · rose ′ up a′gainst us, |
2 |
‘then they would have ′ swallowed us · a′live: when their ′ fury · was ′ roused a′gainst us. |
3 |
‘Then the flood would have ′ swept us · a′way: and the ′ torrent ′ would have ′ covered us. |
4 |
‘Then the ′ raging ′ waters: would have ′ gone right ′ over · our ′ heads. |
5 |
‘But praised ′ be the ′ Lord: who has not given us as a ′ prey ′ to their ′ teeth. |
6 |
‘We have escaped like a bird from the ′ fowler’s ′ snare: the snare is ′ broken · and ′ we are ′ free. |
7† |
‘Our help is in the ′ name · of the ′ Lord: who has ′ made ′ heaven · and ′ earth.’ |
1 |
Those who trust in the Lord are ′ like Mount ′ Zion: which cannot be ′ shaken · but ′ stands for ′ ever. |
2 |
As the hills en′fold Je′rusalem: so you enfold your people O Lord, ′ now ′ and for ′ ever. |
3 |
The sceptre of the wicked shall not hold sway‿ over the land as′signed · to the ′ just: lest the just should put out their ′ hand to ′ do ′ evil. |
4 |
Do good O Lord to ′ those · who are ′ good: to ′ those · who are ′ upright · in ′ heart. |
5† |
As for those who turn aside into crooked ways, the Lord shall lead them away with ′ evil-′doers: but upon ′ Israel ′ there shall · be ′ peace. |
126Day 27 Evening
1 |
When the Lord restored the fortunes ′ of this ′ people: it ′ seemed · to us ′ like a ′ dream. |
2 |
Then our mouth was ′ filled with ′ laughter: and our tongues ′ uttered ′ shouts of ′ joy. |
3 |
Then they said a′mong the ′ nations: ‘The Lord has ′ done great ′ things for ′ them.’ |
4 |
Great things indeed the Lord has ′ done for ′ us: and ′ therefore ′ we are ′ glad. |
5 |
Restore again our ′ fortunes · O ′ Lord: as when streams re′fresh the ′ southern ′ dry-lands. |
6 |
Those who ′ sow in ′ tears: shall ′ reap with ′ shouts of ′ joy. |
7† |
Those who go out weeping with ′ seed for ′ sowing: shall come back in gladness ′‿ bringing · their ′ sheaves ′ with them. |
1 |
Unless the Lord ′ builds the ′ house: its builders ′ will have ′ laboured · in ′ vain. |
2 |
Unless the Lord watches ′ over · the ′ city: those who keep watch will ′ stay a′wake in ′ vain. |
3 |
In vain you rise up early and go late to rest, eating the bread of ′ anxious ′ toil: for those whom the Lord ′ loves are ′ given ′ sleep. |
4 |
Truly children are a gift ′ from the ′ Lord: and offspring a re′ward from ′ God’s ′ hand. |
5 |
Like arrows in a ′ warri·or’s ′ hand: so indeed are the ′ children ′ of one’s ′ youth. |
6 |
Happy are those who have their ′ quiver ′ full of them: they will not be put to shame when they meet their ′ adver·saries ′ at the ′ gate. |
1 |
Blessèd are all those who ′ fear the ′ Lord: those who ′ walk in ′ God’s ′ ways. |
2 |
You shall eat the ′ fruit · of your ′ labours: and ′ you · shall be ′ happy · and ′ prosper. |
3 |
Your wife shall be like a ′ fruitful ′ vine: with′in the ′ walls of · your ′ house; |
4 |
your children like ′ slips of ′ olive: planted ′ round a′bout your ′ table. |
5† |
Thus shall all ′ those be ′ blessed: who fear the ′ Lord ′ in their ′ heart. |
6 |
May the Lord bless you from the ′ holy ′ city: may you see the prosperity of Jerusalem ′‿ all the ′ days of · your ′ life. |
7 |
May you live to see your ′ children’s ′ children: and upon ′ Israel ′ let there · be ′ peace. |
1 |
‘Much have they afflicted me from the ′ time · of my ′ youth’: may God’s ′ people ′ now ′ say, |
2 |
‘Much have they afflicted me ′ from my ′ youth: but they have ′ not pre′vailed a′gainst me. |
3 |
‘They scored my back as ′ with a ′ ploughshare: making ′ long their ′ furrows · up′on it.’ |
4 |
But the ′ Lord is ′ righteous: and has cut me ′ free · from the ′ yoke · of the ′ wicked. |
5 |
Let them be put to confusion and ′ driven ′ back: all those who are ′ enemies · of ′ God’s ′ people. |
6 |
Let them be like grass that ′ grows · on the ′ roof: which withers be′fore · it is ′ full ′ grown, |
7 |
which never fills a ′ reaper’s ′ hand: nor ′ yields a ′ sheaf · for the ′ harvester, |
8 |
so that passers-by will never say to them, ‘The blessing of the ′ Lord · be up′on you: we ′ bless you · in the ′ name · of the ′ Lord.’ |
1 |
Out of the depths have I called to ′ you O ′ Lord: give ′ heed O ′ Lord · to my ′ cry. |
2 |
Let your ears con′sider ′ well: the ′ plea I ′ make for ′ mercy. |
3 |
If you should keep account of what is ′ done a′miss: who ′ then O ′ Lord could ′ stand? |
4 |
But there is for′giveness · with ′ you: therefore ′ you shall ′ be re′vered. |
5 |
I wait for you Lord with ′ all my ′ soul: and in your ′ word ′ is my ′ hope. |
6 |
My soul waits for ′ you O ′ Lord: more than those who watch by night‿ long for the morning, more I say than those who watch by night ′‿ long ′ for the ′ morning. |
7 |
Wait in hope for the Lord, for with the Lord there is ′ love un′failing: and with the Lord ′ there is ′ ample · re′demption. |
8 |
The Lord ′ will re′deem you: from ′ all your ′ many ′ sins. |
1 |
O Lord my ′ heart is · not ′ proud: my ′ eyes · are not ′ raised too ′ high. |
2 |
I do not occupy myself with ′ matters · too ′ great for me: or with ′ marvels · that ′ are be′yond me. |
3 |
But I have stilled and made quiet my soul, like a weaned child nestling ′ to its ′ mother: so like a child, my ′ soul is ′ quieted · with′in me. |
4 |
O ′ trust · in the ′ Lord: from ′ this time ′ forth · and for ′ ever. |
132Day 28 Morning
1 |
O Lord re′member ′ David: and all the ′ hardships ′ he en′dured. |
2 |
How he swore an ′ oath · to the ′ Lord: and made a vow to the ′ Mighty ′ One of ′ Jacob, |
3 |
‘I will not enter the house ′ where I ′ live: nor will I climb ′ into · the ′ bed · where I ′ rest, |
4 |
‘I will not give ′ sleep · to my ′ eyes: or per′mit my ′ eyelids · to ′ droop, |
5† |
‘until I find a place ′ for the ′ Lord: a dwelling for the ′ Mighty ′ One of ′ Jacob.’ |
6 |
At Ephrathah we heard of the ′ ark of ′ God: and we ′ found it · in the ′ region · of ′ Jearim. |
7 |
And we said, ‘Let us go into‿ the dwelling-place of the ′ Most ′ High: and kneel in ′ worship ′ at God’s ′ footstool.’ |
8 |
Arise O Lord and ′ enter · your ′ resting-place: you and the ′ ark ′ of your ′ strength. |
9 |
Let your priests be ′ clothed with ′ righteousness: and let your faithful ′ people · cry ′ out for ′ joy. |
10† |
For your servant ′ David’s ′ sake: do not re′ject · your an′ointed ′ king. |
11 |
The Lord made a sure ′ promise · to ′ David: a promise that will ′ never ′ be re′voked, |
12 |
‘A son, the ′ fruit · of your ′ body: I will ′ set up′on your ′ throne. |
13 |
‘If your sons keep my covenant, and obey the teaching ′ that I ′ give them: their descendants too shall sit on your‿ throne ′ in suc′cession · for ′ ever.’ |
14 |
For the Lord has ′ chosen · Je′rusalem: the Lord desired it ′ for a ′ home and ′ said, |
15† |
‘This is my ′ resting-place · for ′ ever: here I will dwell, for I ′ have · a de′light in ′ her. |
16 |
‘I will abundantly ′ bless · her pro′visions: and ′ satisfy · her ′ poor with ′ bread. |
17 |
‘I will clothe her ′ priests · with sal′vation: and her faithful ′ people · shall re′joice and ′ sing. |
18 |
‘There I will make a branch to spring‿ from the ′ stem of ′ David: and I have prepared a lamp for ′ my an′ointed ′ king. |
19 |
‘His enemies I will ′ cover · with ′ shame: but on him the crown he ′ wears will ′ shed its ′ lustre.’ |
1 |
How good and pleasant a ′ thing it ′ is: when God’s people ′ live to′gether · in ′ unity. |
2 |
It is like the precious oil on Aaron’s head, which ran down ′ on to · his ′ beard: and over the ′ collar ′ of his ′ vestment. |
3 |
It is like the ′ dew of ′ Hermon: falling up′on the ′ hill of ′ Zion. |
4 |
For there the Lord ′ promised · the ′ blessing: which is ′ life for ′ ever′more. |
1 |
Come praise the Lord, all you ′ servants · of the ′ Lord: you that stand by ′ night in the ′ house of · the ′ Lord. |
2 |
Lift up your hands toward the ′ holy ′ place: and ′ bless the ′ Lord your ′ God. |
3 |
The Lord who made ′ heaven · and ′ earth: give you ′ blessing ′ out of ′ Zion. |
1 |
Whakamoemititia a Ihowā. / Praise the Lord. O praise the ′ name · of the ′ Lord: give praise O you ′ servants ′ of the ′ Lord, |
2 |
you that stand in the ′ house · of the ′ Lord: in the ′ temple ′ courts · of our ′ God. |
3 |
O praise the Lord, for the ′ Lord is ′ good: sing praises to the name of the ′‿ Lord · for the ′ Lord is ′ gracious. |
4 |
For you O God have chosen Jacob to ′ be your ′ own: and Israel ′ as your ′ special ′ treasure. |
5 |
For I know that you O ′ Lord are ′ great: and that ′ you · are a′bove all ′ gods. |
6 |
You do whatever you will in ′ heaven · and on ′ earth: in the sea ′ and in ′ all the ′ depths. |
7 |
You bring up the clouds from the ′ ends · of the ′ earth: you send lightning with the rain, and bring out the ′ wind ′ from your ′ storehouse. |
8 |
You struck down the ′ first-born · of ′ Egypt: both of ′ man and ′ also · of ′ beast. |
9 |
You worked signs and ′ wonders · in ′ Egypt: against ′ Pharaoh · and ′ all his ′ servants. |
10 |
You struck down ′ great ′ nations: and put to ′ death ′ mighty ′ kings, |
11 |
Sihon king of the Amorites, and Og the ′ king of ′ Bashan: and ′ all · who were ′ rulers · in ′ Canaan, |
12 |
and gave their ′ lands · as a ′ heritage: a ′ heritage for ′ Israel · your ′ people. |
13 |
Your name O Lord en′dures for ′ ever: the remembrance of you through′out all ′ gener′ations. |
14 |
You Lord will give your ′ people ′ justice: and have compassion ′ on your ′ servants. |
15 |
The gods of the heathen‿ are mere idols of ′ silver · and ′ gold: which are ′ made by ′ human ′ hands. |
16 |
They have mouths, but they ′ cannot ′ speak: they have ′ eyes · but they ′ cannot ′ see. |
17 |
They have ears, but they ′ cannot ′ hear: and there is no ′ breath ′ in their ′ nostrils. |
18 |
Those who make them ′ grow · to be ′ like them: and so do all who ′ put their ′ trust in ′ them. |
19 |
Praise the Lord O ′ house of ′ Israel: praise the ′ Lord O ′ house of ′ Aaron. |
20 |
Praise the Lord O ′ house of ′ Levi: you that stand in ′ awe ′ praise the ′ Lord. |
21† |
Praised be the Lord from the ′ holy ′ city: the Lord who dwells in Jerusalem. Whaka′moemi′titia · a ′ Ihowā. / O ′ praise ′ - the ′ Lord. |
136Day 28 Evening
1 |
O give thanks to the Lord, ′ who is ′ gracious: he mau tonu hoki ′ tana ′ mahi ′ tohu. God’s ′ love en′dures for ′ ever. |
2 |
Give thanks to the ′ God of ′ gods: he mau tonu hoki ′ tana ′ mahi ′ tohu. God’s ′ love en′dures for ′ ever. |
3† |
Give thanks to the ′ Lord of ′ lords: he mau tonu hoki ′ tana ′ mahi ′ tohu. God’s ′ love en′dures for ′ ever. |
4 |
The Lord alone ′ does great ′ wonders: he mau tonu hoki ′ tana ′ mahi ′ tohu. God’s ′ love en′dures for ′ ever. |
5 |
The Lord by wisdom ′ made the ′ heavens: he mau tonu hoki ′ tana ′ mahi ′ tohu. God’s ′ love en′dures for ′ ever. |
6 |
The Lord spread out the earth a′bove the ′ waters: he mau tonu hoki ′ tana ′ mahi ′ tohu. God’s ′ love en′dures for ′ ever. |
7 |
The Lord made the ′ great ′ lights: he mau tonu hoki ′ tana ′ mahi ′ tohu. God’s ′ love en′dures for ′ ever. |
8 |
the sun to rule ′ over · the ′ day: he mau tonu hoki ′ tana ′ mahi ′ tohu. God’s ′ love en′dures for ′ ever. |
9 |
the moon and the stars to ′ govern · the ′ night: he mau tonu hoki ′ tana ′ mahi ′ tohu. God’s ′ love en′dures for ′ ever. |
[10 |
The Lord struck down the ′ first-born · of ′ Egypt: he mau tonu hoki ′ tana ′ mahi ′ tohu. God’s ′ love en′dures for ′ ever. |
11 |
and brought Israel ′ out · from a′mong them: he mau tonu hoki ′ tana ′ mahi ′ tohu. God’s ′ love en′dures for ′ ever. |
12 |
with a mighty hand and ′ outstretched ′ arm: he mau tonu hoki ′ tana ′ mahi ′ tohu. God’s ′ love en′dures for ′ ever. |
13 |
The Lord divided the Red ′ Sea in ′ two: he mau tonu hoki ′ tana ′ mahi ′ tohu. God’s ′ love en′dures for ′ ever. |
14 |
and made Israel go ′ through the ′ midst of it: he mau tonu hoki ′ tana ′ mahi ′ tohu. God’s ′ love en′dures for ′ ever. |
15 |
But as for Pharaoh and his host, the Lord flung them ′ into · the ′ sea: he mau tonu hoki ′ tana ′ mahi ′ tohu. God’s ′ love en′dures for ′ ever. |
16 |
The Lord led the people ′ through the ′ desert: he mau tonu hoki ′ tana ′ mahi ′ tohu. God’s ′ love en′dures for ′ ever. |
17 |
The Lord overthrew ′ mighty ′ kingdoms: he mau tonu hoki ′ tana ′ mahi ′ tohu. God’s ′ love en′dures for ′ ever. |
18 |
and struck down ′ famous ′ kings: he mau tonu hoki ′ tana ′ mahi ′ tohu. God’s ′ love en′dures for ′ ever. |
19 |
Sihon ′ king · of the ′ Amorites: he mau tonu hoki ′ tana ′ mahi ′ tohu. God’s ′ love en′dures for ′ ever. |
20 |
and Og the ′ king of ′ Bashan: he mau tonu hoki ′ tana ′ mahi ′ tohu. God’s ′ love en′dures for ′ ever. |
21 |
and gave their ′ land · as a ′ heritage: he mau tonu hoki ′ tana ′ mahi ′ tohu. God’s ′ love en′dures for ′ ever. |
22 |
a heritage to Israel ′ God’s ′ servant: he mau tonu hoki ′ tana ′ mahi ′ tohu. God’s ′ love en′dures for ′ ever. |
23 |
The Lord remembered us when we ′ were in ′ trouble: he mau tonu hoki ′ tana ′ mahi ′ tohu. God’s ′ love en′dures for ′ ever. |
24† |
and rescued us ′ from our ′ foes: he mau tonu hoki ′ tana ′ mahi ′ tohu. God’s ′ love en′dures for ′ ever.] |
25 |
The Lord gives food to ′ all things · that ′ live: he mau tonu hoki ′ tana ′ mahi ′ tohu. God’s ′ love en′dures for ′ ever. |
26 |
Give thanks to the ′ God of ′ heaven: he mau tonu hoki ′ tana ′ mahi ′ tohu. God’s ′ love en′dures for ′ ever. |
1 |
By the waters of Babylon we sat ′ down and ′ wept: when we re′membered · the ′ holy ′ city. |
2 |
As for our harps, we ′ hung them ′ up: on the ′ trees that ′ grew near′by. |
3 |
Those who led us away captive‿ demanded of ′ us a ′ song: our despoilers asked us for mirth, ‘Sing us,’ they said, ′ ‘one · of the ′ songs · of Je′rusalem.’ |
4 |
How can we sing the ′ Lord’s ′ song: here ′ in an ′ ali·en ′ land? |
5 |
If I forget you ′ O Je′rusalem: let my ′ right hand ′ wither · a′way. |
6 |
Let my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth, if I do ′ not re′member you: if I do not set Jerusalem a′bove my ′ highest ′ joy. |
* * * |
1 |
I will give thanks to you O Lord with ′ all my ′ heart: before the gods ′ I will ′ sing your ′ praises. |
2 |
I will bow down toward your holy temple, and give thanks because of your ′‿ love and ′ faithfulness: for you have exalted‿ your name and your ′ word above ′ all things. |
3 |
On the day that I ′ called, you ′ answered me: and ′ put new ′ strength with′in me. |
4 |
All the kings of the earth shall ′ praise you · O ′ Lord: when they ′ hear the ′ words · of your ′ mouth. |
5 |
They shall sing of the ′ ways · of the ′ Lord: that the ′ glory · of the ′ Lord is ′ great. |
6 |
For though Lord you are high, yet you ′ care · for the ′ lowly: as for the proud, you ′ humble · them ′ from a′far. |
7 |
Though I walk in the midst of trouble you ′ keep me ′ safe: you stretch out your hand against my enemies’ rage, and ′ your right ′ hand will ′ save me. |
8 |
You will fulfil your purpose for me, your love O Lord is ′ ever′lasting: do not leave un′finished · the ′ work · of your ′ hands. |
139Day 29 Morning
1 |
Lord you have searched me ′ out and ′ known me: you know when I sit down and when I stand up, you dis′cern my ′ thoughts · from a′far. |
2 |
You mark my path, and the places ′ where I ′ rest: you are ac′quainted · with ′ all my ′ ways. |
3 |
Even before there is a ′ word · on my ′ tongue you Lord ′ know it ′ alto′gether. |
4 |
You guard me from be′hind · and be′fore: and ′ cover · me ′ with your ′ hand. |
5† |
Such knowledge is too ′ wonder·ful ′ for me: so ′ high · that I ′ cannot · at′tain to it. |
6 |
Where shall I ′ go · from your ′ spirit: or where shall I ′ flee ′ from your ′ presence? |
7 |
If I climb up to heaven ′ you are ′ there: if I make my bed in the grave ′ you are ′ there ′ also. |
8 |
If I take the ′ wings · of the ′ dawn: and alight at the ′ utter·most ′ parts · of the ′ sea, |
9 |
even there your ′ hand will ′ lead me: and your right ′ hand will ′ hold me ′ fast. |
10 |
If I say, ‘Let the ′ darkness ′ cover me: and my ′ day be ′ turned to ′ night,’ |
11 |
the darkness is no darkness with you, but the night is as ′ clear · as the ′ day: for darkness and light to ′ you are ′ both a′like. |
12 |
It was you that created my ′ inward ′ parts: and pieced me together ′ in my ′ mother’s ′ womb. |
13 |
I will praise you, for you are ′ awesome · and ′ wonderful: marvellous are your works, and you ′ know me ′ through and ′ through. |
14 |
My body was not ′ hidden ′ from you: when I was being fashioned in secret, and woven together ′ in the ′ depths · of the ′ earth. |
15 |
Your eyes ′ looked · at my ′ body: while it was as ′ yet im′perfect·ly ′ formed. |
16 |
In your book all the days of my ′ life were ′ written: while as ′ yet there ′ was not ′ one of them. |
17 |
How deep are your ′ thoughts O ′ God: and how ′ great ′ is the ′ sum of them. |
18† |
If I should count them, they are more in number ′ than the ′ sand: to finish the count, my life-span must ′ needs be ′ equal · to ′ yours. |
* * * | |
23 |
Examine me O God and ′ know my ′ heart: test me, ′ and dis′cover · my ′ thoughts. |
24 |
Watch closely, lest I follow a ′ path of ′ error: and lead me in the ′ way ′ ever′lasting. |
1 |
Deliver me O Lord ′ from the ′ wicked: and pre′serve me ′ from the ′ violent, |
2 |
who devise evil ′ in their ′ hearts: and ′ stir up ′ strife con′tinually. |
3 |
They have sharpened their tongues ′ like a ′ serpent’s: adder’s ′ poison · is ′ under their ′ lips. |
4 |
Keep me O Lord from the ′ hands · of the ′ wicked: from the violent, who ′ plan to ′ trip up · my ′ feet. |
5 |
The proud have laid a snare for me, and spread out a ′ net of ′ cords: they have set ′ traps a′long my ′ path. |
6 |
I said to the Lord, ′ ‘You are · my ′ God’: hear O ′ Lord my ′ prayer for ′ mercy. |
7 |
O Lord God, my ′ fortress · of ′ safety: you have shielded my ′ head · in the ′ day of ′ battle. |
8 |
Do not grant the wicked their de′sire O ′ Lord: or permit their ′ evil · de′signs to ′ prosper. |
* * * |
12 |
I am sure the Lord will maintain the ′ cause · of the ′ poor: and up′hold the ′ rights · of the ′ destitute. |
13 |
The righteous will give ′ praise · to your ′ name: and the ′ upright · will ′ live · in your ′ presence. |
1 |
Lord I call to you, come quickly ′ to my ′ help: give heed to me ′ when I ′ cry to ′ you. |
2 |
Let my prayer be set be′fore you · as ′ incense: and the lifting up of my ′‿ hands · as the ′ evening ′ sacrifice. |
3 |
Set a guard O Lord ′ over · my ′ mouth: and keep watch ′ at the ′ door of · my ′ lips. |
4 |
Keep my heart from any sinful inclination, from joining the ill-disposed ′ in their ′ wickedness: and let me ′ never ′ eat · at their ′ table. |
5 |
Rather let the ′ righteous ′ strike me: and ′ give me ′ friendly · re′buke, |
6 |
than that the oil of the wicked should a′noint my ′ head: for I pray con′tinually · a′gainst their ′ wickedness. |
* * * | |
9 |
But my eyes are fixed on ′ you Lord ′ God: in you I take refuge, ′ do not ′ cast me ′ off. |
10 |
Keep me from the snare ′ they have ′ laid for me: and from the traps ′ evil′doers · have ′ set. |
11† |
Let the wicked fall together into their ′ own ′ nets: while ′ I pass ′ by un′harmed. |
142Day 29 Evening
1 |
I cry aloud to ′ you O ′ Lord: I ′ loudly ′ plead · for your ′ help. |
2 |
I pour out my ′ trouble · be′fore you: and make ′ known to · you ′ my dis′tress. |
3 |
when my spirit is faint within me, you ′ know my ′ way: in the path where I walk ′‿ they have ′ hidden · a ′ snare for me. |
4 |
I look to my ′ right ′ hand: and see ′ there is ′ no one · who ′ heeds me. |
5 |
There is no ′ way · of es′cape: and ′ no one ′ gives me · a ′ thought. |
6 |
I cry to the Lord and say, ′ ‘You are · my ′ refuge: you are all that I have ′ in the ′ land · of the ′ living.’ |
7 |
Give heed to my cry for I am brought ′ very ′ low: deliver me from those who pursue me, ′ for they ′ are too ′ strong for me. |
8 |
Bring me ′ out · of my ′ prison: so that I may give ′ thanks ′ to your ′ name. |
9† |
When you show me your ′ loving ′ kindness: the ′ righteous · will ′ gather · a′round me. |
1 |
Hear my ′ prayer O ′ Lord: in your faithfulness give heed to my pleading, and ′ answer · me ′ in your ′ righteousness. |
2 |
Do not put your ′ servant · on ′ trial: for in your sight ′ no one ′ living · is ′ innocent. |
3 |
For my enemies have hunted me down, and beaten me ′ to the ′ ground: they have made me inhabit darkness, like ′ those · who have ′ long been ′ dead. |
4 |
Therefore my spirit ′ faints with′in me: and my ′ heart is ′ numb with ′ grief. |
5 |
Yet I remember times past, I think about ′ all · you have ′ done: I meditate on the ′ works of ′ your ′ hands. |
6 |
I stretch out my ′ hands to ′ you: I thirst for you as a ′ parched land ′ thirsts for ′ rain. |
7 |
Make haste to answer me Lord, for my ′ spirit · is ′ failing: do not hide your face from me, or I shall be like ′ those who · go ′ down · to the ′ dead. |
8 |
Let me hear of your steadfast love ′ in the ′ morning: for in ′ you · I have ′ put my ′ trust. |
9 |
Show me the way ′ I should ′ walk in: for to ′ you · I lift ′ up my ′ soul. |
10 |
Deliver me Lord ′ from my ′ enemies: for I have ′ fled to ′ you for ′ refuge. |
11 |
Teach me to do your will, for ′ you · are my ′ God: let your good spirit ′ lead me · on an ′ even ′ path. |
12 |
Keep me safe O Lord for your ′ name’s ′ sake: and for your righteousness’ sake ′‿ bring me ′ out of ′ trouble. |
* * * |
144Day 30 Morning
1 |
Blessèd be the ′ Lord my ′ rock: who trains my hand for war ′ and my ′ fingers · for ′ battle, |
2 |
my strength and my fortress, my stronghold and my refuge, my shield in ′ whom I ′ trust: who brings ′ people ′ under · my ′ rule. |
3 |
Lord, what are we mortals that you should ′ care a′bout us: mere human beings that ′‿ you should ′ give us · a ′ thought? |
4 |
Each of us is like a ′ puff of ′ wind: our days are ′ like a ′ passing ′ shadow. |
5 |
Lower your heavens O Lord and ′ come ′ down: touch the ′ mountains · and ′ they shall ′ smoke. |
6 |
Send out your lightnings, and ′ scatter · the ′ enemy: shoot out your ′ arrows · and ′ put them · to ′ flight. |
7 |
Reach down your hand from on ′ high and ′ rescue me: snatch me out of the deep waters, from the ′ hands of ′ ali·en ′ foes, |
8 |
whose mouths utter things ′ that are ′ false: and whose right ′ hand is ′ raised in ′ perjury. |
9 |
I will sing you a new ′ song O ′ God: I will sing your praises ′ on a ′ ten-stringed ′ lute. |
10 |
You give ′ victory · to ′ kings: and de′liverance to ′ David · your ′ servant. |
11 |
Save me from the ′ cruel ′ sword: deliver me ′ from the ′ hands of ′ aliens, |
12 |
whose mouths utter ′ things · that are ′ false: and whose right ′ hand is ′ raised in ′ perjury. |
13 |
May our sons in their youth be like ′ well-grown ′ saplings: and our daughters like‿ sculptured ′ pillars · at the ′ corners · of ′ palaces. |
14 |
May our barns be full to overflowing‿ with every ′ kind · of pro′vision: our sheep bear young‿ in thousands upon ′ thousands ′ in our ′ fields. |
15 |
May our cattle be fat and strong, suffering no miscarriage or un′timely ′ birth: and may there be no ′ cries · of dis′tress · in our ′ streets. |
16 |
Happy are the people to whom such ′ blessings ′ fall: happy the people whose ′ God ′ is the ′ Lord. |
1 |
I will extol you O ′ God my ′ king: I will bless your ′ name for ′ ever · and ′ ever. |
2 |
Every day will I give ′ thanks to ′ you: and praise your ′ name for ′ ever · and ′ ever. |
3 |
You are great O Lord, and worthy of ′ all ′ praise: there are no ′ bounds ′ to your ′ greatness. |
4 |
One generation shall praise your ′ works · to an′other: and pro′claim your ′ mighty ′ acts. |
5 |
I will speak of the glorious splendour ′ of your ′ majesty: and of ′ all your ′ marvel·lous ′ works. |
6 |
People shall speak of the might of your ′ awesome ′ deeds: and I ′ too · will pro′claim your ′ greatness. |
7† |
They shall pour out the story of your a′bundant ′ kindness: and joyfully ′ sing ′ of your ′ righteousness. |
8 |
The Lord is gracious and ′ full · of com′passion: slow to anger ′ and a′bounding · in ′ love. |
9 |
You Lord are ′ good to ′ all of us: and your mercy ′ rests up·on ′ all your ′ creatures. |
10 |
All your creation shall ′ praise you · O ′ Lord: and your ′ servants · will ′ bless your ′ name. |
11 |
They shall speak of the glory ′ of your ′ kingdom: and their ′ talk shall ′ be of · your ′ power, |
12 |
so that all may know of your ′ mighty ′ deeds: and the glorious ′ splendour ′ of your ′ kingdom. |
13 |
Your kingdom is an ever′lasting ′ kingdom: and your dominion en′dures from ′ age to ′ age. |
14 |
The Lord upholds ′ those who ′ stumble: and ′ raises · up ′ those · who are ′ down. |
15 |
The eyes of all look to ′ you O ′ Lord: and you give them their ′ food in ′ due ′ season. |
16 |
You open ′ wide your ′ hand: and give what they de′sire to ′ all things ′ living. |
17 |
You Lord are righteous in ′ all your ′ ways: and ′ loving · in ′ all your ′ deeds. |
18 |
You Lord are near to ′ all who ′ call to you: who call to ′ you in ′ singleness · of ′ heart. |
19 |
You fulfil the desire of ′ those · who re′vere you: you hear their ′ cry ′ and you ′ save them. |
20 |
You protect ′ all who ′ love you: but the ′ wicked · you ′ will des′troy. |
21 |
My mouth shall speak the ′ praise · of the ′ Lord: let everyone bless God’s holy ′ name for ′ ever · and ′ ever. |
1 |
Whakamoemititia a Ihowā. / Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord ′ O my ′ soul: as long as I ′ live · I will ′ praise the ′ Lord. |
2 |
Yes, as long as ′ I have ′ life: I will sing ′ praises ′ to my ′ God. |
3 |
Put no trust in princes, nor in any ′ human ′ power: for in ′ them there ′ is no ′ help. |
4 |
When they breathe their last, they re′turn to ′ dust: then all their ′ plans ′ come to ′ nothing. |
5 |
Happy are those whose helper is the ′ God of ′ Jacob: whose hope is ′ in the ′ Lord their ′ God, |
6 |
who made heaven and earth, the sea and ′ all · that is ′ in them: who ′ keeps a ′ promise · for ′ ever, |
7 |
who defends the ′ cause of · the op′pressed: and gives ′ food ′ to the ′ hungry. |
8 |
The Lord sets free the prisoner, and gives ′ sight · to the ′ blind: the Lord raises up those bowed down, and ′ loves ′ those · who are ′ just. |
9 |
The Lord cares for the stranger in the land, and sustains the ′ widows · and ′ orphans: but turns the ′ way · of the ′ wicked · to ′ ruin. |
10 |
The Lord shall ′ reign for ′ ever: your God O Jerusalem shall reign for all generations. Whaka′moemi′titia · a ′ Ihowā. / O ′ praise ′ - the ′ Lord. |
147Day 30 Evening
1 |
Whakamoemititia a Ihowā, / Praise the Lord, for it is good to sing praises ′ to our ′ God: how pleasant and seemly it is to ′ praise the ′ Most ′ High. |
2 |
You Lord are re′building · Je′rusalem: and gathering the ′ scattered ′ exiles · of ′ Israel. |
3 |
You are healing the ′ broken-′hearted: and ′ binding ′ up their ′ wounds. |
4 |
You count the ′ number · of the ′ stars: and ′ call them ′ all · by their ′ names. |
5 |
Great are you O Lord, and ′ mighty · your ′ power: yes, ′ and your ′ wisdom · is ′ infinite. |
6 |
You raise ′ up the ′ lowly: and bring down the ′ wicked ′ to the ′ dust. |
7 |
Sing to the ′ Lord in ′ thanksgiving: make music on the ′ harp ′ to our ′ God, |
8 |
who covers the sky with clouds, and prepares ′ rain · for the ′ earth: making the hills green with grass‿ and with ′ plants for ′ human ′ use. |
9 |
You O Lord give the ′ cattle · their ′ food: and the young ravens ′ when they ′ call to ′ you. |
10 |
You set no store by the ′ power · of a ′ horse: nor by the ′ strength · of a ′ warri·or’s ′ thighs. |
11 |
But your delight is in ′ those · who re′vere you: in ′ those · who re′ly on · your ′ mercy. |
12 |
Praise the Lord ′ O Je′rusalem: O holy ′ city ′ praise your ′ God. |
13 |
For the Lord has strengthened the ′ bars · of your ′ gates: and ′ blessed your ′ children · with′in you. |
14 |
The Lord has established peace with′in your ′ borders: and fed you amply ′ with the ′ finest ′ wheat. |
15 |
You O Lord send your ′ word · to the ′ earth: and your com′mand runs ′ very ′ swiftly. |
16 |
You give ′ snow like ′ wool: and ′ sprinkle ′ hoar-frost · like ′ ashes. |
17 |
You scatter ′ hailstones · like ′ breadcrumbs: you send the cold, ′ and the ′ waters · stand ′ frozen. |
18 |
You utter your word and the ′ ice is ′ melted: you blow with your wind ′ and the ′ waters ′ flow. |
19 |
You make known your ′ word to ′ Jacob: your ′ statutes · and de′crees to ′ Israel. |
20 |
You have not done this for any ′ other ′ nation: nor have you taught them your laws. Whaka′moemi′titia a ′ Ihowā. / O ′ praise ′ - the ′ Lord. |
1 |
Whakamoemititia a Ihowā. / Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord ′ from the ′ heavens: O praise God ′ in the ′ heights a′bove. |
2 |
Praise the Lord ′ all you ′ angels: O praise God ′ all you ′ heaven·ly ′ host. |
3 |
Praise the Lord ′ sun and ′ moon: praise God ′ all you ′ shining ′ stars. |
4 |
Praise the Lord you ′ highest ′ heavens: and you ′ waters · a′bove the ′ heavens. |
5 |
Let them praise the ′ name · of the ′ Lord: who commanded, ′ and they ′ were cre′ated. |
6 |
The Lord fixed them in their ′ places · for ′ ever: by a law ′ which shall ′ never · be ′ broken. |
7 |
Praise the Lord ′ from the ′ earth: you sea-′monsters · and ′ ocean ′ depths, |
8 |
fire and hail, ′ snow and ′ ice: stormy ′ wind o′beying · God’s ′ word, |
9 |
all ′ mountains · and ′ hills: all ′ fruit·bearing ′ trees and ′ cedars, |
10 |
wild ′ beasts and ′ cattle: reptiles and ′ birds ′ on the ′ wing, |
11 |
kings of the earth and ′ all ′ peoples: princes and all ′ rulers ′ of the ′ world, |
12 |
young ′ men and ′ maidens: old ′ people and ′ children · to′gether. |
13 |
Let them praise your ′ name O ′ Lord: for your name alone is exalted, and your glory is a′bove ′ heaven · and ′ earth. |
14 |
You have lifted up your people’s head, with praise from ′ all your ′ servants: from the people close to your heart. Whaka′moemi′titia · a ′ Ihowā. / O ′ praise ′ - the ′ Lord. |
1 |
Whakamoemititia a Ihowā. / Praise the Lord. O sing to the Lord a ′ new ′ song: give praise in the as′sembly ′ of the ′ faithful. |
2 |
Let the people of God rejoice ′ in their ′ maker: and let the servants of the Most High e′xult ′ in their ′ king. |
3 |
Let them praise God’s ′ name · in the ′ dance: let them sing God’s ′ praise with ′ timbrel · and ′ harp. |
4 |
For you O Lord take de′light · in your ′ people: and crown your ′ humble ′ folk with ′ victory. |
5 |
Let the faithful exult ′ in their ′ triumph: let them ′ shout for ′ joy · as they ′ feast. |
6 |
Let the praises of God be ′ on their ′ lips: and a two-edged sword in their hand. Whaka′moemi′titia · a ′ Ihowā. / O ′ praise ′ - the ′ Lord. |
* * * |
1 |
Whakamoemititia a Ihowā. / Praise the Lord. O praise God in the ′ holy ′ place: praise our God ′ in the ′ mighty ′ heavens. |
2 |
Praise the Lord for many ′ acts of ′ power: praise our God for ′ greatness · be′yond ′ measure. |
3 |
Praise the Lord with the ′ sound of the ′ trumpet: praise our God up′on the ′ lute and ′ harp. |
4 |
Praise the Lord with ′ timbrels · and ′ dancing: praise our God up′on the ′ strings and ′ pipe. |
5 |
Praise the Lord with ′ clash of ′ cymbals: praise our God up′on re′sounding ′ cymbals. |
6 |
Let everything that has breath ′ praise the ′ Lord: whaka′moemi′titia · a ′ Ihowā. / O ′ praise ′ - the ′ Lord. |