Sentences, Prayers
and Readings for the
Church’s Year
Historical Note: Please note that this section has replaced the content from the 1989 Prayer Book, which remains authorised for use. The historial content may be found here Historical Content Index.

Concerning Sentences, Prayers and Readings for the Church’s Year
The minister chooses one, or more, of the Collects set down for the Day for use in the service, and selects the Sentence, Psalms, and Set Readings from pages 550–723.ao, or selects the alternatives set down in A Prayer Book for Australia, or in Revised Common Lectionary Prayers.
At the end of a Collect, when needed, the minister may add or substitute one of the following
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake. Amen.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha. Āmine.
Praise to you our God; you answer prayer. Amen.
He whakamoemiti ki a koe, e tō mātou Atua;
whakamana ēnei īnoi. Āmine.
This we ask through Christ our Mediator / Saviour / Redeemer / Lord / Companion / Eternal source of peace / Guide / Refuge / Friend / Strength. Amen.
E īnoi ai mātou i roto i a te Karaiti tō mātou Kaitakawaenga / Kaiwhakaora / Kaihoko / Ariki / Hoa aroha / Pūtake o te rangimārie / Kaiwhakaatu / Hoa pūmau / Kaha. Āmine.
Or, for a Trinitarian ending
Through Jesus Christ our liberator,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou kaiwhakaora,
e ora ana, e kīngi tahi ana me koe,
i te kotahitanga o te Wairua Tapu,
kotahi anō Atua, ināianei, ā, mō ake tonu atu. Āmine.
Or, if the Collect is addressed to the second person of the Trinity
For you are alive and reign with the Father
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Tēnā koe rā e ora ana, e kīngi tahi ana me te Matua
i te kotahitanga o te Wairua Tapu,
kotahi anō Atua, ināianei, ā, mō ake tonu atu. Āmine.
Or, if the Collect is addressed to the third person of the Trinity
With the Father and the Son,
you live and reign,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
Ko koe me te Matua me te Tama,
e ora ana, e kīngi tahi ana
kotahi anō Atua, ināianei, ā mō ake tonu atu. Āmine.
Ngā Wā me ngā Rātapu
Te Wā o Te Haerenga Mai
Te Rātapu Tuatahi o te Haerenga Mai
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Haere mai, tātou ka haere ki runga ki te maunga o Ihowā, ki te whare o te Atua o Hākopa: ka whakaakona tātou e ia ki āna ara. Ihāia 2:3a
Te Īnoi o te Rā
Te whakamoemiti te hōnore ki a koe, e te Atua ora tonu;
tō haerenga mai ōrite ki tā te whānako haere pō,
anō he hihiko uira i te rangi.
Meatia mātou kia tūmau
kia whakautu ai o mātou ngākau, Haere mai e Īhu te Ariki.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 2:1–5 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 122 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 13:11–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 24:36–44 Lookup Reading: NLT
Seasons and Sundays
Season of Advent
The First Sunday of Advent
Year A
Sentence of the Day
Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his paths. Isaiah 2:3a
Collect of the Day
Praise and honour to you living God;
your coming will be like a thief in the night,
like lightning flashing across the sky.
Grant that we may be ready,
and our hearts answer, Come Lord Jesus.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Isaiah 2:1–5 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 122 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 13:11–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 24:36–44 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
‘Ko te rangi me te whenua e pahemo: ko āku kupu ia e kore e pahemo.’ Māka 13:31
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua o te tūmanako,
kia puta mai tāu Tama te Karaiti
aua ia e kite i a mātou e moe ana, e māngere ana
engari kia tū mataara i roto i āna mahi;
E īnoi ai mātou i roto i a te Karaiti tō mātou Kaihoko.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 64:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 80:1–7, 17–19 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Koroniti 1:3–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 13:24–37 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
E tū kia ara o koutou ūpoko; kua tata mai hoki tō koutou whakaoranga. Ruka 21:28
Te Īnoi o te Rā
Nau mai, haere mai e te Emanuera,
ko koe te huarahi, te pono me te ora;
ko koe te aka pono, te taro o te ora.
Haere mai, e te Kaiwhakaora e ora nei,
haere mai ki tāu ao e tatari nei ki a koe.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Year B
Sentence of the Day
‘Heaven and earth will pass away,’ says the Lord, ‘but my words will not pass away.’ Mark 13:31
Collect of the Day
God of hope,
When Christ your Son appears
may he not find us asleep or idle,
but active in his service and ready;
through the same Jesus Christ our Redeemer.
Isaiah 64:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 80:1–7, 17–19 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Corinthians 1:3–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 13:24–37 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
Stand up and raise your heads; your redemption is drawing near. Luke 21:28
Collect of the Day
Come, O come Emmanuel,
you are the way, the truth and the life;
Come, living Saviour
come to your world which waits for you.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Ngā Pānui
Heremaia 33:14–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 25:1–10 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Teharonika 3:9–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 21:25–36 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Tuarua o te Haerenga Mai
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kua rite te wā, kua tata hoki te rangatiratanga o te Atua; rīpenetā, whakaponohia te rongopai. Māka 1:15
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua Kaha rawa,
i tonoa e koe tāu pononga a Hoani Kaiiriiri
hei whakapai i te huarahi mō te haerenga mai o tāu Tama;
tukua ki a rātou e kauwhau nei i tāu kupu
ā, arahina ō mātou waewae ki te ara o te rangimārie,
kia tū tangata ai mātou i mua i tōna aroaro
mō tōna taenga mai i runga i te korōria o tōna kīngitanga;
E īnoi ai mātou i roto i a te Karaiti tō mātou Kaiwhakawā, me tō
mātou Kaihoko.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 11:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 72:1–7, 18–19 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 15:4–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 3:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Jeremiah 33:14–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 25:1–10 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Thessalonians 3:9–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 21:25–36 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Second Sunday of Advent
Year A
Sentence of the Day
The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news. Mark 1:15
Collect of the Day
Almighty God,
you sent your servant John the Baptist
to prepare the way for the coming of your Son;
grant that those who proclaim your word
may so guide our feet into the way of peace,
that we may stand with confidence before him
when he comes in his glorious kingdom;
through Jesus Christ our Judge and our Redeemer.
Isaiah 11:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 72:1–7, 18–19 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 15:4–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 3:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Whakapaia te huarahi o te Ariki; whakatikaia ōna ara. Ka whakapuakina anō hoki te korōria o Ihowā, ā, ka kite ngātahi ngā tāngata katoa. Ruka 3:4; Ihāia 40:5a
Te Īnoi mō te Rā
E te Atua, e tāria nei e titiro nei mātou ki a koe,
i tonoa e koe a Hoani Kaiiriiri
hei whakarite i te ara mō te haerenga mai o tāu Tama;
kia mataara, kia māia ai mātou ki te kōrero i te pono
āhakoa pēhia e te taimaha.
E īnoi ai mātou i roto i a te Karaiti tō mātou Kaiwhakaora.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 40:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 85:1–2, 8–13 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Pita 3:8–15a Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 1:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
He mea hoki nā te aroha o tō tātou Atua, nā reira hoki i puta mai ai te pūaotanga o runga ki a tātou, hei whakamārama i te hunga e noho ana i te pōuri, i te ātarangi hoki o te mate, hei whakatika hoki i te huarahi o te rangimārie. Ruka 1:78–79
Year B
Sentence of the Day
Prepare the way of the Lord; make his paths straight. For the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all people shall see it together. Luke 3:4; Isaiah 40:5a
Collect of the Day
God for whom we wait and watch,
you sent John the Baptist
to prepare for the coming of your Son:
give us courage to speak the truth
even to the point of suffering.
This we ask through Christ our Saviour.
Isaiah 40:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 85:1–2, 8–13 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Peter 3:8–15a Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 1:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace. Luke 1:78–79
Te Īnoi o te Rā
Kia whakamoemititia, kia whakanuia koe e te Atua ora tonu
mō Hoani Kaiiriiri
me ngā reo o rātou katoa e tangi ana i te korah
e whakawātea nei i tāu ara.
Meingia mātou kia whakarongo i ngā kōrero ā te poropiti
kia mahi ai i āu kupu;
E īnoi ai mātou i roto i a te Karaiti tō mātou Kaihoko.
Ngā Pānui
Paruku 5:1–9 Lookup Reading: RV
ko Maraki 3:1–4 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Mō te Waiata: Ruka 1:68–79 Lookup Reading: NLT
Piripai 1:3–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 3:1–6 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Tuatōru o te Haerenga Mai
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Whakakahangia ngā ringa ngoikore, whakaūngia ngā turi ngonge. Mea atu ki te hunga ngākau pōtatutatu, ‘Kia kaha, kaua e wehi! Nanā tō koutou Atua.’ Ihāia 35:3-4
tēnei rānei
He pono tāku e mea nei ki a koutou, kāhore noa i maea ake i roto i ngā whānau a te wahine he rahi ake i a Hoani Kaiiriiri; heoi, he rahi ake i a ia te mea iti rawa i te rangatiratanga o te rangi. Matiu 11:11
Collect of the Day
Praise and honour to you living God
for John the Baptist,
and for all those voices crying in the wilderness
who prepare your way.
May we listen when a prophet speaks your word,
and obey;
for the sake of Jesus Christ our Redeemer.
Baruch 5:1–9 Lookup Reading: RV
or Malachi 3:1–4 Lookup Reading: NLT
For the Psalm: Luke 1:68–79 Lookup Reading: NLT
Philippians 1:3–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 3:1–6 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Third Sunday of Advent
Year A
Sentence of the Day
Strengthen the weak hands, and make firm the feeble knees. Say to those who are of a fearful heart, ‘Be strong, do not fear! Here is your God.’ Isaiah 35:3–4
Truly I tell you, among those born of women no one has arisen greater than John the Baptist; yet the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he. Matthew 11:11
Te Īnoi mō te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa,
i kauwhautia e Hoani,
kei te haere mai te tūwiri te mataku me te riri
kia tū rīpenetā mātou;
whakatūwheratia ō mātou ngākau,
whakaaturia ō mātou hara, ā, murua.
Whakarongo ki tēnei ī runga i tōu aroha.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 35:1–10Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 146:5–10 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
mō te Waiata: Ruka 1:47–55 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Hēmi 5:7–10Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 11:2–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Takaia te hunga ngākau marū, kauhau ki ngā whakarau kia haere noa, karangatia Tau manako mai o Ihowā, te rā rapu utu o tō tātou Atua. Ihāia 61:1–2
Te Īnoi mō te Rā
E te Atua Kaha rawa,
i tonoa e koe tāu pononga a Hoani Kaiiriiri
hei whakapai i te huarahi mō te haerenga mai o tāu Tama;
tukua ki a rātou e kauwhau nei i tāu kupu
ā, arahina ō mātou waewae ki te ara o te rangimārie,
kia tū tangata ai mātou i mua i tōna aroaro
mō tōna taenga mai i runga i te korōria o tōna kīngitanga;
E īnoi ai mātou i roto i a te Karaiti tō mātou Kaiwhakawā, me tō
mātou Kaihoko.
Collect of the Day
Terror and doom, and wrath to come,
John your herald preached
to bring us to repentance;
open our eyes, almighty God,
show us our sin, and grant us forgiveness.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Isaiah 35:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 146:5–10 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
or for the Psalm: Luke 1:47–55 Lookup
Reading: NLT
James 5:7–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 11:2–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
Bind up the broken-hearted, proclaim liberty to the captives and release to the prisoners, proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour, the day of vengeance of our God. Isaiah 61:1–2
Collect of the Day
Almighty God,
you sent your servant John the Baptist
to prepare the way for the coming of your Son;
grant that those who proclaim your word
may so guide our feet into the way of peace,
that we may stand with confidence before him
when he comes in his glorious kingdom;
through Jesus Christ our Judge and our Redeemer.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 61:1–4, 8–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 126 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
mō te Waiata: Ruka 1:47–55 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
1 Teharonika 5:16–24 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 1:6–8, 19–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kaua e wehi, kei roto a Ihowā, tōu Atua, i a koe, he toa ia māna e whakaora; ka koa ia, ka hari ki a koe; ka whakahoutia koe ki tōna aroha. Tepania 3:16–17
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua tō mātou kaha me tō mātou tūmanako
hōmai ki a mātou te hautoa o Hoani Kaiiriiri,
ki te kōrero pono i ngā wā katoa
ki te pana atu i te kino,
ā, kia manawanui ai ki ngā mamae mō te pono;
i runga i te ingoa o Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Tepania 3:14–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mō te Waiata: Ihāia 12:2–6 Lookup Reading: NLT
Piripai 4:4–7Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 3:7–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Isaiah 61:1–4, 8–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 126 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
or for the Psalm: Luke 1:47–55 Lookup
Reading: NLT
1 Thessalonians 5:16–24 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 1:6–8, 19–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
Do not fear. The Lord, your God, is in your midst, a warrior who gives victory; he will rejoice over you with gladness, he will renew you in his love. Zephaniah 3:16–17
Collect of the Day
God our strength and our hope,
grant us the courage of John the Baptist,
constantly to speak the truth,
boldly to rebuke vice
and patiently to suffer for the truth’s sake;
in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Zephaniah 3:14–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
For the Psalm: Isaiah 12:2–6 Lookup Reading: NLT
Philippians 4:4–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 3:7–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rā Tapu Tuawhā o te Haerenga Mai
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Nā, ka hapū te wāhina, ka whānau hoki he tama, ā, ka huaina e rātou tōna ingoa ko Emanuera, ko tōna whakamāoritanga tēnei: Kei a tātou te Atua. Matiu 1:23
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua ora tonu, nāu i ārahi mai tāu iwi i Ihipa,
i hoatu hoki te kawenata ki a rātou;
whakaritea ō mātou ngākau kia rongo i tāu karanga,
kia whiwhi ai mātou i te rongopai a tāu Tama i runga i te hari koa,
kia pūmau ai mātou ki a koe āianei, ā, mō ake tonu atu.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 7:10–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 80:1–7, 17–19 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 1:1–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 1:18–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ka whakanuia te tamaiti nei, ka tapaia ko te Tama a te Runga Rawa; hei kīngi hoki ia mō te hapū o Hākopa ake ake, e kore anō e mutu tōna rangatiratanga. Ruka 1:32–33
The Fourth Sunday of Advent
Year A
Sentence of the Day
A virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel: God with us. Matthew 1:23
Collect of the Day
Living God, you called your people out of Egypt
and gave them the covenant;
prepare our hearts to hear your call,
so that we may receive with joy the gospel of your Son
and be your faithful people, now and for ever.
Isaiah 7:10–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 80:1–7, 17–19 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 1:1–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 1:18–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
This child will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High. He will reign over the house of Jacob for ever, and of his kingdom there will be no end. Luke 1:32–33
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua o te tūmanako, o te koa,
tūwheratia ō mātou ngākau kia pōwhiritia i a koe,
kia kite ai tāu Tama a Īhu Karaiti i tōna haerenga mai
i tētahi wāhi kua whakaritea mai mōna i roto i a mātou;
ko taua Īhu Karaiti rā anō hoki tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
2 Hamuera 7:1–11, 16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mō te Waiata: Ruka 1:47–55 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 89:1–4, 19–26 rānei Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 16:25–27 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 1:26–38 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ka koa anō ia e whakapono ana: ka whakaritea hoki ngā mea i kōrerotia ki a ia e te Ariki. Ruka 1:45
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua pono, e te Atua tika,
kia āritarita mātou i te tūmanako,
i a mātou e tatari nei ki te whakatutukitanga o tāu kī taurangi
i roto i a Īhu Karaiti, i tō mātou Kaiwhakaora.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Collect of the Day
God of all hope and joy,
open our hearts in welcome,
that your Son Jesus Christ at his coming
may find in us a dwelling prepared for himself;
through the same Jesus Christ our Lord.
2 Samuel 7:1–11, 16 Lookup Reading: NLT
For the Psalm: Luke 1:47–55 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Psalm 89:1–4, 19–26 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 16:25–27 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 1:26–38 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
Blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfilment of what was spoken to her by the Lord. Luke 1:45
Collect of the Day
God, faithful and true,
make us eager with expectation,
as we look for the fulfilment of your promise
in Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Ngā Pānui
Mika 5:2–5a Lookup Reading: NLT
Mō te Waiata: Ruka 1:47–55 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 80:1–7 rānei Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Hiperu 10:5–10Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 1:39–45, (46–55) Lookup Reading: NLT
Ngā Wā o te Kirihimete
Te Whānautanga o tō tātou Ariki o Īhu Karaiti Kua Whānau he Tama
Tau A, B, C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Te hunga haereere i te pōuri, kua kite i te mārama nui; kua whānau he tamaiti mā tātou, kua hōmai he tama ki a tātou. Ihāia 9:2, 6
tēnei rānei
Kua mauria mai e au te rongo pai me te hari koa mō ngā tāngata katoa: kua whānau mai i tēnei rā i te pā o Rāwiri he Kaiwhakaora, a te Karaiti, te Ariki. Ruka 2:10–11
tēnei rānei
I te tīmatanga te kupu, i te Atua te Kupu, ko te Atua anō te Kupu. I whakakikokikotia te Kupu, ā, noho ana i a mātou, kī tonu i te aroha noa, i te pono. Hoani 1:1, 14
Micah 5:2–5a Lookup Reading: NLTFor the Psalm: Luke 1:47–55 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Psalm 80:1–7 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hebrews 10:5–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 1:39–45, (46–55) Lookup Reading: NLT
Season of Christmas
The Birth of our Lord Jesus Christ
Years A, B, C
Sentence of the Day
The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; for to us a child is born, to us a son is given. Isaiah 9:2, 6
I bring you good news of great joy for all people: to you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, Christ the Lord. Luke 2:10–11
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word became flesh and lived among us, full of grace and truth. John 1:1, 14
Te Īnoi o te Rā
Tau A
E te Tama a te Atua,
te rama e tīaho nei i te pō,
te tamaiti o te hari koa, o te rangimārie,
āwhinatia mātou ki te haere atu ki a koe
kia whānau hōu ai i tēnei pō tapu.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu ake aroha.
Tau B
E te Atua kaha rawa,
i tukua mai e koe tāu Tama kotahi
kia whakatangatatia ai,
kia whānau mai ai i te Puhi i a Meri;
tukua mātou, kua whānau hōu anō,
kua taurimatia ki tōu aroha noa hei tamariki māu,
kia whakahōutia ai ki tōu Wairua Tapu i ia rā, i ia rā;
ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaiwhakaora,
e ora ana, e kīngi tahi ana me koe, i te kotahitanga o te Wairua Tapu,
kotahi anō Atua, ināianei, ā, mō āke tonu atu.
Tau C
E te Tama ā te Atua, e te Tama ā Meri,
i whānau koe i te whare kararehe i Peterehama,
meinga kia whānau hōu anō koe ki roto i a mātou i tēnei rā,
kia mōhio ai te ao i te mīharo o tōu aroha.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu ingoa.
Collect of the Day
Year A
Son of God,
light that shines in the dark,
child of joy and peace,
help us to come to you
and be born anew this holy night.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Year B
Almighty God,
you gave your only-begotten Son
to take our nature upon him,
and be born of the Virgin Mary;
grant that we, who are born again
and made your children by adoption and grace,
may daily be renewed by your Holy Spirit;
through Jesus Christ our Saviour,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God for ever.
Year C
Son of God, Child of Mary,
born in the stable at Bethlehem,
be born again in us this day
that through us the world may know
the wonder of your love.
Hear this prayer for your name’s sake.
Ngā Pānui
Tikanga I
Ihāia 9:2–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 96 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Taituha 2:11–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 2:1–14, (15–20) Lookup Reading: NLT
Tikanga II
Ihāia 62:6–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 97 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Taituha 3:4–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 2:(1–7), 8–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tikanga III
Ihāia 52:7–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 98 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Hiperu 1:1–4, (5–12) Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 1:1–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rā Tapu Tuatahi i Muri o te Kirihimete
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
I te mea hoki ka whakamātautauria ia, ā, mamae iho, e taea e ia te āwhina te hunga e whakamātautauria ana. Ngā Hiperu 2:18
Proper I
Isaiah 9:2–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 96 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Titus 2:11–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 2:1–14, (15–20) Lookup Reading: NLT
Proper II
Isaiah 62:6–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 97 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Titus 3:4–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 2:(1–7), 8–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Proper III
Isaiah 52:7–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 98 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hebrews 1:1–4, (5–12) Lookup Reading: NLT
John 1:1–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
The First Sunday of Christmas
Year A
Sentence of the Day
Because Jesus himself was tested by what he suffered, he is able to help those who are being tested. Hebrews 2:18
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E Īhu, i kite koe i te ao pērā i te tamaiti.
Whakaorangia mātou i te whakahīhī
kei kuare mātou i āu tohutohu
kia noho pēnā i a koe
i roto i te ngāwari me te hari koa.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 63:7–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 148 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Hiperu 2:10–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 2:13–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ka kite nei hoki ōku kanohi i tāu whakaoranga, ka whakatakotoria nei e koe i mua ki te aroaro o ngā iwi katoa, hei whakamārama e kite ai ngā tauiwi, hei korōria hoki mō tāu iwi mō Īharaira. Ruka 2:30–32
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua tapu, e te Atua ora tonu,
nā tāu Tama nā Īhu Karaiti mātou i ako
kia rite tō mātou whakapono ki tā te tamariki;
hōmai he ngākau mā, kia pūmau ai te whakapono
kia whakamoemiti ki a koe i roto i te wairua me te pono;
ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Collect of the Day
Jesus, you saw the world through the eyes of a child.
Save us from the pride
that would refuse your command to live like you
in simplicity and joy.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Isaiah 63:7–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 148 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hebrews 2:10–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 2:13–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
My eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel. Luke 2:30–32
Collect of the Day
Holy and eternal God,
your Son Jesus Christ has taught us
to learn from the simple trust of children;
give us pure hearts and steadfast faith
to worship you in spirit and in truth;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 61:10–62:3 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 148 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Karatia 4:4–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 2:22–40 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kākahutia koutou ki te aroha ko Tauhere tika rawa ia i te kotahitanga. Waiho mā te rangimārie o te Karaiti te whakahaere tikanga i ō koutou ngākau me te whakawhetai. Korohe 3:14–15
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E Īhu, kāhore āu ara e rite i ō mātou.
He tamaiti Hūrai koe,
he tamaiti uiui koe, i ngaro koe i ō mātua.
Meingia kia whakarongo ngākaunui mātou
me te whakaiti i ngā mea e whakaponohia ana e mātou.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Ngā Pānui
1 Hamuera 2:18–20, 26 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 148 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Korohe 3:12–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 2:41–52 Lookup Reading: NLT
Isaiah 61:10–62:3 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 148 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Galatians 4:4–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 2:22–40 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
Clothe yourselves with love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, and be thankful. Colossians 3:14–15
Collect of the Day
Jesus, your ways are not our ways.
You are the Jewish boy,
you are the questioning child the parents lost.
Make us willing to listen
and humble in what we believe is right.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
1 Samuel 2:18–20, 26 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 148 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Colossians 3:12–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 2:41–52 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rā Tapu Tuarua i Muri i te Kirihimete
Tau A, B, C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
He mea whakarite hoki tātou nāna i mua, he tama māna i roto i a Īhu Karaiti, hei whakamoemiti mō te korōria ki tōna aroha noa, i atawhaitia ai tātou i roto i tāna i aroha ai. Epeha 1:5–6
tēnei rānei
‘Ka meinga hoki e ahau tā rātou tangi hei koa. Ka whakamārietia rātou, ā, ka meinga rātou kia hari i ō rātou mamae,’ e ai tā Ihowā. Heremaia 31:13
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua,
nāu te hangānga pai,
otirā, nāu anō i whakaū te mana
ki te āhua o te tangata;
tukua tēnei kia whakawhiwhia mātou
ki te oranga tonutanga o tāu Tama a Īhu Karaiti,
ko ia e ora nei, e kīngi tahi nei me koe
i roto i te kotahitanga me te Wairua Tapu,
kotahi anō Atua āianei, ā, ake tonu atu.
Ngā Pānui
Heremaia 31:7–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Hiraka 24:1–12 rānei Lookup Reading: RV
Waiata 147:12–20 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
mō te Waiata: Te Mātauranga o Horomona 10:15–21 rānei
Lookup Reading: RV
Epeha 1:3–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 1:(1–9), 10–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Second Sunday of Christmas
Years A, B, C
Sentence of the Day
God has destined us for adoption as his children through Jesus Christ, to the praise of his glorious grace that he freely bestowed on us in the Beloved. Ephesians 1:5–6
‘I will turn your mourning into joy,’ says the Lord. ‘I will comfort you, and give you gladness for sorrow.’ Jeremiah 31:13
Collect of the Day
O God,
you wonderfully created,
and yet more wonderfully, restored
the dignity of human nature;
grant that we may share the divine life
of your Son Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with you
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God now and for ever.
Jeremiah 31:7–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Sirach 24:1–12 Lookup Reading: RV
Psalm 147:12–20 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
or for the Psalm: Wisdom 10:15–21
Lookup Reading: RV
Ephesians 1:3–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 1:(1–9), 10–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ngā Rā o te Whakaaturanga
Te Whakaaturanga o Īhu Karaiti tō tātou Ariki
Tau A, B, C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
E ara, kia mārama; kia tae mai hoki tōu mārama, kua whiti te korōria o Ihowā ki a koe. Ihāia 60:1
tēnei rānei
Ka kite i te tamaiti me tōna whaea a Meri, na koropiko ana rātou, ka whakamoemiti ki a ia. Matiu 2:11
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E Īhu, mārama o te ao,
meinga kia tīaho tōu whetū mārama ki runga iho i te wāhi
e noho ai te rawakore;
arahina ō mātou tohunga ki te whakaaro nui,
ō mātou rangatira ki te whakaaro pai.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 60:1–6Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 72:1–7, 10–14 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Epeha 3:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 2:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ko te tikanga mō ngā Rātapu o te Whakaaturanga e haere ana i te whārangi 617 me ngā whārangi e whai ake.
Season of Epiphany
The Epiphany of our Lord Jesus Christ
Years A, B, C
Sentence of the Day
Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. Isaiah 60:1
They saw the child with Mary his mother; and they knelt down and worshipped him. Matthew 2:11
Collect of the Day
Jesus, light of the world,
let your bright star stand over the place
where the poor have to live;
lead our sages to wisdom
and our rulers to reverence.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Isaiah 60:1–6 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 72:1–7, 10–14 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ephesians 3:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 2:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Sundays after Epiphany continue on page 617 following.
Te Wā o Rēneti
Wenerei Pungarehu
Te Rā Tuatahi o Rēneti
Tau A, B, C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Tahuri ki a Ihowā, ki tō koutou Atua: he aroha hoki tōna, he mahi tohu, he pūhoi ki te riri, he nui tōna atawhai. Hoera 2:13
tēnei rānei
Engari ka noho puku koe, kaukauria tōu ūpoko, horoia hoki tōu kanohi; kei kitea koe e te tangata nohopuku ana; engari, e tōu Matua i te wāhi ngaro. Matiu 6:17–18
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua o te koraha,
e aru nei mātou i a Īhu ki ngā wāhi kāhore nei mātou e mōhio,
meatia kia mātau mātou ki te kaiwhakawai ina haere mai ia;
engari tukua kia kai mātou i tāu taro,
kia mahi ki tāu nei ao,
kia koropiko nei ki a koe anake.
E īnoi ai mātou i roto i a te Karaiti tō mātou Kaihoko.
Season of Lent
Ash Wednesday
The First Day in Lent
Years A, B, C
Sentence of the Day
Return to the Lord your God, who is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love. Joel 2:13
When you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that your fasting may be seen not by others but by your Father who is in secret. Matthew 6:17–18
Collect of the Day
God of the desert,
as we follow Jesus into the unknown,
may we recognise the tempter when he comes;
let it be your bread we eat,
your world we serve and you alone we worship.
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Redeemer.
tēnei rānei
E te Atua kaha rawa, atawhai anō hoki,
kāhore koe e mauāhara ki ngā mea kua hangā e koe,
ā, e murua ana e koe ngā hara katoa o te hunga ngākau rīpenetā;
hangā ki roto i a mātou he ngākau hōu, he ngākau iro,
kia tahuri ai mātou ki a koe ki te whāki i ō mātou hara,
ka whiwhi mātou ki te tino houhanga o te rongo;
ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaihoko.
Ngā Pānui
Hoera 2:1–2, 12–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Ihāia 58:1–12 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 51:1–17 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Koriniti 5:20b–6:10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 6:1–6, 16–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Tuatahi o Rēneti
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
E kore e ora te tangata i te taro anake, engari, i ngā kupu katoa e puta mai ana i te māngai o te Atua. Matiu 4:4
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua,
nui atu āu mōhiotanga i a mātou
ki ngā whakamātautau e hinga ai mātou
Tukua mā tō mātou aroha ki a koe e ārai atu
i ngā hiahia pōhouhou, pōriro hoki
He whakamoemiti ki a koe, e tō mātou Atua; ka whakamana te īnoi.
Almighty and merciful God,
you hate nothing that you have made
and forgive the sins of all who are penitent;
create in us new and contrite hearts,
so that when we turn to you and confess our sins
we may receive your full and perfect forgiveness;
through Jesus Christ our Redeemer.
Joel 2:1–2, 12–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Isaiah 58:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 51:1–17 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Corinthians 5:20b–6:10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 6:1–6, 16–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
The First Sunday in Lent
Year A
Sentence of the Day
We do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4
Collect of the Day
God, you know better than we
the temptations that will bring us down.
Grant that our love for you may protect us
from all foolish and corrupt desire.
Praise to you our God; you answer prayer.
Ngā Pānui
Kēnehi 2:15–17; 3:1–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 32 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 5:12–19 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 4:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kua rite te wā, kua tata hoki te rangatiratanga o te Atua; rīpenetā, whakaponohia te rongopai. Māka 1:15
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa,
i nohopuku tāu tama a Īhu Karaiti i te koraha
mō ngā rā e whā tekau;
hōmai koa tōu aroha noa ki te whakarongo ki tōu Wairua
kia hāngai ai ā mātou mahi katoa ki a koe;
ā, i a koe e mōhio mai nā ki ō mātou ngoikoretanga
kia mōhio mātou ki te kaha o tōu mana ki te whakaora;
ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaihoko.
Ngā Pānui
Kēnehi 9:8–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 25:1–10 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Pita 3:18–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 1:9–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Genesis 2:15–17; 3:1–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 32 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 5:12–19 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 4:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news. Mark 1:15
Collect of the Day
Almighty God,
your Son Jesus Christ
fasted forty days in the wilderness;
give us grace to direct our lives
in obedience to your Spirit;
and as you know our weakness
so may we know your power to save;
through Jesus Christ our Redeemer.
Genesis 9:8–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 25:1–10 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Peter 3:18–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 1:9–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Me koropiko koe ki te Ariki, ki tōu Atua, me mahi anō ki a ia anake. Ruka 4:8
Te Īnoi o te Rā
Whakarongo mai e Īhu e te Karaiti,
kia āwhinatia mai mātou kia mōhio ai ki ngā whakawai,
kia pono tonu te anga atu,
kia kaha te ātete, kia whakakorōria te Atua i runga i te ngākau
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Ngā Pānui
Tiuteronomi 26:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 91:1–2, 9–16Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 10:8b–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 4:1–13Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Tuarua o Rēneti
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Koia anō te aroha o te Atua ki te ao, hōmai ana e ia tāna Tama kotahi, kia kāhore ai e ngaro te tangata e whakapono ana ki a ia, engari kia whiwhi ai ki te ora tonu. Hoani 3:16
Year C
Sentence of the Day
Worship the Lord your God, and serve only him. Luke 4:8
Collect of the Day
Hear us, Jesus Christ,
when we ask for help to recognise temptation,
for honesty to face it,
for strength to resist it
and humility to give God the glory.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Deuteronomy 26:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 91:1–2, 9–16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 10:8b–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 4:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Second Sunday in Lent
Year A
Sentence of the Day
God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life. John 3:16
Te Īnoi o te Rā
Haere mai e te Wairua Tapu,
ki te hunga katoa kua iriiritia ki tōu ingoa,
kia tahuri ai mātou ki te pai
mō ngā mea katoa e takotō ake nei.
Hōmai he wairua hihiko, te ahi kā;
kia meinga ai mātou te whakatahuri i te ao onāianei,
kia rite ki tāu e pai ai.
E īnoi ai mātou i roto i a te Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Kēnehi 12:1–4aLookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 121 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 4:1–5, 13–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 3:1–17Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Matiu 17:1–9 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ki te hiahia koe ki te whai i a Īhu, whakakāhore i a koe, mauria tōu ripeka, ka whai i a ia. Māka 8:34
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua, kia āhei mātou,
kia kaikā mātou
ki te mahi ki a koe i ia rā i ia rā;
inā hoki ko ngā mea e mahia ana e mātou
pērā te awhi tētahi ki tētahi,
waiho hei takoha mā mātou.
E īnoi ai mātou i roto i a te Karaiti tō mātou Kaiwhakaora.
Collect of the Day
Come Holy Spirit, to all baptised in your name,
that we may turn to good
whatever lies ahead
Give us passion, give us fire;
make us transform the world from what it is,
to what you have created it to be.
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Genesis 12:1–4a Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 121 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 4:1–5, 13–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 3:1–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Matthew 17:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
If you want to become a disciple of Jesus, deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow him. Mark 8:34
Collect of the Day
Servant God, grant us opportunity,
give us willingness
to serve you day by day;
that what we do
and how we bear each other’s burdens,
may be our sacrifice to you.
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Ngā Pānui
Kēnehi 17:1–7, 15–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 22:23–31 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 4:13–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 8:31–38 Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Māka 9:2–9 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ko te rangi ia te wāhi i tangata whenua ai tātou, kei reira hoki te Kaiwhakaora e tāria atu nei e tātou, te Ariki, a Īhu Karaiti. Piripai 3:20
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua o te ora me te korōria
i whakaaturia tāu Tama i roto i te ahurei
i mua i tōna matenga i runga i te rīpeka;
meinga mātou, e mau nei ki tōna rangatiratanga
te kaha ki te whai i a ia
kia rite ai ki tōna āhua mai te korōria ki te korōria;
ko Īhu Karaiti, e ora ana, e kīngi tahi ana me koe me te Wairua Tapu,
kotahi anō Atua ake tonu atu.
Ngā Pānui
Kēnehi 15:1–12, 17–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 27 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Piripai 3:17–4:1Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 13:31–35 Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Ruka 9:28–36 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Genesis 17:1–7, 15–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 22:23–31 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 4:13–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 8:31–38 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Mark 9:2–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
Our citizenship is in heaven, and it is from there that we are expecting a Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. Philippians 3:20
Collect of the Day
God of life and glory,
your Son was revealed in splendour
before he suffered death upon the cross;
grant that we, beholding his majesty,
may be strengthened to follow him
and be changed into his likeness from glory to glory;
for he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God now and for ever.
Genesis 15:1–12, 17–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 27 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Philippians 3:17–4:1 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 13:31–35 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Luke 9:28–36 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Tuatōru o Rēneti
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
I whakakitea nuitia ana e te Atua tōna aroha ki a tātou, i te mea, i a tātou anō e hara ana, ka mate a te Karaiti mō tātau. Rōma 5:8
tēnei rānei
‘Te wai e hoatu e ahau ki a ia,’ e ai tā te Ariki, ‘hei puna wai tēnā i roto i a ia e pupū ake ana, ā te ora tonu rā anō.’ Hoani 4:14
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua, hōmai tōu arohanoa me tōu māia ki a mātou
kia manakohia te tū kaha i ngā whakararu pāpōuri.
Whakaakona mātou ki te īnoi i runga i te ngākau hihiko,
tē taea te tutuki a mātou īnoi, me īnoi tonu mātou;
ko koe tō mātou Atua, e mahi ana, ka mahi anō.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Ngā Pānui
Ekoruhe 17:1–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 95 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 5:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 4:5–42 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Third Sunday in Lent
Year A
Sentence of the Day
God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us. Romans 5:8
‘The water that I will give,’ says the Lord, ‘will become in you a spring of water welling up to eternal life.’ John 4:14
Collect of the Day
Give us grace and courage to hope, and to risk disappointment.
Teach us to pray expectantly,
and when our prayers seem to fail,
bring us to pray again and again;
for you are our God,
who acts, and will act again.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Exodus 17:1–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 95 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 5:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 4:5–42 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ka kōrerotia e te Atua ēnei kupu ka mea, ’Ko Ihowā ahau, ko tōu Atua, nāku koe i whakaputa mai i te whenua o Īhipa, i te whare taurekareka; kaua atu he atua mō koutou ki mua atu i au.’ Ekoruhe 20:1
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Ariki, āwhinatia mai mātou kia kite:
kia titiro he aha te pai me te pono mō ake tonu atu,
te kite atu e mātou, me rapu tonu
ā, tae noa ki ngā harikoa o te rangi.
E īnoi ai mātou i roto i a Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Ekoruhe 20:1–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 19 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Koriniti 1:18–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 2:13–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Tā te mea e ikeike ake ana te rangi i te whenua, waiho ko ōku huarahi e ikeike ana i ō koutou huarahi, ko ōku whakaaro i ō koutou whakaaro, e ai tā Ihowā. Īhāia 55:9
tēnei rānei
Rapua a Ihowā, kei kitea ana ia; karangatia atu, kei tata ana mai ia. Īhāia 55:6
Year B
Sentence of the Day
God spoke these words and said, ‘I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery; you shall have no other gods before me.’ Exodus 20:1
Collect of the Day
Lord, help us to see:
to see what is eternally good and true,
and having seen, to go on searching
until we come to the joys of heaven.
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Exodus 20:1–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 19 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Corinthians 1:18–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 2:13–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts, says the Lord. Isaiah 55:9
Seek the Lord while he may be found, call upon him while he is near. Isaiah 55:6
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua atawhai me te pai,
e mōhio ana koe i tō mātou ngoikoretanga e ngaro ai mātou;
meinga mātou kia ū atu ki raro i āu manaakitanga,
ā, arahina mātou ki ngā rawa katoa e ora ai mātou;
ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 55:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 63:1–8 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Koriniti 10:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 13:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Tuawha o Rēneti
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
‘Ko ahau te whakamārama o te ao,’ te kī a Īhu; ’ki te aru tētahi i ahau, ka whiwhi ki te mārama o te ora.’ Hoani 8:12
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua o te kaha e kore nei e memeha,
mai i tāu waihangatanga i te ao,
ka waiata ngā whetū mārama o te ata,
ka umere ngā rangi katoa i te koa;
huakina ō mātou karu kia kitea ai ngā mīharo o tāu nei ao,
whakaakona hoki mātou kia mārama te pai o ngā mea katoa,
kia whai hōnore tōu ingoa korōria;
ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Collect of the Day
God of grace and goodness,
you know that by reason of our frailty we cannot but fail;
keep us always under your protection
and lead us to all things profitable to our salvation;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Isaiah 55:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 63:1–8 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Corinthians 10:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 13:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Fourth Sunday in Lent
Year A
Sentence of the Day
‘I am the light of the world,’ says the Lord; ‘those who follow me will have the light of life.’ John 8:12
Collect of the Day
God of unchangeable power,
when you fashioned the world
the morning stars sang together
and the host of heaven shouted for joy;
open our eyes to the wonders of creation
and teach us to see all things for good,
to the honour of your glorious name;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Ngā Pānui
1 Hamuera 16:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 23 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Epeha 5:8–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 9:1–41 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Te Tama a te Tangata me hiki ki runga, ko ia e whakapono ana ki a ia ka whiwhi ki te ora tonu. Hoani 3:14–15
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua tino atawhai,
nā te aurere o tāu Tama o Īhu Karaiti
i whakaorangia mātou e koe mai i te kaha o te pōuritanga;
tukua mā te whakapono ki a ia i whakamamaetia ai i runga i te rīpeka
mātou e pai ai ki tāu titiro,
ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaiwhakaora.
Ngā Pānui
Tauānga 21:4–9Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 107:1–3, 17–22 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Epeha 2:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 3:14–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Nā te Atua i hohou nei i tā tātou rongo ki a ia i runga i a te Karaiti, ā, hōmai ana e ia ki a mātou te minitatanga o te houhanga rongo. 2 Koroniti 5:18
1 Samuel 16:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 23 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ephesians 5:8–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 9:1–41 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
The Son of Man must be lifted up, that whoever believes in him may have eternal life. John 3:14–15
Collect of the Day
Most merciful God,
by the passion of your Son Jesus Christ
you delivered us from the power of darkness;
grant that through faith in him who suffered on the cross
we may be found acceptable in your sight,
through our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Numbers 21:4–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 107:1–3, 17–22 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ephesians 2:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 3:14–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
God has reconciled us to himself through Christ, and given us the ministry of reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:18
tēnei rānei
Nā, i a ia anō i tawhiti, ka kite tōna matua ki a ia, ka aroha, ka oma, hinga iho ki tōna kakī, kihi ana i a ia. Ruka 15:21
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua ka whakamoemiti mātou ki a koe,
e tīaho nei te mārama o te Karaiti i roto i tō mātou pōuritanga,
te mārama e kore nei e tineia;
aratakina mātou i te ara, ā, tae noa ki te rā o te oranga tonutanga;
mā roto i a te Karaiti tō mātou Ariki, e noho nei e kīngi tahi nei
me koe e te Matua me te Wairua āianei, ā, ake tonu atu.
Ngā Pānui
Hohua 5:9–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 32 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Koriniti 5:16–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 15:1–3, 11b–32 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Mamaetanga
Te Rātapu Tuarima o Rēneti
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
‘Ko ahau te aranga, te ora,’ te kī a Īhu; ‘e kore anō e mate ake ake ngā tāngata katoa e ora ana, e whakapono ana ki ahau.’ Hoani 1:25–26
While he was still far off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion; he ran and put his arms around him and kissed him. Luke 15:21
Collect of the Day
We praise you God,
that the light of Christ shines in our darkness
and is never overcome;
show us the way we must go to eternal day;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Joshua 5:9–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 32 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Corinthians 5:16–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 15:1–3, 11b–32 Lookup Reading: NLT
Passion Sunday
The Fifth Sunday in Lent
Year A
Sentence of the Day
‘I am the resurrection and the life,’ says the Lord; ‘whoever lives and believes in me shall never die.’ John 1:25–26
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua Tokotoru,
Te Kaihanga, Te Kaiwhakaora, Te Kaihōmai i te oranga me te pono,
whakaaria mai ngā pūmanawa kei roto i tēnei, i tēnei o mātou,
kia tae atu ai mātou ki te puāwaitanga o te tangata.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Ngā Pānui
Ehekiera 37:1–14Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 130 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 8:6–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 11:1–45 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
‘Ko te kawenata tēnei e whakaritea e ahau mō rātou,’ e ai tā Ihowā: ‘Ka hoatu e ahau tāku ture ki ō rātou wāhi i roto, ka tuhituhia anō ki tō rātou ngākau; ā, ko ahau hei Atua mō rātou, ko rātou he iwi māku.’ Heremaia 31:33
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa mutunga kore,
kua honoa e koe hei toto kotahi ngā iwi o te ao
kia noho tahi i runga i te rangimārie me te whakaaro tahi;
meatia kia tutuki tēnei whakaaro mō ngā iwi katoa
i raro i te ture māhaki a te Karaiti;
ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Collect of the Day
God in Trinity,
Creator, Saviour, Giver of life and truth,
reveal the possibilities within us,
that we may attain to the fullness of our humanity.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Ezekiel 37:1–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 130 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 8:6–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 11:1–45 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
‘This is the covenant I will make with them,’ says the Lord: ‘I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.’ Jeremiah 31:33
Collect of the Day
Almighty and eternal God,
you have made of one blood all the nations of the earth
and will that they live together
in peace and harmony;
so order the course of this world
that all peoples may be brought together
under Christ’s most gentle rule;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Ngā Pānui
Heremaia 31:31–34 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 51:1–12 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
ko Waiata 119:9–16 rānei Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Hiperu 5:5–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 12:20–33 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ahakoa haere tangi atu ia me te kawe i āna purapura hei whakatōkanga, tērā ia e haere hari mai anō me te mau mai i āna paihere. Waiata 126:6
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E Īhu,
kia ū ō mātou aroha me ā mātou whakamoemiti ki a koe.
Tauiratia mai mātou te tuku i a mātou rawa ki a koe,
nā te mea kore rawa he mea iti he mea rahi rānei
hei koha mā mātou ki a koe, hei whakamahi rānei māu;
ko koe e ora na e kīngi tahi nā me te Matua me te Wairua Tapu,
kotahi anō Atua āke tonu atu.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 43:16–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 126 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Piripai 3:4b–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 12:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Jeremiah 31:31–34 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 51:1–12 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
or Psalm 119:9–16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hebrews 5:5–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 12:20–33 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
Those who go out weeping, bearing the seed for sowing, shall come home with shouts of joy, carrying their sheaves. Psalm 126:6
Collect of the Day
receive our love and worship.
Show us how to give you what we have,
for nothing is too big or too small
for us to offer, or for you to use;
for you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
one God for ever.
Isaiah 43:16–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 126 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Philippians 3:4b–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 12:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Rātapu Nīkau
Te Rātapu Tuaono o Rēneti
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ka tuku ai i te ingoa o Īhu ngā turi katoa, o ngā mea i te rangi, o ngā mea i te whenua, o ngā mea i raro i te whenua; ā, kia whakaae ngā arero katoa ko Īhu Karaiti te Ariki, hei whakakorōria i te Atua Matua. Piripai 2:10–11
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E Īhu, nō tōu urunga atu ki Hiruhārama
ka pōwhiritia koe e te iwi ki ngā nīkau me te karanga
whakahōnore atu.
I te wahangūtanga o te umere, haere tahi tonu ana mātou i tōu
taha, ā, tae noa atu me he rīpeka;
mō te korōria o tōu ingoa tapu.
Ngā Pānui
Te Karakia e pā ana ki ngā Nīkau
Waiata 118:1–2, 19–29 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Matiu 21:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ko te Īnoi mō Rēneti 6:1 (ki runga)
Te Karakia e pā ana ki te Mamaetanga
Ihāia 50:4–9a Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 31:9–16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Piripai 2:5–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 26:14–27:66 Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Matiu 27:11–54 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Palm Sunday
The Sixth Sunday in Lent
Year A
Sentence of the Day
At the name of Jesus, every knee shall bend, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:10–11
Collect of the Day
Jesus, when you rode into Jerusalem
the people waved palms
with shouts of acclamation.
Grant that when the shouting dies
we may still walk beside you even to a cross;
for the glory of your holy name.
Liturgy of the Palms
Psalm 118:1–2, 19–29 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Matthew 21:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Use collect for Lent 6:1 (as above)
Liturgy of the Passion
Isaiah 50:4–9a Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 31:9–16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Philippians 2:5–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 26:14–27:66 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Matthew 27:11–54 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ka tuku ai i te ingoa o Īhu ngā turi katoa, o ngā mea i te rangi, o ngā mea i te whenua, o ngā mea i raro i te whenua; ā, kia whakaae ngā arero katoa ko Īhu Karaiti te Ariki, hei whakakorōria i te Atua Matua. Piripai 2:10–11
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Ariki, e Īhu,
i whakanuia hei Kīngi,
i rīpekatia hei tangata hara,
ākona mātou kia manawanui mō ō mātou mamaetanga
me ō mātou whiwhinga nui mō tōu korōria anake.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Ngā Pānui
Te Karakia e pā ana ki ngā Nīkau
Waiata 118:1–2, 19–29 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Māka 11:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Hoani 12:12–16 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Ko te Īnoi mō Rēneti 6:3 (ki runga)
Te Karakia e pā ana ki te Mamaetanga
Ihāia 50:4–9a Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 31:9–16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Piripai 2:5–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 14:1–15:47 Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Māka 15:1–39, (40–47) rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
At the name of Jesus, every knee shall bend, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:10–11
Collect of the Day
Lord Jesus,
acclaimed as King,
crucified as criminal,
teach us to accept our sufferings and triumphs
for your glory alone.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Liturgy of the Palms
Psalm 118:1–2, 19–29 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Mark 11:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
or John 12:12–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Use collect for Lent 6:3 (as above)
Liturgy of the Passion
Isaiah 50:4–9a Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 31:9–16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Philippians 2:5–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 14:1–15:47 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Mark 15:1–39, (40–47) Lookup Reading:
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ka tuku ai i te ingoa o Īhu ngā turi katoa, o ngā mea i te rangi, o ngā mea i te whenua, o ngā mea i raro i te whenua; ā, kia whakaae ngā arero katoa ko Īhu Karaiti te Ariki, hei whakakorōria i te Atua Matua. Piripai 2:10–11
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E Īhu, nō tōu urunga atu ki Hiruhārama
ka pōwhiritia koe e te iwi ki ngā nīkau me te karanga
whakahōnore atu.
I te wahangūtanga o te umere, haere tahi tonu ana mātou i tōu taha,
mō te korōria o tōu ingoa tapu.
Ngā Pānui
Te Karakia e pā ana ki ngā Nikau
Waiata 118:1–2, 19–29 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ruka 19:28–40Lookup Reading: NLT
Ko te Īnoi mō Rēneti 6:1 (ki runga)
Te Karakia e pā ana ki te Mamaetanga
Ihāia 50:4–9a Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 31:9–16Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Piripai 2:5–11Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 22:14–23:56 Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Ruka 23:1–49 rāneiLookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
At the name of Jesus, every knee shall bend, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Philippians 2:10–11
Collect of the Day
Jesus, when you rode into Jerusalem
the people waved palms
with shouts of acclamation.
Grant that when the shouting dies
we may still walk beside you even to a cross;
for the glory of your holy name.
Liturgy of the Palms
Psalm 118:1–2, 19–29 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Luke 19:28–40 Lookup Reading: NLT
Use collect for Lent 6:1 (as above)
Liturgy of the Passion
Isaiah 50:4–9a Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 31:9–16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Philippians 2:5–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 22:14–23:56 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Luke 23:1–49 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Wiki Tapu
Mane o te Wiki Tapu
Tau A, B, C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
‘Nanā, tāku pononga e tautokona ake nei e ahau, tāku i whiriwhiri ai, āhuareka tonu tōku ngakau ki a ia;’ te kōrero a Ihowā; ‘ka waiho e ahau tōku wairua ki runga ki a ia; māna e whakapuaki te whakawā ki ngā tauiwi. Ihāia 42:1
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E Īhu ko koe i whakawahia,
whakaakona mātou ki te whakahōnore i a rātou e rapu āwhina mai nei i a mātou,
ā, mā mātou e hoatu i runga i te ngākau marere, kaua i runga i te
engari i runga i ngākau māhaki.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 42:1–9Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 36:5–11 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Hiperu 9:11–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 12:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Holy Week
Monday in Holy Week
Years A, B, C
Sentence of the Day
‘Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen, in whom my soul delights,’ says the Lord; ‘I have put my spirit upon him; he will bring forth justice to the nations.’ Isaiah 42:1
Collect of the Day
Jesus the anointed,
teach us to honour those who need our help,
and we shall give without condescension,
and receive with humility.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Isaiah 42:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 36:5–11 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hebrews 9:11–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 12:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Tūrei o te Wiki Tapu
Tau A, B, C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ki te kore tētahi pata witi e marere ki te oneone, e pirau; ka takotō ko ia anake; tēnā ki te pirau, he nui ōna hua. Hoani 12:24
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E Īhu, ina ui mai ko wai mātou,
he aha hoki ā mātou mahi,
meinga kia rangatira mātou, kia ū ki te huarahi o te pono,
ā, kia manawanui;
E Īhu, hei taua wā noho mai ki a mātou;
i roto i tōu ake ingoa, ka īnoi mātou.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 49:1–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 71:1–14Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Koriniti 1:18–31Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 12:20–36 Lookup Reading: NLT
Wenerei o te Wiki Tapu
Tau A, B, C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Na, i tēnei kapua nui o ngā kai whakaatu e karapoti nei i a tātou, whakarērea e tātou ngā whakataimaha katoa, me te hara whakaeke tata, kia manawanui hoki tātou ki te oma i te omanga e takotō nei i tō tātou aroaro. Ngā Hiperu 12:1
Tuesday in Holy Week
Years A, B, C
Sentence of the Day
Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies; it remains just a single grain; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. John 12:24
Collect of the Day
When all we are and everything we do
are called into question,
grant us dignity and direction,
grant us patience;
Jesus, be there then;
For your name’s sake we pray.
Isaiah 49:1–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 71:1–14 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Corinthians 1:18–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 12:20–36 Lookup Reading: NLT
Wednesday in Holy Week
Years A, B, C
Sentence of the Day
Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin that clings so closely, and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us. Hebrews 12:1
tēnei rānei
‘Mā konei ka mātau ai te katoa, he ākonga koutou nāku, me ka aroha koutou tētahi ki tētahi.’ Hoani 13:35
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua atawhai,
nā te mamaetanga o tāu Tama a Īhu Karaiti
i whakaorangia mātou e koe i te kaha o te pōuriuri;
hōmai ki a mātou te whakapono ki a ia i whakamamaetia i runga
i te rīpeka
kia tae atu mātou ki tāu e hiahia ai,
ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaiwhakaora.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 50:4–9a Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 70 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Hiperu 12:1–3Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 13:21–32Lookup Reading: NLT
Taite Mone
Tau A, B, C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
‘He ture hou tāku ka hoatu nei ki a koutou,’ te kōrero a te Ariki, ‘kia aroha koutou tētahi ki tētahi; kia rite ki tōku aroha ki a koutou, waihoki kia aroha koutou tētahi ki tētahi.’ Hoani 13:34
tēnei rānei
Ka kī a Īhu, ‘Nā, kua horoia nei ō koutou waewae e ahau, e tō koutou Ariki, e tō koutou Kaiwhakaako me horoi anō hoki e koutou ngā waewae o tētahi, o tētahi o koutou.’ Hoani 13:14
‘By this will everyone know that you are my disciples,’ says the Lord: ‘if you love one another.’ John 13:35
Collect of the Day
Most merciful God,
by the passion of your Son Jesus Christ
you delivered us from the power of darkness;
grant that through faith in him who suffered on the cross
we may be found acceptable in your sight,
through our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Isaiah 50:4–9a Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 70 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hebrews 12:1–3 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 13:21–32 Lookup Reading: NLT
Maundy Thursday
Years A, B, C
Sentence of the Day
‘I give you a new commandment,’ says the Lord, ‘that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another.’ John 13:34
Jesus said, ‘If I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.’ John 13:14
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua mutunga kore, tino tata;
i tēnei pō ka tūturi koe ki mua i ōu hoa
ōrite ki te horoi i ō mātou waewae.
Mātou, kua tūhonoa nei i roto i tōu aroha,
wiriwiri ana i te wehi, inu ai i tāu kapu tapu,
ka mātakitaki.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Ngā Pānui
Ekoruhe 12:1–4, (5–10), 11–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 116:1–2, 12–19 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Koriniti 11:23–26 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 13:1–17, 31b–35Lookup Reading: NLT
Paraire Pai
Tau A, B, C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ka meinga a te Karaiti kia ngohengohe, ahakoa ki te mate, aē rā, ki te mate o te rīpeka. Nā konei whakateitei ake ana e te Atua, ā, hoatu ana ki a ia te ingoa nui atu i ngā ingoa katoa. Piripai 2:8–9
tēnei rānei
Ko tātou katoa, ānō he hipi, kua marara kē; ka anga atu tātou ki tōna ara; nā Ihowā ia i mea kia tau iho ki a ia te kino o tātou katoa. Ihāia 53:6
Collect of the Day
Infinite, intimate God;
this night you kneel before your friends
and wash our feet.
Bound together in your love, trembling,
we drink your cup and watch.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Exodus 12:1–4, (5–10), 11–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 116:1–2, 12–19 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Corinthians 11:23–26 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 13:1–17, 31b–35 Lookup Reading: NLT
Good Friday
Years A, B, C
Sentence of the Day
Christ became obedient unto death, even death on a cross. Therefore God has highly exalted him and has given him the name that is above every name. Philippians 2:8–9
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have all turned to our own way, and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6
Te Īnoi o te Rā
Tau A
E te Ariki e Īhu Karaiti,
i rīpekatia ai mō mātou,
ka tūturi mātou ki te take o tōu rīpeka ki te mātakitaki tahi me koe.
Āwhinatia mātou kia mōhio ai mātou ki te utu o te murunga hara,
ā, kia whakahōutia ai mātou e tōu aroha;
mō te korōria o tōu ingoa tapu.
Tau B, C
E te Kaiwhakaora i rīpekatia, e Īhu te Atua tahanga,
e tārewa ana koe, he tāwai, he hangenge.
E pōuri ana mātou, e māia ana ki te tūmanako,
e tū tahi nei me tōu whaea me tōu hoa i te taha o te rīpeka.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 52:13–53:6Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 22 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Hiperu 10:16–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Ngā Hiperu 4:14–16; 5:7–9 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 18:1–19:42 Lookup Reading: NLT
Collect of the Day
Year A
Lord Jesus Christ,
crucified for us,
we kneel at the foot of your cross to watch with you.
Help us to see the cost of our forgiveness
so that we may be made new through your love;
for the glory of your holy name.
Years B, C
Crucified Saviour, naked God,
You hang disgraced and powerless.
Grieving, we dare to hope,
as we wait at the cross
with your mother and your friend.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Isaiah 52:13–53:6 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 22 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hebrews 10:16–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Hebrews 4:14–16; 5:7–9 Lookup Reading:
John 18:1–19:42 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rāhoroi Tapu
Te Rā i mua i te Aranga
Tau A, B, C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Nō tō tātou iriiria nei ki roto ki a Karaiti Īhu, kua iriiria ki roto i tōna matenga; kia rite ai ki a te Karaiti i whakaarahia ake nei i te hunga mate e te korōria o te Matua, waihoki ko tātou kia haere i roto i te houtanga o te ora. Rōma 6:3–4
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua,
ukua mātou kua iriiria nei ki te matenga o tāu Tama o Īhu Karaiti,
kia mate tonu ki te hara
kia tanumia ki tōna taha,
kia puta ai i te rua tūpāpaku me te tatau o te pō
ki tō mātou aranga koa;
mōna i mate, i tanumia,
ā i ara ake anō mō mātou,
ko tāu Tama tō mātou Kaiwhakaora a Īhu Karaiti.
Ngā Pānui
Hopa 14:1–14Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Ngā Tangi a Heremaia 3:1–9, 19–24 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 31:1–4, 15–16Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Pita 4:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 27:57–66 Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Hoani 19:38–42 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Holy Saturday
Easter Eve
Years A, B, C
Sentence of the Day
When we were baptised into Christ Jesus, we were baptised into his death; so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. Romans 6:3–4
Collect of the Day
Grant O God,
that we who are baptised into the death
of your Son Jesus Christ,
may continually die to sin
and be buried with him,
that through the grave and gate of death
we may pass to our joyful resurrection;
for his sake, who died and was buried
and rose again for us,
your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Job 14:1–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Lamentations 3:1–9, 19–24 Lookup
Reading: NLT
Psalm 31:1–4, 15–16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Peter 4:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 27:57–66 Lookup Reading: NLT
or John 19:38–42 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Wā o te Aranga
Te Rā i mua o te Aranga
Kei te Pō Matāra
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Nā, kua tanumia ngātahitia tātou me te Karaiti ki roto ki te matenga, he me nā te iriiri, kia rite ai ki a te Karaiti i whakaarahia ake nei i te hunga mate e te korōria o te Matua, waihoki ko tātou kia haere i roto i te houtanga o te ora. Rōma 6:4
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua te kaihōmai o te ora me te mārama,
pīataata ana tēnei pō tapu, e kānapanapa ana te Karaiti kua ara
mai nei;
whakahōutia tāu Hāhi ki te Wairua i hōmai e ō mātou iriiringa,
kia tika, kia pono tā mātou whakamoemiti ki a koe,
kia tīaho ai mātou hei māramatanga i te ao;
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki,
e ora ana, e kīngi tahi ana me koe me te Wairua Tapu,
kotahi anō Atua, ināianei, ā, mō ake tonu atu.
tēnei rānei
E te Ariki o te kapenga
pīataata ana tēnei pō, e kānapanapa ana te Karaiti;
whakahōutia ki roto ki a mātou tō mātou iriiringa,
ā, arahina mātou i ngā wai o te Moana Whero
ki te whenua i oatitia.
ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaiwhakaora.
The Season of Easter
Easter Eve
At the Vigil
Year A
Sentence of the Day
We have been buried with Christ by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life. Romans 6:4
Collect of the Day
Eternal giver of life and light,
this holy night shines with the radiance of the risen Christ;
renew your Church with the Spirit given to us in baptism,
that we may worship you in sincerity and truth,
and shine as a light in the world;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
Lord of the passover,
you have lit this night with the radiance of Christ;
renew in us our baptism,
and bring us through the Red Sea waters
to the promised land.
Through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Te Kawenata Tawhitō me ngā Waiata a Rāwiri
Kēnehi 1:1–2:4a Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 136:1–9, 23–26 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Kēnehi 7:1–5, 11–18; 8:6–18; 9:8–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 46 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Kēnehi 22:1–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ekoruhe 14:10–31; 15:20–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mō te Waiata: Ekoruhe 15:1b–13, 17–18Lookup Reading: NLT
Ihāia 55:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mō te Waiata: Ihāia 12:2–6 Lookup
Reading: NLT
Paruku 3:9–15, 32–4:4Lookup Reading: RV
ko Ngā Whakataukī 8:1–8, 19–21; 9:4b–6 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 19 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ehekiere 36:24–28Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 42; 43 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ehekiere 37:1–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 143 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Tepania 3:14–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 98 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Te Kawenata Hou
Waiata 114 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 6:3–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rongopai
Matiu 28:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kua patua hoki mō tātou a te Karaiti, tō tātou Kapenga; nā, kia kai tātou i te hākari. 1 Koroniti 5:7–8
Old Testament Readings and Psalms
Genesis 1:1–2:4a Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 136:1–9, 23–26 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Genesis 7:1–5, 11–18; 8:6–18; 9:8–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 46 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Genesis 22:1–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Exodus 14:10–31; 15:20–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
For the Psalm: Exodus 15:1b–13, 17–18Lookup Reading: NLT
Isaiah 55:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
For the Psalm: Isaiah 12:2–6 Lookup
Reading: NLT
Baruch 3:9–15, 32–4:4 Lookup Reading: RV
or Proverbs 8:1–8, 19–21; 9:4b–6 Lookup
Reading: NLT
Psalm 19 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ezekiel 36:24–28Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 42; 43 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ezekiel 37:1–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 143 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Zephaniah 3:14–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 98 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
New Testament Readings
Psalm 114 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 6:3–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Gospel Reading
Matthew 28:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
Christ our Passover has been sacrificed for us; therefore let us keep the feast. 1 Corinthians 5:7–8
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Ariki, e te Atua,
pīataata ana tēnei pō,
e kānapanapa ana te Karaiti kua ara mai nei;
tukua mātou kua ara nei me ia i roto i te iriiringa
kia whakaata ai i te mārama o tōna korōria,
kia ora tonu ai me ia mō ake tonu atu.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Te Kawenata Tawhitō me ngā Waiata a Rāwiri
Kēnehi 1:1–2:4a Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 136:1–9, 23–26 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Kēnehi 7:1–5, 11–18; 8:6–18; 9:8–13Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 46 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Kēnehi 22:1–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ekoruhe 14:10–31; 15:20–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mō te Waiata: Ekoruhe 15:1b–13, 17–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ihāia 55:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mō te Waiata: Ihāia 12:2–6 Lookup
Reading: NLT
Paruku 3:9–15, 32–4:4Lookup Reading: RV
ko Ngā Whakataukī 8:1–8, 19–21; 9:4b–6 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 19 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ehekiere 36:24–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 42 and 43 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ehekiere 37:1–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 143 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Tepania 3:14–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 98 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Te Kawenata Hou
Waiata 114 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 6:3–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Collect of the Day
Lord God,
you made this night bright
with the radiance of the risen Christ;
may we who have been raised with him in baptism
reflect the light of his glory,
and live with him for ever.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Old Testament Readings and Psalms
Genesis 1:1–2:4a Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 136:1–9, 23–26 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Genesis 7:1–5, 11–18; 8:6–18; 9:8–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 46 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Genesis 22:1–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Exodus 14:10–31; 15:20–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
For the Psalm: Exodus 15:1b–13, 17–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Isaiah 55:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
For the Psalm: Isaiah 12:2–6 Lookup
Reading: NLT
Baruch 3:9–15, 32–4:4 Lookup Reading: RV
or Proverbs 8:1–8, 19–21; 9:4b–6 Lookup
Reading: NLT
Psalm 19 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ezekiel 36:24–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 42 and 43 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ezekiel 37:1–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 143 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Zephaniah 3:14–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 98 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
New Testament Readings
Psalm 114 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 6:3–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rongopai
Māka 16:1–8Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Nā, kua tanumia ngātahitia tātou me te Karaiti ki roto ki te matenga, he me nā te iriiri, kia rite ai ki a te Karaiti i whakaarahia ake nei i te hunga mate e te korōria o te Matua, waihoki ko tātou kia haere i roto i te houtanga o te ora.We have been buried with Christ by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life. Rōma 6:4
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Ariki o te kapenga,
pīataata ana tēnei pō, e kānapanapa ana te Karaiti;
whakahōutia ki roto ki a mātou tō mātou iriiringa,
ā, arahina mātou i ngā wai o te Moana Whero
ki te whenua i oatitia.
mō te korōria o tōu ingoa tapu.
tēnei rānei
E te Atua te kaihōmai o te ora me te mārama,
pīataata ana tēnei pō tapu, e kānapanapa ana te Karaiti kua ara
mai nei;
whakahōutia tāu Hāhi ki te Wairua i hōmai e ō mātou iriiringa,
kia tika, kia pono tā mātou whakamoemiti ki a koe,
kia tīaho ai mātou hei māramatanga i te ao;
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki,
e ora ana, e kīngi tahi ana me koe me te Wairua Tapu,
kotahi anō Atua, ināianei, ā, mō ake tonu atu.
Gospel Reading
Mark 16:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
We have been buried with Christ by baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life. Romans 6:4
Collect of the Day
Lord of the passover,
you have lit this night with the radiance of Christ;
renew in us our baptism,
and bring us through the Red Sea waters
to the promised land;
for the glory of your holy name.
Eternal Giver of life and light,
this holy night shines with the radiance of the risen Christ:
renew your Church with the Spirit given to us in baptism,
that we may worship you in sincerity and truth,
and shine as a light in the world;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
Te Kawenata Tawhitō me ngā Waiata a Rāwiri
Kēnehi 1:1–2:4a Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 136:1–9, 23–26 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Kēnehi 7:1–5, 11–18; 8:6–18; 9:8–13Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 46 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Kēnehi 22:1–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ekoruhe 14:10–31; 15:20–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mō te Waiata: Ekoruhe 15:1b–13, 17–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ihāia 55:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mō te Waiata: Ihāia 12:2–6 Lookup Reading:
Paruku 3:9–15, 32–4:4 Lookup Reading: RV
ko Ngā Whakataukī 8:1–8, 19–21; 9:4b–6 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 19 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ehekiere 36:24–28Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 42 and 43 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ehekiere 37:1–14Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 143 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Tepania 3:14–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 98 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Te Kawenata Hou
Waiata 114 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 6:3–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rongopai
Ruka 24:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Old Testament Readings and Psalms
Genesis 1:1–2:4a Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 136:1–9, 23–26 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Genesis 7:1–5, 11–18; 8:6–18; 9:8–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 46 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Genesis 22:1–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Exodus 14:10–31; 15:20–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
For the Psalm: Exodus 15:1b–13, 17–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Isaiah 55:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
For the Psalm: Isaiah 12:2–6 Lookup
Reading: NLT
Baruch 3:9–15, 32–4:4 Lookup Reading: RV
or Proverbs 8:1–8, 19–21; 9:4b–6 Lookup
Reading: NLT
Psalm 19 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ezekiel 36:24–28Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 42 and 43 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ezekiel 37:1–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 143 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Zephaniah 3:14–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 98 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
New Testament Readings
Psalm 114 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 6:3–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Gospel Reading
Luke 24:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rā o te Aranga
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Koia rawa anō! Kua ara te Ariki, hareruia! Ruka 24:34
tēnei rānei
Ko te rā tēnei i hangā e Ihowā kia whakamanamana; kia koa tātou i reira. Waiata 118:24
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Ariki o te korōria, o te oranga,
e whakapai ana mātou ki a koe,
mōu i kaha ki te whakaara ake i tāu Tama,
e wetekina ai ō mātou hara,
e whakakorea ai te mate,
kia whakahoutia ai hoki te ao katoa;
meinga mātou e harikoa ana, e whakanui ana
i te aranga mai o te Karaiti i te mate,
ā, ara ake mātou i te mate o te hara
ki te ora o te pono;
ko ia e ora ana, e kīngi tahi ana me koe me te Wairua Tapu,
kotahi anō Atua, ināianei, ā, mō ake tonu atu.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui tuatahi: Ngā Mahi 10:34–43Lookup Reading:
ko Heremaia 31:1–6 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 118:1–2, 14–24Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Pānui tuarua: Korohe 3:1–4Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Ngā Mahi 10:34–43 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Rongopai: Hoani 20:1–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Matiu 28:1–10 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Easter Day
Year A
Sentence of the Day
The Lord has risen indeed, alleluia! Luke 24:34
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
Collect of the Day
Glorious Lord of Life,
we praise you,
that by the mighty resurrection of your Son,
you have delivered us from sin and death
and made your whole creation new;
grant that we who celebrate with joy
Christ’s rising from the dead,
may be raised from the death of sin
to the life of righteousness;
for he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God for ever.
1st Reading: Acts 10:34–43 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Jeremiah 31:1–6 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 118:1–2, 14–24 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2nd Reading: Colossians 3:1–4 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Acts 10:34–43 Lookup Reading: NLT
Gospel: John 20:1–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Matthew 28:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Koia rawa anō! Kua ara te Ariki, hareruia! Ruka 24:34
tēnei rānei
Ko te rā tēnei i hangā e Ihowā kia whakamanamana; kia koa tātou i reira. Waiata 118:24
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Karaiti Ora, kua ara mai koe i te mate!
Ū tonu ana te aroha!
Ko koe tonu te ora, kaha noa atu i te mate;
whakarewangia ō mātou kanohi kia āta kitea ai koe
i te aonga ake o te rangi hōu;
mō te korōria o tōu ingoa.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui tuatahi: Ngā Mahi 10:34–43 Lookup Reading:
ko Ihāia 25:6–9 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 118:1–2, 14–24 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Pānui tuarua: 1 Koriniti 15:1–11Lookup Reading:
ko Ngā Mahi 10:34–43 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Rongopai: Hoani 20:1–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Māka 16:1–8 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Koia rawa anō! Kua ara te Ariki, hareruia! Ruka 24:34
Year B
Sentence of the Day
The Lord is risen indeed, alleluia! Luke 24:34
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
Collect of the Day
Living Christ, you are risen from the dead!
Love reigns!
You are life stronger than death;
raise our eyes to see you
as the new day dawns;
for the glory of your holy name.
1st Reading: Acts 10:34–43 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Isaiah 25:6–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 118:1–2, 14–24 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:1–11 Lookup
Reading: NLT
or Acts 10:34–43 Lookup Reading: NLT
Gospel: John 20:1–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Mark 16:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
The Lord is risen indeed, alleluia! Luke 24:34
tēnei rānei
Ko te rā tēnei i hangā e Ihowā kia whakamanamana; kia koa tātou i reira. Waiata 118:24
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaiwhakaora,
kua whakaorangia mātou e koe
i te hara me te mate.
I kawea mai e koe me te pūaotanga o te ata hāpara
he tīmatanga hōu, he ana tūpāpaku takoto kau;
hōmai ki a mātou te kaha me te ngākau māhaki
kia kuhu atu ai ki te ora.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui tuatahi: Ngā Mahi 10:34–43 Lookup Reading:
ko Ihāia 65:17–25 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 118:1–2, 14–24 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Pānui tuarua: 1 Koriniti 15:19–26 Lookup Reading:
ko Ngā Mahi 10:34–43 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Rongopai: Hoani 20:1–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Ruka 24:1–12 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Tuarua o te Aranga
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kia whakapaingia te Atua, te Matua o tō tātau Ariki, o Īhu Karaiti! Nāna nei, nā tāna mahi tohu e nui nei, tātou i whānau hou ai ki te tūmanako ora, i a Īhu Karaiti ka ara nei i te hunga mate. 1 Pita 1:3
This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24
Collect of the Day
Jesus Christ our Saviour,
you have delivered us from sin and death.
You have brought with the dawn
a new beginning and an empty tomb;
grant us strength and humility
to enter into life.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
1st Reading: Acts 10:34–43 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Isaiah 65:17–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 118:1–2, 14–24 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:19–26 Lookup
Reading: NLT
or Acts 10:34–43 Lookup Reading: NLT
Gospel: John 20:1–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Luke 24:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Second Sunday of Easter
Year A
Sentence of the Day
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By his great mercy he has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. 1 Peter 1:3
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Matua ora tonu,
i roto i te aranga o tāu Tama,
āwhinatia mātou kia aronui ai ki ngā rā kei te heke mai
i runga i te māia, i te mōhio pū,
me te mārama anō e kore te mate, te ora rānei
e momotu i a mātou i tōu aroha.
E īnoi ana mātou i roto pū i a Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Ngā Mahi 2:14a, 22–32 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Pita 1:3–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 20:19–31Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
‘Kia tau te rangimārie ki a koutou,’ te kī a te Ariki, ‘i tonoa mai ahau e te Matua, ka pērā anō tāku tōno i a koutou.’ Hoani 20:21
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua ko koe te atatū o te rā
e haehae ana i te kore.
Ko koe anō te māramatanga tē taea te tinei
e hari koa ai mātou mō āke tonu atu
Awhinatia mātou kia tūtaki ki te māramatanga hei hāereerenga
mō ake tonu atu
E īnoi ana mātou i roto i a te Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaihoko.
Collect of the Day
Eternal Father,
through the resurrection of your Son,
help us to face the future
with courage and assurance,
knowing that nothing in death or life
can ever separate us from your love.
This we ask through the same Jesus Christ our Lord.
Acts 2:14a, 22–32 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Peter 1:3–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 20:19–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
‘Peace be with you,’ says the Lord, ‘As the Father has sent me, so I send you.’ John 20:21
Collect of the Day
God you are the first light
cutting through the void.
You are the final light
which we shall enjoy forever.
Help us to welcome the light and walk in it always.
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Redeemer.
Ngā Pānui
Ngā Mahi 4:32–35 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 133 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Hoani 1:1–2:2 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 20:19–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ka mea a Īhu ki a Tamati, ‘Totoro mai tōu matihao, kia kite hoki koe i ōku ringa. Totoro mai hoki tōu ringa, ka kuhu ki tōku kaokao. Aua e whakateka, engari, me whakapono.’ Hoani 20:27
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua Kaha Rawa,
nā te aranga whakamīharo o tāu Tama o Īhu Karaiti
kua whati i a koe te kaha o te mate,
kua kūmea mai te koiora me te ora tonu ki te ao mārama;
tukua mātou kua ara nei me ia
kia toa ai i ngā whakawai katoa
kia koa ai hoki i te tūmanako ki te korōria mutunga kore;
ko Īhu Karaiti hoki tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Ngā Mahi 5:27–32 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 118:14–29 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
or Waiata 150 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Whakakitenga 1:4–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 20:19–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Acts 4:32–35 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 133 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 John 1:1–2:2 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 20:19–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
Jesus said to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here and see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it in my side. Do not doubt but believe.’ John 20:27
Collect of the Day
Almighty God,
by the glorious resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ
you have broken the power of death
and brought life and immortality to light;
grant that we who have been raised with him
may triumph over all temptation
and rejoice in the hope of eternal glory;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Acts 5:27–32 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 118:14–29 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
or Psalm 150 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Revelation 1:4–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 20:19–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Tuatōru o te Aranga
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Rīpenetā, kia iriiria, tēnā tangata, tēnā tangata o koutou i runga i te ingoa o Īhu Karaiti, hei murunga hara; ā, ka riro i a koutou te mea hōmai, arā te Wairua Tapu. Ngā Mahi 2:38–39
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E Īhu, e pono ana mātou ki a koe;
he pono ngā kōrero kua rangona.
I te whatinga o te taro; ka mātau mātou ko koe pū tēnā,
na konā ka mumura te ahi i roto i a mātou;
whakamahia tēnei whakaaro hei māramatanga i te ao.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Ngā Pānui
Ngā Mahi 2:14a, 36–41 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 116:1–4, 12–19 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Pita 1:17–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 24:13–35 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Tahuri ki te Atua, kia murua ai ō koutou hara, kia puta mai ai i te aroaro o te Ariki he wā whakahauora. Ngā Mahi 3:19–20
The Third Sunday of Easter
Year A
Sentence of the Day
Repent, and be baptised every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Acts 2:38–39
Collect of the Day
Jesus, we believe you;
all we heard is true.
You break the bread, we recognise you,
you are the fire that burns within us;
use us to light the world.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Acts 2:14a, 36–41 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 116:1–4, 12–19 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Peter 1:17–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 24:13–35 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
Turn to God so that your sins may be wiped out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord. Acts 3:19–20
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Ariki, āwhinatia mai mātou kia kite:
kia kite ai he aha te pai me te pono mutunga kore,
kua kite nei mātou, me rapu tonu
ā, tae noa ki ngā harikoa o te rangi.
E īnoi ai mātou i roto i a te Karaiti tō mātou Kaihoko.
Ngā Pānui
Ngā Mahi 3:12–19Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 4 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Hoani 3:1–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 24:36b–48 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Waiho atu i tēnei e noho nei i runga i te tōrōna, ki te Reme hoki, te whakapai, te hōnore, te korōria, te kaha, ā ake ake. Whakakitenga 5:13
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua manaaki, karangatia mātou
kia kai tahi, kia inu tahi ki a koe.
Meinga mā tō tinana, mā ō toto
mātou e paihere ki a koe, ā, tētahi ki tētahi hoki.
E īnoi ana mātou i runga i te ingoa o Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Ngā Mahi 9:1–6, (7–20) Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 30 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Whakakitenga 5:11–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 21:1–19Lookup Reading: NLT
Collect of the Day
Lord, help us to see:
to see what is eternally good and true,
and having seen, to go on searching
until we come to the joys of heaven.
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Redeemer.
Acts 3:12–19 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 4 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 John 3:1–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 24:36b–48 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
To the one seated on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honour and glory and might for ever and ever. Revelation 5:13
Collect of the Day
Living host, call us together,
call us to eat and drink with you.
Grant that by your body and your blood
we may be drawn to each other
and to you.
We make this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Acts 9:1–6, (7–20) Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 30 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Revelation 5:11–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 21:1–19 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Tuawhā o te Aranga
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
‘Ko ahau te hēpara pai’, te kī a te Ariki. ‘He hēpara pai ka tuku i a ia anō kia mate mō ngā hipi.’ Hoani 10:11
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Hēpara Pai,
e rapu nei i te hunga ngaro,
ā, arahina ana ki roto i te kāhui;
whāngaia mātou ka mākona,
rongoātia mātou ka ora,
arahina mātou kia noho tahi ki a koe,
me te Matua me te Wairua Tapu,
e kīngi tahi ana me koe,
kotahi anō Atua ake tonu atu.
Ngā Pānui
Ngā Mahi 2:42–47Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 23 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Pita 2:19–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 10:1–10Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
‘Ko ahau te hēpara pai,’ te kī a te Ariki, ‘E mātau ana hoki ki āku, ā, e mātau ana āku ki ahau.’ Hoani 10:14
The Fourth Sunday of Easter
Year A
Sentence of the Day
‘I am the good shepherd,’ says the Lord. ‘The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.’ John 10:11
Collect of the Day
Good shepherd of the sheep,
by whom the lost are sought
and guided into the fold;
feed us and we shall be satisfied,
heal us and we shall be whole,
and lead us that we may be with you,
with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
where you reign one God for ever.
Acts 2:42–47 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 23 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Peter 2:19–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 10:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
‘I am the good shepherd,’ says the Lord: ‘I know my own and my own know me.’ John 10:14
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Hēpara Pai,
e rapu nei i te hunga ngaro,
ā, arahina ana ki roto i te kāhui;
whāngaia mātou ka mākona,
rongoātia mātou ka ora,
arahina mātou kia noho tahi ki a koe,
me te Matua me te Wairua Tapu,
e kīngi tahi ana me koe,
kotahi anō Atua ake tonu atu.
Ngā Pānui
Ngā Mahi 4:5–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 23 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Hoani 3:16–24 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 10:11–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ko te Reme hoki i waenganui o te torōna hei hēpara mō rātou, ā, māna rātou e ārahi ki ngā puna wai o te ora; ā, mā te Atua e muru atu ngā roimata katoa i ō rātou kanohi. Whakakitenga 7:17
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua o te rongomau,
nā ngā toto o te kawenata mutunga kore
i whakahokia mai e koe i te mate tō mātou Ariki a Īhu,
taua hēpara nui o ngā hipi;
meatia kia tika katoa ā mātou mahi pai,
me te whakamahi i roto i a mātou tērā e manea ana e pai ana.
Ko Īhu Karaiti, ki a ia te korōria, ake ake ake.
Collect of the Day
Good shepherd of the sheep,
by whom the lost are sought
and guided into the fold;
feed us and we shall be satisfied,
heal us and we shall be whole,
and lead us that we may be with you,
with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
where you reign one God for ever.
Acts 4:5–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 23 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 John 3:16–24 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 10:11–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
The Lamb in the midst of the throne will be their shepherd, and will guide them to the springs of the water of life, and God will wipe every tear from their eyes. Revelation 7:17
Collect of the Day
God of peace,
by the blood of the eternal covenant
you brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus,
that great shepherd of the sheep;
make us perfect in every good work,
and work in us that which is pleasing and good;
through Jesus Christ to whom be glory for ever and ever.
Ngā Pānui
Ngā Mahi 9:36–43 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 23 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Whakakitenga 7:9–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 10:22–30 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Tuarima o te Aranga
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
‘Ko ahau te huarahi, te pono, te ora,’ te kī a te Ariki. ‘E kore rawa tētahi tangata e haere ake ki te Matua, ki te kāhore ahau.’ Hoani 14:6
tēnei rānei
Nā Īhu ake i waha ō tātou hara, nā tōna tinana ake, i runga i te rākau, kia whakatūpāpaku ai tātou ki te hara, kia ora ai ki te tika: nā ōna kārawarawa i ora ai ō koutou mate. 1 Pita 2:24
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua mutunga kore,
ko tāu Tama ko Īhu Karaiti
te huarahi, te pono, me te ora mō ngā mea katoa;
Hōmai ki a mātou he ngākau atawhai
kia hīkoi ai i tāna huarahi,
kia harikoa ai i tōna pono,
kia whai wāhi ai ki tōna oranga;
ko ia e ora ana, e kīngi tahi ana me koe me te Wairua Tapu,
kotahi anō Atua, ināianei, ā, mō ake tonu atu.
Acts 9:36–43 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 23 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Revelation 7:9–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 10:22–30 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Fifth Sunday of Easter
Year A
Sentence of the Day
‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life,’ says the Lord. ‘No one comes to the Father except through me.’ John 14:6
Jesus himself bore our sins in his body on the cross, so that, being dead to sin, we might live for righteousness; by his wounds you have been healed. 1 Peter 2:24
Collect of the Day
Eternal God,
your Son Jesus Christ
is the way, the truth and the life for all creation;
grant us grace to walk in his way,
to rejoice in his truth,
and to share his risen life;
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
Ngā Pānui
Ngā Mahi 7:55–60 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 31:1–5, 15–16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Pita 2:2–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 14:1–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ko te aroha tēnei, ehara i te mea ko tātou kua aroha ki te Atua, engari, ko ia kua aroha ki a tātou. E ngā hoa aroha, ki te mea i pēnei te aroha o te Atua ki a tātou, he tika anō hoki kia aroha tātou tētahi ki tētahi. 1 Hoani 4:10–11
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Karaiti o te kawenata hou,
hōmai te hari koa kia tohaina katoatia,
inea whānuitia, pēhia iho ki raro,
ruirui tahitia kia pūrena atu.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Ngā Pānui
Ngā Mahi 8:26–40 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 22:25–31 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Hoani 4:7–21Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 15:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Acts 7:55–60 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 31:1–5, 15–16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Peter 2:2–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 14:1–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
In this is love, not that we loved God but that God loved us. Beloved, since God loved us so much, we also ought to love one another. 1 John 4:10–11
Collect of the Day
Christ of the new covenant,
give us the happiness to share,
with full measure, pressed down,
shaken together and running over,
all that you give us.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Acts 8:26–40 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 22:25–31 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 John 4:7–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 15:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
He aroha te Atua, ko te tangata hoki e noho ana i runga i te aroha e noho ana i roto i te Atua, me te Atua anō hoki i roto i a ia. 1 Hoani 4:16b
tēnei rānei
He ture hou tāku ka hoatu nei ki a koutou, kia aroha koutou tētahi ki tētahi; kia rite ki tōku aroha ki a koutou, waihoki kia aroha koutou tētahi ki tētahi. Hoani 13:34
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua māhaki,
tukua mātou kia harikoa,
ki te hoatu tōu aroha tētahi ki tētahi;
meinga kia hari koa mātou i te whiwhinga mai.
Whakatupua ki roto i a mātou i ia rā,
he Wairua oha whirinaki hoki.
Mā te aroha ki a koe ka tika ai tā mātou mahi
i runga i te harikoa,
E īnoi ana mātou i roto i a Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Ngā Mahi 11:1–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 148 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Whakakitenga 21:1–6 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 13:31–35 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
God is love, and those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them. John 4:16b
I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. As I have loved you, you also should love one another. John 13:34
Collect of the Day
Make us glad we pray you, gentle God,
to give each other your loving care;
make us happy to receive it.
May there daily grow within us
a generous, trusting spirit.
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Acts 11:1–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 148 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Revelation 21:1–6 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 13:31–35 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Tuaono o te Aranga
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Te kī taurangi a Īhu, ‘Ki te aroha tētahi ki ahau, e puritia e ia tāku kupu, ā, ka arohaina ia e tōku Matua, ka haere atu māua ki a ia, ka noho tonu ki a ia.’ Hoani 14:23
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua mutunga kore,
ko koe te mārama o te hinengaro e mōhio nei,
ko koe te hari o te ngākau e aroha nei,
ko koe te kaha o te whakaaro e mahi nei mōu;
tukua mai ki a mātou te mōhiotanga ki a koe
kia tino aroha ai mātou ki a koe,
mā te aroha ki a koe ka tika ai tā mātou mahi
i runga i te harikoa, āianei, ā, ake tonu atu.
Ngā Pānui
Ngā Mahi 17:22–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 66:8–20 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Pita 3:13–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 14:15–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
I kī a Īhu, ‘Kahore koutou i whiriwhiri i ahau, engari, nāku koutou i whiriwhiri, nāku anō koutou i mea kia haere, kia whai hua, kia mau tonu hoki ō koutou hua.’ Hoani 15:16
The Sixth Sunday of Easter
Year A
Sentence of the Day
‘Those who love me will keep my word,’ Jesus promises, ‘and my Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.’ John 14:23
Collect of the Day
Eternal God,
light of the minds that know you,
joy of the hearts that love you,
strength of the wills that serve you;
grant us so to know you that we may truly love you,
and so to love you that we may gladly serve you,
now and always.
Acts 17:22–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 66:8–20 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Peter 3:13–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 14:15–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
Jesus said, ‘You did not choose me, but I chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit.’ John 15:16
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa,
nāu mātou i ako i āu kupu,
ko te aroha te tutukinga o te ture;
tukua mātou kia aroha ki a koe, mā te katoa ō mātou ngākau me ō
mātou hoatata pēnei i a mātou nei anō;
E īnoi ai mātou i roto i a te Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Ngā Mahi 10:44–48 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 98 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Hoani 5:1–6 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 15:9–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
‘He rangimārie tāku e waiho nei ki a koutou, tēnei tāku rangimārie te hoatu nei ki a koutou,’ te kī a te Ariki. ‘Kei pōuri ō koutou ngākau, kei mataku.’ Hoani 14:27
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa
i tukua mai e koe tōu Wairua Tapu ki āu ākonga,
kia kī tonu rātou i te hari, kia tū māia
ki te kauwhau i te rongopai;
tonoa mātou i runga i te mana o taua Wairua anō
kia kitea mai ai tōu aroha whakaora
kia whakatata mai ngā tāngata katoa ki a koe;
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki,
e ora ana, e kīngi tahi ana me koe me te Wairua Tapu,
kotahi anō Atua, ināianei, ā, mō ake tonu atu.
Collect of the Day
Almighty God,
you teach us in your word that love is the fulfilling of the law:
grant that we may love you with all our heart
and our neighbor as ourselves;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Acts 10:44–48 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 98 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 John 5:1–6 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 15:9–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
‘Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you,’ says the Lord. ‘Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.’ John 14:27
Collect of the Day
Almighty God,
you sent your Holy Spirit to the disciples,
filling them with joy and boldness
to preach the gospel;
send us out in the power of the same Spirit
to witness to your redeeming love
and draw all people to you;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit,
one God now and forever.
Ngā Pānui
Ngā Mahi 16:9–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 67 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Whakakitenga 21:10, 22–22:5Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 14:23–29 Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Hoani 5:1–9 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rā Kakenga
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ka mea a Īhu ki rātou, ‘Nā reira haere, meinga hei ākonga ngā iwi katoa; nā, ko ahau tēnā hei hoa mō koutou i ngā rā katoa, ā te mutunga rā anō o te ao.’ Matiu 28:19–20
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E Īhu, tō mātou tuakana, Kaihoko,
nā tou kuhunga atu ki tua o te ārai,
ka tuwhera mai ngā tatau o te rangi.
Ka tuku whakawhetai mātou ki a koe,
mō tēnei ara hou, huarahi ora,
e hui ai mātou me te tini, tē taea te tatau,
kia noho tahi ki a koe mō ake tonu atu.
Whakamoemiti ki a koe e te Atua;
ka whakamana te īnoi.
Ngā Pānui
Ngā Mahi 1:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 47 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
ko Waiata 93 rānei Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Epeha 1:15–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 24:44–53Lookup Reading: NLT
Acts 16:9–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 67 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Revelation 21:10, 22–22:5 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 14:23–29 Lookup Reading: NLT
or John 5:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ascension Day
Year A
Sentence of the Day
Jesus said to them: ‘Go and make disciples of all nations; and remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.’ Matthew 28:19–20
Collect of the Day
The heavens are open wide
since Jesus our brother, our Redeemer,
has entered through the veil.
We thank you for his new and living way,
by which we join the unnumbered millions
who are with you forever.
Praise to you our God; you answer prayer.
Acts 1:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 47 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
or Psalm 93 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ephesians 1:15–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 24:44–53 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
‘Haere koutou ki te ao katoa, kauwhautia te rongopai ki ngā tāngata katoa,’ te kī a te Ariki. Māka 16:15
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua mutunga kore,
nāu i whakamana tāu Tama
i te rangi i te whenua;
meinga kia kore e ngaro
te kitenga o tōna rangatiratanga
engari ka mahi ki a ia i runga i te tūmanako me te koa;
ko ia e ora ana, e kingi tahi ana, me koe, me te Wairua Tapu,
kotahi Atua mō āke tonu atu.
Ngā Pānui
Ngā Mahi 1:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 47 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
ko Waiata 93 rānei Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Epeha 1:15–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 24:44–53 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Nā te Atua i whakaara a te Karaiti i te hunga mate, ā, whakanohoia ana ia ki tōna matau, ki ngā wāhi o te rangi, ki runga ake i ngā kawanatanga katoa, i te mana, i te kaha, i te rangatiratanga, i ngā ingoa katoa e whakaahuatia ana. Epeha 1:20–21
Year B
Sentence of the Day
‘Go into all the world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation,’ says the Lord. Mark 16:15
Collect of the Day
Eternal God,
you have given your Son authority
in heaven and in earth;
grant that we may never lose
the vision of his kingdom
but serve him with hope and joy;
for he is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God for ever.
Acts 1:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 47 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
or Psalm 93 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ephesians 1:15–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 24:44–53 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
God has raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places, far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and above every name that is named. Ephesians 1:20–21
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua mutunga kore,
nāu nei i whakaara ake a Īhu mai i te mate
ka kauwhautia e koe tōna wikitōria,
mā tōna kakenga ake
ka whakatauhia koe hei kīngi.
Whakaarahia ō mātou ngākau ki te rangi
kia ora ai mātou kia kīngi tahi me ia.
E īnoi ai mātou i roto i a te Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Ngā Mahi 1:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 47 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
ko Waiata 93 rāneiLookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Epeha 1:15–23Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 24:44–53Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Tuawhitu o te Aranga
Te Rātapu i muri i te Kakenga
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ko te ora tonu hoki tēnei, kia mātau rātou ki a koe, ko koe anake te Atua pono, ki a Īhu Karaiti anō hoki i tonoa mai nei e koe. Hoani 17:3
Collect of the Day
Eternal God,
by raising Jesus from the dead
you proclaimed his victory,
and by his ascension
you declared him king.
Lift our hearts to heaven
that we may live and reign with him.
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Acts 1:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 47 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
or Psalm 93 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ephesians 1:15–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 24:44–53 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Seventh Sunday of Easter
Sunday after Ascension
Year A
Sentence of the Day
This is eternal life, that we may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. John 17:3
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Karaiti tō mātou tohunga nui rawa,
e mōhio ana koe ki ō mātou ngoikoretanga;
e īnoi ana koe mō mātou e hara tonu ana mātou.
Āwhinatia mai mātou, i roto i a koe,
kia kitea he ara hou, he ora hoki ki te Atua;
mō te korōria o tōu ingoa tapu.
Ngā Pānui
Ngā Mahi 1:6–14Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 68:1–10, 32–35 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Pita 4:12–14; 5:6–11Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 17:1–11Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ka īnoi a te Karaiti, ‘E te Matua Tapu, puritia i runga i tōu ingoa te hunga kua hōmai nei e koe ki ahau, kia kotahi ai rātou, me tāua nei.’ Hoani 17:11
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua Kaha Rawa,
tāu Tama, tō mātou Kaiwhakaora a Īhu Karaiti
he oranga mutungakore kia noho hei kaiwawao mō mātou;
aroha mai mō ō mātou ngoikoretanga,
i runga i tōu atawhai hōmaitia ngā taonga pai
e kore nei mātou e āhei ki te īnoi,
engari mā roto i tōna painga,
ko ia e ora ana, e kīngi tahi ana me koe me te Wairua Tapu,
kotahi anō Atua, ināianei, ā, mō ake tonu atu.
Collect of the Day
Christ our great high priest,
you understand our weakness;
you pray for us while we are sinners.
Help us, through you,
to find a new and living way to God;
for the glory of your holy name.
Acts 1:6–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 68:1–10, 32–35 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Peter 4:12–14; 5:6–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 17:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
Jesus prayed, ‘Holy Father, protect them in your name that you have given me, so that they may be one, as we are one.’ John 17:11
Collect of the Day
Almighty God,
your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ
ever lives to make intercession for us;
have pity on our weakness,
and in your mercy give us those good things
which we are not worthy to ask,
except through his merits,
who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit,
one God for ever and ever.
Ngā Pānui
Ngā Mahi 1:15–17, 21–26Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 1 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Hoani 5:9–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 17:6–19 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Me whakapono ki te Ariki, ki a Īhu Karaiti, ka ora ai koe. Ngā Mahi 16:31
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua tapu, nāu mātou i whāngai
ki ngā kai tinana, wairua hoki.
E kore te mate e pā ki a koe, e kore anō tōu āhua tapu e rerekē,
ahakoa i ō mātou hara, nāu mātou i tohu,
ki te whakarongo ki tāu kupu, ki te kauwhau i tōu pono.
Hareruia! Whakaritea mātou ki te tote o te whenua;
meinga mātou hei rēwena i roto i te paraoa.
He whakamoemiti ki a koe, e tō mātou Atua; ka whakamana te īnoi.
Ngā Pānui
Ngā Mahi 16:16–34Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 97 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Whakakitenga 22:12–14, 16–17, 20–21Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 17:20–26 Lookup Reading: NLT
Acts 1:15–17, 21–26 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 1 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 John 5:9–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 17:6–19 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved. Acts 16:31
Collect of the Day
Holy God, you feed us
with earthly and spiritual food.
Deathless, unalterable, you have chosen us,
sinful as we are,
to hear your word and to proclaim your truth.
Alleluia! Make us salt of the earth;
make us yeast in the loaf.
Praise to you our God; you answer prayer.
Acts 16:16–34 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 97 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Revelation 22:12–14, 16–17, 20–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 17:20–26 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu mā
Te Rā o te Petekoha
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
‘Ki te matewai tētahi, haere mai ia ki ahau, kia inu,’ te kī a te Ariki; ‘ki te whakapono tētahi ki ahau, ka rere mai ngā wai ora i roto i tōna kōpū.’ Hoani 7:38
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Matua,
kua whakakīia e koe tāu iwi ki te Wairua,
i tau tuatahi ai ki runga i tāu Tama
ā, i whakakotahitia ai mātou ki roto i tāu Hāhi;
whakapuarengia mai ngā tatau ki tōu Wairua
kia wātea ai mātou ki te mahi tahi,
kia piki ake ai te rahi o tōu rangatiratanga
me āu tikanga;
mō te korōria o tōu ingoa tapu.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui tuatahi: Ngā Mahi 2:1–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Tauānga 11:24–30 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 104:24–34, 35b Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Pānui tuarua: 1 Koriniti 1Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Ngā Mahi 2:1–21 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Rongopai: Hoani 20:19–23Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Hoani 7:37–39 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
The Day of Pentecost
Year A
Sentence of the Day
‘Let anyone who is thirsty come to me,’ says the Lord; ‘and let the one who believes in me drink. For out of your heart shall flow rivers of living water.’ John 7:38
Collect of the Day
you have filled your people with the Spirit
who rested first on your Son
and united us in your Church;
open the channels for your Spirit
that we may freely work together,
and your kingdom and your rule increase;
for the glory of your holy name.
1st Reading: Acts 2:1–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Numbers 11:24–30 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 104:24–34, 35b Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2nd Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:3b–13 Lookup
Reading: NLT
or Acts 2:1–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Gospel: John 20:19–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
or John 7:37–39 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
‘Ka hoatu e ahau he ngākau hou ki a koutou, ka hoatu anō hoki e ahau he wairua hou ki roto ki a koutou,’ te kī a te Ariki; ‘Ka hoatu e ahau tōku wairua ki roto i a koutou, ā, ka ora koutou.’ Ehekiera 3:26; 37:14
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa,
i te hākari o Petekoha
i tukua iho e koe tōu Wairua Tapu ki ngā ākonga,
hei whakakī i a rātou ki te harikoa me te māia
ki te kauwhau i te rongopai;
tukua mātou i raro i te mana o taua Wairua anō
ki te whakaatu i tōu aroha whakaora
ki te whakarauika mai hoki i ngā tāngata katoa ki a koe;
me te Wairua Tapu,
kotahi anō Atua, āianei, ā, āke tonu atu.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui tuatahi: Ngā Mahi 2:1–21Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Ehekiere 37:1–14 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 104:24–34, 35b Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Pānui tuarua: Rōma 8:22–27 Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Ngā Mahi 2:1–21 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Rongopai: Hoani 15:26–27; 16:4b–15 Lookup
Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kua rīngihia mai te aroha o te Atua ki roto i ō tātou ngākau e te Wairua Tapu kua hōmai nei ki a tātou. Rōma 5:5
Year B
Sentence of the Day
‘A new heart I will give you, and a new spirit I will put within you,’ says the Lord; ‘I will put my spirit within you and you shall live.’ Ezekiel 3:26; 37:14
Collect of the Day
Almighty God,
at the feast of Pentecost
you sent your Holy Spirit to the disciples,
filling them with joy and boldness
to preach the gospel;
send us out in the power of the same Spirit
to witness to your redeeming love
and draw all people to you
and the Holy Spirit,
one God now and for ever.
1st Reading: Acts 2:1–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Ezekiel 37:1–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 104:24–34, 35b Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2nd Reading: Romans 8:22–27 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Acts 2:1–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Gospel: John 15:26–27; 16:4b–15 Lookup Reading:
Year C
Sentence of the Day
God’s love has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. Romans 5:5
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua ora,
e te Wairua Tapu ora tonu,
kia maringi iho mai
tōu ngao kanapa taunanawe
i whakakā ai i aua ākonga tuatahi
kia tahuri anō ai te ao.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui tuatahi: Ngā Mahi 2:1–21 Lookup Reading:
ko Kēnehi 11:1–9 rāneiLookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 104:24–34, 35bLookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Pānui tuarua: Rōma 8:14–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Ngā Mahi 2:1–21 rāneiLookup Reading: NLT
Rongopai: Hoani 14:8–17, (25–27) Lookup Reading:
Ngā Rā i muri i Petekoha
Te Rātapu o te Tokotoru
Te Rātapu i muri i Petekoha
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Karangatia te Ingoa: ‘Ko Ihowā, ko Ihowā, ko te Atua tohu, atawhai, he tukuroa nei i te riri, he nui nei te aroha, te pono.’ Ekoruhe 34:6
Collect of the Day
Living God,
eternal Holy Spirit,
let your bright intoxicating energy
which fired those first disciples
fall on us
to turn the world again.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
1st Reading: Acts 2:1–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Genesis 11:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 104:24–34, 35b Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2nd Reading: Romans 8:14–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Acts 2:1–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Gospel: John 14:8–17, (25–27) Lookup Reading: NLT
Season after Pentecost
Trinity Sunday
The First Sunday after Pentecost
Year A
Sentence of the Day
Proclaim the Name: ‘The Lord, the Lord, a God who is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.’ Exodus 34:6
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E Pā,
nāu i tuku mai tāu Tama ki te kawe mai i te pono,
me tōu Wairua Tapu, kia tapu ai mātou;
huakina ō mātou ngākau hei whakanui i a koe,
me ō mātou oranga hei whakaatu i a koe,
tō mātou Atua pono kotahi,
te Matua, te Tama, me te Wairua Tapu.
E īnoi ana mātou i roto i a Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaiwhakaora.
Ngā Pānui
Kēnehi 1:1–2:4a Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 8 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Koriniti 13:11–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 28:16–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
He tapu, he tapu, he tapu, a Ihowā o ngā mano; kī katoa te whenua i tōna korōria. Ihāia 6:3
tēnei rānei
Ā, haere mai ana a Karaiti Īhu, kauwhau ana i te maunga rongo ki a koutou i tawhiti, ki te hunga hoki e tata ana; nāna hoki tātou, i whai tatanga atu ai i roto i te Wairua kotahi ki te Matua. Epeha 2:17–18
Collect of the Day
you sent your Son to bring us truth
and your Holy Spirit to make us holy;
open our hearts to exalt you,
open our lives to reveal you,
our one true God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Genesis 1:1–2:4a Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 8 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Corinthians 13:11–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 28:16–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory. Isaiah 6:3
Christ Jesus came and preached peace to you all; through him we have access in the one Spirit to the Father. Ephesians 2:17–18
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua mau tonu,
kua whakaatu nei koe
ki a mātou he Matua, he Tama, he Wairua Tapu;
puritia mātou i roto i tēnei whakapono
kia pai ai tā mātou whakamoemiti me te manaaki i tōu ingoa tapu;
ko koe nei te Atua kotahi
ināianei ā mō āke tonu atu.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 6:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 29 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 8:12–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 3:1–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
He teka ianei kei te karanga a te whakaaro nui, e puaki ana anō te reo o te mātauranga? I a Ihowā ahau, nō te timatatanga rā anō o ōna ara, nō mua atu i āna mahi o neherā. Whakataukī 8:1, 22
tēnei rānei
Kua tonoa mai e te Atua te Wairua o tāna Tama ki roto ki ō koutou ngākau, e karanga ana, E Apa, e Pā! Karatia 4:6
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Tokotoru o te Aroha,
te kaihanga o te ira tāne me te ira wahine kua rite nei ki tōu ake
āwhinatia mai mātou ki te whakaae ko mātou ēnei,
me te mōhio ki ō mātou atawhai tētahi ki tētahi.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Collect of the Day
God of unchangeable power,
you have revealed yourself
to us as Father, Son and Holy Spirit;
keep us firm in this faith
that we may praise and bless your holy name;
for you are one God
now and for ever.
Isaiah 6:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 29 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 8:12–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 3:1–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
Does not wisdom call, and does not understanding raise her voice? ‘The Lord created me at the beginning of his work, the first of his acts of long ago.’ Proverbs 8:1, 22
God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, Abba! Father! Galatians 4:6
Collect of the Day
Trinity of Love,
maker of man and woman in your image
help us to accept ourselves as we are,
and to know our need for each other.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Ngā Pānui
Whakatauki 8:1–4, 22–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 8 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 5:1–5 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 16:12–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Iriiri o te Ariki
Te Rātapu Tuatahi i muri i te
Te Rātapu i waenga 7 me 13 Hānuere
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Nā, ko tētahi reo nō te rangi e mea ana, ‘Ko tāku Tama tēnei i aroha ai, ko tāku i āhuareka ai.’ Matiu 3:17
Te Īnoi o te Rā
Huakina mai ngā rangi e te Wairua Tapu,
kia kite ai mātou i a Īhu e īnoi ana mō mātou;
hei whakapakari i a mātou
kia whai wāhi ai ki tāna kapu, kia rite ai hoki ki te mahi ki a ia mō
ake tonu atu.
E īnoi ai mātou i roto i a Ihu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 42:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 29 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Mahi 10:34–43 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 3:13–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Proverbs 8:1–4, 22–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 8 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 5:1–5 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 16:12–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Baptism of the Lord
The First Sunday of Epiphany
Sunday between 7 and 13 January
Year A
Sentence of the Day
A voice came from heaven, saying, ‘This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased.’ Matthew 3:17
Collect of the Day
Open the heavens, Holy Spirit,
for us to see Jesus intercede for us;
may we be strengthened to share his cup
and ready to serve him for ever.
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Isaiah 42:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 29 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Acts 10:34–43 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 3:13–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ko Īhu o Nahareta, tā te Atua whakawahinga i a ia ki te Wairua Tapu, ki te kaha; ā, hāereere ana ia ki te mahi i te pai, ki te whakaora i te hunga katoa e pēhia ana e te rewera; nō te mea i a ia te Atua. Ngā Mahi 10:38
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Wairua Tapu,
nāu a Īhu i pēia ki te koraha,
ā, ka iriiria ia e Hoani, ka tuwhera mai te rangi,
karawhiua mātou ki te whātōtō, ki te whakaaro hoki,
kia whakaritea ai e mātou ō mātou iriiringa,
kia noho i roto i te oranga o te wikitōria.
E īnoi ana mātou i roto i a Ihu Karaiti tō mātou Kaihoko.
Ngā Pānui
Kēnehi 1:1–5Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 29 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Mahi 19:1–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 1:4–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power; and he went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him. Acts 10:38
Collect of the Day
Holy Spirit,
as you drove Jesus into the wilderness,
when John baptised him and the heavens opened,
drive us to wrestle and reflect
so that we may fulfil our baptism,
and live the life of victory.
This we ask through the same Jesus Christ our Redeemer.
Genesis 1:1–5 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 29 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Acts 19:1–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 1:4–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ā, ka heke iho te Wairua Tapu, ka heke tinana iho, anō he kūkupa, ki runga ki a ia, ā, ka puta mai he reo nō te rangi, e mea ana, ‘Ko koe tāku Tama i aroha ai, tāku i āhuareka ai.’ Ruka 3:22
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa,
nāu i whakawahi a Īhu i tōna iriiringa
me te Wairua Tapu,
nāu i whakaatu i a ia, tāu Tama aroha;
hōmai ki a mātou, kua iriiria nei i roto i tōna ingoa
kia mahi katoa ai ki tāu e hiahia ai,
kia kitea ai ngā hua pai, o ā mātou mahi;
ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 43:1–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 29 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Mahi 8:14–17Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 3:15–17, 21–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
The Holy Spirit descended on Jesus in bodily form like a dove, and a voice came from heaven, ‘You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased.’ Luke 3:22
Collect of the Day
Almighty God,
you anointed Jesus at his baptism
with the Holy Spirit,
and revealed him as your own beloved Son;
grant that we who are baptised into his name
may give our lives to your service,
and be found worthy of our calling;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Isaiah 43:1–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 29 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Acts 8:14–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 3:15–17, 21–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Tuarua i muri i te Whakāturanga
Te Rātapu i waenga 14 me 20 o Hānuere
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
He pono te Atua, nāna nei koutou i karanga kia uru tahi ki tāna Tama, ki a Īhu Karaiti, ki tō tātou Ariki. 1 Koroniti 1:9
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa,
hōmai he tirohanga ki a mātou mō āu whakaritenga
ā, me te whakapūmautanga o tōu aroha me tōu mana,
kia mau pū ai mātou ki te tūmanako
kei roto nei i a Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 49:1–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 40:1–11Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Koriniti 1:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 1:29–42 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Second Sunday of Epiphany
Sunday between 14 and 20 January
Year A
Sentence of the Day
God is faithful; by him you were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. 1 Corinthians 1:9
Collect of the Day
Almighty God,
give us such a vision of your purpose
and such an assurance of your love and power,
that we may ever hold fast the hope
which is in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Isaiah 49:1–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 40:1–11 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Corinthians 1:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 1:29–42 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kua kitea e māua te Mīhaia: ko Īhu Karaiti, te Tama a te Atua, te kīngi o Īharaira! Hoani 1:41–49
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua, ngā whakamoemiti ki a koe, mō āu mahi i waenga i a
Nōu te ihi i tāu i hanga ai,
Nōu te hihiri i a mātou rangahau hou.
I roto i a mātou mahi hīkoi katoa, whakakahangia mātou,
kia noho ai i roto i te ihi, te wehi, me te tūmanako.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Ngā Pānui
1 Hamuera 3:1–10, (11–20) Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 139:1–6, 13–18 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Koriniti 6:12–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 1:43–51 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
I whakakitea e Īhu tōna korōria, ā, whakapono ana āna ākonga ki a ia. Hoani 2:11
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E Īhu, ka īnoi mātou ki a koe, tangohia te wai kawa,
ā mātou ngākau pukumahi hoki,
kia kitea ai e te katoa tōu oranga
kia hiainu ai ki a koe;
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu ake ingoa.
Year B
Sentence of the Day
We have found the Messiah: Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the king of Israel! John 1:41–49
Collect of the Day
Praise to you, God, for all your work among us.
Yours is the vigour in creation,
yours is the impulse in our new discoveries.
Make us adventurous, yet reverent and hopeful in all we do.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
1 Samuel 3:1–10, (11–20) Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 139:1–6, 13–18 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Corinthians 6:12–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 1:43–51 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
Jesus revealed his glory, and his disciples believed in him. John 2:11
Collect of the Day
We pray you, Jesus, take the old water,
our busy, conscientious lives,
and turn them into gospel wine,
that everyone may see your life
and thirst;
Hear this prayer for your name’s sake.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 62:1–5Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 36:5–10Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Koriniti 12:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 2:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Tuatoru i muri i te
Te Rātapu i waenga 21 me 27 Hānuere
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Nā, ka hāereerea katoatia a Kariri e Īhu, whakaako ana i roto i ō rātou whare karakia, kauwhau ana i te rongopai o te rangatiratanga, me te whakaora i ngā mate katoa, i ngā tūrorotanga katoa o te iwi. Matiu 4:23
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa,
i whakakitea mai e tāu Tama te nui o tōu aroha whakaora,
i roto i āna tohu me āna mahi whakamīharo;
whakahōutia mai tāu iwi ki tōu aroha noa mai i te rangi,
ā, i roto i ō mātou ngoikoretanga
kia ū ai mātou ki tōu mana whakahira;
ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Isaiah 62:1–5 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 36:5–10 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Corinthians 12:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 2:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Third Sunday of Epiphany
Sunday between 21 and 27 January
Year A
Sentence of the Day
Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and curing every disease and every sickness among the people. Matthew 4:23
Collect of the Day
Almighty God,
your Son revealed in signs and wonders
the greatness of your saving love;
renew your people with your heavenly grace,
and in all our weakness
sustain us by your mighty power;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 9:1–4Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 27:1, 4–9Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Koriniti 1:10–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 4:12–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kua rite tēnei te wā, kua tata hoki te rangatiratanga o te Atua; rīpenetā, whakaponohia te Rongopai. Māka 1:15
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E Īhu, tō mātou Kaihoko,
hōmai tōu kaha kia kitea, kia kauwhautia te rongopai,
ahakoa haere mātou ki hea
ka whakaorangia te tūroro, ka awhitia i te ngerengere,
me te hoatu oranga hou ki te whakahemo, tupāpaku hoki;
mō te korōria o tōu ingoa tapu.
Ngā Pānui
Hona 3:1–5, 10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 62:5–12 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Koriniti 7:29–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 1:14–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Isaiah 9:1–4 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 27:1, 4–9 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Corinthians 1:10–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 4:12–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent, and believe in the gospel. Mark 1:15
Collect of the Day
Jesus, our Redeemer,
give us your power to reveal and proclaim the good news,
so that wherever we may go
the sick may be healed, lepers embraced,
and the dead and dying given new life;
for the glory of your holy name.
Jonah 3:1–5, 10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 62:5–12 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Corinthians 7:29–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 1:14–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ka pānui a Īhu mai i te pukapuka a Ihāia poropiti: ‘Kei ahau te Wairua o te Ariki, nāna nei hoki au i whakawahi, hei kauhau i te rongopai ki te hunga rawakore, ki ngā herehere, kia haere noa.’ Ruka 4:18
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua o ngā atawhainga katoa,
i mauria mai e tāu Tama te rongopai ki te hunga taumaha,
kia tukua te hunga e pēhia ana,
me te harikoa ki a rātou e pōuri ana;
whakakīia mātou ki tōu Wairua
kia kitea ai te iwi, i tōu āhua i roto i a mātou
kia whakakorōriatia ai tōu ingoa.
E īnoi ana mātou i roto i a Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Nehemia 8:1–3, 5–6, 8–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 19Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Koriniti 12:12–31aLookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 4:14–21Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
Jesus read from the prophet Isaiah: ‘The Spirit of the Lord has anointed me to bring good news to the poor, to proclaim release to the captives.’ Luke 4:18
Collect of the Day
God of all mercy,
your Son brought good news to the despairing,
freedom to the oppressed
and joy to the sad;
fill us with your spirit
that the people of our day may see in us his likeness
and glorify your name.
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Nehemiah 8:1–3, 5–6, 8–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 19 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Corinthians 12:12–31a Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 4:14–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Tuawha i muri i te
Te Rātapu i waenga 28 Hānuere me 3 Pepuere
Tau A
Te Rārangi mō te Rā
Ā, he aha tā Ihowā e rapu nei ki a koe, heoi anō ko te whakawā tika, ko te pai ki te tohu tangata, ko te whakaiti me te haere tahi i tōu Atua? Mika 6:8
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E Īhu, ākona mātou,
ki te whaioranga, ki te koropiko hoki
kāore he whakaaro ki ngā hua o te kikokiko, he apo rānei.
Panaia atu ngā mea takakino i ō mātou oranga
ā meinga mātou hei temepara mō te Wairua;
mō te korōria o tōu ingoa tapu.
Ngā Pānui
Mika 6:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 15Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Koriniti 1:18–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 5:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Fourth Sunday of Epiphany
Sunday between 28 January and 3 February
Year A
Sentence of the Day
What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8
Collect of the Day
Teach us, Jesus,
how to live and worship
without being worldly or greedy.
Drive from our lives what spoils them
and make us temples of the Spirit;
for the glory of your holy name.
Micah 6:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 15 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Corinthians 1:18–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 5:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Nā, ka hāererea e Īhu ngā pā katoa me ngā kāinga, ā, ka ako i roto i ō rātou whare karakia, ka kauwhau i te rongopai o te rangatiratanga, me te whakaora i te tini o ngā mate, i te tini o ngā tūrorotanga o te iwi. Matiu 9:35
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E Īhu, hihiri ana āu kōrero,
whakamanawanui e koe, ka maumahara mātou.
Āwhinatia mai mātou ki te kōrero kia rongo te katoa,
ki te whakahua i te pono
kia kaua e mauāhara.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu ake ingoa.
Ngā Pānui
Tiuteronomi 18:15–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 111 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Koriniti 8:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 1:21–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ināianei hoki he titiro pōuriuri tā tātou i roto i te whakaata, kei reira hoki ka kite tātou te kanohi ki te kanohi. Ināianei e mātau ana ahau ko tētahi wāhi anake; ko reira ia ahau e mōhio ai me ahau e mōhiotia rā. 1 Koriniti 13:14
Year B
Sentence of the Day
Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and curing every disease and every sickness. Matthew 9:35
Collect of the Day
Jesus, you spoke with passion,
you acted without fear, and we remember.
Help us when we have to speak out,
to speak the truth
and without malice to speak.
Hear this prayer for your name’s sake.
Deuteronomy 18:15–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 111 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Corinthians 8:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 1:21–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
Now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known. 1 Corinthians 13:14
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua tohu atawhai,
i whakatinanatia tau Tama mō mātou
ā, i mamae i runga i te rīpeka;
horoia ō mātou ngākau
kia hihiko ā mātou mahi ki a koe;
ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaihoko.
Ngā Pānui
Heremaia 1:4–10Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 71:1–6Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Koriniti 13:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 4:21–30Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Tuarima o He Wā Noa
Te Rātapu i waenga 4 me 10 o Pepuere
Tau A
Te Rārangi mō te Rā
‘He teka ianei ko te nohopuku tēnei i whiriwhiria e ahau?’, e ai tā Ihowā, ‘kia whakatangorotia ngā here a te kino, kia tukua te hunga e tūkinotia ana kia haere noa atu?’ Ihāia 58:6
tēnei rānei
Waihoki, kia tiaho tō koutou mārama ki te aroaro o ngā tāngata, kia kite ai rātou i ā koutou hanga pai, kia whakakorōria ai tō koutou Matua i te rangi. Matiu 5:16
Collect of the Day
Gracious and merciful God,
for our sake your Son became incarnate
and suffered death upon the cross;
purify our hearts and grant us zeal in your service;
through Jesus Christ our Redeemer.
Jeremiah 1:4–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 71:1–6 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Corinthians 13:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 4:21–30 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday between 4 and 10 February
Year A
Sentence of the Day
‘Is not this the fast that I choose,’ says the Lord: ‘to loose the bonds of injustice, and to let the oppressed go free?’ Isaiah 58:6
Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua, ka whakamoemiti mātou ki a koe,
e tīaho nei te māramatanga o te Karaiti i roto i ō mātou pōuritanga,
ā e kore hoki e taea te tinei;
whakaaturia mai te huarahi e tae atu ai mātou ki te rā mutungakore;
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 58:1–9a, (9b–12) Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 112:1–9, (10) Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Koriniti 2:1–12, (13–16) Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 5:13–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Tēnā ko te hunga e tatari ana ki a Ihowā, puta hou ana he kaha mō rātou, kake ana rātou ki runga; ko nga parirau, koia ānō kei o ngā ēkara. Ihāia 40:31
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa,
nāu mātou i karanga ki te mahi māu,
engari ki te kāhore tōu aroha
e kore rawa mātou e tau ki te whakapai i a koe;
tukua mai tōu Wairua Tapu
hei whakatika i te whakahaere a ō mātou manawa;
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Collect of the Day
We praise you, God,
that the light of Christ shines in our darkness
and is never overcome;
show us the way we must go to eternal day;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Isaiah 58:1–9a, (9b–12) Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 112:1–9, (10) Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Corinthians 2:1–12, (13–16) Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 5:13–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles. Isaiah 40:31
Collect of the Day
Almighty God,
you have called us to serve you,
yet without your grace
we are not able to please you;
mercifully grant that your Holy Spirit
may in all things direct and rule our hearts;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 40:21–31Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 147:1–11, 20c Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Koriniti 9:16–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 1:29–39Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
I mate a te Karaiti mō ō tātou hara, i pērā me tā ngā karaipiture; ā, i tanumia; ā, i ara ake anō i te toru o ngā rā, i pērā me tā ngā karaipiture, ā, ka whakakite ki te rahi. 1 Koroniti 15:3–4
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua Kaha rawa mutunga kore,
nāu te hiahia ki te hari mai i tāu i hangā
kia kotahi i roto i a te Karaiti;
tukua kia kauwhau ponotia e tāu Hāhi
te Rongopai Tapu
kia ora katoa rā anō ngā tāngata
kia kī hoki tōu ao i tōu korōria;
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 6:1–8, (9–13)Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 138 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Koriniti 15:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 5:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Isaiah 40:21–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 147:1–11, 20c Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Corinthians 9:16–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 1:29–39 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, and was buried, and was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures, and appeared to many. 1 Corinthians 15:3–4
Collect of the Day
Almighty and eternal God,
it is your will to bring the whole creation
into unity in Christ;
grant that your Church may faithfully proclaim
the Good News
until all people are saved
and the earth is full of your glory;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Isaiah 6:1–8, (9–13) Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 138 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Corinthians 15:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 5:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Tuaono o He Wā Noa
Te Rātapu i waenga 11 me 17 Pepuere
Tau A
Te Rārangi mō te Rā
Ka hari te hunga he tapatahi nei i te ara, e haere nei i te Ture a Ihowā. Waiata 119:1
Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua o Īharaira o tūāwhakarere, onāianei,
tūhia ki ō mātou ngākau ngā akoranga o āu ture;
whakaritea ō mātou hinengaro
kia whiwhi ai ki te rongopai i whakatinanatia ai
i tāu Tama i a Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaiwhakaora.
Ngā Pānui
Tiuteronomi 30:15–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Hiraka 15:15–20 rānei Lookup Reading: RV
Waiata 119:1–8 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Koriniti 3:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 5:21–37 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday between 11 and 17 February
Year A
Sentence of the Day
Blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord. Psalm 119:1
Collect of the Day
God of Israel old and new,
write in our hearts the lesson of your law;
prepare our minds to receive the gospel
made visible in your Son Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Deuteronomy 30:15–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Sirach 15:15–20 Lookup Reading: RV
Psalm 119:1–8 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Corinthians 3:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 5:21–37 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kua puta ake i roto i a tātou he poropiti nui! Kua tau mai te Atua ki tāna iwi! Ruka 7:16
tēnei rānei
Waiata whakawhetai ki a Ihowā, e tāna hunga tapu, whakawhetai hoki ki te ingoa tapu o te Atua. Waiata 30:4
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa,
te kaha, te aroha me te mātau,
āwhinatia mai mātou ki te whakawhirinaki ki tōu painga
ki te whakarite i a mātou i roto i tāu Tama.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Ngā Pānui
2 Ngā Kīngi 5:1–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 30Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Koriniti 9:24–27 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 1:40–45 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ka koa koutou ina kinongia koutou e ngā tāngata, ina nā te whakaaro ki te Tama a te tangata. Kia hari me te tūpekepeke, he nui hoki tō koutou utu i te rangi. Ruka 6:23
Year B
Sentence of the Day
A great prophet has arisen among us! God has visited his people! Luke 7:16
Sing praises to the Lord, O you his faithful ones; and give thanks to God’s holy name! Psalm 30:4
Collect of the Day
Mighty God,
strong, loving and wise,
help us depend upon your goodness
and to place our trust in your Son.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
2 Kings 5:1–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 30 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Corinthians 9:24–27 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 1:40–45 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
Blessed are you when people hate you on account of the Son of man. Rejoice and leap for joy, for behold, your reward is great in heaven. Luke 6:23
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua o te hunga matekai,
meinga mātou kia hiakai kia hiaīnu mō te tika,
kia mākona rā anō ō mātou mō te tika
kia ngaro rawa te hiakai i te whenua.
E īnoi ana mātou i roto i a Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Heremaia 17:5–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 1 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Koriniti 15:12–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 6:17–26 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Tuawhitu o He Wā Noa
Te Rātapu i waenga 18 me 24 Pepuere
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
E mea nei hoki tō koutou Matua i te rangi i tōna rā kia whiti ki te hunga kino, ki te hunga pai, kia ua hoki te ua ki te hunga tika, ki te hunga hē. Kia ngāwari rāpea koutou, kia pērā me tō koutou Matua e ngāwari ana. Matiu 5:45, Ruka 6:36
tēnei rānei
Kia tapu koutou, he tapu hoki a Ihowā tō koutou Atua. Arohaina tōu hoa tata ānō ko koe. Rewitikuha 19:2, 18
Collect of the Day
God of the hungry,
make us hunger and thirst for the right,
till our thirst for justice has been satisfied
and hunger has gone from the earth.
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Jeremiah 17:5–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 1 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Corinthians 15:12–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 6:17–26 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday between 18 and 24 February
Year A
Sentence of the Day
Your Father in heaven makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the righteous and on the unrighteous. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. Matthew 5:45, Luke 6:36
You shall be holy, for the Lord your God is holy. You shall love your neighbour as yourself. Leviticus 19:2,18
Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua māhaki, hōmai he whakaaro
kia warewaretia ngā pānga hē me ngā kino,
he hiahia ki te rapu i ngā painga o ētahi atu,
he ngākau e kī ana i te aroha.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Ngā Pānui
Rewitikuha 19:1–2, 9–18Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 119:33–40 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Koriniti 3:10–11, 16–23Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 5:38–48Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
I roto i te Tama a te Atua, a Īhu Karaiti, ko ngā oati katoa a te Atua e kī ana ‘Āe!’ 2 Koroniti 1:19–20
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua aroha,
hōmai ki āu hunga pono he murunga me te rangimārie;
kia pūrea ai ō mātou hara katoa
kia mahi ai mātou i runga i te whakaaro māhaki;
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaihoko.
Collect of the Day
Give us, we pray you, gentle God,
a mind forgetful of past injury,
a will to seek the good of others
and a heart of love.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Leviticus 19:1–2, 9–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 119:33–40 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Corinthians 3:10–11, 16–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 5:38–48 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
In the Son of God, Jesus Christ, every one of God’s promises is a ‘Yes!’ 2 Corinthians 1:19–20
Collect of the Day
Merciful God,
grant to your faithful people pardon and peace;
that we may be cleansed from all our sins
and serve you with a quiet mind;
through Jesus Christ our Redeemer.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 43:18–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 41 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Koriniti 1:18–22Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 2:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kia aroha ki ō koutou hoa whawhai, mahia te pai ki a rātou, ka tuku atu he moni, kaua anō e mutu te tūmanako. Ka tupu koutou hei tamariki mā te Runga Rawa; e atawhai ana hoki te Atua i te hunga e kore e whakawhetai, i te hunga kino. Ruka 6:35
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E Īhu, tukua mai te aroha ngohengohe, e kore nei e ngaro
te īnoi nei mō te murunga hara mai i ōna kaiwhakamate,
me te hōmai i te tūmanako ki te whānako i runga i te rīpeka.
Meinga mātou kia aroha pono i te uaua o te ara
me te māhaki ki a rātou e whakahē ana i a mātou;
mō te korōria o tōu ingoa tapu.
Ngā Pānui
Kēnehi 45:3–11, 15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 37:1–11, 39–40Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Koriniti 15:35–38, 42–50 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 6:27–38Lookup Reading: NLT
Isaiah 43:18–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 41 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Corinthians 1:18–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 2:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
Love your enemies, do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return. You will be children of the Most High; for God is kind to the ungrateful and the wicked. Luke 6:35
Collect of the Day
Grant us Jesus, that tender, indestructible love
which asks forgiveness of its executioners
and gives hope to the thief on the cross.
Keep us compassionate when the way is hard,
and gentle with those who oppose us;
for the glory of your holy name.
Genesis 45:3–11, 15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 37:1–11, 39–40 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Corinthians 15:35–38, 42–50 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 6:27–38 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Tuawaru o He Wā Noa
Te Rātapu i waenga 25 Pepuere me 3 o Maehe
i waenga rānei 24 me 28 o Mei
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
‘Tērā rānei e wareware i te wahine tāna kōhungahunga, ā, kore ake ōna aroha ki te tamaiti a tōna kōpū? E wareware anō rātou: ko ahau nei, e kore ahau e wareware ki a koe’, e ai tā Ihowā. Ihāia 49:15
tēnei rānei
Kaua e mānukanuka, e mea,’ He aha tā tātou e kai ai? Me whakakākahu tātou ki te aha?’ Engari mātua rapua te rangatiratanga o te Atua me āna mea tika; ā, ka tāpiritia ēnei mea katoa mā koutou. Matiu 6:31, 33
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E Apa, e te Atua,
e whakahua ana mātou i a koe ko te Matua
ā, ko tōu atawhai mai he pērā anō hoki i tō te whaea.
Tiakina tō mātou kaha ki te tuku aroha, kia arohatia hoki,
ā, meinga mātou kia harikoa ina karangatia ai he tamariki nāu,
he whānau kotahi i roto i a te Karaiti.
He whakamoemiti ki a koe, e tō mātou Atua; ka whakamana te
The Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday between 25 February and 3 March
or between 24 and 28 May
Year A
Sentence of the Day
‘Can a woman forget her nursing child, or show no compassion for the child of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you,’ says the Lord. Isaiah 49:15
Do not worry, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we wear?’ Strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:31, 33
Collect of the Day
Abba God, we call you Father,
and your care for us
is motherly as well.
Protect our power to love and be loved,
and make us glad to be called your children
one whanau in Christ.
Praise to you our God; you answer prayer.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 49:8–16a Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 131 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Koriniti 4:1–5Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 6:24–34Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ka whakawhetai ki te Atua, e mea tonu nei ki a mātou kia whakamanamana i roto i a te Karaiti, e whakaatu nei mā roto i a mātou i te hā o tōna matauranga i ngā wāhi katoa. 2 Koroniti 2:14
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E Īhu, ka īnoi mātou ki a koe,
tangohia te wai tawhito,
ā mātou ngākau pukumahi hoki,
hurihia hei wāina rongopai kia kitea ai e te katoa tōu oranga
ka mate hiainu;
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu ingoa.
Ngā Pānui
Hohea 2:14–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 103:1–13, 22 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Koriniti 3:1–6Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 2:13–22Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
‘Ka pēnā anō tāku kupu e puta ana i tōku māngai, e kore e hoki kau mai ki ahau.’ e kī a Ihowā, ‘engari ka meatia tāku i pai ai, ka taea hoki tāku i ūnga atu ai.’ Ihāia 55:11
Isaiah 49:8–16a Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 131 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Corinthians 4:1–5 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 6:24–34 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
Thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us, and through us spreads in every place the fragrance that comes from knowing Christ. 2 Corinthians 2:14
Collect of the Day
We pray you, Jesus,
take the old water,
our busy, conscientious lives,
and turn them into gospel wine,
that everyone may see your life
and thirst.
Hear this prayer for your name’s sake.
Hosea 2:14–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 103:1–13, 22 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Corinthians 3:1–6 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 2:13–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
‘My word shall not return to me empty,’ says the Lord, ‘but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and succeed in the thing for which I sent it.’ Isaiah 55:11
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Wairua Tapu,
tukua mai ki a mātou e mahi nei mō tāu Hāhi
ki te whakatika i ngā mea kino,
ki te whakakaha i tērā e mau tonu ana,
ki te whai hoki i a koe
ahakoa ki hea, mā hea rānei, māu hoki mātou e arahi.
E īnoi ana mātou i roto i a te Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Hiraka 27:4–7Lookup Reading: RV
ko Ihāia 55:10–13 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 92:1–4, 12–15 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Koriniti 15:51–58Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 6:39–49Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Tuaiwa o He Wā Noa
Te Rātapu i waenga 4 me 7 o Maehe
i waenga rānei 29 o Mei me 4 o Hune
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kāhore hoki ōku whakamā ki te rongopai: ko te kaha hoki ia o te Atua hei whakaora mō ngā tāngata katoa e whakapono ana. Rōma 1:16
tēnei rānei
Kia māia, kia kaha ō koutou ngākau, kia koutou katoa e tūmanako ana ki a Ihowā. Waiata 31:24
Collect of the Day
Holy Spirit,
grant us who serve your Church
to mend what is spoiled,
to strengthen what is sound,
and to follow you wherever and however you may lead.
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Sirach 27:4–7 Lookup Reading: RV
or Isaiah 55:10–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 92:1–4, 12–15 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Corinthians 15:51–58 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 6:39–49 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday between 4 and 7 March
or between 29 May and 4 June
Year A
Sentence of the Day
I am not ashamed of the gospel; it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who has faith. Romans 1:16
Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who wait for the Lord. Psalm 31:24
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua, tō mātou rangatira, kaiarataki,
kia tae mai mātou ki te wāhi e wehe ai te huarahi,
pupuritia mātou ki te ara tika a te Karaiti,
e ora ai ki te whakahau i ngā mahi onāianei,
me te āhei ki te oranga mutunga kore.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Kēnehi 6:9–22; 7:24; 8:14–19Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 46Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 1:16–17; 3:22b–28, (29–31) Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 7:21–29 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Tiuteronomi 11:18–21, 26–28Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 31:1–5, 19–24Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 1:16–17; 3:22b–28, (29–31) Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 7:21–29Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Nā te Atua i kī, ‘te mārama kia whiti i roto i te pōuri,’ kua whiti nei ki roto i ō mātou ngākau, hei hōmai i te mārama o te mātauranga o te korōria o te Atua i te mata o Īhu Karaiti. 2 Koroniti 4:6
Collect of the Day
God, our ruler and guide,
when we come to the place where the road divides,
keep us true to the way of Christ,
alive to present opportunities,
and confident of eternal life.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Genesis 6:9–22; 7:24; 8:14–19 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 46 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 1:16–17; 3:22b–28, (29–31) Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 7:21–29 Lookup Reading: NLT
Deuteronomy 11:18–21, 26–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 31:1–5, 19–24 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 1:16–17; 3:22b–28, (29–31) Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 7:21–29 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
It is the God who said ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua mau tonu,
mai i te orokohanganga o te ao
ka waiata tahi ngā whetū o te ata
ka hāparangi te mano tuauriuri o te rangi i te koa;
whakatūwheratia ō mātou karu i te pai o tōu ao
whakaakona mātou ki te whakamahi i ngā mea katoa mō te pai
hei whakakorōria i tōu ingoa nui;
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānuis
Pānui rōnaki
1 Hamuera 3:1–10, (11–20) Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 139:1–6, 13–18Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Koriniti 4:5–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 2:23–3:6Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Tiuteronomi 5:12–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 81:1–10 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Koriniti 4:5–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 2:23–3:6 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ko te kupu tēnei a ia he Tapu nei tōna ingoa; ‘Ko te wāhi e noho nei ahau kei te wāhi tiketike te wāhi tapu hoki, kei te noho hoki au i te taha o rātou he maru rawa te ngākau, he wairua whakaiti, ki te whakaoho i te wairua pāpaku, hei whakahauora i te ngākau o ngā mea kua marū. Ihāia 57:15
Collect of the Day
God of unchangeable power,
when you fashioned the world
the morning stars sang together
and the host of heaven shouted for joy;
open our eyes to the wonders of creation
and teach us to use all things for good,
to the honour of your glorious name;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
1 Samuel 3:1–10, (11–20) Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 139:1–6, 13–18 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Corinthians 4:5–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 2:23–3:6 Lookup Reading: NLT
Deuteronomy 5:12–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 81:1–10 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Corinthians 4:5–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 2:23–3:6 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
Thus says the one whose name is Holy: ‘I dwell in a high and holy place, but I also live with those who are broken and humble in spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble, to restore the courage of the broken.’ Isaiah 57:15
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua,
hōmai he hautoa mō te tūmanako
kia kore ai e pāpouri.
Whakaakona mātou kia īnoi i runga i te ngākau nui,
ā, ki te kore te āhua o ngā īnoi e tutuki,
whakahautia mātou kia īnoi ia wā, ia wā,
ko koe nei tō mātou Atua,
e mahi nei me te mahi tonu.
E īnoi ana mātou i roto i a Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
1 Ngā Kīngi 18:20–21, (22–29), 30–39 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 96Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Karatia 1:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 7:1–10Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
1 Ngā Kīngi 8:22–23, 41–43 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 96:1–9 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Karatia 1:1–12Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 7:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Tekau o He Wā Noa
Te Rātapu i waenga 5 me 11 o Hune
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kahore he aha ko ngā tangata ora e meatia ai te rata, engari, o te hunga e mate ana. Kīhai hoki ahau i haere mai ki te karanga i te hunga tika, engari i te hunga hara. Matiu 9:12–13
Collect of the Day
Give us courage to hope,
and to risk disappointment.
Teach us to pray expectantly,
and when our prayers seem to fail,
bring us to pray again and again;
for you are our God,
who acts and will act again.
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord.
1 Kings 18:20–21, (22–29), 30–39 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 96 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Galatians 1:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 7:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
1 Kings 8:22–23, 41–43 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 96:1–9 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Galatians 1:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 7:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday between 5 and 11 June
Year A
Sentence of the Day
Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. For I have come to call not the righteous but sinners. Matthew 9:12–13
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Ariki o te Hāhi,
nāu mātou i karanga ki te kauhau ki ngā iwi katoa.
Meingia mātou kia mahi i tāu e hiahia ana me te pīkau i tōu rīpeka,
e tatari ana mō tōu wā kia kite i tōu korōria.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu ingoa.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Kēnehi 12:1–9Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 33:1–12 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 4:13–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 9:9–13, 18–26 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Hohea 5:15–6:6Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 50:7–15 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 4:13–25Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 9:9–13, 18–26 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Nā, tōku whaea, ōku teina! Ki te meatia hoki e tētahi tā te Atua i pai ai, hei teina ia ki ahau, hei tuahine, hei whaea. Māka 3:34–35
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua o te aroha,
whakahōhonutia, whakanuitia ō mātou aroha ki a koe
kia whakarerea ō mātou hara ki muri
kua oti nei hoki i a koe, te whakaora i a mātou,
kia mahi ki a koe i roto i te pono, te tino tika.
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaiwhakaora.
Collect of the Day
Lord of the Church,
you have called us to witness to every nation.
May we do your work and bear your cross,
await your time and see your glory.
Hear this prayer for your name’s sake.
Genesis 12:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 33:1–12 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 4:13–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 9:9–13, 18–26 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hosea 5:15–6:6 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 50:7–15 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 4:13–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 9:9–13, 18–26 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does the will of God is my brother and my sister and my mother. Mark 3:34–35
Collect of the Day
God of compassion,
deepen and increase our love for you
so that we may leave behind the sins
from which you have redeemed us,
and serve you in perfect freedom;
through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
1 Hamuera 8:4–11, (12–15), 16–20, (11:14–15) Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 138 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Koriniti 4:13–5:1 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 3:20–35 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Kēnehi 3:8–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 130Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Koriniti 4:13–5:1Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 3:20–35 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kua puta ake i roto i a tātou he poropiti nui! Kua tau mai te Atua ki tāna iwi! Ruka 7:16
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E Īhu, i hurihia e koe te mate ki te ora,
anō hoki ki te wikitōria.
Meingia mā tōu āwhina mai
kia piki ake ō mātou tūmanakotanga
kia tutuki ngā mahi e kore nei e taea.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu ingoa.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
1 Ngā Kīngi 17:8–16, (17–24) Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 146 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Karatia 1:11–24 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 7:11–17Lookup Reading: NLT
1 Samuel 8:4–11, (12–15), 16–20, (11:14–15) Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 138 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Corinthians 4:13–5:1 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 3:20–35 Lookup Reading: NLT
Genesis 3:8–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 130 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Corinthians 4:13–5:1 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 3:20–35 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
A great prophet has arisen among us! God has visited his people! Luke 7:16
Collect of the Day
Jesus, you turned death into life,
turned defeat into victory.
Grant that with your help
we may raise our expectations
and achieve what is yet impossible.
Hear this prayer for your name’s sake.
1 Kings 17:8–16, (17–24) Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 146 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Galatians 1:11–24 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 7:11–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
1 Ngā Kīngi 17:17–24Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 30Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Karatia 1:11–24Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 7:11–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Tekau mā tahi o He Wā Noa
Te Rātapu i waenga 12 me 18 o Hune
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kia mau tā tātou maunga rongo ki te Atua, he mea nā tō tātou Ariki, nā Īhu Karaiti, nāna nei te whakatatanga i a tātou ki tēnei āroha noa e tū nei tātou. Rōma 5:1–2
tēnei rānei
He nui te kotinga, ko ngā kaimahi ia he ruarua; nā, īnoi atu ki te Ariki nāna te kotinga, kia tonoa e ia he kaimahi ki tāna kotinga. Matiu 9:37–38
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa,
mā tōu aroha noa anake
e whakaae i a mātou hei kaimahi māu;
mā tōu Wairua Tapu hoki mātou e whakakaha,
e whakamana i tāu i karanga i a mātou.
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
1 Kings 17:17–24 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 30 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Galatians 1:11–24 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 7:11–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday between 12 and 18 June
Year A
Sentence of the Day
We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have obtained access to this grace in which we stand. Romans 5:1–2
The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest. Matthew 9:37–38
Collect of the Day
Almighty God,
by your grace alone
we are accepted and called to your service;
strengthen us by your Holy Spirit and empower our calling;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Kēnehi 18:1–15, (21:1–7) Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 116:1–2, 12–19 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 5:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 9:35–10:8, (9–23) Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Ekoruhe 19:2–8a Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 100 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 5:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 9:35–10:8, (9–23)Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
I roto te Atua i a te Karaiti e hohou ana i tā te ao rongo ki a ia, kore ake e whakairia ki a rātou ō rātou hē; ā, kua tukua mai ki a mātou te kupu mō te houhanga rongo. 2 Koriniti 5:19
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Matua Mutunga-kore,
na tāu Tama a Īhu Karaiti,
e whakanuia nei he Ariki nō te ao katoa,
i takohatia mai āna taonga ki te Hāhi;
tukua mātou kia noho kotahi i roto i tōu Wairua,
paiheretia ki roto i te rangimārie,
kia mauria mai ngā mea i hāngaia katoa kia koropiko
ki mua i tōu torōna;
e ora ana koe, e kīngi tahi ana,
kotahi anō Atua ake tonu atu.
Genesis 18:1–15, (21:1–7) Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 116:1–2, 12–19 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 5:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 9:35–10:8, (9–23) Lookup Reading: NLT
Exodus 19:2–8a Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 100 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 5:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 9:35–10:8, (9–23) Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
In Christ, God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and entrusting the message of reconciliation to us. 2 Corinthians 5:19
Collect of the Day
Eternal Father,
your Son Jesus Christ,
now exalted Lord of all,
pours out his gifts on the Church;
grant us that unity which your Spirit gives,
keep us in the bond of peace,
and bring all creation to worship
before your throne;
for you live and reign
one God for ever and ever.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
1 Hamuera 15:34–16:13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 20 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Koriniti 5:6–10, (11–13), 14–17Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 4:26–34Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Ehekiera 17:22–24Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 92:1–4, 12–15 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Koriniti 5:6–10, (11–13), 14–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 4:26–34Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ehara i te mea ko ahau e ora ana, engari ko te Karaiti e ora ana i roto i au. E ora nei hoki ahau i roto i te kikokiko, he oranga nā te whakapono ki te Tama a te Atua, i aroha nei ki ahau, i tuku i a ia mōku. Karatia 2:20
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E Īhu,
tangohia atu o mātou aroha, a mātou whakamoemiti.
Ākona mātou ki te hoatu ki a koe i a mātou mea katoa,
ahakoa, he mea nui he mea iti rānei
hei ohaoha mā mātou hei whakamahi rānei māu;
mō te korōria o tōu ingoa tapu.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
1 Ngā Kīngi 21:1–10, (11–14), 15–21a Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 5:1–8 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Karatia 2:15–21Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 7:36–8:3 Lookup Reading: NLT
1 Samuel 15:34–16:13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 20 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Corinthians 5:6–10, (11–13), 14–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 4:26–34 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ezekiel 17:22–24 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 92:1–4, 12–15 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Corinthians 5:6–10, (11–13), 14–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 4:26–34 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I live now in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. Galatians 2:20
Collect of the Day
receive our love and worship.
Show us how to give you what we have,
for nothing is too big or small
for us to offer, or for you to use;
for the glory of your holy name.
1 Kings 21:1–10, (11–14), 15–21a Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 5:1–8 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Galatians 2:15–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 7:36–8:3 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
2 Hamuera 11:26–12:10, 13–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 32 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Karatia 2:15–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 7:36–8:3 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Tekau mā rua o He Wā Noa
Te Rātapu i waenga 19 me 25 o Hune
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ko te tangata i whiwhi ki te ora e mate anō ia; ā, ki te mate tētahi mō Īhu te take, ka kitea anō e ia. Matiu 10:39
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua Tapu, hōmai ki a mātou tōu māramatanga
me tōu aroha kia wetekina atu te mataku;
kia tupu ake, kia māia ake,
ki te āta rongo,
ki te āta ngāwari hoki;
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaihoko.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Kēnehi 21:8–21Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 86:1–10, 16–17Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 6:1b–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 10:24–39 Lookup Reading: NLT
2 Samuel 11:26–12:10, 13–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 32 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Galatians 2:15–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 7:36–8:3 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday between 19 and 25 June
Year A
Sentence of the Day
Those who find their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for Jesus’ sake will find it. Matthew 10:39
Collect of the Day
Holy God, grant us the beginning of wisdom
and love to cast out every fear:
that we may grow more brave,
more ready to hear,
more ready to obey;
through Jesus Christ our Redeemer.
Genesis 21:8–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 86:1–10, 16–17 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 6:1b–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 10:24–39 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Heremaia 20:7–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 69:7–10, (11–15), 16–18 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 6:1b–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 10:24–39Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ko wai rawa tēnei, inā ka rongo rawa te hau me te moana ki a ia? Maka 4:41
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E Īhu, te Kaiwhakaora i te tūpuhi,
pakaru mai ai ngā ngaru o te hōhonutanga,
ka ngahoro te whenua, ka waipuke, ka toromi rānei,
whakawhiti mai ki a mātou i runga i te wai.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu ingoa.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
1 Hamuera 17:(1a, 4–11, 19–23), 32–49Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Waiata 133 rānei Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Hamuera 17:57–18:5, 10–16Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 9:9–20Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Koriniti 6:1–13Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 4:35–41Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Hopa 38:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 107:1–3, 23–32Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Koriniti 6:1–13Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 4:35–41 Lookup Reading: NLT
Jeremiah 20:7–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 69:7–10, (11–15), 16–18 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 6:1b–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 10:24–39 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him? Mark 4:41
Collect of the Day
Jesus, Saviour in storm,
when the waters of the deep are broken up,
when the landmarks are washed away or drowned,
come to us across the water.
Hear this prayer for your name’s sake.
1 Samuel 17:(1a, 4–11, 19–23), 32–49 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Psalm 133 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Samuel 17:57–18:5, 10–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 9:9–20 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Corinthians 6:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 4:35–41 Lookup Reading: NLT
Job 38:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 107:1–3, 23–32 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Corinthians 6:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 4:35–41 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Arā, ko Īhu o Nahareta, tā te Atua whakawahinga i a ia ki te Wairua Tapu, ki te kaha; ā, hāereere ana ia ki te mahi i te pai, ki te whakaora i te hunga katoa i pēhia e te rēwera; nō mea i a ia te Atua. Ngā Mahi 10:38
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa
i hangā mātou e koe māu anake,
ā, kei te hurihuri ō mātou ngākau
kia kitea rā anō te whakatā i roto i a koe;
nō reira arahina mātou e tōu Wairua
kia mahi ai mātou i tōu korōria i roto i tēnei ao
kia hari koa ai mātou mō tōu ao kei te haere mai.
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
1 Ngā Kīngi 19:1–4, (5–7), 8–15a Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 42 and 43Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Karatia 3:23–29 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 8:26–39 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Ihāia 65:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 22:19–28 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Karatia 3:23–29 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 8:26–39 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power; and he went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with him. Acts 10:38
Collect of the Day
Almighty God,
you have made us for yourself,
and our hearts are restless
till they find their rest in you;
so lead us by your Spirit
that in this life we may live to your glory
and in the life to come enjoy you for ever;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
1 Kings 19:1–4, (5–7), 8–15a Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 42 and 43 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Galatians 3:23–29 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 8:26–39 Lookup Reading: NLT
Isaiah 65:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 22:19–28 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Galatians 3:23–29 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 8:26–39 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rā Tapu Tekau mā toru o He Wā Noa
Te Rātapu i waenga 26 o Hune me 2 o Hūrae
Tau A
Te Rārangi mō te Rā
Ko ngā utu hoki o te hara he mate, ko tā te Atua ia i hōmai ai he ora tonu, i roto i a Karaiti Īhu, i tō tātau Ariki. Rōma 6:23
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Matua kaha rawa,
kaua mātou, āu tamariki e tukua kia whakamā
ki te whāki i te whakapono o te Karaiti i rīpekatia,
kia ū tūturu tonu āu pononga
ā, mate noa.
i roto pū i a Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Kēnehi 22:1–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 13Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 6:12–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 10:40–42 Lookup Reading: NLT
Heremaia 28:5–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 89:1–4, 15–18 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 6:12–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 10:40–42Lookup Reading: NLT
The Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday between 26 June and 2 July
Year A
Sentence of the Day
The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23
Collect of the Day
Almighty Father,
grant that we your children
may never be ashamed
to confess the faith of Christ crucified,
but continue his faithful servants
to our lives’ end;
through the same Jesus Christ our Lord.
Genesis 22:1–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 13 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 6:12–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 10:40–42 Lookup Reading: NLT
Jeremiah 28:5–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 89:1–4, 15–18 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 6:12–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 10:40–42 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
E mahi tohu nā Ihowā tē poto ai tātou, te kore noa āna mahi aroha e mutu; e hou tonu ana rātou i tēnei ata, i tēnei ata; he nui tōu pono. Ngā Tangi a Heremaia 3:22–23
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Ariki, whakaorangia mātou,
kia kaua e koropiko ki te mana tangata me te ao pūtaiao.
Tiakina kei taka mātou ki te whakaaro ko mātou kē te atua,
engari ia, ko te whakaiti.
He whakamoemiti ki a koe, e tō mātou Atua; ka whakamana te īnoi.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
2 Hamuera 1:1, 17–27 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 130Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Koriniti 8:7–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 5:21–43 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Te Mātauranga o Horomona 1:13–15; 2:23–24Lookup Reading: RV
Waiata 30Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
mō te Waiata: Ngā Tangi a Heremaia 3:23–33 rānei
Lookup Reading: NLT
2 Koriniti 8:7–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 5:21–43Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ko te tangata i whiwhi ki te ora e mate anō ia, ā, ki te mate tētahi mō Īhu te take ka whiwhi anō ia. Matiu 10:39
Year B
Sentence of the Day
The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22–23
Collect of the Day
Save us, Lord,
from the worship of power or science.
Save us from making you in our image,
and keep us humble.
Praise to you our God; you answer prayer.
2 Samuel 1:1, 17–27 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 130 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Corinthians 8:7–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 5:21–43 Lookup Reading: NLT
Wisdom 1:13–15; 2:23–24 Lookup Reading: RV
Psalm 30 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
or for the Psalm: Lamentations 3:23–33 Lookup Reading: NLT
2 Corinthians 8:7–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 5:21–43 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
Those who find their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for Jesus’ sake will find it. Matthew 10:39
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E Īhu, e whakakotahi nei koe ki a mātou,
ahakoa, i rīpekatia, i whakahāweatia, i whakamamaetia.
Āwhinatia mātou ki te whai i a koe me te waha i te whakamā;
mō te korōria o tōu ingoa tapu.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
2 Ngā Kīngi 2:1–2, 6–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 77:1–2, 11–20Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Karatia 5:1, 13–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 9:51–62 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
1 Ngā Kīngi 19:15–16, 19–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Karatia 5:1, 13–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 9:51–62 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rā Tapu Tekau mā whā o He Wā Noa
Te Rātapu i waenga 3 me 9 o Hūrae
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
‘Haere mai ki ahau, e koutou katoa e māuiui ana, e taimaha ana, ā, māku koutou e whakaokioki,’ te kī a Īhu. ‘Tangohia tāku ioka ki runga ki a koutou, kia whakaakona koutou e ahau; he ngākau māhaki hoki tōku, he ngākau pāpaku.’ Matiu 11:28–29
Collect of the Day
Jesus crucified, despised and suffering,
you made yourself one with us.
Help us to follow you and bear the shame;
for the glory of your holy name.
2 Kings 2:1–2, 6–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 77:1–2, 11–20 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Galatians 5:1, 13–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 9:51–62 Lookup Reading: NLT
1 Kings 19:15–16, 19–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Galatians 5:1, 13–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 9:51–62 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday between 3 and 9 July
Year A
Sentence of the Day
‘Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest,’ says the Lord. ‘Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart.’ Matthew 11:28–29
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua tino tapu, ora tonu,
whakaūngia tō mātou whakapono
ki tāu huarahi i whakatakoto ai,
kia kore ai e whakaritea te āhua o ō mātou mauri
ki ngā mahi kua oti i a mātou, i ngā mahi rānei kāore i tutuki,
engari ki te kaha o tā mātou piri ki tāu e pai ai.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Kēnehi 24:34–38, 42–49, 58–67Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 45:10–17 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
mō te Waiata: Te Waiata a Horomona 2:8–13 rānei
Lookup Reading: NLT
Rōma 7:15–25aLookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 11:16–19, 25–30 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Hakaraia 9:9–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 145:8–14Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 7:15–25a Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 11:16–19, 25–30 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Mō Īhu he maha e kī ana,’He mātauranga aha tēnei kua hoatu nei ki a ia? He aha nei ēnei mahi whakamana kua oti nei i ōna ringa?’ Māka 6:2
Collect of the Day
Holy and eternal God,
give us such trust in your sure purpose,
that we measure our lives
not by what we have done or failed to do,
but by our faithfulness to you.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Genesis 24:34–38, 42–49, 58–67 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 45:10–17 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
or for the Psalm: Song of Solomon 2:8–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Romans 7:15–25a Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 11:16–19, 25–30 Lookup Reading: NLT
Zechariah 9:9–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 145:8–14 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 7:15–25a Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 11:16–19, 25–30 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
Of Jesus many said, ‘What is this wisdom that has been given to him? What deeds of power are being done by his hands!’ Mark 6:2
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Karaiti o te kawenata hou,
hōmai te hari koa kia tohaina katoatia,
inea whānuitia,
pēhia iho ki raro,
ruirui tahitia kia pūrena atu.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu ingoa.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
2 Hamuera 5:1–5, 9–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 48 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Koriniti 12:2–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 6:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Ekekiera 2:1–5 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 123 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Koriniti 12:2–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 6:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
He nui te kotinga, ko ngā kai mahi ia he ruarua; nā, īnoi atu ki te Ariki nāna te kotinga, kia tonoa e ia he kaimahi ki tāna kotinga. Ruka 10:2
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua, e mahi tonu nei koe,
e wawāhi nei me te hanga anō;
whakatūwheratia ō mātou kanohi kia kite i ōu ringa
kia tika ai tā mātou noho tahi
hei kai mahi tahi me koe.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Collect of the Day
Christ of the new covenant,
give us the happiness to share,
with full measure, pressed down,
shaken together and running over,
all that you give us.
Hear this prayer for your name’s sake.
2 Samuel 5:1–5, 9–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 48 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Corinthians 12:2–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 6:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ezekiel 2:1–5 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 123 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Corinthians 12:2–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 6:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; ask therefore the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into his harvest. Luke 10:2
Collect of the Day
God, you are working still,
breaking down and building up;
open our eyes to discern your hands
so that we may take our place
as labourers together with you.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
2 Ngā Kīngi 5:1–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 30 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Karatia 6:(1–6), 7–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 10:1–11, 16–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Ihāia 66:10–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 66:1–9 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Karatia 6:(1–6), 7–16Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 10:1–11, 16–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rā Tapu Tekau mā rima o He Wā Noa
Te Rātapu i waenga 10 me 16 o Hūrae
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ko ngā kupu i kōrero nei e koe ki a mātou, e te Ariki, he wairua he ora; kei a koe ngā kupu o te ora tonu. Hoani 6:63, 68
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua, te whakamoemiti ki a koe,
mō āu mahi whakahirahira i waenga i a mātou.
Nōu te kaha i hangaia ai te ao,
nāu te wero kia kitea houtia ai ā mātou mahi.
Tukua mātou kia haere whakamua, i te wehi, me te tūmanako
mō ā mātou mahi katoa.
E īnoi ana mātou i roto i a Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
2 Kings 5:1–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 30 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Galatians 6:(1–6), 7–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 10:1–11, 16–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Isaiah 66:10–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 66:1–9 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Galatians 6:(1–6), 7–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 10:1–11, 16–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday between 10 and 16 July
Year A
Sentence of the Day
The words you have spoken are spirit and life, O Lord; you have the words of eternal life. John 6:63, 68
Collect of the Day
Praise to you, God,
for all your work among us.
Yours is the vigour in creation,
yours is the impulse in our new discoveries.
Make us adventurous, yet reverent and hopeful
in all we do.
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Kēnehi 25:19–34 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 119:105–112Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 8:1–11Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 13:1–9, 18–23Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Ihāia 55:10–13Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 65:(1–8), 9–133 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 8:1–11Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 13:1–9, 18–23Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ko wai e tū ki te wahi tapu o Ihowā? Ko te tangata he mā nei ngā ringa, he harakore tōna ngākau, kāhore nei e ara tōna wairua ki te horihori. Waiata 24:3–4
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua, tō mātou kaha, tūmanako hoki,
tukua mai te hautoa o Hoani te Kaiiriiri
kia tūturu ai te kōrero pono
kia kaha ki te turaki i te hē
me te manawanui, ahakoa ngā mamaetanga mō te pono;
i runga i te ingoa o Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
2 Hamuera 6:1–5, 12b–19 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 24 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Epeha 1:3–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 6:14–29 Lookup Reading: NLT
Genesis 25:19–34 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 119:105–112 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 8:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 13:1–9, 18–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Isaiah 55:10–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 65:(1–8), 9–13 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 8:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 13:1–9, 18–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
Who shall stand in the Lord’s holy place? Those who have clean hands and pure hearts, who do not lift up their hands to what is false. Psalm 24:3–4
Collect of the Day
God our strength and our hope,
grant us the courage of John the Baptist,
constantly to speak the truth,
boldly to rebuke vice
and patiently to suffer for the truth’s sake;
in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
2 Samuel 6:1–5, 12b–19 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 24 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ephesians 1:3–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 6:14–29 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Amoho 7:7–15Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 85:8–13 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Epeha 1:3–4 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 6:14–29Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ā, ko tā koutou e pai ai kia meatia e ngā tangata ki a koutou, meatia anō e koutou ki a rātou. Kia aroha ki ō koutou hoa whawhai, mahia te pai ki a rātou, ka tuku atu he moni, kaua anō e mutu te tūmanako. Ruka 6:31, 35
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa,
nāu mātou i ako e āu kupu
ko te aroha te whakatutuki o te ture;
meatia kia aroha pono ō mātou ngākau ki a koe
me ō mātou hoa tata anō ko mātou;
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
tēnei rānei
E Īhu, whakaorangia mātou
kia kaua mātou e haere wawe,
nā te kore hiahia ki te āwhina,
nā te kore mohio ki te āwhina,
nā te wehi kei hē.
No reira, mā tōu Wairua e whakatahuri i a mātou
ki te āwhina i ētahi atu.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu ingoa.
Amos 7:7–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 85:8–13 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ephesians 1:3–4 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 6:14–29 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
Do to others as you would have them do to you. Love your enemies, do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return. Luke 6:31, 35
Collect of the Day
Almighty God,
you teach us in your word
that love is the fulfilling of the law;
grant that we may love you with all our heart
and our neighbour as ourselves;
through Jesus Christ our Lord
Save us, Jesus, from hurrying away,
because we do not wish to help,
because we know not how to help,
because we dare not.
Inspire us to use our lives
serving one another.
Hear this prayer for your name’s sake.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Amoho 7:7–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 82 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Korohe 1:1–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 10:25–37 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Tiuteronomi 30:9–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 25:1–10Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Korohe 1:1–14Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 10:25–37 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rā Tapu Tekau mā ono o He Wā Noa
Te Rātapu i waenga 17 me 23 o Hūrae
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ko koe ia, e te Ariki, he Atua atawhai, he tohu tangata, he pūhoi ki te riri, e hua ana te mahi tohu me te pono. Waiata 86:15
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua o te kaha me te ngoi,
nāu ngā mea papai katoa,
whakatōngia ki roto i ō mātou ngākau te aroha mō tōu ingoa,
whakatupua te pai ki roto i a mātou,
ā, tohungia mātou kia ū tonu ai mātou i roto i tōu aroha noa.
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Amos 7:7–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 82 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Colossians 1:1–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 10:25–37 Lookup Reading: NLT
Deuteronomy 30:9–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 25:1–10 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Colossians 1:1–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 10:25–37 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday between 17 and 23 July
Year A
Sentence of the Day
You, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. Psalm 86:15
Collect of the Day
God of all power and might,
the author and giver of all good things,
graft in our hearts the love of your name,
increase in us true religion,
nourish in us all goodness,
and of your great mercy
keep us in the same;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Kēnehi 28:10–19a Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 139:1–12, 23–24Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 8:12–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 13:24–30, 36–43Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Te Mātauranga o Horomona 12:13, 16–19 Lookup Reading: RV
Waiata 86:11–17Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 8:12–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 13:24–30, 36–433 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ka puta a Īhu ki uta, ka kite i te hui nui, ka aroha ki a rātou, nō te mea i rite rātou ki te hipi hēparakore; ā, ka anga ia, ka whakaako i a rātou ki ngā mea maha. Maka 6:34
tēnei rānei
‘E rongo ana āku hipi ki tōku reo,’ tē kī a Īhu, ‘e mātau ana au ki a rātou, e aru ana hoki rātou ki ahau; e hoatu ana e ahau he ora tonu.’ Hoani 10:27–28
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E Pā,
nā te mea nāu mātou
whakairohia ki ō mātou ngākau
kia kaua e wehi i ētahi atu
nō te mea kei roto mātou i ōu ringa
tē taea te kapo.
E īnoi ai mātou i roto i a te Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Genesis 28:10–19a Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 139:1–12, 23–24 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 8:12–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 13:24–30, 36–43 Lookup Reading: NLT
Wisdom 12:13, 16–19 Lookup Reading: RV
Psalm 86:11–17 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 8:12–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 13:24–30, 36–43 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
As he went ashore, Jesus saw a great crowd; and he had compassion for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things. Mark 6:34
‘My sheep hear my voice,’ says the Lord. ‘I know them and they follow me; and I give them eternal life.’ John 10:27–28
Collect of the Day
imprint upon our hearts
that because we belong to you
no one can pluck us from your hand,
and because we fear you
we need fear no other.
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
2 Hamuera 7:1–14a Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 89:20–37 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Epeha 2:11–22Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 6:30–34, 53–56 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Heremaia 23:1–6 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 23 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Epeha 2:11–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 6:30–34, 53–56 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Mā te tahuri mai, mā te humārie ka ora ai koutou; kei te āta noho, kei te whakawhirinaki he kaha mō koutou. Ihāia 30:16
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua, te mātāpuna o te hari,
tukua mai tēnā harikoa
e kore nei e taea e tētahi te tango atu i a mātou,
nō te mea, he mahi hei mahinga whaioranga;
i roto i te hari o te whakapono
e tutuki ai.
E īnoi ai mātou i roto i a te Karaiti tō mātou Kaiwhakaora.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Amoho 8:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 52 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Korohe 1:15–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 10:38–42Lookup Reading: NLT
2 Samuel 7:1–14a Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 89:20–37 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ephesians 2:11–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 6:30–34, 53–56 Lookup Reading: NLT
Jeremiah 23:1–6 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 23 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ephesians 2:11–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 6:30–34, 53–56 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and trust shall be your strength. Isaiah 30:16
Collect of the Day
God of all delight,
grant us that joy
which none can take from us,
of having a work to do,
a life to live;
that joy in believing
which will carry us through.
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Amos 8:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 52 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Colossians 1:15–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 10:38–42 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Kēnehi 18:1–10a Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 15 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Korohe 1:15–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 10:38–42 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rā Tapu Tekau mā whitu o He Wā Noa
Te Rātapu i waenga 24 me 30 o Hūrae
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
E kore te mate, te ora rānei, e kore ngā anahera, ngā rangatiratanga rānei, e kore ngā mea onāianei, e kore ngā mea e puta mai ā mua, e kore ngā mana, e kore te tiketike, e kore te hōhonu, e kore tētahi atu mea hangā, e kaha ki te momotu i a tātou i te aroha o te Atua i roto i a Karaiti Īhu, i tō tātou Ariki. Rōma 8:38–39
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua atawhai,
kua manaakitia mātou e koe i tua atu i ō mātou moemoeā;
kua whakatakotohia mai e koe ngā oati me ngā mate i tua atu i ō
mātou mōhiotanga;
āwhinatia mai mātou ki te whawhai me te īnoi hoki kia parea atu
ngā mate kia tutuki ai ō oati.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Genesis 18:1–10a Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 15 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Colossians 1:15–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 10:38–42 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday between 24 and 30 July
Year A
Sentence of the Day
Neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38–39
Collect of the Day
God of mercy,
you have blessed us beyond our dreams;
you have set before us promises and perils
beyond our understanding;
help us to struggle and pray
that the perils may be averted
and your promises fulfilled.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Kēnehi 29:15–28Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 105:1–11, 45b Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
ko Waiata 128 rānei Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 8:26–39 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 13:31–33, 44–52 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
1 Ngā Kīngi 3:5–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 119:129–136Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 8:26–39 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 13:31–33, 44–52 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
‘Ko ahau te taro ora i heke mai i te rangi,’ te kī a te Ariki. ’Ki te kai tētahi i tēnei taro, e ora tonu ia; ko te taro e hoatu e ahau ko ōku kikokiko, e hoatu e ahau hei oranga mō te ao.’ Hoani 6:51
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua e kite nei i ngā mea katoa,
ākona mātou ki te whakatuwhera atu i ō mātou whakaaro,
ki te rapu i tōu awhi i roto i ā mātou whakamātautau,
ki te whāki i ō mātou hara ki a koe,
me te whakamihi ki a koe mō āu painga;
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaihoko.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
2 Hamuera 11:1–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 14 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Epeha 3:14–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 6:1–21Lookup Reading: NLT
Genesis 29:15–28Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 105:1–11, 45b Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
or Psalm 128 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 8:26–39 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 13:31–33, 44–52 Lookup Reading: NLT
1 Kings 3:5–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 119:129–136 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 8:26–39 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 13:31–33, 44–52 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
‘I am the living bread that came down from heaven,’ says the Lord. ‘Whoever eats of this bread will live for ever; and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh.’ John 6:51
Collect of the Day
All-seeing God,
teach us to be open with you about our needs,
to seek your support in our trials,
to admit before you our sins,
and to thank you for all your goodness;
through Jesus Christ our Redeemer.
2 Samuel 11:1–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 14 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ephesians 3:14–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 6:1–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
2 Ngā Kīngi 4:42–44Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 145:10–18Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Epeha 3:14–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 6:1–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Īnoi, ā, ka hoatu ki a koutou; e rapu, ā, ka kite koutou; pātukia, ā, ka uakina ki a koutou. Ruka 1:9
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa, e te Atua atawhai,
nui ake tōu rongo, i ā mātou īnoi,
āu hōmaitanga e nui ake ana i ō mātou hiahia, whai wāhi rānei;
rīngihia mai ki a mātou te rahinga o tōu atawhai,
murua aua mea
e ngau nei i ō mātou whatumanawa whakawā,
me te hōmai i ngā mea pai
e kore nei mātou e āhei ki te īnoi,
engari mā roto anake i tāu Tama tō mātou Kaiwhakaora a Īhu Karaiti.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Hohea 1:2–10Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 85 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Korohe 2:6–15, (16–19) Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 11:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakwhiti
Kēnehi 18:20–32 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 138 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Korohe 2:6–15, (16–19) Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 11:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
2 Kings 4:42–44 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 145:10–18 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ephesians 3:14–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 6:1–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
Ask, and it will be given you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened for you. Luke 1:9
Collect of the Day
Almighty and merciful God,
more ready to hear than we to pray,
giving more than we desire or deserve;
pour upon us the abundance of your mercy,
forgive those things
of which our conscience is afraid,
and give us those good things
which we are not worthy to ask,
except through your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Hosea 1:2–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 85 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Colossians 2:6–15, (16–19) Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 11:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Genesis 18:20–32 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 138 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Colossians 2:6–15, (16–19) Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 11:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rā Tapu Tekau mā waru o He Wā Noa
Te Rātapu i waenga 31 o Hūrae me 6 Ākuhata
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
E tata ana a Ihowā ki te hunga katoa e karanga ana ki a ia, ki te hunga katoa e karanga pono ana ki a ia. Ka whakamanā e ia te hiahia o te hunga e wehi ana i a ia, e whakarongo hoki ia ki tā rātou tangi, ā, ka whakaora i a rātou. Waiata 145:18–19
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua, o te hunga matekai,
meatia mātou kia hiakai, kia hiainu ki te tika,
kia mākona rā anō ō mātou hiainu mō te whakawā
kia ngaro atu anō te hiakai i runga i te whenua.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Kēnehi 32:22–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 17:1–7, 15 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 9:1–5 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 14:13–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Ihāia 55:1–5Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 145:8–9, 14–21 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 9:1–5 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 14:13–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday between 31 July and 6 August
Year A
Sentence of the Day
The Lord is near to all who call on him in truth. He fulfils the desire of all that fear him, hears their cry, and saves them. Psalm 145:18–19
Collect of the Day
God of the hungry,
make us hunger and thirst for the right,
till our thirst for justice has been satisfied
and hunger has gone from the earth.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Genesis 32:22–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 17:1–7, 15 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 9:1–5 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 14:13–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Isaiah 55:1–5 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 145:8–9, 14–21 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 9:1–5 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 14:13–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
He aha rā i hokona ai e koutou te moni mō ngā mea ehara i te taro, tō koutou uaua mō ngā mea e kore ai koutou e mākona? Kainga te mea pai, kia ora hoki ō koutou wairua i ngā mea momona. Ihāia 55:2
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Matua i te Rangi,
e kite nei koe i āu tamariki e hiahia ana
mō te kai, mō te whanaungatanga me te whakapono.
Āwhinatia mātou kia tutuki ngā ritenga o tēnā o tēnā
o te tinana, te hinengaro me te wairua,
i roto i te aroha o te Karaiti tō mātou Kaiwhakaora.
Ngā Pānui
Panui rōnaki
1 Hamuera 11:26–12:13aLookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 51:1–12Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Epeha 4:1–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 6:24–35 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Ekoruhe 16:2–4, 9–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 78:23–29Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Epeha 4:1–16Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 6:24–35 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Nā, ki te mea kua ara ngātahi koutou me te Karaiti, rapua ngā mea o runga, o te wāhi e noho mai nei ā te Karaiti i te ringa matau o te Atua. Korohe 3:1
Year B
Sentence of the Day
Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labour for that which does not satisfy? Eat what is good, and delight yourselves in rich food. Isaiah 55:2
Collect of the Day
Heavenly Father,
you see how your children hunger
for food, and fellowship and faith.
Help us to meet one another’s needs
of body mind and spirit,
in the love of Christ our Saviour.
1 Samuel 11:26–12:13a Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 51:1–12 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ephesians 4:1–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 6:24–35 Lookup Reading: NLT
Exodus 16:2–4, 9–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 78:23–29 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ephesians 4:1–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 6:24–35 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
If you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Colossians 3:1
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua o te ao katoa
nāu ngā tāonga tuku iho
o tēnei whenua ataahua me ōna hua;
meinga mātou ki te manaaki i ēnei painga
kia whakamīharo ai te whakatupuranga
mō ngā tāonga i whakarerea mai e mātou ki a rātou;
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Hohea 11:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 107:1–9, 43Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Korohe 3:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 12:13–21Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Te Kaikauwhau 1:2, 12–14; 2:18–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 49:1–12Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Korohe 3:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 12:13–21Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rā Tapu Tekau mā iwa o He Wā Noa
Te Rātapu i waenga 7 me 13 o Ākuhata
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ka aue rātau i te wehi, kua hohoro te kōrero a Īhu ki a rātou, te mea, ‘Kia manawanui, ko ahau tēnei; aua e wehi.’ Matiu 14:26–27
Collect of the Day
God of all the earth,
you have given us the heritage
of this good and fertile land;
grant that we may so respect and use it
that others may thank us
for what we leave to them;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Hosea 11:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 107:1–9, 43 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Colossians 3:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 12:13–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ecclesiastes 1:2, 12–14; 2:18–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 49:1–12 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Colossians 3:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 12:13–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday between 7 and 13 August
Year A
Sentence of the Day
They cried out in fear, but Jesus spoke to them and said, ‘Take heart, it is I; do not be afraid.’ Matthew 14:26–27
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E Īhu, te Kaiwhakaora i te tūpuhi,
pakaru mai ai ngā ngaru o te hōhonutanga,
ka ngahoro te whenua, ka waipuke, ka toromi rānei,
whakawhiti mai ki a mātou i runga i te wai;
mō te korōria o tōu ingoa tapu.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Kēnehi 37:1–4, 12–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 105:1–6, 16–22, 45b Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 10:5–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 14:22–33 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
1 Ngā Kīngi 19:9–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 85:8–13 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 10:5–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 14:22–33 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kia rite tā koutou ki tā te Atua, kia pērā me tā ngā tamariki e arohaina ana, haere hoki i runga i te aroha, kia pērā me te Karaiti i aroha ki a tātou, i tuku i a ia anō mō tātou. Epeha 5:1–2
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua Atawhai,
nāu i tuku mai tāu tama kotahi
hei patunga tapu mō ō mātou hara
hei tauira mō te oranga atuatanga;
Āwhinatia mai mātou i runga i te harikoa kia whiwhi
i ngā mea katoa i mahia e ia mō mātou
me te whai i ōna tapuwae;
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaiwhakaora.
Collect of the Day
Jesus, Saviour in storm,
when the waters of the deep are broken up,
when the landmarks are washed away or drowned,
come to us across the water;
for the glory of your holy name.
Genesis 37:1–4, 12–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 105:1–6, 16–22, 45b Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 10:5–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 14:22–33 Lookup Reading: NLT
1 Kings 19:9–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 85:8–13 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 10:5–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 14:22–33 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
Be imitators of God, as beloved children, and live in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us. Ephesians 5:1–2
Collect of the Day
Merciful God,
you gave your only Son
to be a sacrifice for sin
and an example of godly life;
help us gladly to receive
all that he has done for us
and follow in his footsteps;
through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
2 Hamuera 18:5–9, 15, 31–33 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 130 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Epeha 4:25–5:2 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 6:35, 41–51 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
1 Ngā Kīngi 19:4–8Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 34:1–8 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Epeha 4:25–5:2 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 6:35, 41–51 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kia mataara rāpea, e kore hoki koutou e mōhio ki te rā e puta mai ai tō koutou Ariki. Matiu 24:42, 44
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa mutunga kore,
nā tōu Wairua te tinana katoa o te Hāhi
e kawanatia nei, e whakatapua nei;
whakarongo mai ki a mātou īnoi
mō āu tangata whakapono katoa
mā te mahi minitatanga, nāu nei mātou i karanga
ka tika ā mātou mahi ki a koe, i runga i te tapu i te pono;
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki me tōu mātou Kaiwhakaora.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Ihāia 1:1, 10–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 50:1–8, 22–23 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Hiperu 11:1–3, 8–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 12:32–40 Lookup Reading: NLT
2 Samuel 18:5–9, 15, 31–33 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 130 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ephesians 4:25–5:2 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 6:35, 41–51 Lookup Reading: NLT
1 Kings 19:4–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 34:1–8 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ephesians 4:25–5:2 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 6:35, 41–51 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
Watch and be ready, for you do not know on what day our Lord is coming. Matthew 24:42, 44
Collect of the Day
Almighty and everlasting God,
by your Spirit the whole body of the Church
is governed and sanctified;
hear the prayers we offer
for all your faithful people
that in the ministry to which you have called us
we may serve you in holiness and truth;
through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
Isaiah 1:1, 10–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 50:1–8, 22–23 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hebrews 11:1–3, 8–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 12:32–40 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Kēnehi 15:1–6 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 33:12–22Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Hiperu 11:1–3, 8–16Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 12:32–40Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rā Tapu Rua Tekau o He Wā Noa
Te Rātapu i waenga 14 me 20 o Ākuhata
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ko te kupu tēnei a Ihowā, ‘Puritia te whakawā, mahia te tika; nō te mea ka tata he putanga mō tāku whakaora, he whakakitenga mō tōku tika.’ Ihāia 56:1
Te Īnoi o te Rā
Haere mai e te Wairua Tapu, me he ahikā hou;
ki te kore e ū ā mātou īnoi,
ki te kore tōu reo e rangona, te whakahoki kōrero rānei,
whakaarahia mātou, whakamāramatia te huarahi ki a mātou.
E īnoi ai mātou i roto i a te Karaiti tō mātou Kaihoko.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Kēnehi 45:1–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 133 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 11:1–2a, 29–32 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 15:(10–20), 21–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Genesis 15:1–6 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 33:12–22 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hebrews 11:1–3, 8–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 12:32–40 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday between 14 and 20 August
Year A
Sentence of the Day
Thus says the Lord, ‘Maintain justice, and do what is right, for soon my salvation will come, and my deliverance be revealed.’ Isaiah 56:1
Collect of the Day
Come Holy Spirit with new fire;
when our prayers seem to fail,
when we hear no voice nor any answer,
rouse us and light our way.
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Redeemer.
Genesis 45:1–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 133 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 11:1–2a, 29–32 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 15:(10–20), 21–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Ihāia 56:1, 6–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 67 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 11:1–2a, 29–32Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 15:(10–20), 21–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ka kī a Īhu,’Ko ia e kai ana i ōku kikokiko, e inu ana i ōku toto, e noho ana i roto i ahau, me ahau hoki i roto i a ia.’ Hoani 6:56
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Taro o te Ora, whakahuihuingia mātou,
ki te kai, ki te inu i tōu taha.
Tukua mai tōu tinana me ōu toto
hei hono i a mātou tētahi ki tētahi, ā, ki a koe anō hoki.
E īnoi ana mātou i runga i te ingoa o Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
1 Ngā Kīngi 2:10–12; 3:3–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 111 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Epeha 5:15–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 6:51–58 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Whakatauki 9:1–6 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 34:9–14 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Epeha 5:15–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 6:51–58 Lookup Reading: NLT
Isaiah 56:1, 6–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 67 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 11:1–2a, 29–32 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 15:(10–20), 21–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
Jesus said, ‘Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood abide in me, and I in them.’ John 6:56
Collect of the Day
Living host, call us together,
call us to eat and drink with you.
Grant that by your body and your blood
we may be drawn to each other and to you.
We make this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
1 Kings 2:10–12; 3:3–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 111 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ephesians 5:15–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 6:51–58 Lookup Reading: NLT
Proverbs 9:1–6 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 34:9–14 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ephesians 5:15–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 6:51–58 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
‘He teka ianei e rite ana tāku kupu ki te ahi?’, e ai tā Ihowā,’ ki te hama e wāhi nei i te kāmaka, ā mongamonga noa?’ Heremaia 23:29
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Wairua Tapu, haere mai,
ki tāu hunga kua iriiritia nei ki tōu ingoa,
kia huri ai mātou ki te pai
ahakoa, he aha kei mua i a mātou e takoto ana.
Tukua mai te ahikā me te ngākau nui;
meinga mātou ki te whakatika i te ao o tō mātou nei wā,
kia rite ki tāu i hanga ai.
E īnoi ana mātou i roto i a Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Ihāia 5:1–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 80:1–2, 8–19 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Hiperu 11:29–12:2 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 12:49–56Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Heremaia 23:23–29 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 82Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Hiperu 11:29–12:2 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 12:49–56 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
‘Is not my word like fire,’ says the Lord, ‘and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?’ Jeremiah 23:29
Collect of the Day
Come Holy Spirit,
to all baptised in your name,
that we may turn to good
whatever lies ahead.
Give us passion, give us fire;
make us transform the world from what it is,
to what you have created it to be.
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Isaiah 5:1–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 80:1–2, 8–19 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hebrews 11:29–12:2 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 12:49–56 Lookup Reading: NLT
Jeremiah 23:23–29 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 82 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hebrews 11:29–12:2 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 12:49–56 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Rua Tekau mā tahi o He Wā Noa
Te Rātapu i waenga 21 me 27 o Ākuhata
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ka mea a Māta ki a ia, ‘Āe, e te Ariki, e whakapono ana ahau, ko te Karaiti koe, ko te Tama a te Atua, e haere mai ana ki te ao.’ Hoani 11:27
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua Kaha rawa mutungakore,
nā tōu Wairua ka kawanatia ka whakatapua
te kāhui o te Hāhi;
whakarongo mai ki tā mātou īnoi
mō āu tāngata whakapono katoa,
mā roto i a mātou minitatanga, nāu nei mātou i karanga
kia mahi ki a koe i roto i te tapu me te pono;
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki me tōu mātou Kaiwhakaora.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui whakawhiti
Ekoruhe 1:8–2:10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 124 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 12:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 16:13–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Ihāia 51:1–6 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 138 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 12:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 16:13–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday between 21 and 27 August
Year A
Sentence of the Day
Martha said, Yes Lord, I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, the one coming into the world. John 11:27
Collect of the Day
Almighty and everlasting God,
by your Spirit the whole body of the Church
is governed and sanctified;
hear the prayer we offer
for all your faithful people,
that in the ministry to which you have called us
we may serve you in holiness and truth;
through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Exodus 1:8–2:10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 124 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 12:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 16:13–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Isaiah 51:1–6 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 138 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 12:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 16:13–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ka kī a Īhu, ‘Ko te wairua te whakaora ana; kāhore a te kikokiko wāhi. Ko ngā kupu e kōrero nei ahau ki a koutou he wairua, he ora.’ Hoani 6:63
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua o Īharaira te tawhito me te mea hou,
tuhia ki ō mātou ngākau ngā whakahau o āu ture;
whakatikaina ō mātou hinengaro kia mau ki te rongopai
e whakatinanatia i roto i tāu Tama i a Īhu Karaiti.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
1 Ngā Kīngi 8: (1, 6, 10-11), 22-30, 41-43Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 84, 22–30, 41–43 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Epeha 6:10–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 6:56–69 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Hohua 24:1–2a, 14–18Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 34:15–22Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Epeha 6:10–20Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 6:56–69 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ko koe nei hoki, e te Ariki, a Ihowā, tāku e tūmanako atu nei, tāku e whakawhirinaki nei nō tōku tamarikitanga ake anō. Nāu ahau i tautoko ake nō te kōpū mai anō. Waiata 71:5–6
Year B
Sentence of the Day
Jesus said, ‘It is the spirit that gives life; the flesh is useless. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.’ John 6:63
Collect of the Day
God of Israel old and new,
write in our hearts the lessons of your law;
prepare our minds to receive the gospel
made visible in your Son Jesus Christ.
1 Kings 8: (1, 6, 10–11), 22–30, 41–43Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 84 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ephesians 6:10–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 6:56–69 Lookup Reading: NLT
Joshua 24:1–2a, 14–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 34:15–22 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ephesians 6:10–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 6:56–69 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
You, O Lord are my hope, my trust from my youth. Upon you have I leaned since my birth. Psalm 7:5–6
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua mutunga kore, te Ariki o te ātea,
kotahi tātou, tūturu mau tonu,
me ngā iwi katoa.
Hōmai ki a mātou kua iriirihia nei ki ngā toto o te Karaiti
mai i roto i tōu Wairua whakakotahi
e wāwāhi nei i ngā tīwatawata ki raro, e wehewehe nei i a mātou.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Heremaia 1:4–10Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 71:1–6 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Hiperu 12:18–29 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 13:10–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Ihāia 58:9b–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 103:1–8 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Hiperu 12:18–29Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 13:10–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Rua tekau mā rua o He Wā Noa
Te Rātapu i waenga 28 Ākuhata me 3 o Hepetema
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kātahi a Īhu ka mea ki āna ākonga: ‘Ki te mea tētahi kia haere mai ki te whai i ahau, me whakakāhore ia i a ia anō, me amo tōna rīpeka, ka aru ai i ahau.’ Matiu 16:24–25
Collect of the Day
Universal and unchanging God,
we are one, unalterably one,
with all the human race.
Grant that we who share Christ’s blood
may, through your unifying Spirit,
break down the walls that divide us.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Jeremiah 1:4–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 71:1–6 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hebrews 12:18–29 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 13:10–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Isaiah 58:9b–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 103:1–8 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hebrews 12:18–29 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 13:10–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Twenty-second Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Sunday between 28 August and 3 September
Year A
Sentence of the Day
If you want to become a disciple of Jesus, deny yourself, take up your cross and follow him. Matthew 16:24–25
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua mau tonu,
tō mātou kaha i ngā wā katoa;
tiakina mātou i ngā kino
me te tautoko i a mātou i roto i ngā raru
kia ora ai mātou i runga i tōu wikitōria inaianei, ā, ake tonu atu;
ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaiwhakaora.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Ekoruhe 3:1–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 105:1–6, 23–26, 45cLookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 12:9–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 16:21–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Heremaia 15:15–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 26:1–8 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 12:9–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 16:21–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Nō runga ngā hōmaitanga papai katoa, ngā mea katoa e tino tika ana, he mea heke iho nō te Matua o ngā whakamārama, kāhore nei ōna putanga kētanga, kāhore hoki he ātārangi o te tahuri. Hēmi 1:17
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Matua Māhaki,
whakaaturia ō mātou hara e tū tāheke nei
kia pai ai tā mātou whāki i aua hara
kia mōhio ai ki te hōhonutanga me te whai rawa o tōu atawhai.
E īnoi ana mātou i roto i a Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Collect of the Day
God of unchangeable power,
our strength at all times;
guard us from all dangers
and support us in all difficulties
that we may live victoriously now and forever;
through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Exodus 3:1–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 105:1–6, 23–26, 45c Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 12:9–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 16:21–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Jeremiah 15:15–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 26:1–8 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 12:9–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 16:21–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
Every generous act of giving, with every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. James 1:17
Collect of the Day
Gentle Father,
show us our sins as they really are
so that we may truly renounce them
and know the depth and richness of your mercy.
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Te Waiata a Horomona 2:8–13Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 45:1–2, 6–9Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hēmi 1:17–27 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 7:1–8, 14–15, 21–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Tiuteronomi 4:1–2, 6–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 15 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hēmi 1:17–27Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 7:1–8, 14–15, 21–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ki te whakanui hoki tētahi i a ia, ka whakaititia, ki te whakaiti tētahi i a ia, ka whakanuia. Ruka 14:11
tēnei rānei
Kia tāpaea atu e tātou ki runga ki a ia i ngā wā katoa te whakamoemiti ki te Atua hei whakahere, arā te hua o ngā ngutu e whakawhetai ana ki tōna ingoa. Ngā Hiperu 13:15
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Ariki, āwhinatia mai mātou kia kite:
kia kite ai he aha te pai me te pono mutunga kore,
kua kite nei mātou, me rapu tonu
ā, tae noa ki ngā harikoa o te rangi;
mō te korōria o tōu ingoa tapu.
Song of Solomon 2:8–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 45:1–2, 6–9 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
James 1:17–27 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 7:1–8, 14–15, 21–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Deuteronomy 4:1–2, 6–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 15 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
James 1:17–27 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 7:1–8, 14–15, 21–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
All who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. Luke 14:11
Let us continually offer a sacrifice of praise to God, that is the fruit of lips that confess his name. Hebrews 13:15
Collect of the Day
Lord, help us to see:
to see what is eternally good and true,
and having seen, to go on searching
until we come to the joys of heaven;
for the glory of your holy name.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Heremaia 2:4–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 81:1, 10–16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Hiperu 13:1–8, 15–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 14:1, 7–14Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Hiraka 10:12–18 Lookup Reading: RV
ko Whakatauki 25:6–7 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 112 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Hiperu 13:1–8, 15–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 14:1, 7–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Rua Tekau mā toru o He Wā Noa
Te Rātapu i waenga 4 me 10 o Hepetema
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Nā, ko te wāhi e whakaminea ai te hunga tokorua, tokotoru rānei, he whakaaro ki tōku ingoa, kei reira ahau kei waenga i a rātou. Matiu 18:20
tēnei rānei
Kaua e nama ki tētahi, ko te aroha anake o tētahi ki tētahi; ko te tangata hoki e aroha ana ki tōna hoa tata, kua whakaritea e ia te ture. Rōma 13:8
Jeremiah 2:4–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 81:1, 10–16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hebrews 13:1–8, 15–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 14:1, 7–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Sirach 10:12–18 Lookup Reading: RV
or Proverbs 25:6–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 112 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hebrews 13:1–8, 15–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 14:1, 7–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday between 4 and 10 September
Year A
Sentence of the Day
‘Where two or three are gathered in my name,’ says the Lord, ‘I am there among them.’ Matthew 18:20
Owe no one anything, except to love one another; for whoever loves another has fulfilled the law. Romans 13:8
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua, te Kaihanga,
nāu mātou i hanga,
ehara i te ira kotahi, engari i roto i te maha
nō reira whakahōhonutia tō mātou kotahitanga i roto i a te Karaiti
kia hari koa ai mātou i roto i ō mātou rerekētanga.
E īnoi ana mātou i roto i a Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaihoko.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Ekoruhe 12:1–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 149 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 13:8–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 18:15–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Ehekiera 33:7–11Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 119:33–40 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 13:8–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 18:15–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kia rite tā koutou kōrero, tā koutou mahi, ki te hunga whakawākia a mua i runga i ngā tikanga o te ture herekore. Hēmi 2:12
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua, te kaha o te hunga whakapono,
whakanuia tō mātou whakapono me te whakawhirinakitanga
i roto i tāu Tama i a Īhu Karaiti,
kia noho ora ai mātou i roto i tōna wikitōria,
i roto pū i a Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Collect of the Day
Creator God,
you have made us
not in one mould, but in many:
so deepen our unity in Christ
that we may rejoice in our diversity.
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Redeemer.
Exodus 12:1–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 149 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 13:8–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 18:15–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ezekiel 33:7–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 119:33–40 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 13:8–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 18:15–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
So speak and so act as those who are to be judged by the law of liberty. James 2:12
Collect of the Day
God the strength of all who believe in you,
increase our faith and trust
in your Son Jesus Christ,
that in him we may live victoriously,
through the same Jesus Christ our Lord.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Whakatauki 22:1–2, 8–9, 22–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 125 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hēmi 2:1–10, (11–13), 14–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 7:24–37 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Ihāia 35:4–7a Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 146 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hēmi 2:1–10, (11–13), 14–17Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 7:24–37 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ki te kore tētahi e mau ki tōna rīpeka, e haere mai i muri i ahau, e kore ia e āhei hei ākonga māku. Ruka 14:27
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua pononga, hōmai he mahi mā mātou,
tukua mai kia kaikā mātou
ki te mahi ki a koe i ia rā i ia rā;
inā hoki ko ngā mea e mahia ana e mātou
pērā te awhi tētahi ki tētahi,
waiho hei tākoha mā mātou.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Heremaia 18:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 139:1–6, 13–18 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Pirimona 1–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 14:25–33 Lookup Reading: NLT
Proverbs 22:1–2, 8–9, 22–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 125 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
James 2:1–10, (11–13), 14–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 7:24–37 Lookup Reading: NLT
Isaiah 35:4–7a Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 146 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
James 2:1–10, (11–13), 14–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 7:24–37 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
Whoever does not carry the cross and follow Jesus cannot be his disciple. Luke 14:27
Collect of the Day
Servant God,
grant us opportunity,
give us willingness
to serve you day by day;
that what we do
and how we bear each other’s burdens,
may be our sacrifice to you.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Jeremiah 18:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 139:1–6, 13–18 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Philemon 1–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 14:25–33 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Tiuteronomi 30:15–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 1 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Pirimona 1–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 14:25–33 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Rua Tekau mā whā
o He Wā Noa
Te Rātapu i waenga 11 me 17 o Hepetema
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Me i maharatia e koe ngā kino, e Ihowā, koe wai, e te Ariki, e tū? Otirā, he muru hara tāu, e wehingia ai koe. Waiata 130:3–4
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua ātawhai mutunga kore
hōmai ki a mātou tāu hanga aroha
kia koa i roto i tōu murunga hara
me te harikoa ki te muru i ngā hara o ētahi atu
mō te take ko Īhu Karaiti tō tātou Kaiwhakaora.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Ekoruhe 14:19–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 114Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
mō te Waiata Ekoruhe 15:1b–11, 20–21 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Rōma 14:1–12Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 18:21–355 Lookup Reading: NLT
Deuteronomy 30:15–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 1 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Philemon 1–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 14:25–33 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Twenty-fourth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Sunday between 11 and 17 September
Year A
Sentence of the Day
If you, O Lord, should note what we do wrong, Lord, who could stand? But there is forgiveness with you, so that you may be revered. Psalm 130:3–4
Collect of the Day
God of infinite mercy
grant that we who know your pity
may rejoice in your forgiveness
and gladly forgive others
for the sake of Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Exodus 14:19–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 114 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
or for the Psalm: Exodus 15:1b–11, 20–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Romans 14:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 18:21–35 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Kēnehi 50:15–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 103:(1–7), 8–13 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 14:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 18:21–35 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rāy
Ki te whai tētahi kia ora, ka mate ia; ki te mate hoki tētahi, mō te rongopai hoki, ka ora ia. Māka 8:35
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua tino tapu, ora tonu,
whakaūngia tō mātou whakapono
ki tāu huarahi i whakatakoto ai,
kia kore ai e whakaritea te āhua o ō mātou mauri
ki ngā mahi kua oti i a mātou, i ngā mahi rānei kāore i tutuki,
engari ki te kaha o tā mātou piri ki tāu e pai ai.
i roto pū i a Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Whakatauki 1:20–33 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 19 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
mō te Waiata: Te Mātauranga o Horomona 7:26–8:1 rānei
Lookup Reading: RV
Hēmi 3:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 8:27–38 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Ihāia 50:4–9a Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 116:1–9 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hēmi 3:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 8:27–38 Lookup Reading: NLT
Genesis 50:15–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 103:(1–7), 8–13 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 14:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 18:21–35 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
Those who want to save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for the sake of the gospel will save it. Mark 8:35
Collect of the Day
Holy and eternal God,
give us such trust in your sure purpose,
that we measure our lives
not by what we have done or failed to do,
but by our faithfulness to you.
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Proverbs 1:20–33 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 19 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
or for the Psalm: Wisdom 7:26–8:1 Lookup
Reading: RV
James 3:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 8:27–38 Lookup Reading: NLT
Isaiah 50:4–9a Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 116:1–9 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
James 3:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 8:27–38 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Waihoki, ko tāku kupu tēnei ki a koutou, he hari kei te aroaro o ngā anahera a te Atua mō te tangata hara kotahi ina rīpenetā. Ruka 15:10
Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua Aroha,
i roto i a te Karaiti ka whakaēmihia mātou ki roto i tōu whanau;
ka āhei mātou ki te kī atu ki a koe, e te Matua;
meinga mā tōu Wairua mātou hei toha
i te korōria o te herenga kore o āu tamariki.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Heremaia 4:11–12, 22–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 14Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Tīmoti 1:12–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 15:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Ekoruhe 32:7–14Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 51:1–10 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Tīmoti 1:12–17Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 15:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents. Luke 15:10
Collect of the Day
Loving God,
in Jesus you gather us into your family;
confidently we call you Father;
may your Spirit bring us to share
the glorious liberty of your children.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Jeremiah 4:11–12, 22–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 14 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Timothy 1:12–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 15:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Exodus 32:7–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 51:1–10 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Timothy 1:12–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 15:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Rua Tekau mā rima
o He Wā Noa
Te Rātapu i waenga 18 me 24 o Hepetema
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Nā te aroha noa hoki koutou i whakaorangia ai i runga i te whakapono, ehara anō hoki tēnei i te mea nō koutou; he mea hōmai noa nā te Atua. Epeha 2:8–9
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua, nāu i hōmai he wāhi noho i roto i tēnei ao
engari ehara i te marae mō ake tonu atu.
Āwhinatia mai mātou, e haere tapuwae nei, kia noho pakari,
me te mōhio anō he haerenga mutunga
kua whakapaingia mai e te Karaiti he tino tauranga mō mātou.
E īnoi ana mātou i roto i a Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaiwhakaora.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Ekoruhe 16:2–15Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 105:1–6, 37–45Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Piripai 1:21–30Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 20:1–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Hona 3:10–4:11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 145:1–8Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Piripai 1:21–30 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 20:1–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Twenty-fifth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Sunday between 18 and 24 September
Year A
Sentence of the Day
By grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God. Ephesians 2:8–9
Collect of the Day
God, you have given us a lodging in this world
but not an abiding city.
Help us, as a pilgrim people, to endure hardness,
knowing that at the end of our journey
Christ has prepared a place for us.
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Exodus 16:2–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 105:1–6, 37–45 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Philippians 1:21–30 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 20:1–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Jonah 3:10–4:11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 145:1–8 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Philippians 1:21–30 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 20:1–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ki te whai tētahi kia whiti ko ia hei mua, ka waiho ia hei muri i te katoa, hei kaimahi hoki mā te katoa. Māka 9:35
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua māhaki, hōmai he whakaaro
kia warewaretia ngā pānga hē me ngā kino,
he hiahia ki te rapu i ngā painga o ētahi atu,
he ngākau e kī ana i te aroha;
mō te korōria o tōu ingoa tapu.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Whakatauki 31:10–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 1Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hēmi 3:13–4:3, 7–8a Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 9:30–37 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Te Mātauranga o Horomona 1:16–2:1, 12–22 Lookup Reading: RV
ko Heremaia 11:18–20 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 54 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hēmi 3:13–4:3, 7–8a Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 9:30–37Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
E mātau ana hoki koutou ki te aroha noa o tō tātou Ariki, o Īhu Karaiti, arā, i a ia e whai taonga ana, whakarawakoretia iho ana ia, he whakaaro ki a koutou, kia whai taonga ai koutou i tōna rawakoretanga. 2 Koroniti 8:9
Year B
Sentence of the Day
Whoever wants to be first must be last of all and servant of all. Mark 9:35
Collect of the Day
Give us, we pray you gentle God,
a mind forgetful of past injury,
a will to seek the good in others
and a heart of love;
for the glory of your holy name.
Proverbs 31:10–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 1 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
James 3:13–4:3, 7–8a Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 9:30–37 Lookup Reading: NLT
Wisdom 1:16–2:1, 12–22 Lookup Reading: RV
or Jeremiah 11:18–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 54 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
James 3:13–4:3, 7–8a Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 9:30–37 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
You know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich. 2 Corinthians 8:9
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua Kaha rawa
te puna o te mātauranga te tikitiki o te mōhiotanga;
hōmai he kanohi kia kite ai mātou
me te hinengaro kia mātau ai mātou i āu mahi whakamīharo
kia mōhio ai mātau ki a koe i roto i āu mahi
ka whakamahi ai i āu i hangaia e koe mō toū korōria;
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Heremaia 8:18–9:1 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 79:1–9 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Tīmoti 2:1–7Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 16:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Amoho 8:4–7Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 113 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Tīmoti 2:1–7–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 16:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Rua Tekau mā ono
o He Wā Noa
Te Rātapu i waenga 25 Hepetema me 1 o Oketopa
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Haere mai, tātou ka hoki ki a Ihowā, ā, ka ora tātou ki tōna aroaro. Hohea 6:1a, 2b
Collect of the Day
Almighty God,
fount of all wisdom, crown of all knowledge;
give us eyes to see
and minds to understand your marvelous works,
that we may know you through your handiwork
and use your creations to your glory;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Jeremiah 8:18–9:1 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 79:1–9 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Timothy 2:1–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 16:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Amos 8:4–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 113 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Timothy 2:1–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 16:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Twenty-sixth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Sunday between 25 September and 1 October
Year A
Sentence of the Day
Come, let us return to the Lord, that we may live before him. Hosea 6:1a, 2b
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua Atawhai,
nāu i tuku mai tāu tama kotahi
hei patunga tapu mō ō mātou hara
hei tauira mō te oranga atuatanga;
Āwhinatia mai mātou i runga i te harikoa kia whiwhi
i ngā mea katoa i mahia e ia mō mātou
me te whai i ōna tapuwae;
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaiwhakaora.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Ekoruhe 17:1–7Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 78:1–4, 12–16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Piripai 2:1–13Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 21:23–32 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Ehekiera 18:1–4, 25–32 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 25:1–9 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Piripai 2:1–13Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 21:23–32Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
He pai te tote; otirā, ki te pirau te tote, mā te aha e whai tikanga tote ai? Kia whai tote i roto i a koutou, kia mau hoki te rongo a tētahi ki tētahi. Māka 9:50
Collect of the Day
Merciful God,
you gave your only Son
to be both a sacrifice for sin
and an example for godly life;
help us gladly to receive
all that has been done for us
and follow in his footsteps;
through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Exodus 17:1–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 78:1–4, 12–16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Philippians 2:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 21:23–32 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ezekiel 18:1–4, 25–32 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 25:1–9 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Philippians 2:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 21:23–32 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
Salt is good; but if salt has lost its saltiness, how can it be seasoned? Have salt in yourselves and be at peace with one another. Mark 9:50
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua atawhai me te pai,
e mōhio ana koe i tō mātou ngoikoretanga e ngaro ai mātou;
meinga mātou kia ū atu ki raro i āu manaakitanga,
ā, arahina mātou ki ngā rawa katoa e ora ai mātou;
ko Īhu Karaiti hoki tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Ehetere 7:1–6, 9–10; 9:20–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 124 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hēmi 5:13–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 9:38–50Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Tauānga 11:4–6, 10–16, 24–29 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 19:7–14Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hēmi 5:13–20Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 9:38–50 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Whākina ō koutou hē tētahi ki tētahi, me īnoi anō koutou tētahi mō tētahi, kia ora ai ō koutou mate. Nui atu te mana o te īnoi kaha a te tangata tika. Hēmi 5:16
Collect of the Day
God of grace and goodness,
you know that by reason of our frailty we cannot but fail;
keep us always under your protection
and lead us to all things profitable to our salvation;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Esther 7:1–6, 9–10; 9:20–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 124 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
James 5:13–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 9:38–50 Lookup Reading: NLT
Numbers 11:4–6, 10–16, 24–29 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 19:7–14 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
James 5:13–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 9:38–50 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
Confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective. James 5:16
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa,
ko koe anake tō mātou kaiwhakawā pono,
e mōhio ana koe ki ā mātou mahi,
me te mōhio anō me aha kē mātou
kei a koe hoki te atawhai.
Hōmai ki a mātou te kōingotanga mō te tika;
whakakāngia mātou ki te ahi, kia tutuki ai ngā mahi tika.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Heremaia 32:1–3a, 6–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 91:1–6, 14–16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Tīmoti 6:6–19Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 16:19–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Amoho 6:1a, 4–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 146 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Tīmoti 6:6–19 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 16:19–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Rua Tekau mā whitu
o He Wā Noa
Te Rātapu i waenga 2 me 8 o Oketopa
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Wareware ake i ahau ngā mea ō muri, whātoro tonu atu ki ngā mea i mua, ka tāwhai tonu ahau ki te tohu, ki te utu whakahōnore o tō runga karangatanga a te Atua, i roto i a Karaiti Īhu. Piripai 3:13b–14
Collect of the Day
Almighty God,
you alone are our true judge,
for you know what we are,
you know what we should be,
and with you there is mercy.
Give us feeling for what is right;
set us on fire to see that right is done.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Jeremiah 32:1–3a, 6–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 91:1–6, 14–16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Timothy 6:6–19 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 16:19–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Amos 6:1a, 4–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 146 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Timothy 6:6–19 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 16:19–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Twenty-seventh Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Sunday between 2 and 8 October
Year A
Sentence of the Day
Forgetting what lies behind and straining for what lies ahead, let us press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13b–14
tēnei rānei
Ko te kōhatu i kapea e ngā kaihanga, kua meinga tēnei hei ūpoko mō te kokonga, nā te Ariki tēnei, he mea whakamīharo hoki ki ō tātou kanohi. Matiu 21:42
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua Atawhai,
nāu i whakahou ngā mea katoa i roto i a te Karaiti;
hurihia te kuaretanga o tōku āhua tūturu
mā te nui o tōu aroha noa,
me te whakaora i ō mātou āhua
kia mōhio ai ki tōu korōria o te rangi;
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaihoko.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Ekoruhe 20:1–4, 7–9, 12–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 19 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Piripai 3:4b–14Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 21:33–46 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Ihāia 5:1–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 80:7–15 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Piripai 3:4b–14Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 21:33–46 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ki te kāhore e rite te tango a tētahi i te rangatiratanga o te Atua ki tā te tamaiti nohinohi, e kore ia e tomo ki roto. Māka 10:15
The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; this was the Lord’s doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes. Matthew 21:42
Collect of the Day
Merciful God,
in Christ you make all things new;
transform the poverty of our nature
by the riches of your grace,
and in the renewal of our lives
make known your heavenly glory;
through Jesus Christ our Redeemer.
Exodus 20:1–4, 7–9, 12–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 19 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Philippians 3:4b–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 21:33–46 Lookup Reading: NLT
Isaiah 5:1–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 80:7–15 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Philippians 3:4b–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 21:33–46 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
Whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it. Mark 10:15
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua, tō mātou whāea, matua hoki,
nāu i hanga ngā whānau me ngā momo aroha katoa.
Meatia kia māia mātou ki te whakarongo tētahi ki tētahi me te ako
tukua mai te manaaki māhaki ki a mātou,
pērā i tā te ahi kā te hōmai.
He whakamoemiti ki a koe, e tō mātou Atua; ka whakamana te īnoi.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Hopa 1:1; 2:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 26Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Hiperu 1:1–4; 2:5–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 10:2–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Kēnehi 2:18–24 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 8 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Hiperu 1:1–4; 2:5–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 10:2–16Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ko wai hoki te mea nui, ko ia e noho ana ki te kai, ko te kaimahi rānei? Tēnei rāia ahau i roto i a koutou te rite nei ki te kaimahi. Ruka 22:27
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua Tapu,
te Tapu me te kaha, te Tapu me te ora tonu hoki,
manaakitia mātou ki raro i te korowai o tōu atawhai,
me te awhi i a mātou i ngā wā katoa
kia whakatapua, kia aroha ki tōu ingoa tapu;
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Collect of the Day
God, the mother and father of us all,
you have created families and love of every kind.
Give us courage to listen to each other and to learn,
and grant us the gentle blessing
which a home can give.
Praise to you our God; you answer prayer.
Job 1:1; 2:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 26 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hebrews 1:1–4; 2:5–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 10:2–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Genesis 2:18–24 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 8 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hebrews 1:1–4; 2:5–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 10:2–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
Who is the greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? But I am among you as one who serves. Luke 22:27
Collect of the Day
Holy God,
holy and strong, holy and immortal,
keep us under the protection of your good providence,
and help us continually
to revere and love your holy name;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Ngā Tangi a Heremaia 1:1–6Lookup Reading: NLT
Mō te Waiata: Ngā Tangi a Heremaia 3:19–26 Lookup
Reading: NLT
ko Waiata 137 rānei Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Tīmoti 1:1–4Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 17:5–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Hapakuku 1:1–4; 2:1–4Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 37:1–9 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Tīmoti 1:1–4Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 17:5–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Rua Tekau mā waru
o He Wā Noa
Te Rātapu i waenga 9 me 15 o Oketopa
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Wareware ake i ahau ngā mea ō muri, whātoro tonu atu ki ngā mea i mua, ka tāwhai tonu au ki te tohu, ki te utu whakahōnore o tō runga karangatanga a te Atua, i roto i a Karaiti Īhu. Piripai 3:13b–14
tēnei rānei
Ko te kohatu i kapea e ngā kaihanga, kua meinga tēnei hei ūpoko mō te kokonga; nā te Ariki tēnei, he mea whakamīharo hoki ki ō tātou kanohi. Matiu 21:42
Lamentations 1:1–6 Lookup Reading: NLT
For the Psalm: Lamentations 3:19–26 Lookup
Reading: NLT
or Psalm 137 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Timothy 1:1–4 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 17:5–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Habakkuk 1:1–4; 2:1–4 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 37:1–9 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Timothy 1:1–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 17:5–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Twenty-eighth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Sunday between 9 and 15 October
Year A
Sentence of the Day
Forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, let us press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13b–14
The stone which the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; this was the Lord’s doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes. Matthew 21:42
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua manaaki, karangatia mātou
kia kai tahi kia inu tahi ki a koe.
Meinga mā tō tinana mā ō toto
mātou e paihere ki a koe, ā, tētahi ki tētahi hoki.
E īnoi ana mātou i runga i te ingoa o Īhu Karaiti tō mātou
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Ekoruhe 32:1–14Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 106:1–6, 19–23Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Piripai 4:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 22:1–14Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Ihāia 25:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 23Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Piripai 4:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 22:1–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ki te whakarērea e tētahi tangata, he whare, he tēina, he tuāhine, he whaea, he pāpā, he tamariki, he māra, he whakaaro nōna ki ahau, ki te rongopai hoki, inā, tātakirau ngā mea e riro i a ia, i tēnei wā, ā, i te ao meāke puta, he ora tonu. Māka 10:29–30
Collect of the Day
Living host,
call us together,
call us to eat and drink with you.
Grant that by your body and your blood
we may be drawn to each other and to you.
We make this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Exodus 32:1–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 106:1–6, 19–23 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Philippians 4:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 22:1–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Isaiah 25:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 23 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Philippians 4:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 22:1–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
There is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields, for my sake, and for the sake of the gospel, who will not receive a hundredfold now in this age, and in the age to come eternal life. Mark 10:29–30
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua o te kaha me te ngoi,
nāu ngā mea papai katoa,
whakatōngia ki roto i ō mātou ngākau te aroha mō tōu ingoa,
whakatupua te pai ki roto i a mātou,
ā, tohungia mātou kia ū tonu ai mātou i roto i tōu aroha noa.
Ko Īhu Karaiti nei hoki to mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Hopa 23:1–9, 16–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 22:1–15 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Hiperu 4:12–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 10:17–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Amoho 5:6–7, 10–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 90:12–17Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Hiperu 4:12–16Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 10:17–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
He aha tāku e whakahoki ai ki a Ihowā mō āna atawhainga katoa i ahau? Ka mau ahau ki te kapu o te whakaoranga, ka karanga ki te ingoa o Ihowā, ka whakamana e ahau āku kupu taurangi ki a Ihowā i te aroaro o tāna iwi katoa. Waiata 116:12–14
Collect of the Day
God of all power and might,
the author and giver of all good things,
graft in our hearts the love of your name,
increase in us true religion,
nourish in us all goodness,
and of your great mercy
keep us in the same;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Job 23:1–9, 16–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 22:1–15 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hebrews 4:12–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 10:17–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Amos 5:6–7, 10–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 90:12–17 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hebrews 4:12–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 10:17–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
What shall I return to the Lord for all his bounty to me? I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord, I will pay my vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people. Psalm 116:12–14
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua o te aroha,
whakahōhonutia, whakanuitia ō mātou aroha ki a koe
kia whakarerea ō mātou hara ki muri
kua oti nei hoki i a koe, te whakaora i a mātou,
kia mahi ki a koe i roto i te pono, te tino tika.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Heremaia 29:1, 4–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 66:1–12Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Tīmoti 2:8–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 17:11–19Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
2 Ngā Kīngi 5:1–3, 7–15c Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 111Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Tīmoti 2:8–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 17:11–19 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Rua Tekau mā iwa
o He Wā Noa
Te Rātapu i waenga 16 me 22 o Oketopa
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Hoatu ki a Hīhā, ngā mea a Hīhā, ki te Atua anō ngā mea a te Atua. Matiu 22:21
Collect of the Day
God of compassion,
deepen and increase our love for you
so that we may leave behind the sins
from which you have redeemed us,
and serve you in perfect freedom.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Jeremiah 29:1, 4–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 66:1–12 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Timothy 2:8–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 17:11–19 Lookup Reading: NLT
2 Kings 5:1–3, 7–15c Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 111 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Timothy 2:8–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 17:11–19 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Twenty-ninth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Sunday between 16 and 22 October
Year A
Sentence of the Day
Give to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s. Matthew 22:21
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua o ngā iwi katoa,
āwhinatia mātou ki te whakaata ki te tohatoha hoki
i ngā painga e karapoti nei i a mātou.
Āwhinatia mātou kia tohe kia riro mai ai te tika
mō te rawakore, whai rawa rānei,
kia noho ko te whakapono me te whanaungatanga
ki waenga i ngā iwi katoa;
ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki me tō mātou Kaiwhakaora.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Ekoruhe 33:12–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 99 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Teharonika 1:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 22:15–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Ihāia 45:1–7Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 96:9, (10–13) Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Teharonika 1:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 22:15–22Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kīhai nei hoki te Tama a te tangata i haere mai kia mahia he mea māna, engari, kia mahi ia, kia tuku hoki i a ia kia mate hei utu mō ngā tāngata tokomaha. Māka 10:45
Collect of the Day
God of nations,
help us to reflect and share
the goodness that surrounds us.
Help us to win justice for poor and rich alike,
and bring trust and friendship
to all our different races;
through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Exodus 33:12–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 99 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Thessalonians 1:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 22:15–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
Isaiah 45:1–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 96:9, (10–13) Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Thessalonians 1:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 22:15–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
The Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Mark 10:45
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua mutunga kore
nāu i hōmai kia kotahi te iriiri
mō te murunga hara;
tukua mai ki a mātou kua whānau mai i te wai, i te wairua hoki
i hangā nei hei pononga mā te Karaiti
kia kotahi ai i roto i te whakapono whakaroto
me te mahi whakawaho;
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Hopa 38:1–7, (34–41) Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 104:1–9, 24, 35cLookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Hiperu 5:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 10:35–45 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Ihāia 53:4–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 91:9–16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Hiperu 5:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 10:35–45 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ā, e kore rānei te Atua e ngaki i te mate o āna tāngata i whiriwhiri ai, e karanga nei ki a ia i te ao, i te pō, ahakoa whakaroa noa ia ki a rātou? Ruka 18:7–8
Collect of the Day
Eternal God,
you have given us one baptism
for the remission of sins;
grant that we who are born of water and the Spirit
and made members of Christ,
may be one in inward faith
and outward service;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Job 38:1–7, (34–41) Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 104:1–9, 24, 35c Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hebrews 5:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 10:35–45 Lookup Reading: NLT
Isaiah 53:4–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 91:9–16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hebrews 5:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 10:35–45 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
Will not God grant justice to those who cry to him day and night? Will he delay long in helping them? Luke 18:7–8
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa,
te pakari o te aroha me te mātau,
āwhinatia mai mātou ki te whakawhirinaki ki tōu painga ki te
whakarite i a mātou i roto i tāu Tama;
e ora ana, e kīngi tahi ana me koe me te Wairua Tapu,
kotahi anō Atua, ināianei, ā, mō ake tonu atu.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Heremaia 31:27–34Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 119:97–104 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Tīmoti 3:14–4:5 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 18:1–8Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Kēnehi 32:22–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 121 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Tīmoti 3:14–4:5 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 18:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Toru Tekau o He Wā Noa
Te Rātapu i waenga 23 me 29 o Oketopa
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kia whakapaua tōu ngākau, tōu wairua, tōu hinengaro, ki te aroha ki te Ariki, ki tōu Atua. Ko te tuatahi tēnei, ko te kupu nui. He rite anō te tuarua ki tēnei, ‘Kia aroha koe ki tōu hoa tata, anō ko koe’. Kei runga i ēnei kupu e rua e iri ana te ture me ngā poropiti. Matiu 22:37–40
Collect of the Day
Mighty God,
strong, loving and wise,
help us to depend upon your goodness
and to place our trust in your Son;
who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God for ever.
Jeremiah 31:27–34 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 119:97–104 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Timothy 3:14–4:5 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 18:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Genesis 32:22–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 121 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Timothy 3:14–4:5 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 18:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday between 23 and 29 October
Year A
Sentence of the Day
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: you shall love your neighbour as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. Matthew 22:37–40
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa,
nau mātou i ako e āu kupu
ko te aroha te whakatutuki o te ture;
meatia kia aroha pono ō mātou ngākau ki a koe
me ō mātou hoa tata anō ko mātou;
Ko Īhu Karaiti hoki to mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Tiuteronomi 34:1–12Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 90:1–6, 13–17Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Teharonika 2:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 22:34–46 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Rewitikuha 19:1–2, 15–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 1 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Teharonika 2:1–8Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 22:34–46 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ko a Ihowā i hoko ai ka hoki mai, ka haere mai ki Hiona, me te waiata anō rātou; i runga i ō rātou māhunga he hari e kore e mutu. Ihāia 51:11
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua ka whakamoemiti mātou ki a koe,
e tīaho nei te mārama o te Karaiti i roto i tō mātou pōuritanga,
te mārama e kore nei e tineia;
aratakina mātou i te ara, ā, tae noa ki te rā o te oranga tonutanga;
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Collect of the Day
Almighty God,
you teach us in your word
that love is the fulfilment of the law:
grant that we may love you with all our heart
and our neighbour as ourselves;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Deuteronomy 34:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 90:1–6, 13–17 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Thessalonians 2:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 22:34–46 Lookup Reading: NLT
Leviticus 19:1–2, 15–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 1 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Thessalonians 2:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 22:34–46 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
The redeemed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with singing; everlasting joy shall be upon their heads. Isaiah 51:11
Collect of the Day
We praise you, God,
that the light of Christ shines in our darkness
and is never overcome;
show us the way we must go to eternal day;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Hopa 42:1–6, 10–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 34:1–8, (19–22)Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Hiperu 7:23–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 10:46–52 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Heremaia 31:7–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 126 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Hiperu 7:23–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 10:46–52Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
He pono tāku e mea nei ki a koutou, ki te kāhore e rite te tango a tētahi ki te rangatiratanga a te Atua ki te tamaiti nohinohi, e kore rawa ia e tomo ki roto. Ruka 18:17
tēnei rānei
Hokona āu mea katoa ka tuwha atu mā ngā mea rawakore, ā, e whai taonga koe ki te rangi; ā, haere mai, whai mai i ahau. Ruka 18:22
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E Īhu tō mātou Ariki,
nāu mātou i ako i tīmata te whakawā
ki te whare o te Atua;
whakaorangia mātou mai i te kiri manawa reka,
te kakī maro me te mahi kino hoki,
kia pai ai tā mātou tū, ā, pakari noa ki te mahi i tāu e tika ana;
mō te korōria o tōu ingoa tapu.
Job 42:1–6, 10–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 34:1–8, (19–22) Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hebrews 7:23–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 10:46–52 Lookup Reading: NLT
Jeremiah 31:7–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 126 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hebrews 7:23–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 10:46–52 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it. Luke 18:17
Sell all that you own, and distribute the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me. Luke 18:22
Collect of the Day
Jesus our Lord,
you have taught us that judgement
begins at the house of God;
save us from our self-satisfaction,
rigidity and corruption,
so that we may stand ready to do your will;
for the glory of your holy name.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Hoera 2:23–32 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 65Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Tīmoti 4:6–8, 16–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 18:9–14Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Hiraka 35:12–17 Lookup Reading: RV
ko Heremaia 14:7–10, 19–22 rāneiLookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 84:1–7 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Tīmoti 4:6–8, 16–18Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 18:9–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Toru Tekau mā tahi
o He Wā Noa
Te Rātapu i waenga 30 Oketopa me 5 o Noema
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ko te mea nui rawa hoki o koutou, hei kaimahi ia mā koutou. Ki te whakahira hoki tētahi i a ia, ka whakaititia, ā, ki te whakaiti tētahi i a ia, ka whakahirangia. Matiu 23:11–12
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa,
tukua mai he kaha ki tāu iwi,
kia ū ai rātou ki ngā whakamātautauranga o te ao,
a te kikokiko, a te rewera hoki;
kia tapatahi ai hoki te hinengaro ki te aru i a koe,
te Atua pono.
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaiwhakaora.
Joel 2:23–32 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 65 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Timothy 4:6–8, 16–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 18:9–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Sirach 35:12–17 Lookup Reading: RV
or Jeremiah 14:7–10, 19–22 Lookup Reading:
Psalm 84:1–7 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Timothy 4:6–8, 16–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 18:9–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Thirty-first Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Sunday between 30 October and 5 November
Year A
Sentence of the Day
The greatest among you will be your servant. All who exalt themselves will be humbled, and all who humble themselves will be exalted. Matthew 23:11–12
Collect of the Day
Almighty God,
give your people grace to withstand
the temptations of the world, the flesh and the devil,
and with pure hearts and minds to follow you,
the one true God;
through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Hohua 3:7–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 107:1–7, 33–37Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Teharonika 2:9–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 23:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Mika 3:5–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 43 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Teharonika 2:9–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 23:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Whakarongo e Īharaira; Ko te Ariki ko tō tātou Atua, he Ariki kotahi; kia whakapaua hoki tōu ngākau, tōu wairua, tōu hinengaro, tōu kaha, ki te aroha ki te Ariki, ki tōu Atua; ko te ture tuatahi tēnei. Ko te turua tēnei, Kia aroha koe ki tōu hoa tata, ānō ko koe. Kāhore he ture kē atu e rahi ake ana i ēnei. Māka 12:29–31
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E Īhu Karaiti,
nāu mātou i ako
ko ā mātou mahi ki tētahi atu, ka rite ki a koe;
meatia kia kakama mātou ki te awhi, whakaroa hoki ki te tūkino,
me te mōhio ko te hoa tata, ko koe tēnā
e pā kaha atu ana ō mātou aroha, ō mātou arokore rānei.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu ingoa.
Joshua 3:7–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 107:1–7, 33–37 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Thessalonians 2:9–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 23:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Micah 3:5–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 43 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Thessalonians 2:9–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 23:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
Hear, O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one; you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. You shall love your neighbour as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these. Mark 12:29–31
Collect of the Day
Jesus Christ,
you have taught us
that what we do to each other, we do to you;
make us quick to help and slow to hurt,
knowing that in our neighbour it is you
who receive our love or our neglect.
Hear this prayer for your name’s sake.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Rutu 1:1–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 146Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Hiperu 9:11–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 12:28–34 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Tiuteronomi 6:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 119:1–8Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Hiperu 9:11–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 12:28–34Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Nō nāianei te ora i tae mai ai ki tēnei whare, i haere mai hoki te Tama a te tangata ki te rapu, ki te whakaora i te mea i ngaro. Ruka 19:10
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Ariki o te Hāhi,
nāu mātou i karanga ki te kauhau ki ngā iwi katoa.
Meingia mātou kia mahi i tāu e hiahia ana me te pīkau i tōu rīpeka,
e tatari ana mō tōu wā kia kite i tōu korōria.
E īnoi ana mātou i runga i te ingoa o Īhu Karaiti tō mātou
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Hapakuku 1:1–4; 2:1–4 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 119:137–144Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Teharonika 1:1–4, 11–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 19:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruth 1:1–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 146 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hebrews 9:11–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 12:28–34 Lookup Reading: NLT
Deuteronomy 6:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 119:1–8 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hebrews 9:11–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 12:28–34 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
Today salvation has come to this house, for the Son of Man came to seek out and to save the lost. Luke 19:10
Collect of the Day
Lord of the Church,
you have called us to witness in every nation.
May we do your work and bear your cross,
await your time and see your glory.
We make this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Habakkuk 1:1–4; 2:1–4 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 119:137–144 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Thessalonians 1:1–4, 11–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 19:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Ihāia 1:10–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 32:1–7Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Teharonika 1:1–4, 11–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 19:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Toru Tekau mā rua o He Wā Noa
Te Rātapu i waenga 6 me 12 o Noema
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kia mataara rāpea; e kore hoki koutou e mōhio ki te hāora e puta mai ai tō koutou Ariki. Matiu 24:42, 44
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Matua,
kaua mātou āu pononga e tukua kia amuamu,
engari i runga i ngā harikoa a te tamariki
e hari nei mōu,
e mahi ana i roto i te ngākau koa.
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaihoko.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Hohua 24:1–3a, 14–25Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 78:1–7 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Teharonika 4:13–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 25:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Isaiah 1:10–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 32:1–7 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Thessalonians 1:1–4, 11–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 19:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday between 6 and 12 November
Year A
Sentence of the Day
Watch and be ready, for you do not know on what day your Lord is coming. Matthew 24:42, 44
Collect of the Day
let us not serve you grudgingly like slaves,
but with the gladness of children
who delight in you
and rejoice in their work;
through Jesus Christ our Redeemer.
Joshua 24:1–3a, 14–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 78:1–7 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Thessalonians 4:13–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 25:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Te Mātauranga o Horomona 6:12–16 Lookup Reading: RV
ko Amoho 5:18–24 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Mō te Waiata: Te Mātauranga o Horomona 6:17–20Lookup Reading:RV
Waiata 70 rānei Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Teharonika 4:13–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 25:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Hoatu, ā, ka hōmai ki a koutou; he mēhua pai, pēhi rawa, oioi rawa, pūrena tonu tā rātou e hōmai ai ki te kokoru o ō koutou kākahu; ko te mēhua e mēhua ai koutou, hei mēhua anō tēnā ki a koutou. Ruka 6:38
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua, te mātāpuna o te hari,
tukua mai tēnā harikoa
e kore nei e taea e tētahi te tango atu i a mātou,
nō te mea, he mahi hei mahinga whaioranga;
i roto i te hari o te whakapono
e tutuki ai.
He whakamoemiti ki a koe, e tō mātou Atua; ka whakamana te īnoi.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Rutu 3:1–5; 4:13–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 127Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Hiperu 9:24–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 12:38–44Lookup Reading: NLT
Wisdom 6:12–16 Lookup Reading: RV
or Amos 5:18–24 Lookup Reading: NLT
For the Psalm: Wisdom 6:17–20 Lookup Reading: RV
or Psalm 70 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Thessalonians 4:13–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 25:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
Give and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap; for the measure you give will be the measure you get back. Luke 6:38
Collect of the Day
God of all delight, grant us that joy
which none can take from us,
of having a work to do,
a life to live;
that joy in believing
which will carry us through temptation,
anxiety and grief.
Praise to you our God; you answer prayer.
Ruth 3:1–5; 4:13–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 127 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hebrews 9:24–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 12:38–44 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
1 Ngā Kīngi 17:8–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 146 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Hiperu 9:24–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 12:38–44Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
‘Ko ahau te aranga, te ora,’ te kī a te Ariki. ‘Ko ia e whakapono ana ki ahau, ahakoa kua mate, e ora anō, e kore anō e mate ake ake ngā tāngata katoa e ora ana, e whakapono ana ki ahau.’ Hoani 11:25–26
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa
nāu i tono mai te Wairua o tāu Tama ki roto i ō mātou ngākau
me te whakawātea i ā mātou i herea i ngā hara;
Hōmai tōu atawhai, hei tāpae ā mātou mahi, ki tōu rangatiratanga,
kia meinga mātou me āu iwi, kia tae atu
ki te korōria herekore, o āu tamariki;
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Hakai 1:15b–2:9Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 145:1–5, 17–21Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
ko Waiata 98 rānei Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Teharonika 2:1–5, 13–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 20:27–38 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Hopa 19:23–27a Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 17:1–9 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Teharonika 2:1–5, 13–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 20:27–38 Lookup Reading: NLT
1 Kings 17:8–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 146 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hebrews 9:24–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 12:38–44 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
‘I am the resurrection and the life,’ says the Lord. ‘Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.’ John 11:25–26
Collect of the Day
Almighty God,
you have sent the Spirit of your Son into our hearts
and set us free from the bondage of sin;
give us grace to dedicate our freedom to your service,
that we and all your people may be brought
to the glorious liberty of the children of God;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Haggai 1:15b–2:9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 145:1–5, 17–21 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
or Psalm 98 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Thessalonians 2:1–5, 13–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 20:27–38 Lookup Reading: NLT
Job 19:23–27a Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 17:1–9 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Thessalonians 2:1–5, 13–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 20:27–38 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Toru Tekau mā toru
o He Wā Noa
Te Rātapu i waenga 13 me 19 o Noema
Tau A
Te Rāranga o te Rā
Kīhai hoki tātou i meinga e te Atua mō te riri engari kia whiwhi ai ki te ora mā roto i tō tātou Ariki i a Īhu Karaiti. Nā, whakamārie koutou tētahi e tētahi, hangā hoki te pai o tētahi e tētahi. 1 Teharonika 5:9–11
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E Īhu, ka īnoi mātou ki a koe,
tangohia te wai tawhito,
ā mātou ngākau pukumahi hoki,
hurihia hei wāina rongopai
kia kitea ai e te katoa tōu oranga
ka mate hiainu;
mō te korōria o tōu ingoa tapu.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Kaiwhakariterite 4:1–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 123 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Teharonika 5:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 25:14–30 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Tepania 1:7, 12–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 90:1–8, (9–11), 12 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Teharonika 5:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 25:14–30 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Thirty-third Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Sunday between 13 and 19 November
Year A
Sentence of the Day
God has destined us not for wrath but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore encourage one another and build up each other. 1 Thessalonians 5:9–11
Collect of the Day
We pray you, Jesus,
take the old water, our busy conscientious lives,
and turn them into gospel wine,
that everyone may see your life and thirst;
for the glory of your holy name.
Judges 4:1–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 123 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Thessalonians 5:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 25:14–30 Lookup Reading: NLT
Zephaniah 1:7, 12–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 90:1–8, (9–11), 12 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Thessalonians 5:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 25:14–30 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rāranga o te Rā
Ka whakarite whakawā a Ihowā mō ngā pito o te whenua; māna e hōmai he kaha ki tāna kīngi, e whakaara te hāona o tāna i whakawahi ai. 1 Hamuera 2:10
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua, tō mātou rangatira, kaiarataki hoki,
kia tae mai mātou ki te wāhi e wehe ai te huarahi,
pupuritia mātou ki te ara tika a te Karaiti,
e ora ai ki te whakahau i ngā mahi onāianei,
me te āhei ki te oranga mutunga kore.
i roto pū i a Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
1 Hamuera 1:4–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mō te Waiata: 1 Hamuera 2:1–10Lookup Reading: NLT
Ngā Hiperu 10:11–14, (15–18), 19–25Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 13:1–8Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Māka 12:1–3 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Hiperu 10:11–14, (15–18), 19–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 13:1–8Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rāranga o te Rā
Mā te Ariki pū o te rangimārie e hoatu te rangimārie ki a koutou i ngā wā katoa, i ngā mea katoa. 2 Teharonika 3:16
Year B
Sentence of the Day
The Lord will judge the ends of the earth; he will give strength to his king, and exalt the power of his anointed. 1 Samuel 2:10
Collect of the Day
God, our ruler and guide,
when we come to the place where the road divides,
keep us true to the way of Christ,
alive to the present opportunities,
and confident of eternal life.
through the same Jesus Christ our Lord.
1 Samuel 1:4–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
For the Psalm: 1 Samuel 2:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hebrews 10:11–14, (15–18), 19–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 13:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Daniel 12:1–3 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hebrews 10:11–14, (15–18), 19–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 13:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
May the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in all ways. 2 Thessalonians 3:16
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa
māu anake e taea ai te hari mai i te tika
ki ō mātou ngākau aroha, ture kore hoki;
hōmai ki a mātou kia tau te aroha ki āu whakahau
me te hiahia ki tāu kupu taurangi,
inā, i roto i ngā whakanekeneke me ngā wero
o tēnei ao hurihuri,
ka mau pono ki o mātou ngākau
ki te wāhi e kitea ai te hari;
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Ihāia 65:17–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mō te Waiata: Ihāia 12 Lookup Reading: NLT
2 Teharonika 3:6–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 21:5–19 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Maraki 4:1–2aLookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 98 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Teharonika 3:6–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 21:5–19 Lookup Reading: NLT
Collect of the Day
Almighty God,
you alone can bring order
to our unruly wills and affections;
give us grace to love what you command
and desire what you promise,
that in all the changes and chances
of this uncertain world,
our hearts may surely there be fixed
where true joys are to be found;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Isaiah 65:17–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
For the Psalm: Isaiah 12 Lookup Reading: NLT
2 Thessalonians 3:6–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 21:5–19 Lookup Reading: NLT
Malachi 4:1–2a Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 98 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Thessalonians 3:6–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 21:5–19 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rātapu Toru Tekau mā whā
o He Wā Noa
Te Rātapu i mua o te Haerenga mai
Tau A
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kia hari te hamama ki a Ihowā, e ngā whenua katoa. Mahi atu ki a Ihowā i runga i te koa, waiata haere ki tōna aroaro. Waiata 100:1
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa,
te Kaihoko o te hunga e whakawhirinaki ana ki a koe;
whakarongo ki te tangi a tāu iwi;
wetekina ngā here o ō mātou hara,
kia tino wātea ai mātou ki te whai i a koe,
kia harikoa ai hoki mātou i tōu aroha mutungakore;
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaiwhakaora.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Ehekiera 34:11–16, 20–24 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 100 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Epeha 1:15–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 25:31–46 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Ehekiera 34:11–16, 20–24Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 95:1–7a Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Epeha 1:15–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 25:31–46 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Thirty-fourth Sunday
in Ordinary Time
Sunday before Advent
Year A
Sentence of the Day
O shout to the Lord in triumph all the earth. Serve the Lord with gladness and come before his face with songs of joy. Psalm 100:1
Collect of the Day
Almighty God,
the Redeemer of all who trust in you;
give heed to the cry of your people,
deliver us from the bondage of sin
that we may serve you in perfect freedom
and rejoice in your unfailing love;
through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Ezekiel 34:11–16, 20–24 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 100 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ephesians 1:15–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 25:31–46 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ezekiel 34:11–16, 20–24 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 95:1–7a Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ephesians 1:15–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 25:31–46 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Pai tonu te Reme i whakamatea hei tango i te kaha, i te taonga, i te mātauranga, i te mana, i te hōnore, i te korōria, i te whakapai. Whakakitenga 5:12
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Karaiti tō mātou Kaihoko,
nāu i kotē te ūpoko o te nākahi;
kua mahea mātou i ō mātou hara;
wetekina ngā mamaetanga o te ao mai i te kino
e rata tonu nei mātou ki te mahi.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu ingoa.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
2 Hamuera 23:1–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 132:1–12, (13–18) Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Whakakitenga 1:4b–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 18:33–37 Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Raniera 7:9–10, 13–14Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 93 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Whakakitenga 1:4b–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 18:33–37 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Sentence of the Day
Worthy is the Lamb that was slaughtered to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honour and glory and blessing! Revelation 5:12
Collect of the Day
Christ our Redeemer,
you have crushed the serpent’s head;
you have freed us from our sin;
rescue all your suffering world from evil
that attracts us still.
Hear this prayer for your name’s sake.
2 Samuel 23:1–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 132:1–12, (13–18) Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Revelation 1:4b–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 18:33–37 Lookup Reading: NLT
Daniel 7:9–10, 13–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 93 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Revelation 1:4b–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 18:33–37 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kia nui te whakamanamana, e te tamāhine a Hiona! Hāmama, e te tamāhine a Hiruhārama! Nanā, ko toū Kīngi e haere nā ki a koe; he tika ia, he whakaora, he ngākau māhaki, e noho ana i runga i te kāihe, i te kuao anō, i te tama a te kaihe. Hakaraia 9:9
Te Īnoi o te Rā
E te Karaiti Ora, kua ara mai koe i te mate!
Ū tonu ana te aroha!
Ko koe tonu te ora, kaha noa atu i te mate;
whakarewangia ō mātou kanohi kia āta kitea ai koe
i te aonga ake o te rangi hōu;
kia whakakorōriatia ai tōu ingoa tapu.
Ngā Pānui
Pānui rōnaki
Heremaia 23:1–6Lookup Reading: NLT
Mō te Waiata: Ruka 1:68–79 Lookup Reading: NLT
Korohe 1:11–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 23:33–43Lookup Reading: NLT
Pānui whakawhiti
Heremaia 23:1–6 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 46 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Korohe 1:11–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 23:33–43 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year C
Sentence of the Day
Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout aloud, O daughter of Jerusalem! Lo, your king comes to you; triumphant and victorious is he, humble and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey. Zechariah 9:9
Collect of the Day
Living Christ,
you are risen from the dead.
Love reigns!
You are stronger than death;
raise our eyes to see you
as the new day dawns;
for the glory of your holy name.
Jeremiah 23:1–6 Lookup Reading: NLT
For the Psalm: Luke 1:68–79 Lookup Reading: NLT
Colossians 1:11–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 23:33–43 Lookup Reading: NLT
Jeremiah 23:1–6 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 46 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Colossians 1:11–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 23:33–43 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ētahi atu Rā Tapu, Ngā Rā Whakamaharatanga o te hunga tapu i ngā Karaipiture, me Ētahi atu Rā Hākari
Te Whakaingoatanga o te Karaiti
te 1 o ngā rā o Hānuere
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kāhore hoki he ora i tētahi atu: kāhore hoki he ingoa kē atu i raro o te rangi kua hōmai ki ngā tāngata, e ora ai tātou. Ngā Mahi 4:12
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E te Ariki e te Atua, e whakawhetai ana mātou ki a koe, mō tāu
i tākohatia ki a mātou, nāu te kī kia huaina ko Īhu;
meinga kia whakahōnoretia tōna ingoa e mātou i runga i te whenua,
kia aratakina mai ai ētahi atu ki a ia,
ko ia anake te Ariki me te Kaiwhakaora.
E te Karaiti tō mātou Kaiwhakaora,
ka whakamoemiti ki a koe
i tōu kotinga i tēnei rā
i huaina nei tōu ingoa, ko Īhu.
Te whakamoemiti ki a koe, e Īhu, te tika o tēnā ingoa
nāu nei mātou i whakaora i ō mātou hara.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu ingoa.
Other Feasts and Saints’ Days
The Naming of Jesus
1 January
Sentence of the Day
There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among us by which we must be saved. Acts 4:12
Collects of the Day
We thank you, Lord God, for the gift of your Son
whom you commanded to be called Jesus;
grant that we may so honour his name on earth,
that others may be led to him who alone is Lord and Saviour.
Praise to you, Christ our Redeemer
for you were circumcised this day
and given Jesus as your name.
Praise to you, Jesus, well are you named
for you save us from our sins.
Hear this prayer for your name’s sake.
Ngā Pānui
Te Tauānga 6:22–27 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 8Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Karatia 4:4–7Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Piripai 2:5–11 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 2:15–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rārangi mō Muri i te Hapa
Ā, e whānau ia he tama, me hua e koe tōna ingoa ko Īhu: nō te mea māna e whakaora tōna iwi i ō rātou hara. Matiu 1:21
Te Tau Hou
te 1 o ngā rā o Hānuere
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kāhore hoki he ora i tētahi atu: kāhore hoki he ingoa kē atu i raro o te rangi kua hōmai ki ngā tāngata, e ora ai tātou. Ngā Mahi 4:12
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E te Matua mutunga kore,
ki a koe nei e rite ana ngā mano tau ki te wā poto,
whakahoutia mātou ki roto i tōu Wairua Tapu,
kia māia ai mātou e ora nei ki te mahi ki a koe;
i roto i te manaakitanga o Īhu tāu Tama tō mātou Kaiwhakaora.
Numbers 6:22–27 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 8 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Galatians 4:4–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Philippians 2:5–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 2:15–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Post-Communion Sentence
You shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins. Matthew 1:21
New Year’s Day
1 January
Sentence of the Day
There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among us by which we must be saved. Acts 4:12
Collects of the Day
Eternal God,
to whom a thousand years are no more than a moment;
renew us in your Holy Spirit,
so that we may serve you with courage
while we have life and breath;
through the grace of Jesus your Son our Saviour.
E te Atua o te wā, o te ātea,
i te tīmatanga o tēnei tau hou
i ia rā i ia rā
whakapuakina mai ki a mātou tōu ao hou;
whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Ngā Pānui
Te Kaikauwhau 3:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 8 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Whakakitenga 21:1–6a Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 25:31–46 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Whakatahuritanga o Paora Tapu
te 25 o ngā rā o Hānuere
Te Rārangi o te Rā
He ahakoa rā kāhore ahau e whakamā: e mātau ana hoki ahau ki tāku i whakapono ai, e ū ana tōku whakaaro e taea e ia te tiaki tāku i tuku atu ai ki a ia, ā taea noatia taua rā. 2 Tīmoti 1:12
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua Kaha rawa,
nāu i whakamārama te rongopai
kia tīaho ki te ao whānui
mā roto i ngā kauhau a Paora, tāu pononga;
meinga mātou e maumahara nei ki tōna tahuringa
kia whai ai mātou ki tāna i kite ai, ki tōu pono;
ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
God of time and eternity,
as we enter this new year
day by day
open us to your new age.
Hear this prayer for your love's sake.
Ecclesiastes 3:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 8 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Revelation 21:1–6a Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 25:31–46 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Conversion of Saint Paul
25 January
Sentence of the Day
I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed, and I am sure that he is able to guard until that day what he has entrusted to me. 2 Timothy 1:12
Collects of the Day
Almighty God,
you have caused the light of the gospel
to shine throughout the world
through the preaching of your servant Paul;
grant that we who remember his wonderful conversion
may follow him in bearing witness to your truth;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
E Īhu, i whakawhiua nei,
whakahurihia mātou,
pēnei i a Paora i whakahuria e koe
ā, tonoa nei e koe hei āpōtoro ki te ao.
Meinga o mātou aroha, ā mātou inoi, o mātou mamaetanga
hei kawe i tāu rongopai ahakoa te utu
ki te katoa e tatari ana kia rongo.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu ingoa.
Ngā Pānui
Heremaia 1:4–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Ngā Mahi 9:1–22 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 67 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Mahi 9:1–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Karatia 1:11–24 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 19:23–30 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rārangi mō Muri i te Hapa
He oranga nā te whakapono ki te Tama a te Atua, i aroha nei ki ahau, i tuku nei i a ia mōku. Karatia 2:20
Convert us,
Jesus the persecuted,
as you converted Paul
and sent him as apostle to the world.
May our love, our prayers, our suffering
carry your gospel at whatever cost
to all who wait to hear it.
Hear this prayer for your name’s sake.
Jeremiah 1:4–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Acts 9:1–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 67 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Acts 9:1–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Galatians 1:11–24 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 19:27–30 Lookup Reading: NLT
Post-Communion Sentence
I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself up for me. Galatians 2:20
Te Tāpaenga o te Karaiti i te Temepara
te 2 o ngā rā o Pēpuere
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kia whakahoutia te wairua o tō koutou hinengaro; Kia kākahuria iho hoki ki a koutou te tangata hou, nō tā te Atua nei te hanganga i runga i te tika, i te tapu o te pono. Epeha 4:23–24
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E te Matua ora tonu,
i tāpaea nei tāu Tama, a Īhu Karaiti, i te temepara i a ia e tamariki
hei tūmanakotanga mō tāu iwi;
Hōmai he ngākau mā, he hinengaro mā ki a mātou,
Kia whakaahuatia kētia mātou ki tōna āhua,
ko ia e ora ana, e kīngi tahi ana me koe me te Wairua Tapu,
kotahi anō Atua, ināianei, ā, mō ake tonu atu.
E te Atua Tapu,
i kawea mai e rātou te tamaiti a Te Karaiti ki te whare o tōna Matua,
me ngā koha a ngā pōhara hei whakatapu i a ia;
meinga mātou, te iti te rahi rānei,
i taua whakatapu;
ko ia e ora ana, e kīngi tahi ana me koe me te Wairua Tapu,
kotahi anō Atua, ināianei, ā, mō ake tonu atu.
The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple
2 February
Sentence of the Day
Be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and put on the new nature, created after the likeness of God in righteousness and true holiness. Ephesians 4:23–24
Collects of the Day
Everliving God,
your Son Jesus Christ was presented as a child in the temple
to be the hope of your people;
grant us pure hearts and minds
that we may be transformed into his likeness,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God for ever.
Holy God,
they brought the little Christ to his Father’s house,
with peasant gifts, to consecrate him;
grant to us, little or great,
that consecration;
for he is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God for ever.
Ngā Pānui
Maraki 3:1–4Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 84Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
ko Waiata 24:7–10 rānei Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Hiperu 2:14–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 2:22–40 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rārangi mō Muri i te Hapa
I whakaaroaro mātou ki tōu atawhai, e te Atua, i waenganui o tōu temepara. E te Atua, rite tahi ki tōu ingoa te whakamoemiti mōu, tae noa atu ki ngā pito o te whenua: kī tonu tōu matau i te tika. Waiata 48:9–10
Ngā Kōhungahunga Tapu
te 16 o ngā rā o Pēpuere (rā takirua – 28 Tīhema)
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ka meinga hoki e ahau tā rātou tangi hei koa, ka whakamārietia rātou, ā, ka meinga rātou kia hari i ō rātou mamae. Heremaia 31:13
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E te Matua Tapu,
i whakaorangia tāu Tama i te parekura o ngā kōhungahunga
i te ringa o Herora;
kaua mātou e tukua kia whakaarokore
ki ngā mamae o āu tamariki,
engari kia āwhina, kia tautoko i a rātou i roto i tōu aroha pūmau;
e ora ana ia, e kīngi tahi ana me koe me te Wairua Tapu,
kotahi Atua mō ake tonu atu.
Malachi 3:1–5 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 84 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
or Psalm 24:7–10 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hebrews 2:14–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 2:22–40 Lookup Reading: NLT
Post-Communion Sentence
We have called to mind your steadfast love O God in the midst of your temple. As your name is great O God, so is your praise to the ends of the earth; your right hand is filled with victory. Psalm 48:9–10
The Holy Innocents
16 February (alternative date – 28 December)
Sentence of the Day
I will turn their mourning into joy; I will comfort them and give them gladness for sorrow. Jeremiah 31:13
Collects of the Day
Holy Father,
your Son was saved from the slaughter of infants
at the hand of Herod;
grant that we may never be indifferent
to the sufferings of your children,
but may bring them help and compassion
in your unfailing love;
for he is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God for ever.
E Īhu, o te aroha,
tukua ngā roimata o Rāhera kia maringi,
hei whakaari i ō mātou pōuritanga;
tukua kia tangi ia mō ngā pēpi e patua ana, e matehauā ana hoki,
tangi tonu nei mō ngā mahi tūkino a te tangata kūare, kakī mārō hoki.
E Īhu, o te aroha, kia tangi mātou me Rāhera,
kia mārama ki a mātou, ā mātou mahi;
e ahatia ana ki a mātou;
āwhinatia mātou ki te whakatika ināianei.
Whakamoemiti ki a koe e te Atua;
ka tūtuki i a koe ngā īnoi.
Ngā Pānui
Heremaia 31:15–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 8 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Koroniti 1:25–29Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 2:13–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rārangi mō Muri i te Hapa
Ko te hunga tēnei e aru ana i te Reme ki ngā wāhi katoa e haere ai ia. He mea hoko ēnei i roto i ngā tāngata, he mātāmua ki te Atua, ki te Reme hoki. Whakakitenga 14:4
Matiaha Tapu, Āpōtoro
te 24 o ngā rā o Pēpuere
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kāhore koutou i whiriwhiri i ahau, engari, nāku koutou i whiriwhiri, nāku anō koutou i mea kia haere, kia whai hua, kia mau tonu hoki ō koutou hua. Hoani 15:16
Loving Jesus,
let the tears of Rachel express our desolation,
let her weep for battered babies and clinical deformity,
weep for human cruelty and ignorance and arrogance.
Loving Jesus, may we weep with her,
may we see what we are doing,
what is happening to us;
help us repair it soon.
Praise to you our God; you answer prayer.
Jeremiah 31:15–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 124 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Corinthians 1:25–29 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 2:13–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Post-Communion Sentence
It is these who follow the Lamb wherever he goes; these have been redeemed from humanity as first fruits for God and the Lamb. Revelation 14:4
Saint Matthias the Apostle
24 February
Sentence of the Day
You have not chosen me, I have chosen you, says the Lord. Go and bear fruit that will last. John 15:16
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E Atua kaha rawa,
i whiriwhiri nei tāu āpōtoro pono a Matiaha
mō te tūnga o Hūrā;
tiakina tonutia tāu Hāhi i ngā kai-whakaako teka,
ā, arahina hoki ngā hēpara pono, me ngā hēpara tika.
ki te korōria o tōu ingoa tapu.
E te Wairua Tapu,
meinga mātou e mahi nei mō tāu Hāhi
ki te whakapai haere i ngā mea takakino,
kia whakakahangia ngā mea ora,
me te aru haere i a koe
ahakoa ki hea, me pēhea rānei, tāu arahi.
Ka īnoi tēnei i roto i te ingoa o Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 22:15–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Ngā Mahi 1:15–17, 20–26 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 113 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Mahi 1:15–17, 20–26Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Piripai 3:13–21 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 15:9–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rārangi mō Muri i te Hapa
Me whakatū tētahi o ērā hei hoa mō tātou ki te whakaatu i tōna aranga mai. Ngā Mahi 1:22
Collects of the Day
Almighty God,
your faithful apostle Matthias
was chosen in place of Judas;
grant that your Church may be saved from false teachers
and guided by faithful and true pastors,
to the glory of your holy name.
Holy Spirit,
grant to us who serve your Church
to mend what is spoiled,
to strengthen what is sound,
and to follow you
wherever and however you may lead.
We make this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Isaiah 22:15–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Acts 1:15–17, 20–26 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 113 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Acts 1:15–17, 20–26 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Philippians 3:13–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 15:9–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Post-Communion Sentence
One of them must become with us a witness of the resurrection of Jesus. Acts 1:22
Te Whakapuakitanga o tō tātou
Kaiwhakaora ki te Puhi Tapu ki a Meri
te 25 o ngā rā o Māehe
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Anō rā ko Meri, “Inā, te pononga a te Ariki; kia pērātia ahau me tāu i kōrero ai. Ruka 1:38
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua o te aroha noa,
mā Meri te tauira, hei whakahihiko i a mātou ki te whakarongo
ki tāu i pai ai
ā, kia whakaae ko Īhu Karaiti hei Ariki i roto i ō mātou ngākau;
ko ia e ora ana, e kīngi tahi ana me koe me te Wairua Tapu,
kotahi anō Atua, ināianei, ā, mō ake tonu atu.
E te Matua o te aroha,
nā tōu Wairua Tapu,
i hapū ai a Meri, te kōtiro Hūrai, ki tāu Tama;
waiho ma tōna ātaahua, tōna āhua tangata hoki,
i whakaputaina kētia ai tōna aroha noa,
kia whānau ki roto i a mātou,
kia kaua mātou e whakahāwea te hūmārie rerekē, o tōu tino kaha.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 7:10–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 40:8–13Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Hiperu 10:4–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 1:26–38 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Annunciation of our Saviour
to the Blessed Virgin Mary
25 March
Sentence of the Day
Mary said, ‘Behold I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.’ Luke 1:38
Collects of the Day
God of grace,
grant that Mary’s obedience may inspire us
to obey your will
and receive Jesus Christ in our hearts as Lord;
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit
one God for ever.
Father of love,
through your most Holy Spirit,
Mary the Jewish girl conceived your Son;
may his beauty, his humanity,
his all-transforming grace be born in us,
and may we never despise the strange and stirring gentleness
of your almighty power.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Isaiah 7:10–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 40:8–13 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Hebrews 10:4–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 1:26–38 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rārangi mō Muri i te Hapa
Ka mea a Meri, ‘Ka kīa e ngā whakatupuranga katoa e haere ake nei, he wahine hari. He nui hoki ngā mahi a te Mea Kaha ki ahau; he tapu hoki tōna ingoa.’ Ruka 1:48–49 (takatū)
Māka Tapu te Kaituhi Rongopai
te 26 o ngā rā o Āperira
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Haere koutou ki te ao katoa, kauwhautia te rongopai ki ngā tāngata katoa. Māka 16:15
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa,
nā tōu aroha noa, i piki ake ai a Hoani Māka, i te hē,
i mahi pai, ki tāu i manaaki ai;
meinga mātou kia noho tonu i roto i a te Karaiti,
kia whai hua i ngā mahi pai,
hei whakahōnore i tōu ingoa.
E te Atua e kore nei e rerekē,
i te wā e pahū ake ai ki a mātou
ngā tikanga hou, ngā whakaaro hou, ngā wehi hou,
meinga mātou kia mōhio tahi me Māka te kaikauwhau,
kua ara mai te Karaiti tū tonu ai te rongopai.
Whakamoemiti ki a koe e te Atua;
ka tūtuki i a koe ngā īnoi.
Post-Communion Sentence
And Mary said, ‘From this day all generations will call me blessed; for you O Most Mighty have done great things for me, and holy is your name.’ Luke 1:48–49 (adapted)
Saint Mark the Evangelist
26 April
Sentence of the Day
Go out into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Mark 16:15
Collects of the Day
Almighty God,
by your grace John Mark rose above failure,
and proved useful in your service;
grant that we may steadfastly abide in Christ,
and be fruitful in good works,
to the honour of your name.
When new fashions, new ideas, new fears,
burst on us, unchanging God,
grant us then to know with Mark the evangelist,
that Christ is risen and the gospel stands.
Praise to you our God; you answer prayer.
Ngā Pānui
Īhaia 62:6–12Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 119:1–8 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Mahi 15:36–40Lookup Reading: NLT
Māka 13:9–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rārangi mō Muri i te Hapa
Kei te haere a Īhu i mua i a koutou ki Kariri: ko reira koutou kite ai i a ia, pērā i tāna i mea ai ki a koutou. Māka 16:7
Piripi Tapu rāua ko Hemi Tapu, Āpōtoro
te 1 o ngā rā o Mei
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ka mea a Īhu, ‘Ā, ko tā koutou e īnoi ai i runga i tōku ingoa, e meatia tēnei e ahau, kia whai korōria ai te Matua i te Tama.’ Hoani 14:13
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua Tohu,
ko te mōhio pono nei ki a koe te oranga tonutanga;
whakaakona mātou kia mōhio tūturu ki tāu Tama, a Īhu Karaiti,
ko ia hoki te huarahi, te pono, me te ora,
ā, mā te whai anō i ngā tapuwae o ngā āpōtoro, a Piripi rāua ko
kia haere mātou i ngā ara oranga tonutanga;
ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaiwhakaora.
Isaiah 62:6–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 119:1–8 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Acts 15:36–40 Lookup Reading: NLT
Mark 13:9–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Post-Communion Sentence
Jesus is going before you to Galilee; there you will see him as he told you. Mark 16:7
Saint Philip and Saint James, Apostles
1 May
Sentence of the Day
Jesus said, ‘Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.’ John 14:13
Collects of the Day
Merciful God,
whom truly to know is eternal life;
teach us to know your Son Jesus Christ
as the way, the truth and the life
that, following in the steps of your apostles Philip and James,
we may walk in the way that leads to eternal life;
through our Saviour Jesus Christ.
E te Atua, e kore āu mahi e oti,
titiro mai ki a mātou i te taha o Piripi rāua ko Hēmi,
me ngā tini mano e kore e taea te tatau,
i mahi, e mahi tonu nei māu.
E īnoi ana mātou i roto i a Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 30:18–21Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 119:9–16Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Koroniti 15:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 14:6–14Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rārangi mō Muri i te Hapa
Ka whakamoemiti anō ngā rangi, e Ihowā, ki āu mahi whakamīharo; ki tōu pono hoki i roto i te whakaminenga o te hunga tapu. Waiata 89:5
Hoani Tapu te Kaituhi rongopai
te 6 o ngā rā o Mei (rā takirua – 27 Tīhema)
Te Rārangi o te Rā
I whakakitea mai hoki te ora, ā, kite ana mātou, nā, ka whakaatu nei, ka kauwhau nei ki a koutou i te ora tonu, i tērā i te Matua i mua, ā, kua whakakitea mai nei ki a mātou. 1 Hoani 1:2
God, whose work is never done,
look on us with Philip, James,
and all the countless millions
who have served you, and who serve you still.
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Isaiah 30:18–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 119:9–16 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Corinthians 15:1–8Lookup Reading: NLT
John 14:1–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Post-Communion Sentence
O Lord the heavens proclaim your wonders; and the council of the holy ones praises your faithfulness. Psalm 89:5
Saint John the Evangelist
6 May (alternative date - 27 December)
Sentence of the Day
The life was made visible, we have seen it, and bear our testimony; we here declare to you the eternal life which dwelt with the Father and was made visible to us. 1 John 1:2
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua tō mātou Matua,
ka whakamoemiti mātou ki a koe mō Hoani, tāu kaikauwhau,
i āna tuhinga i te rongopai, ka kitea ngā mea ngaro
o te whakakikokikotanga o te Kupu;
meatia, he mea whakamārama i tāna ākoranga,
kia haere ai mātou i te ara o tōu pono,
ā, kia tae mai ki te māramatanga me te ora tonu.
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
E Īhu, te tīmatanga hou, te taro o te rangi, te wai ora,
ka rongo mātou i te kupu o te ora,
ka kite, ka mau ki te pono;
āwhinatia mātou ki te kauwhau i taua pono.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu ingoa.
Ngā Pānui
Ekoruhe 33:17–23Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 97 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Hoani 1:1–5 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 21:20–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rārangi mō Muri i te Hapa
Nā, i te whakawhirinaki ki te uma o Īhu tētahi o āna ākonga, ko tā Īhu hoki i aroha ai. Hoani 13:23
Collects of the Day
God our Father,
we praise you for John, your evangelist,
whose gospel reveals the mystery of the Word made flesh;
grant that, enlightened by his teaching,
we may walk in the way of your truth,
and finally come to the light of eternal life;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Jesus, new beginning, heavenly bread, living water,
we hear the word of life,
we see and grasp the truth;
help us to proclaim it.
Hear this prayer for your name’s sake.
Exodus 33:17–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 97 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 John 1:1–5 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 21:20–25 Lookup Reading: NLT
Post-Communion Sentence
One of his disciples, whom Jesus loved, was lying close to the breast of Jesus. John 13:23
Te Haerenga o Meri ki a Erihāpeti
te 31 o ngā rā o Mei
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kua whakateiteitia e te Ariki te hunga iti, kua whakakīa e ia te hunga mate hiakai ki ngā mea pai. Ruka 1:52–53
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua aroha tonu,
nā tōu aroha noa i tino koa ai a Irihāpeti ki a Meri
i karangatia ai ko ia te whāea o te Ariki.
Whakakīia mātou ki tōu aroha noa,
ki te whakatau, ko tāna Tama te Kaiwhakaora mō mātou,
ka harikoa ki te kotahitanga me ia.
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
E te Atua o te hunga hūmarie me te tūmanako,
manaakitia te hunga e whakapono ana i āu kupu taurangi;
āwhinatia mātou, pēra i a Meri rāua ko Irihāpeti,
kia harikoa
mō ngā mea pai katoa i whakaritea e koe mō mātou,
ki te kī, ‘Āe.’
Whakamoemiti ki a koe e te Atua;
ka tūtuki i a koe ngā īnoi.
Ngā Pānui
1 Hāmuera 2:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 113 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 12:9–16b Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 1:39–57 Lookup Reading: NLT
The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth
31 May
Sentence of the Day
The Lord has lifted up the lowly and has filled the hungry with good things. Luke 1:52–53
Collects of the Day
Everloving God,
by your grace Elizabeth rejoiced with Mary
and hailed her as the mother of the Lord.
Fill us with your grace,
that we may acclaim her Son as our Saviour
and rejoice in our fellowship with him;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
God of the humble and expectant,
you bless those who believe when you promise;
help us, like Mary and Elizabeth,
simply to delight
in the good things you prepare for us,
to say, ‘Yes.’
Praise to you our God; you answer prayer.
1 Samuel 2:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 113 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 12:9–16b Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 1:39–57 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rārangi mō Muri i te Hapa
Ka koa anō ia e whakapono ana: ka whakaritea hoki ngā mea i kōrerotia ki a ia e te Ariki. Ruka 1:45
Pānapa Tapu, te Apōtōro
te 11 o ngā rā o Hune
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Nō te taenga atu a Pānapa, ka kite i te aroha noa o te Atua, ka hari, ka whakahau i a rātou katoa kia ū te ngākau, kia piri ki te Ariki. Ngā Mahi 11:23
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa,
ka maumahara mātou i tāu pononga i a Pānapa,
i tōna koa nui hoki, ki te kauwhau i tōu aroha;
tukua mai hoki ki a mātou, te koha o tōu Wairua Tapu,
kia mōhio ētahi atu, ki te nui o āu painga,
ki te whakakaha, i te hunga ngākau iti,
me te atawhai i ngā rawakore;
i runga i te ingoa o Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
E te Wairua Tapu, māhaki hoki,
ka whakawhetai mātou ki a koe mō Pānapa
i haere ki te rapu i a Haora;
hōmai ki a mātou te ngākau tapatahi me te mārama
kia mōhio ki a ia te mea i tohua e koe.
E īnoi ana mātou i roto i a Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaiwhakaora.
Post-Communion Sentence
Blessed is she who believed that the Lord’s promise would be fulfilled. Luke 1:45
Saint Barnabas the Apostle
11 June
Sentence of the Day
When Barnabas came and saw the grace of God, he was glad; and he exhorted them all to remain faithful to the Lord with steadfast purpose. Acts 11:23
Collects of the Day
Almighty God,
we remember today your servant Barnabas,
whose great joy was to proclaim your love;
grant us also the gift of your Holy Spirit,
to bring others to know your goodness,
to encourage the faint hearted
and to minister to those in need;
in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
Holy and humble Spirit,
we thank you for Barnabas
who went to seek for Saul;
grant us the integrity and perception
to recognise the one you choose.
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Ngā Pānui
Hopa 29:11–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 98Lookup Reading: ANZPB
Ngā Mahi 11:19–26Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 15:12–17Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rārangi mō Muri i te Hapa
He tangata pai hoki a Pānapa, kī tonu i te Wairua Tapu, i te whakapono. Ngā Mahi 11:24
Hoani Kaiiriiri
te 24 o ngā rā o Hune
Te Rārangi o te Rā
I tonoa mai he tangata e te Atua, ko Hoani tōna ingoa. I haere mai ia hei kaiwhakaatu, hei whakaatu mō te mārama. Hoani 1:6–7
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua, tō mātou kaha, me tō mātou tūmanako,
hōmai ki a mātou he wairua toa o Hoani Kaiiriiri,
kia ū tonu hoki ā mātou kōrero i te pono,
ka whai māiatanga kia peia te kino
kia manawanui ai mō te take o te pono;
i runga i te ingoa o Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Job 29:11–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 98 Lookup Reading: ANZPB
Acts 11:19–26 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 15:12–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Post-Communion Sentence
Barnabas was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith. Acts 11:24
Saint John the Baptist
24 June
Sentence of the Day
There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came to bear witness to the light. John 1:6–7
Collects of the Day
God our strength and our hope,
grant us the courage of John the Baptist,
constantly to speak the truth,
boldly to rebuke vice
and patiently to suffer for the truth’s sake;
in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.
E te Atua kaha rawa,
na tāu pononga a Hoani i kauwhau
te mataku, te turakitanga, te riri kei te haere mai,
kia tae mai ai mātou ki te rīpenetā;
whakapuaretia ō mātou kanohi,
whakaaria mai ō mātou hara, kia murua atu.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Ihāia 49:1–6 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 139:1–11 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Mahi 13:(16–)22–26 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 1:57–66, 80 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rārangi mō Muri i te Hapa
E haere hoki koe i te aroaro o te Ariki, hei whakapai i ōna ara, hei whakamātau i tāna iwi ki te ora. Ruka 1:76–77
Pita Tapu rāua ko Paora, ngā Apōtōro i
Patua mō te Whakapono
te 29 o ngā rā o Hune
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ā, hōmai ana e ia ko ētahi hei āpōtoro; ko ētahi hei poropiti; ko ētahi hei kaikauwhau i te rongopai; ko ētahi hei hēpara, hei kaiwhakaako; kia tino rite ai te hunga tapu mō te mahi minita, mō te hanga i te whare, arā, i te tinana o te Karaiti. Epeha 4:11–12
Terror and doom, and wrath to come,
John your herald preached
to bring us to repentance;
open our eyes, almighty God,
show us our sin,
and grant us forgiveness.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Isaiah 49:1–6 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 139:1–11 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Act 13:(16–)22–26 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 1:57–66, 80 Lookup Reading: NLT
Post-Communion Sentence
You will go before the Lord to prepare the way, to give God’s people knowledge of salvation. Luke 1:76–77
Saint Peter and Saint Paul, Apostles, Martyrs
29 June
Sentence of the Day
His gifts were that some should be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, for the equipment of the saints, for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ. Ephesians 4:11–12
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa,
ka whakawhetai mātou ki a koe mō Pita rāua ko Paora, āu pononga,
ngā kaiarahi o tāu Hāhi i whakamatea nei mō tōu ingoa;
whakakīa mātou ki tōu Wairua pērā i a rāua
kia whai ake mātou i te ara o Īhu Karaiti
i manawanui ana ia ki te rīpeka,
whakahāweatia ana ki te whakamā,
nā, kua noho i tōu ringa matau,
āianei, ā, mō ake tonu atu.
E te Atua o ngā mea hou me ngā mea tāwhito,
ka whakamoemiti mātou ki a koe mō Pita rāua ko Paora,
i ta rāua arahitanga i tū ai te Hāhi me ōna tikanga
i hōmaitia nei e rāua;
meinga mātou, kia pērā i a rāua,
kia mōhio mātou ki te wā o te haerenga mai
me te whiriwhiri mōu.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
E te Atua o te aroha noa,
i hangāia tāu Hāhi o te whakapono o Pita;
meinga mātou, kia rite ki a ia, i murua, i whakaorahia,
ka raupatuhia ō mātou ngoikoretanga
e kore e takahuirangi ā mātou mahi ki a koe,
ā, mō ake tonu atu.
Ngā Pānui
Ngā Mahi 12:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 34:1–10 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Tīmoti 4:6–18 ko 4:6-8, 17–18 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 16:13–19 Lookup Reading: NLT
Collects of the Day
Almighty God,
we thank you for your servants Peter and Paul,
leaders of your Church and martyrs for your name;
fill us like them with your Spirit
that we may follow in the way of Jesus Christ
who endured the cross,
despising the shame,
and is at your right hand,
now and for ever.
God of the new and the old,
we praise you for Peter and Paul,
for the Church their leadership has established,
and for all we have received from them;
grant that we, like them,
may recognise our moment when it comes
and choose for you.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
God of grace,
your Church is built on Peter’s faith;
grant that we, like him, forgiven and restored,
may overcome our weakness
and serve you without wavering,
now and for ever.
Acts 12:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 34:1-10 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Timothy 4:6–18 or 4:6-8, 17–18 Lookup Reading:
Matthew 16:13–19 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rārangi mō Muri i te Hapa
Nā te kaha o te Atua ko Paora te kaimahi ki ngā tauiwi, e rite ana i a Pita hei āpōtoro ki te kotinga. Karatia 2:8 (takatū)
Tamati Tapu, te Apōtōro
te 3 o ngā rā o Hūrae (rā takirua – 21 Tīhema)
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ka mea a Īhu ki a ia, ’Nō tōu kitenga i ahau, i whakapono ai koe, e Tamati: ka koa te hunga kāhore i kite, ā, kua whakapono.’ Hoani 20:29
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa, ora tonu,
i ngākau ruarua te āpōtoro a Tamati ki te aranga ake o tāu Tama;
ahakoa kāhore mātou e kite i a Īhu,
meinga kia oho mātou ki te tino whakawhirinaki ki a ia,
tō mātou Ariki, tō mātou Atua.
E te Karaiti tō mātou māramatanga,
pērā i a Tamati, e hiahia ana mātou kia kite, kia pā,
kia taea te mōhio tūturu i mua i tō mātou whakapono.
I ā mātou kuwaretanga, āwhinatia mātou ki te pono;
i a mātou e pura ana, āwhinatia mātou kia haere tonu.
Whakamoemiti ki a koe e te Atua;
ka tūtuki i a koe ngā īnoi.
Post-Communion Sentence
By God’s power Paul was made an apostle to the Gentiles, just as Peter was made an apostle to the Jews. Galatians 2:8 (adapted)
Saint Thomas, Apostle, Martyr
3 July (alternative date - 21 December)
Sentence of the Day
Jesus said to Thomas, ‘Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe.’ John 20:29
Collects of the Day
Almighty and everliving God,
your Son’s resurrection was doubted
by the apostle Thomas;
grant that though we cannot see Jesus,
we may learn to put our whole trust in him,
our Lord and our God.
Christ our light,
like Thomas we need to see,
need to touch,
need to be sure before we believe.
When we don’t know, help us to trust;
when we can’t see, help us to keep on walking.
Praise to you our God; you answer prayer.
Ngā Pānui
Hapakuku 2:1–4 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 117 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Epeha 2:19–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 20:24–29 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rārangi mō Muri i te Hapa
Kātahi a Īhu ka mea ki a Tamati, ’Totoro mai tōu matihao, kia kite hoki koe i ōku ringa; totoro mai hoki tōu ringa, ka kuhu ki tōku kaokao: aua e whakateka, engari, me whakapono.’ Hoani 20:27
Meri Makarini Tapu
te 22 o ngā rā o Hūrae
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ka mea a Īhu ki a Meri, ‘Haere ki ōku tēina, ka mea atu ki a rātou, “Ka kake ahau ki tōku Matua, ki tō koutou Matua: ki tōku Atua, ki tō koutou Atua.”’ Hoani 20:17
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua atawhai,
nā tāu Tama i whakaora a Meri Makarini ki te oranga
o te tinana me te hinengaro
ka karanga ki a ia hei kaiwhakaatu
o tōna aranga ake i te mate;
whakaorangia mātou me te whakahou i a mātou
kia mahi mātou mōu
i runga i te kaha o tōna aranga ki te oranga.
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Habakkuk 2:1–4 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 117 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ephesians 2:19–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 20:24–29 Lookup Reading: NLT
Post-Communion Sentence
Jesus said to Thomas, ‘Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side; do not be faithless, but believing.’ John 20:27
Saint Mary Magdalene
22 July
Sentence of the Day
Jesus said to Mary, ‘Go to my friends and say to them, “I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.”’ John 20:17
Collects of the Day
Merciful God,
your Son restored Mary Magdalene to health
of body and mind
and called her to be a witness
of his resurrection;
heal us and make us whole
that we may serve you
in the power of his risen life;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
E Īhu te Kaiwhakaora,
tino reka tōu whakahoanga;
i whakaāe koe ki a Meri,
i whāia koe e Meri ki te take o te rīpeka,
i tūtaki koe i a Meri i te kāri;
hōmai ki a mātou hei whakaoranga e rite ana.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu ingoa.
Ngā Pānui
Te Waiata o Horomona 3:1–4a Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 63Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Koriniti 5:14–17(–21) Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 20:1–18 ko 20:1-2,11–18 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rārangi mō Muri i te Hapa
Ka mea a Īhu ki a ia, ‘E Meri.’ Ka tahuri atu tērā, ka mea ki a ia, ‘E Rāponi;’ ko te tikanga tēnei, e te Kaiwhakaako. Hoani 20:16
Hēmi Tapu rāua ko Hone Tapu, ngā Apōtōro
te 25 o ngā rā o Hūrae
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ka mea a Īhu, ’Ko tā koutou i te ao nei, he mamate: otirā, kia māia; kua taea e ahau te ao.’ Hoani 16:33b
Sweet is your friendship, Saviour Christ;
Mary you accepted,
Mary you drew to the foot of the cross,
Mary you met in the garden;
grant us a like redemption.
Hear this prayer for your name’s sake.
Song of Solomon 3:1–4a Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 63 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Corinthians 5:14–17(–21) Lookup Reading: NLT
John 20:1–2, 11–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Post-Communion Sentence
Jesus said to her, ‘Mary!’ She turned and said to him in Hebrew, ‘Rabbouni!’ (which means Teacher). John 20:16
Saint James and Saint John, Apostles
25 July
Sentence of the Day
Jesus said, ‘In the world you have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.’ John 16:33b
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua atawhai,
tukuna mai ki a mātou,
inā rā, i mahue tō rāua matua e Hēmi rāua ko Hoani,
me ā rāua taonga katoa
ki te whai i muri i tāu Tama i a Īhu Karaiti,
whakawātea mātou, ki te whai atu,
ahakoa ki te mate,
ki te korōria o tōu ingoa.
E te Karaiti tō mātou oranga, tukuna ki a mātou,
te māia o āu hoa a Hēmi rāua ko Hoani,
kia tutuki ki tōu iriiri,
kia inu te kapu i inumia e koe,
kia whai atu i a koe, ahakoa ki te wāhi i mate ai koe.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu ingoa.
Ēnei īnoi ka taea me whakakore te ingoa o Hoani.
Ngā Pānui
Heremaia 45:1–5Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 126 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Koriniti 4:7–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 20:20–28Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rārangi mō Muri i te Hapa
Ka mea a Īhu ki a rāua, ‘E inu anō kōrua i tāku kapu, ko te noho ia ki tōku matau, ki tōku mauī, ehara i ahau māna e hoatu, engari, ka riro i te hunga i whakaritea nei e tōku Matua mō rātou.’ Matiu 20:23
Collects of the Day
Grant to us, merciful God,
that as James and John left their father
and all that they had
to follow your Son Jesus Christ,
so may we be ready to follow,
even unto death,
to the glory of your name.
Grant us, Christ our life,
the courage of James and John, your friends,
to undergo your baptism,
to drink the cup you drank,
to follow you, even to the place of death.
Hear this prayer for your name’s sake.
These collects may be used omitting the references to John.
Jeremiah 45:1–5 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 126 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Corinthians 4:7–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 20:20–28 Lookup Reading: NLT
Post-Communion Sentence
Jesus said to them, ‘You will drink my cup, but to sit at my right hand and at my left is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared by my Father.’ Matthew 20:23
Tipene Tapu, te tuatahi o rātou i patua mō
te Whakapono
te 3 o ngā rā o Ākuhata (rā takirua – 26 Tīhema)
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ā, ka mea Tepene, ‘Nanā, e kite ana ahau ko ngā rangi e tūhāhā ana, ā, ko te Tama a te tangata e tū ana i te ringa matau o te Atua.’ Ngā Mahi 7:56
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua atawhai,
hōmai tōu aroha noa, mō ō mātou mamae, mō te pono,
ki te whai atu i te tauira
o tāu pononga a Tipene, i patua mō te whakapono,
meinga anō hoki mātou anō kia titiro ki a ia kua rīpekatia
me te īnoi anō mō rātou e tūkinotia nei i a mātou.
ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaihoko.
E Īhu,
kāhore tōu korōria i roto i te kaha anake
engari nui ake i roto i te mamaetanga me te mate;
meinga mā te whakakitenga a Tipene
hei tikitiki mō ō mātou māhunga, ā, kia mau ki te pono;
mō te korōria o tōu ingoa tapu.
Saint Stephen, the first Christian Martyr
3 August (alternative date - 26 December)
Sentence of the Day
Stephen said, ‘I can see heaven open, and the Son of man standing at the right hand of God.’ Acts 7:56
Collects of the Day
Merciful God,
give us grace in all our sufferings for the truth
to follow the example
of your martyr Stephen,
that we also may look to him who was crucified
and pray for those who persecute us;
through Jesus Christ our Redeemer.
your glory is not in power alone
but even more in suffering and death;
may Stephen’s vision
crown our resolution and keep us true;
for the glory of your holy name.
Ngā Pānui
2 Ngā Whakapapa 24:17–22Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 31:1–8 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Mahi 6:8–10; 7:54–60Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 10:17–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rārangi mō Muri i te Hapa
Ā, ko Tepene, kī tonu i te whakapono, i te mana, nui atu ngā merekara me ngā tohu i meatia e ia i roto i te iwi. Ngā Mahi 6:8
Te Whakaahuakētanga o te Tama aroha
te 6 o ngā rā o Ākuhata
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kotahi tāku mea i inoi ai i a Ihowā, ko tāku tēnā e rapu ai: kia noho i te whare o Ihowā i ngā rā katoa e ora ai ahau, kia kite ai i te ātaahua o Ihowā, kia ui ai i roto i tōna temepara. Waiata 27:4–5
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E Īhu, kua nui atu āu tika i ngā tikanga tawhito,
kua piri tahi tōu mātauranga ki ngā poropititanga matakite;
meinga mātou kia koa nāhau mātou,
me te whai atu i a koe ki Hiruhārama.
mō te korōria o tōu ingoa tapu.
2 Chronicles 24:17–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 31:1–8 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Acts 6:8–10; 7:54–60Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 10:17–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
Post-Communion Sentence
Stephen, full of grace and power, did great wonders and signs among the people. Acts 6:8
The Transfiguration of the Beloved Son
6 August
Sentence of the Day
One thing I have asked of the Lord, which I long for: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on your beauty O Lord: and to seek you in your temple. Psalm 27:4–5
Collects of the Day
Jesus, your justice goes beyond the ancient law,
your wisdom embodies all prophetic insight;
make us glad to be yours,
and able to follow you to Jerusalem;
for the glory of your holy name.
E te Atua o te ora me te korōria,
i whakakitea nei tāu Tama i runga i te korōria
i mua i tōna whakamamaetanga i runga i te rīpeka;
meinga mātou, kua kite nei i tōna tino nui
kia whakakahangia ki te aru i a ia,
ā, kia whakarerekētia kia rite ki tōna korōriatanga;
ko ia e ora ana, e kīngi tahi ana me koe me te Wairua Tapu,
kotahi anō Atua, ināianei, ā, mō ake tonu atu.
E te Atua o te korōria,
nāu i hoatu te whakakitenga o tāu Tama
ki a rātou i tatari i runga i te maunga;
meinga mā tā mātou whāiro i a ia
kia whakaahua kētia mātou kia rite ki tōna āhua korōria;
ko ia e ora ana, e kīngi tahi ana me koe me te Wairua Tapu,
kotahi anō Atua, ināianei, ā, mō ake tonu atu.
Ngā Pānui
Ekoruhe 24:12–18 ko 34:29–35 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 97Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Pita 1:16–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 9:28–36Lookup Reading: NLT
Meri Tapu, te Whaea o Īhu
te 15 o ngā rā o Ākuhata
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Nā, ko tōna haerenga ki roto ki a ia, ka mea, ‘Tēnā koe, e te wahine kua manakohia nei.’ Ruka 1:28a
God of life and glory,
your Son was revealed in splendour
before he suffered death upon the cross;
grant that we, beholding his majesty,
may be strengthened to follow him
and be changed into his likeness from glory to glory;
for he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God now and for ever.
God of glory,
you gave the vision of your Son
to those who watched on the mountain;
grant that by our glimpses of him
we may be changed into his glorious likeness;
for he is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God for ever.
Exodus 24:12–18 or 34:29–35 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 97Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Peter 1:16–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 9:28–36 Lookup Reading: NLT
Saint Mary, the Mother of Jesus
15 August
Sentence of the Day
The Angel Gabriel came to her and said, ‘Hail, O favoured one!’ Luke 1:28a
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua aroha,
nāu nei i tohu a Meri puhi tapu
hei whaea mō tāu Tama kotahi;
tukua mātou i hokona nei mā ōna toto,
kia whai wāhi me ia ki te korōria o tōu rangatiratanga
i roto pū i a Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
E Īhu, e whakamīharo ana mō tōu whānautanga
me tōu whaea te mea wahine i manaakitia o ngā wā katoa.
Āwhinatia mātou katoa e whakapono nei ki a koe
ki te whakahōnore tōrite tētahi ki tētahi,
ahakoa he wahine he tāne,
ahakoa he aha ka taea e mātou,
ahakoa he aha ō mātou tūnga tangata;
ki te hōnore ki tōu ingoa tapu.
Ngā Pānui
Ihāia 7:10–15Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 132:6–10, 13–14 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Karatia 4:4–7Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 1:46–55 ko 2:1–7 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rārangi mō Muri i te Hapa
Tēnā koe, e te wahine kua manakohia nei; kei a koe te Ariki! Ka tae te Wairua Tapu ki runga ki a koe. Ruka 1:28, 35
Collects of the Day
God of love,
you chose the blessed virgin Mary
to be the mother of your only Son;
grant that we who have been redeemed by his blood,
may share with her the glory of your eternal kingdom;
through the same Jesus Christ our Lord.
Jesus, your birth is wonderful
and your mother is the most beloved woman of all time.
Help all of us who believe in you
to honour each other equally,
whatever our gender,
whatever our ability,
whatever our social state may be;
to the honour of your holy name.
Isaiah 7:10–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 132:6–10, 13–14 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Galatians 4:4–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 1:46–55 or 2:1–7Lookup Reading: NLT
Post-Communion Sentence
Hail, O favoured one, the Lord is with you! The Holy Spirit will come upon you. Luke 1:28, 35
Patoromu Tapu, te Apōtōro
te 24 o ngā rā o Ākuhata
Te Rārangi o te Rā
He teka hoki ko mātou te kauwhautia nei e mātou, engari, ko Karaiti Īhu hei Ariki, ā, ko mātou nei hei pononga mā koutou, he whakaaro ki a Īhu. 2 Koriniti 4:5
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa,
i te mea i whakapono tika, i kauwhautia
te kupu o te ora e Patoromu te āpōtoro,
kia rongo tonu kia kauwhautia ai hoki e tāu Hāhi
i te rongopai a Īhu Karaiti,
ki te hōnore ki tōu ingoa tapu.
E te Ariki, ūhia mai ki a mātou,
te manaaki o te ngākau pono me te ngākau māhorahora
i hoatu e koe ki a Patoromu;
kia mōhio ai ō mātou ngākau mahara ki te whakahaere tikanga
me te whakapono tūturu i roto i tāu Tama i a Īhu Karaiti.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu aroha.
Saint Bartholomew (Nathanael), Apostle
24 August
Sentence of the Day
What we preach is not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, with ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake. 2 Corinthians 4:5
Collects of the Day
Almighty God,
grant that as the apostle Bartholomew truly believed
and preached the word of life,
so now your Church may continually hear and proclaim
the gospel of Jesus Christ,
to the glory of your name.
Bestow upon us, Lord,
the grace of the honest and open heart
which you gave to Bartholomew,
so that we may rightly discern the truth
and willingly believe in your Son Jesus Christ.
Hear this prayer for your love’s sake.
Ngā Pānui
Tiuteronomi 18:15–18Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 145:10–18 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Whakakitenga 21:9b–14Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 1:45–51Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rārangi mō Muri i te Hapa
Ka kite a Īhu i a Natanahira e haere ana mai ki a ia, ka puaki tāna kupu mōna, ‘Nā, he tino tangata nō Īharaira, kāhore ōna tinihanga.’ Hoani 1:47
Ngā Kaiwhakaū o te Hāhi Mihinare ki
Aotearoa ki Niu Tireni, ki ngā Moutere
o te Moana Nui a Kiwa
te 1 o ngā rā o Hepetema
Te Rārangi o te Rā
E Ihowā, kia mahara ki āu mahi tohu, ki āu mahi aroha; nōnamata riro hoki ēnā. Waiata 25:5
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua ora tonu,
kua kawea e āu karere te rongopai o te Karaiti
ki tēnei pito whakamutunga o te ao;
meinga mātou e maumahara nei
ngā kaiwhakaū o tāu Hāhi i ēnei motu
ka mōhio pū ki te pono o te rongopai i roto i ō mātou ngākau
ā, kia pai te hanga ki runga ake i ngā tūranga i whakatakotohia e
ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Deuteronomy 18:15–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 145:10–18 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Revelation 21:9b–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 1:45–51 Lookup Reading: NLT
Post-Communion Sentence
When Jesus saw Nathanael he said, ‘Here is a true Israelite, in whom there is nothing false!’ John 1:47
Builders of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia
1 September
Sentence of the Day
Call to remembrance O Lord your tender care and the unfailing love which you have shown from of old. Psalm 25:5
Collects of the Day
Everlasting God,
your messengers have carried the good news of Christ
to the ends of the earth;
grant that we who commemorate
the builders of your Church in these islands
may know the truth of the gospel in our hearts
and build well on the foundations they have laid;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
E te Atua o ngā whakatupuranga katoa
i te wā o mua me te wā e heke mai nei,
ka whakamoemiti, ka whakawhetai ki a koe
mō rātou kua hanga nei kua waihangatia anō hoki
tāu Hāhi i raro i Māhutonga [te Taki-o-Autahi,
te Punga-a-Tamarēreti, rānei];
whakaarahia ake i roto i ō mātou rā ngā poropiti me ngā kaititiro
kia haria mai ki a mātou he mātau hou, he taki hou
me te whakahou i ā mātou whakamanawatanga ki a koe
me te rongopai o tāu Tama,
tō mātou Kaiwhakaora a Īhu Karaiti.
Ngā Pānui
Hiraka 44:1–15 Lookup Reading: RV
ko Whakatauki 8:1–13 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 126; 145 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Koriniti 3:11–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 5:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rārangi mō Muri i te Hapa
Ko tō koutou haerenga mai ki a ia ki te kōhatu ora, ka hangā hoki koutou, ānō he kōhatu ora hei whare, arā, hei mea wairua. 1 Pita 2:4–6 (takatū)
God of every generation
that has been and is yet to be,
we praise and thank you
for those who have served and shaped
your Church beneath the Southern Cross;
in our day raise up prophets and visionaries
to bring us new insights, new challenges
and renewed confidence in you and the gospel of your Son,
our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Sirach 44:1–15 Lookup Reading: RV
or Proverbs 8:1–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 126; 145 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Corinthians 3:11–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 5:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Post-Communion Sentence
Come to him, our living stone; come and let yourselves be built as living stones into a spiritual temple. 1 Peter 2:4–6 (adapted)
Te Rā o te Rīpeka Tapu
te 14 o ngā rā o Hepetema
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ki ahau ia kaua rawa he whakamanamana, ko te rīpeka anake o tō tātou Ariki, o Īhu Karaiti, i rīpekatia ai te ao ki ahau, me ahau hoki ki te ao. Karatia 6:14
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa,
i te mamaetanga o tāu Tama aroha
i whakaritea e koe te taputapu o te mate kino
hei whakaatunga mō mātou hei whāinga i te mauri ora;
meinga mātou kia whakakorōria i roto i te rīpeka o te Karaiti
kia mamae koa ai mātou mō tōna take,
kua ora ia, e kīngi tahi nei me koe me te Wairua Tapu,
kotahi Atua mō ake tonu atu.
E Īhu, kua rīpekatia nei, kua ara hoki,
i hurihia e koe te rīpeka o te tangata hara
hei tohu o te wetekanga me te maungārongo.
Meinga mātou kua tohia ki te rīpeka
kia kore e whakamā ki te whakaatu mōu;
mō te korōria o tōu ingoa tapu.
Ngā Pānui
Tauānga 21:4b–9Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 98:1–5 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
ko Waiata 78:1–2, 34–38 rānei Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Koriniti 1:18–24Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 3:13–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Holy Cross Day
14 September
Sentence of the Day
We should glory in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world is crucified to us and we to the world. Galatians 6:14
Collects of the Day
Almighty God,
in the passion of your blessed Son
you made an instrument of shameful death
to be for us the means of life;
grant us so to glory in the cross of Christ
that we may gladly suffer for his sake,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God now and for ever.
Jesus, crucified and risen,
you have turned a criminal’s cross
into release and reconciliation.
Let us who are marked with the cross
be not ashamed to witness to you;
for the glory of your holy name.
Numbers 21:4b–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 98:1–5 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
or Psalm 78:1–2, 34–38 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Corinthians 1:18–24 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 3:13–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rārangi mō Muri i te Hapa
Ka mea a Īhu, ‘Ā, ki te whakairihia ake ahau ki runga ake i te whenua, māku ngā tāngata katoa e kukume ki ahau.’ Hoani 12:32
Matiu Tapu te Kaituhi Rongopai
te 21 o ngā rā o Hepetema
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Nā reira haere, meinga hei ākonga ngā iwi katoa, iriiria, ākona rātou kia mau ki ngā mea katoa i whakahaua e ahau ki a koutou. Matiu 28:19–20
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua aroha ora tonu,
i roto i tāu Tama i a Īhu Karaiti
nāu a Matiu i karanga i tōna wāhi mahi,
hei āpōtoro hei kaikauwhau anō hoki;
whakawātea mātou i ngā mea apo katoa me te aroha kaiapo ki te
kia whai atu mātou i ngā tapuwae o Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaihoko.
E Īhu, te Kupu a te Atua,
meinga mātou kia rongo i tāu karanga
kia parea atu te mahi koi me te aroha kore;
engari, kia pērā me Matiu, kia aroha
te katoa o rātou i noho tahi, i mahi tahi ai;
mō te korōria o tōu ingoa tapu.
Post-Communion Sentence
Jesus said, ‘When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all people to myself.’ John 12:32
Saint Matthew, Apostle, Evangelist
21 September
Sentence of the Day
Go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them, and teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. Matthew 28:19–20
Collects of the Day
Gracious and eternal God,
through your Son Jesus Christ
you called Matthew from his place of business
to be an apostle and evangelist;
free us from all greed and selfish love of money
that we may follow in the steps of Jesus Christ our Redeemer.
Jesus, Word of God, may we hear your call
to lay aside sharp practices and ruthlessness;
and still, like Matthew, to love
all those with whom we live and work;
for the glory of your holy name.
Ngā Pānui
Whakatauki 3:1–6 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 19:1–6 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Epeha 4:1–14 ko 4:1–7, 11–13 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 9:9–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rārangi mō Muri i te Hapa
Ko te Atua hoki nāna nei i kī te mārama kia whiti i roto i te pōuri, kua whiti ki roto ki ō mātou ngākau, hei hōmai i te mārama o te mātauranga o te korōria o te Atua i te mata o Īhu Karaiti. 2 Koriniti 4:6
Mikaera Tapu rātou ko Ngā Anahera Katoa
te 29 o ngā rā o Hepetema
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Nā, i kite ahau, i rongo hoki ahau i te reo o ngā anahera maha i ngā taha katoa o te torōna, o ngā mea ora hoki, o ngā kaumātua: nā, ko tō rātou tokomaha kei ngā mano tekau mano tekau, me ngā mano mano. Whakakitenga 5:11
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa, ora tonu,
e koropiko atu nei mātou me ngā anahera katoa,
kia hari tonu mātou mō āu tiakitanga o te rangi
ā, kia mahi pono mātou ki a koe i tēnei oranga.
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
Proverbs 3:1–6 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 19:1–6 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ephesians 4:1–14 or 4:1-7, 11–13Lookup Reading:
Matthew 9:9–13 Lookup Reading: NLT
Post-Communion Sentence
For it is the God who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6
Saint Michael and All Angels
29 September
Sentence of the Day
I looked, and heard around the throne and the living creatures and the elders the voice of many angels, numbering myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands. Revelation 5:11
Collects of the Day
Almighty and everlasting God,
whom we adore with all the angelic host,
may we always rejoice in your heavenly protection
and serve you faithfully in this present life;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
E Īhu, meinga mātou āu karere,
hei kaitiaki o tōu whakapono,
hōmai ki a mātou anō hoki tērā kitenga nui o onamata
a Mikaera,
me ngā anahera tē taea te tatau
te rōpu kōrekoreko i te rangi
kia haere tahi mātou me te hihiri mō ngā wā katoa.
ki te korōria o tōu ingoa tapu.
Rāniera 7:9–14 ko 7:9–10, 13–14 rāneiLookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 103:15–22 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Whakakitenga 12:7–12a Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 1:45–51 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rārangi mō Muri i te Hapa
Whakapaingia a Ihowā, e āna anahera, e hira nei te kaha, e whakarite nei i tāna kupu, e whakarongo nei ki tōna reo ina kōrero. Waiata 103:20
Ruka Tapu te Kaituhi Rongopai
te 18 o ngā rā o Oketopa
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Anō te āhuareka o ngā waewae i runga i ngā maunga o te kaikawe i te rongo pai, e kauwhau ana i te maunga rongo. Ihāia 52:7
Make us your messengers, Jesus,
make us the guardians of your faith,
and grant us also that great and ancient vision
numberless angels
the dazzling host of heaven
to accompany and inspire us for all time;
to the glory of your holy name.
Daniel 7:9–14 or 7:9–10, 13–14 Lookup Reading:
Psalm 103:15–22 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Revelation 12:7–12a Lookup Reading: NLT
John 1:45–51 Lookup Reading: NLT
Post-Communion Sentence
O praise the Lord all you angels, you mighty ones who do God’s bidding; and heed the command of the Most High. Psalm 103:20
Saint Luke the Evangelist
18 October
Sentence of the Day
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good tidings of salvation. Isaiah 52:7
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa,
i whakahihiritia e koe a Ruka te rata, kia kauwhau
te aroha me te mana whakaora o tāu Tama;
hōmai ki tāu Hāhi he aroha noa mai i āna whakaakonga
kia whakakahangia te hunga i tūkinotia,
kia whakaorangia te hunga mokemoke
kia tākaia anō hoki te ngākau marū;
ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
E Īhu, kua rīpekatia nei,
kaua e tukua ō mātou waewae kia karo i ngā mamaetanga
ki tērā atu taha o te huarahi;
whakamaua mātou, pērā me Ruka,
kaiāwhina, kaiwhakaora hei kawe i te tūmanako.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu ingoa.
Heremaia 8:22–9:3 Lookup Reading: NLT
ko Hiraka 38:1–14 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 145:10–18Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Tīmoti 4:9–17aLookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 10:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rārangi mō Muri i te Hapa
Nā, ka whakahoki a Īhu, ka mea ki a rātou, ‘Kāhore he aha o ngā tāngata ora e meatia ai e te rata, engari, o te hunga e mate ana. Kīhai ahau i haere mai ki te karanga i te hunga tika, engari, i te hunga hara, kia rīpenetā.’ Ruka 5:31
Collects of the Day
Almighty God,
you inspired Luke the physician to proclaim
the love and healing power of your Son;
give your Church grace through his teaching
to strengthen the afflicted,
heal the desolate
and bind up the broken-hearted;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Jesus, the crucified,
let not our feet take us from suffering
to the other side of the road;
keep us, with Luke,
helpers, healers and bearers of hope.
Hear this prayer for your name’s sake.
Jeremiah 8:22–9:3 Lookup Reading: NLT
or Sirach 38:1–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 145:10–18 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Timothy 4:9–17aLookup Reading: NLT
Luke 10:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Post-Communion Sentence
Jesus said, ‘Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick; I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.’ Luke 5:31
Hēmi Tapu o Hiruhārama
te 23 o ngā rā o Oketopa
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Nā, anō te pai, anō te āhuareka o te nohoanga o ngā tēina, o ngā tuākana i runga i te whakaaro kotahi! Waiata 133:1
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua,
tukua mātou kia whai atu i te tauira o tāu pononga a Hēmi,
te tēina o tō mātou Ariki,
meinga tāu Hāhi kia mahi tonu
i ngā īnoi me te hohou rongo
mō te katoa o rātou e noho āhua rerekē, tautohetohe hoki;
ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
E te Atua o te whakakitenga me te whakahou,
ka whakawhetai mātou ki a koe mō Hēmi
me tōna whakatahuri mai i te whakaponokore
kia mōhio ai ki a Īhu, tāna tuakana, hei Kaiwhakaora,
ā, kia mate hoki mō tōna whakapono.
Meinga mātou e hē ana,
kia tahuri atu, kia tika ai tā mātou whakawhirinaki ki a koe,
ki te hōnore o tōu ingoa tapu.
Saint James of Jerusalem,
Brother of our Lord
23 October
Sentence of the Day
How good and pleasant a thing it is when God’s people live together in unity. Psalm 133:1
Collects of the Day
Grant, O God,
that following the example of your servant James,
the brother of our Lord,
your Church may give itself continually
to prayer and to the reconciliation
of all who are at variance and enmity;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
God of revelation and reform,
we thank you for James
and his change from unbelief
to knowing Jesus, his brother, as Saviour,
and dying for his faith.
Grant that when we are wrong
we may trust you enough to change.
to the honour of your holy name.
Ngā Pānui
Kēnehi 33:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 119:65–72 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ngā Mahi 15:12–22a Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 13:53–58 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rārangi mō Muri i te Hapa
Muri iho ka whakakite ki a Hēmi; muri iho ki ngā āpōtoro katoa. 1 Koriniti 15:7
Haimona Tapu rāua ko Hura Tapu,
ngā Apōtōro
te 28 o ngā rā o Oketopa
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ko koutou ia he iwi whiriwhiri, he tohungatanga kīngi, he iwi tapu, he iwi kua riro pū mai mā te Atua; hei whakapuaki i ngā pai o te kaikaranga i a koutou i roto i te pōuri ki tōna mārama whakamīharo. 1 Pita 2:9
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua Kaha rawa,
i hangaia nei tāu Hāhi ki runga i te kaupapa
o ngā āpōtoro me ngā poropiti
ko te Karaiti ko tō mātou Ariki nei te kāmaka o te kokonga;
meinga mātou kua whakakotahitia me rātou i te whakapono me
te aroha
hei wāhi mō taua temepara ora
i hangaia nei mō tōu korōria,
āianei, ā, mō ake tonu atu.
Genesis 33:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 119:65–72 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Acts 15:12–22a Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 13:53–58 Lookup Reading: NLT
Post-Communion Sentence
The risen Christ appeared to James, then to all the apostles. 1 Corinthians 15:7
Saint Simon and Saint Jude, Apostles
28 October
Sentence of the Day
You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s own people, that you may declare the wonderful deeds of the one who called you out of darkness into God’s marvelous light. 1 Peter 2:9
Collects of the Day
Almighty God,
your Church is built on the foundation
of the apostles and prophets
with Christ our Lord as the cornerstone;
grant that, united with them in faith and love,
we may be part of that living temple
which is being built to your glory,
now and for ever.
E Īhu te Karaiti,
he kāinga tōu Hāhi,
mō ngā tangata pērā me Hūrā rāua ko Haimona,
hei pōwhiri mō te manene,
hei tūmanako mō te tūmanakokore,
hei whakaritenga mō te mawehe.
Kia whakahīhī mātou i a rātou kua karangatia nei e koe hei hoa.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu ingoa.
Ngā Pānui
Tiuteronomi 32:1–4Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 19:1–6Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Epeha 2:(11–)19–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 6:12–16Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rārangi mō Muri i te Hapa
Ko koutou ia, e ngā hoa aroha, hangā ake koutou hei whare ki runga ki tō koutou whakapono tapu rawa, me te inoi anō i roto i te Wairua Tapu. Hūrā 20
Te Rā o te Hunga Tapu Katoa
te 1 o ngā rā o Noema
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Kia whakamāramatia ngā kanohi o tō koutou hinengaro; kia mātau ai koutou ki te mea o tāna karanga e tūmanakohia atu nei, ki te korōria nui hoki o tōna taonga i roto i te hunga tapu, ki te nui whakaharahara hoki o tōna kaha ki a tātou ki te hunga e whakapono nei, i runga i te mahinga a te mana o tōna kaha. Epeha 1:18–19
Your Church, Christ Jesus,
is home for the Judes and Simons,
recognition for the unregarded,
hope for the hopeless,
fulfilment for the obscure.
Make us proud of those whom you call friend.
Hear this prayer for your name’s sake.
Deuteronomy 32:1–4Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 19:1–6Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ephesians 2:(11–)19–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 6:12–16Lookup Reading: NLT
Post-Communion Sentence
But you, my friends, must build yourselves up on the foundation of your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit. Jude 20
All Saints’ Day
1 November
Sentence of the Day
Know what is the hope to which God has called you, what are the riches of the glorious inheritance in the saints, and what is the immeasurable greatness of God’s power in us who believe. Ephesians 1:18–19
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua kaha rawa,
kua kotahi te hunga tapu ki a koe
i roto i te tinana tapu o te Karaiti;
meinga mātou i tōu aroha kia aru ki a rātou
i roto i te tūkaha ki te pai me te tapuranga katoa
kia tae rawa atu mātou ki ērā koa e kore e taea te kōrero
kua whakaritea mai nei e koe mō te hunga
e aroha pono ana ki a koe.
Ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Ariki.
E te Atua ora tonu,
i pupuri pūmautia e koe, ngā tāngata katoa
o ngā iwi puta noa, ahakoa nga rereketanga o ia iwi
ka hangaia hoki rātou hei hunga tapu;
tukua matou kia irirangihia pērā me rātou,
kia iriiringia ki te ingoa o Īhu pērā i a rātou hoki,
kia whiwhi mātou he wāhanga i tōu korōria;
i tōu kīngitanga hoki he Atua kotahi, mō ake tonu atu.
Ngā Pānui
Tau A
Whakakitenga 7:9–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 34:1–10, 22 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Hoani 3:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau B
Te Mātauranga o Horomona 3:1–9 Lookup Reading: RV
ko Ihāia 25:6–9 rānei Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 24Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Whakakitenga 21:1–6a Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 11:32–44 Lookup Reading: NLT
Collects of the Day
Almighty God,
your saints are one with you
in the mystical body of Christ;
give us grace to follow them
in all virtue and holiness
until we come to those inexpressible joys
which you have prepared for those
who truly love you;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Eternal God,
you have always taken men and women
of every nation, age and colour
and made them saints;
like them, transformed,
like them, baptised in Jesus’ name,
take us to share your glory;
where you reign one God for ever.
Year A
Revelation 7:9–17 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 34:1–10, 22 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 John 3:1–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Year B
Wisdom of Solomon 3:1–9 Lookup Reading: RV
or Isaiah 25:6–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 24 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Revelation 21:1–6a Lookup Reading: NLT
John 11:32–44 Lookup Reading: NLT
Tau C
Raniera 7:1–3, 15–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 149 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Epeha 1:11–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ruka 6:20–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rārangi mō Muri i te Hapa
Ko ēnei rātou i whakamāunu ngā kakahu o te tangata, me kākahuria iho i te kākahu mutungakore, me kua whakapono ai te ingoa o te Atua; engari ināianei kua karaunatia rātou me tangohia ngā tohu nikau. 2 Etera 2:45
Te Rā o ngā Wairua Katoa
te 2 o ngā rā o Noema
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ki te whakapono hoki tātou kua mate a Īhu, kua ara ake anō, waihoki ko te hunga e moe ana i roto i a Īhu, ka ārahina tahitia mai rātou me ia, e te Atua. 1 Teharonika 4:14
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua atawhai,
ko tāu Tama te aranga me te ora
o te hunga pono katoa;
whakaarahia mātou i te matenga o te hara
ki te oranga o te tika,
tae ki te wā whakamutunga,
pērā me te katoa o āu pononga pono,
ka tae ki tōu koa mutunga kore;
ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaiwhakaora.
Year C
Daniel 7:1–3, 15–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 149 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Ephesians 1:11–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 6:20–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Post-Communion Sentence
These are they who have put off mortal clothing and have put on the immortal, and have confessed the name of God; now they are being crowned, and receive palms. 2 Esdras 2:45
All Souls’ Day
2 November
Sentence of the Day
We believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. 1 Thessalonians 4:14
Collects of the Day
Merciful God,
your Son is the resurrection and the life
of all the faithful;
raise us from the death of sin
to the life of righteousness,
that at the last,
with all your faithful servants,
we may come to your eternal joy;
through our Saviour Jesus Christ.
E Īhu Karaiti,
te Ariki o te ora me te mate;
Mai ia whakatupuranga
kua nui haere ake te tinana o au hunga whakapono.
Ka whakawhetai ki a koe mō te katoa o rātou kua haere i mua ake,
i a rātou whakatutukitanga me o rātou mātauranga.
Tukua ki a mātou te kaha kia whakatinanatia tāu i pai ai;
ki te korōria o tōu ingoa tapu.
Ngā Pānui
Īhaia 25:6–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 16; 116 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Pita 1:3–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hoani 11:21–27 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rārangi mō Muri i te Hapa
Ā, ki te whakairihia ake ahau ki runga ake I te whenua, māku ngā tāngata katoa e kukume ki ahau. Hoani 12:32
Jesus Christ,
Lord of the living and dead;
With each generation
Your body of believers grows and grows.
Thank you for all who have gone before us,
For what they achieved and what they learned.
Give us strength to do your will,
to be your body now;
to the honour of your holy name.
Isaiah 25:6–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 16; 116 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Peter 1:3–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 11:21–27 Lookup Reading: NLT
Post-Communion Sentence
Jesus said, ‘When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw all people to myself.’ John 12:32
Anaru Tapu, te Apōtōro i Patua
mō te Whakapono
te 30 o ngā rā o Noema
Te Rārangi o te Rā
Ka mea a Anaru, ‘Ko konei e rima taro pāre, e rua ika nonohi; heoi, hei aha ēnei mā tēnei ope nui?’ Hoani 6:9
Ngā Īnoi o te Rā
E te Atua ora tonu,
i rongo nei tāu āpōtoro a Anaru i te karanga o tāu Tama
ā, i whakarite tonu atu i te whakahau;
meinga mātou kia pērā me ia te tāpae tere tonu
ki te mahi i ngā mea o āu whakahau;
ko Īhu Karaiti tō mātou Kaiwhakaora.
E Īhu, meinga tōu karanga ki a mātou
kia pērā i a Anaru kia whakataha atu ā mātou kupenga,
ō mātou kāinga, ā mātou mea katoa, ka aru i a koe.
Whakarongo ki tēnei īnoi i runga i tōu ingoa.
Ngā Pānui
Tiuteronomi 30:11–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Waiata 19:1–6Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Rōma 10:8–18Lookup Reading: NLT
Matiu 4:18–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
Te Rārangi mō Muri i te Hapa
Ko Anaru kua kite wawe i tōna tuakana ake, i a Haimona, ka mea ki a ia, ‘Kua kitea e māua te Mihaia,’ nā, ka ārahina mai ia e ia ki a Īhu. Hoani 1:41–42
Saint Andrew, Apostle, Martyr
30 November
Sentence of the Day
Andrew said, ‘Here are five barley loaves and two small fish, but what are they among so many?’ John 6:9
Collects of the Day
Everliving God,
your apostle Andrew obeyed the call of your Son
and followed him without delay;
grant that we like him may give ourselves readily
to do what you command;
through our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Jesus, when you call
may we like Andrew leave our nets,
our home, our everything, to follow you.
Hear this prayer for your name’s sake.
Deuteronomy 30:11–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Psalm 19:1–6Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Romans 10:8–18Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 4:18–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
Post-Communion Sentence
Andrew first found his brother Simon, and said to him, ‘We have found the Messiah,’ and he brought him to Jesus. John 1:41–42
Tamati Tapu, te Apōtōro
te 21 o ngā rā o Tīhema (rā takirua – 3 Hūrae)
Tipene Tapu, te tuatahi o rātou i patua mō
te Whakapono
te 26 o ngā rā o Tīhema (rā takirua – 3 Ākuhata)
Hoani Tapu te Kaituhi rongopai
te 27 o ngā rā o Tīhema (rā takirua – 6 Mei)
Ngā Kōhungahunga Tapu
te 28 o ngā rā o Tīhema (rā takirua – 16 Pēpuere)
Saint Thomas, Apostle, Martyr
21 December (alternative date – 3 July)
Saint Stephen, the first Christian Martyr
26 December (alternative date – 3 August)
Saint John the Evangelist
27 December (alternative date – 6 May)
The Holy Innocents
28 December (alternative date – 16 February)
Other Special Days
Regional Commemorations (see page 9)
Praise the Lord all you nations, acclaim the Most High all you peoples; for great is God’s love for us, and the faithfulness of the Lord endures for ever. Psalm 117:1, 2
Almighty God,
you call witnesses from every nation
and reveal your glory in their lives;
make us thankful for their example,
and strengthen us by their fellowship
that like them we may be faithful
in the service of your kingdom;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
God of earth and heaven,
on your Church the sun is always rising;
we commend to you our sisters and brothers in ...
Be with them in the work they do,
as you are with us.
Psalm 67 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
or Psalm 87 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Isaiah 52:7–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
2 Corinthians 4:5–12Lookup Reading: NLT
John 12:20–26 Lookup Reading: NLT
Sirach 2:10–18 Lookup Reading: RV
Hebrews 11:32–12:2 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 15:16–27 Lookup Reading: NLT
Sirach 44:1–15 Lookup Reading: RV
Hebrews 13:7, 8, 15, 16 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 17:18–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Post Communion Sentence
You Lord have made known your victory; you have displayed your saving power to all the nations. Psalm 98:3 (adapted)
For a Martyr
Those who want to save their life will lose it; but those who lose their life for the sake of Christ and the gospel will save it. Mark 8:35
Everloving God,
by your grace and power
your holy martyr N triumphed over suffering
and was faithful even to death;
strengthen us with your grace
that we may faithfully witness
to Jesus Christ our Saviour.
Jesus our Redeemer,
you gave your life to ransom us;
you have called us to drink your cup
and undergo your baptism.
Thank you for N’s witness;
may we have faith and resolution too.
Almighty God,
you gave your servant N
courage to confess Jesus Christ
and to die for this faith;
may we always be ready
to give a reason for the hope that is in us
and to suffer gladly for Christ’s sake.
Psalm 3 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
or Psalm 116 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
2 Chronicles 24:17–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Hebrews 11:32–40 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 10:16–22 Lookup Reading: NLT
Isaiah 43:1–7 Lookup Reading: NLT
1 Peter 4:12–19 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 12:2–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
Wisdom 3:1–9 Lookup Reading: RV
Revelation 12:10–12 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 15:18–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Post Communion Sentence
Blessed are those who have suffered for the cause of right, for the kingdom of heaven is theirs. Matthew 5:10
For a Bishop or Pastor
How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good tidings, who publish salvation. Isaiah 52:7
Good and gracious God,
the light of the faithful and shepherd of souls,
you set your servant N to be a bishop/priest in your Church
to feed your sheep with your word
and to guide them by her/his example;
give us grace to keep the faith s/he taught
and to follow in her/his footsteps.
Good Shepherd, king of love,
accept our thanks and praise
for all the love and care we have received;
and for your servant, N.
May our care for each other grow constantly
more reverent and more discerning.
Psalm 15 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
or Psalm 99 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Jeremiah 1:4–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Acts 20:28–35 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 24:42–47 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ezekiel 3:16–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
2 Corinthians 4:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 10:11–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ezekiel 34:11–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
1 Peter 5:1–4 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 21:15–19 Lookup Reading: NLT
Post Communion Sentence
Jesus said to Peter, ‘Feed my sheep.’ John 21:15
For a Missionary
Proclaim God’s glory to the nations, God’s marvellous deeds to all the peoples. For the Lord is great and highly to be praised. Psalm 96:3, 4
Everlasting God,
you have sent your messengers
to carry the good news of Christ
into the world;
grant that we who commemorate N
may know the hope of the gospel in our hearts
and show forth its light in all our ways;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Jesus, incarnate God,
good news for all who have ears to hear;
thank you for N,
and for all who bring the gospel to ....
Hasten the time, we pray,
when the earth is filled with your glory
as the waters cover the sea.
Almighty God,
we thank you for N,
whom you called to preach the gospel
to the people of .....
Raise up in this and every land
heralds and evangelists of your kingdom,
that your Church may make known
the immeasurable riches of our Saviour Christ,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God now and for ever.
Psalm 67 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
or Psalm 96 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Isaiah 49:1–6 Lookup Reading: NLT
Acts 16:6–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 9:35–38 Lookup Reading: NLT
Isaiah 52:7–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Acts 17:22–31 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 28:16–20 Lookup Reading: NLT
Isaiah 61:1–3 Lookup Reading: NLT
Romans 15:17–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 10:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Post Communion Sentence
To all to whom I send you you shall go, and whatever I command you you shall speak. Jeremiah 1:7b
For a Teacher or Confessor of the Faith
Jesus said, ‘Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant will also be. My Father will honour the one who serves me.’ John 12:26
Almighty God,
you have enlightened your Church
by the teaching of your servantN;
enrich it evermore with your heavenly grace,
and raise up faithful witnesses,
who by their life and teaching
may proclaim to all people
the truth of your salvation;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Jesus Christ, invincible light of the world,
thank you for N,
and for all whose vision has enlightened us
and brought us near to you.
Keep us imaginative, expectant
and willing to learn,
so that we may come even closer to the light.
Psalm 34:11–17 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
or Psalm 119:97–104 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Nehemiah 8:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
1 Corinthians 2:6–16 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 5:13–19 Lookup Reading: NLT
Proverbs 4:1–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
1 Corinthians 3:5–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 13:52–58 Lookup Reading: NLT
Sirach 39:1–10 Lookup Reading: RV
Timothy 4:1–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
John 16:12–15 Lookup Reading: NLT
Post Communion Sentence
If you continue in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:31, 32
For a Monastic or Other Religious
You Lord are all that I have; I have promised to keep your Word. I have sought your favour with all my heart; be gracious to me according to your promises. Psalm 119:57, 58
Gracious and eternal God,
by your grace N,
kindled with the fire of your love,
became a burning and a shining light in your Church;
inflame us with the same spirit of discipline and love
that we may always walk before you as children of light;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Jesus, Son of God,
thank you for N, and for all
who strive for holiness;
grant us also a readiness to strive
and an obedience to suffer,
for the joy of being one with you.
Psalm 27:1–8 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
or Psalm 119:161–168 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
1 Kings 19:9–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
2 Corinthians 6:1–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 6:24–33 Lookup Reading: NLT
1 Kings 19:15–16, 19–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Philippians 3:7–14 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 19:23–30 Lookup Reading: NLT
Jeremiah 17:7–10 Lookup Reading: NLT
3 John 2–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 12:32–37 Lookup Reading: NLT
Post Communion Sentence
Jesus said, ‘Anyone who has left brothers or sisters, father, mother, or children, land or houses for the sake of my name will be repaid many times over, and given eternal life.’ Matthew 19:29
For Any Saint
Those who have clean hands and a pure heart, who have not set their minds on falsehood, or sworn and deceitful oath, shall receive blessing from the Lord and recompense from God their saviour. Psalm 24:4, 5
Almighty God,
you have built up your Church
through the love and devotion of your saints;
we give you thanks for your servant N
whom we commemorate today.
Inspire us to follow her/his example
that like her/him we may in our day rejoice
in the vision of your glory;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Jesus, founder and member
of the reconciled society,
thank you for N,
whom you called to a forgiving and forgiven life,
and for the success
with which you crowned her/his work.
May we too reflect the glory
we receive from you.
Almighty God,
by your grace
you surround us with so great a cloud of witnesses;
may we, encouraged by the example of your servant N,
persevere and run the race you set before us,
until at last, through your mercy,
we with her/him attain to your eternal joy;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Psalm 34 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
or Psalm 119:1-8 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Proverbs 8:1–11 Lookup Reading: NLT
2 Corinthians 4:11–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 19:16–21 Lookup Reading: NLT
Micah 6:6–8 Lookup Reading: NLT
Ephesians 6:11–18 Lookup Reading: NLT
Matthew 25:31–46 Lookup Reading: NLT
Sirach 2:1–11 Lookup Reading: RV
Philippians 4:4–9 Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 6:17–23 Lookup Reading: NLT
Post Communion Sentence
Walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us. Ephesians 5:2a
Mothering Sunday
‘As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you, and you shall be comforted in Jerusalem,’ says the Lord. Isaiah 66:13
Everloving God,
your care for us is greater
even than a mother’s love for her child;
teach us to value a mother’s love
and see in it an expression of your grace,
that we may ever feel more deeply your love for us
in Christ Jesus our Saviour.
Blessed are you, God of strength and patience;
yours is the love our mothers showed us,
yours the care we need;
as we learn to care for one another
and to share your love,
may it be with our mother we share it
first of all.
Psalm 84 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
or Psalm 122 Lookup Reading: ANZPBNLT
Isaiah 49:13–16
A mother’s love Lookup Reading: NLT
Ephesians 3:14–21
Christ lives in our hearts Lookup Reading: NLT
Luke 2:40–52
The Holy Family Lookup Reading: NLT
Post Communion Sentence
Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother. Galatians 4:26