
Concerning these Services
In our lives there are many times of special need when we look for a deep experience of God’s love and power. In his ministry, Jesus showed particular concern for the healing of the sick. The Church continues that ministry now. Each of these services provides resources for a particular pastoral occasion.
A Service of Holy Communion
This brief service takes into consideration the needs of sick and frail people unable to concentrate for more than a limited time.
For larger groups (for example, with collected groups of people in a hospital) it may be expanded, and suitable hymns may be added.
For a very sick person, the service may be abbreviated even further by using only the following sections
Confession and Absolution
Great Thanksgiving Prayer, or prayer when the Sacrament has
been consecrated elsewhere
Lord’s Prayer.
Ministry of Healing
The directions on page 746 show how Ministry of Healing may be incorporated within a Eucharist.
Ministry of Healing includes two actions. Those ministering may use the laying on of hands, either with or without anointing. It may be used as a service on its own, or be incorporated with any other service where this ministry is appropriate.
The Reconciliation of a Penitent
The priest and penitent may meet in Church for this order. The penitent may kneel at the communion rail, with the priest seated alongside.
It may be used in any other convenient place where the penitent may open his or her heart without fear of being overheard.
Thanksgiving for the Gift of a Child
The coming of a child, at birth or adoption, is a time to celebrate God’s gift of life, to thank God for the goodness of creation, and to ask a blessing on the new person, who is part of it, and part of us.
This service offers an opportunity to do so.
The Blessing of a Home
This may be used when people wish to have a blessing in the place where they live, and to dedicate their life in their home to God.