A New Zealand Prayer Book / He Karakia Mihinare o Aotearoa

Marriage Liturgy
First Form

Welcome and Introduction

The priest may greet the people.

The priest says to the congregation

We have come together in the presence of God to witness and celebrate the marriage of N and N, and to pray God’s blessing upon them now and in the years ahead.

Marriage is a gift of God our Creator, whose intention is that husband and wife should be united in heart, body and mind.
In their union they fulfil their love for each other.

Marriage is given to provide the stability necessary for family life, so that children may be cared for lovingly and grow to full maturity.

Marriage is a way of life to be upheld and honoured. No one should enter into it lightly. It involves a serious and life-long commitment to each other’s good in a union of strength, sympathy and delight.

The priest says to the couple

N and N, we rejoice with you;
we are glad to join with you
in the celebration of your marriage,
to witness your vows,
to pray with you
and to wish you joy in your life together.

The priest prays

God our Creator,
be with us now
as we celebrate the marriage of N and N.

Give them your blessing.
Grant them happiness and long life together
and help us to support them with our love.

The Ministry of the Word

A suitable reading (or readings) follows either here or before The Marriage, or before The Prayers.

After the reading a minister may speak to the people.

The Declarations

The priest asks the bridegroom

N, of your own free choice will you take N to be your wife?

The bridegroom answers I will.

Will you love her, comfort her, honour and keep her,
in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others
be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?

The bridegroom answers I will.

The priest asks the bride

N, of your own free choice will you take N to be your husband?

The bride answers I will.

Will you love him, comfort him, honour and keep him,
in sickness and in health, and forsaking all others
be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?

The bride answers I will.

The priest may ask the parents

As N and N enter a new life together, will you, their parents, give them your blessing?

The parents say to the couple

May God bless you both.

The priest may ask the whole congregation

You, as friends and family,
have come to witness this exchange of vows.
Will you do all in your power to support this marriage now
and in the years ahead?

The people replyWe will.

The priest prays

Eternal God, creator and sustainer of us all, give your grace to N and N. Grant that in the years ahead they may be faithful to the vows they make this day, and that in the strength of the Holy Spirit they may grow together in the love, joy and peace of our Saviour Jesus Christ.

The Ministry of the Word may follow here.

The Marriage

The bride and bridegroom face each other.

The bridegroom takes the bride’s hand(s) in his and says

I, N, take you, N, to be my wife,
to have and to hold
from this day forward,
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish
until we are parted by death.
This is my solemn vow.

They loose hands.

The bride takes the bridegroom’s hand(s) in hers, and says

I, N, take you, N, to be my husband,
to have and to hold
from this day forward,
for better, for worse,
for richer, for poorer,
in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish
until we are parted by death.
This is my solemn vow.

They loose hands.

The priest receives the ring(s) and may say

Most holy God, bless these rings (this ring).
Grant that they who wear them
(he who gives it and she who wears it)
may be faithful to each other and continue
bound together in love to their lives’ end,
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

The giver places the ring on the other’s finger, holds it there and says

N, I give you this ring
as a symbol of our marriage.
With my body I honour you,
and all I have I share with you.

If only one ring is used, before they loose hands, the bride may say

N, I receive this ring
as a symbol of our marriage.
With my body I honour you,
and all I have I share with you.

The priest joins the couple’s right hands and declares

N, and N have given themselves to each other with solemn vows
and have declared their marriage
by joining hands
and the giving and receiving of rings (of a ring);
they are now husband and wife.

Let no one come between those whom God has joined together.

The priest says

The power of God keep you,
the love of God be in your life and work together,
the grace of God strengthen your love that it may endure

The register may be signed here in the presence of the congregation.

The Ministry of the Word may follow here.

The Prayers

The service continues on page 796 with The Prayers and concludes with The Blessing on page 804.

When the marriage is part of a Liturgy of the Eucharist, directions are to be found on page 807.