A New Zealand Prayer Book / He Karakia Mihinare o Aotearoa

The Blessing

The Marriage Blessing

The priest shall pronounce the marriage blessing, using one of the following.

All praise and glory to you most gracious God,
for in the beginning you created us men and women.
Grant your blessing then, we pray, to N and N,
so that in marriage they may be a source of blessing
to each other and to all,
and live together in holy love until their lives’ end.


Mā te Atua Matua, mā te Atua Tama, mā te Atua Wairua Tapu,
kōrua e manaaki, e tiaki;
mā te Ariki tohu e titiro atawhai ki a kōrua,
e whakakī ō kōrua ngākau
ki ngā mea pai katoa o te wairua;
kia pai ai tō kōrua noho tahi i tenei ao,
kia whiwhi ai hoki kōrua ki te ora tonu i tērā ao atu.


All praise and blessing to you, God of love,
creator of the universe, maker of man and woman in your
source of blessing for married life.
All praise to you for you have created courtship and marriage,
joy and gladness, feasting and laughter, pleasure and delight.
May your blessing come in full upon N and N.
May they know your presence in their joys and in their sorrows.
May they reach old age in the company of friends
and come at last to your eternal kingdom.


Mā te Atua Kaha rawa,
nāna nei ō tātou tūpuna,
i hanga i te tīmatanga i whakatapu,
i hono hoki i runga i te mārena;
Māna e riringi ki runga ki a kōrua tōna kaha nui,
māna kōrua e whakatapu, e manaaki,
kia paingia ai e ia ō kōrua tinana, ō kōrua wairua,
kia noho tahi tonu ai kōrua i runga i te aroha hara-kore,
a mate noa.

The Dismissal

The priest says to the couple

N and N, go now in peace and love.

and to the whole congregation

And the blessing of God,
Creator, Saviour and Giver of life,
be with you all, now and for ever.


And the blessing of God almighty,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit,
be with you and remain with you for ever.

The register may be signed here.

The priest may say to the congregation

Go now to love and serve the Lord. Go in peace.
Amen. We go in the name of Christ.

Additional Directions

Some Suggested Readings

Genesis 1:26–29a, 31a Man and woman in God’s image
Ruth 1:16–18 Faithfulness
Psalm 23 Our shepherd
Psalm 67 The Lord’s goodness
Psalm 121 The Lord’s blessing
Psalm 128 The gift of a family
Song of Songs 2:8–14 The lovers
Matthew 7:21, 24–27 Hearing and doing
Mark 10:6–9 The two are one
John 2:1–11 Jesus at a wedding
John 15:9–12 Dwelling in Christ’s love
Romans 12:9–21 Love in practice
1 Corinthians 12:31–13:13
or selected verses
The greatest gift
Ephesians 3:14–21 Grounded in love
Ephesians 5:21–31 Husband and wife in Christian
Colossians 3:12–17 The love and peace of Christ
1 John 4:7–16 God's love and ours
Revelation 19:6–9 The Lamb's marriage supper

Some Suggested Hymns and Songs

A new commandment
Arahina, e Ihowā
Be thou my vision
Bind us together
Brother, sister, let me serve you
E te Atua, kua ruia nei
Father, hear the prayer we offer
Gracious Spirit, Holy Ghost

Jesus, Lord, we pray
Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy
Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us
Lord Jesus Christ, invited guest
Lord of love, we ask thy blessing
Love divine, all loves excelling
Mā te mārie a te Atua
Make me a channel of your peace
May the grace of Christ our Saviour
Ngā wāhi rā e mine ai
Now thank we all our God
O Holy Spirit, Lord of grace
O perfect love, all human thought transcending
Praise and thanksgiving, Father, we offer
Praise, my soul, the king of heaven
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Tama ngākau mārie
The Lord’s my shepherd

Marriage and the Eucharist

The Marriage Liturgy may be combined with a Eucharist, in either of the following orders:

a) The Marriage Liturgy, omitting the final general blessing
and dismissal.
This is followed by the Eucharist, beginning at The Peace
and ending with The Marriage Blessing and The
b) The Preparation section and The Readings from the
Eucharist with sentences, prayers and readings appropriate to
a marriage.
This is followed by The Marriage, without Readings.
This is followed by the Eucharist, beginning at The Peace
and ending with The Marriage Blessing and The

In both orders, one of the Marriage Blessings on pages 804–805 is used, and may come before the Prayer after Communion, or replace it.

The couple may exchange a greeting of peace with each other, with their parents, and with other members of the congregation.

The couple remain before the Lord's Table and receive Holy Communion before any other members of the congregation do so.

In each of the Eucharistic Liturgies an addition to The Great Thanksgiving appropriate for marriage is provided on pages 435, 475 and 493.


A priest or bishop presides at the celebration of a marriage.

The selection of the service, and the various alternatives within any service, should be made by the couple in consultation with the priest.

In the Third Form of the Marriage Liturgy, selections are made for each section of the service from either column.

Family or friends of the bride and bridegroom may read, speak to the people, or conduct the prayers.

Non-scriptural lessons approved by the priest may be read provided there is at least one New Testament reading.

Hymns, psalms, anthems, or instrumental music may be used at appropriate points in the service. The following are noted as possible places:
at the entry of the bride, or of the bride and groom,
in association with The Ministry of the Word,
before The Prayers,
as the wedding party leaves the church.

The bride and bridegroom may learn the vows by heart, or they may repeat them phrase by phrase after the priest, or they may read them from cards held by attendants.

When the marriage register is signed in the presence of the congregation, it is signed either after The Marriage or at the conclusion of the service.