A New Zealand Prayer Book / He Karakia Mihinare o Aotearoa

The Liturgy of Baptism
The Laying on of Hands
for Confirmation
and Renewal

Concerning this Service

When someone is baptised, that person is brought to Jesus Christ, and made a member of Christ’s Church. It is a new start to life in which the baptised person is accepted and sealed by God with the Holy Spirit to represent Christ to the world.

As a response to the baptism which God gives us, we and the candidates declare our faith and intention to serve Christ, and ask for God’s continuing grace to support us in the task to which we are called.

When a baptism is of a baby or a child, the baptised receives the love and shared faith of the family to grow up into Christ.

Through prayer and fellowship within the body of Christ God strengthens and nourishes us.

You are here today to help with your presence, your prayers and your love.

Jesus Christ came that we might have life,
and have it in all its fullness.


It is widely agreed that these essential elements are to be found in any comprehensive baptismal liturgy:

The proclamation of the Scriptures referring to baptism
Invocation of the Holy Spirit
Renunciation of evil
Profession of faith in Christ and the Holy Trinity
The use of water in baptism
A declaration that those baptised have acquired a new identity
as sons and daughters of God
A declaration of membership of the Church
The ‘call’ of the baptised to be witnesses of the gospel

These elements are incorporated in the Liturgy of Baptism that follows. In common with many churches there is here also provided a service in which baptised Christians respond to their baptism and receive the laying on of hands for confirmation. These two services can be used either together or separately.

It is the Church’s teaching that baptism cannot be repeated in a person’s life, because it is the action of God which declares our relationship ‘in Christ’. The services of The Liturgy of Baptism and The Laying on of Hands for Confirmation and Renewal provide for a process of response to the baptismal action by a profession of faith and commitment to Christian service, as well as promises by parents and godparents to nurture the faith of a child baptised.

Either at the same time as baptism, or at a later stage in the person’s life, those making a profession of faith for the first time are confirmed by the bishop through the laying on of hands.

Those seeking to renew such promises also receive the laying on of hands with a suitable prayer.

It may be appropriate for some candidates to give personal witness to their faith at The Affirmation.

In both services all members of the congregation have an opportunity to renew their faith in Jesus as Lord and in the Creed profess the faith of their baptism.

The Minister of the Services

A bishop presides where there is the laying on of hands for confirmation and renewal, and a bishop or priest presides over a baptism. If the priest is absent it is permissible for a deacon to baptise.

In the case of emergency a lay person may baptise, pouring water on the candidate and saying

[Name] I baptise you in the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.

These words may be added

God receives you by baptism into the Church.

When appropriate such emergency baptism is followed by a welcome and acknowledgement by the congregation, at which the priest should make the sign of the cross on the baptised and receive The Affirmations from the candidate or from the parent(s) and godparents.

Conditional Baptism

If there is doubt that a person has been baptised, then conditional baptism should take place, the priest preceding the words at baptism with the following

‘If you are not already baptised...’

The Use of Oil

The sign of the cross after baptism may be made with oil set apart for this purpose either by the bishop or a priest. It is appropriate for the bishop to do this on Maundy Thursday.

The following form is suggested.

The bishop or priest may say

God of all creation, at baptism your Son was anointed by the Holy Spirit; in Christ’s name we set apart this oil. Grant that those who are signed at their baptism with the cross of their Saviour in this holy oil, may be sealed by your Spirit as yours for ever, and share in the royal priesthood of your Church, for you live and reign one God for ever.

Baptismal Discipline

The General Synod has from time to time set out Guidelines for Christian Initiation which govern baptismal discipline. Those celebrating these services are expected to be familiar with such Guidelines and any others adopted in each episcopal jurisdiction of this Church.

Within the fellowship of the Church, and with its help, it is the responsibility of parents and godparents of children baptised to teach the child

the Lord’s Prayer and how to pray
the Creeds and the Faith of the Church
the Commandments and how to obey the teaching of Christ
and how to read the Scriptures to discover the Word of God.

They are also to encourage their child to take her/his place in the eucharistic community, to make a commitment to the Lord, and in Confirmation to receive, in the laying on of hands, the strengthening power of the Holy Spirit for witness and service.

Additional Directions are to be found on pages 396–399.

The Liturgy of Baptism
The Laying on of Hands for Confirmation and Renewal

The liturgy takes place when the Church meets for the Eucharist or another service of worship.

It follows the New Testament Lesson or The Gospel or The Sermon.

In special circumstances the bishop or priest shall provide a suitable introduction to this liturgy.

God’s Call

The bishop or priest says

E te whānau a te Karaiti / Dear friends in Christ,
God is love, God gives us life.
We love because God first loves us.
In baptism God declares that love;
in Christ God calls us to respond.

If there are no candidates for baptism,
the service continues at The Presentation for the Laying on of Hands for Confirmation and Renewal (page 387).

The Presentation for Baptism

Each candidate for baptism is presented individually by a sponsor or, in the case of a child, by a parent or godparent, who says

I present N   (my child)   to be baptised and made a member of the Body of Christ, the Church.

The bishop or priest says

From the beginning the Church has received believers by baptism. Believers’ children have also been baptised so that with help and encouragement they should grow up in Christ and by the grace of God serve Christ all the days of their life.

On the day when the apostles first preached the Gospel of Christ’s resurrection, Peter urged his hearers

‘Repent and be baptised, every one of you,
in the name of Jesus the Christ
for the forgiveness of your sins,
and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
For the promise is to you and to your children,
and to all who are far away, everyone whom
the Lord our God may call.’

(Names)   How do you respond to this promise?

Each candidate for baptism replies

The parents and godparents of each child reply

I hear God’s call and come for baptism.

We hear God’s call and ask for baptism.

The bishop or priest says to the candidates, and (for children), to the parents and godparents

Do you renounce all evil influences and powers that rebel against God?

The candidates and parents and godparents reply

I renounce all evil.

The bishop or priest says

Do you trust in Christ’s victory which brings forgiveness,
freedom and life?

The candidates reply

The parents and godparents reply

In faith I turn to Christ
my way, my truth, my life.

In faith I turn to Christ,
my way, my truth, my life,
as I care for this child.

PeopleMay God keep you in the way you have chosen.

The Baptism

The bishop or priest stands by the water for baptism, and says

  Praise God who made heaven and earth,
People whose promise endures for ever.

The bishop or priest prays

We thank you God for your love in all creation,
especially for your gift of water
to sustain, refresh and cleanse all life.

We thank you for your covenant
with your people Israel;
through the Red Sea waters
you led them to freedom in the promised land.
In the waters of the Jordan
your Son was baptised by John
and anointed with the Holy Spirit.

Through the deep waters of death
Jesus fulfilled his baptism.
He died to set us free
and was raised to be exalted Lord of all.
It is Christ who baptises with the Holy Spirit
and with fire.

Amen. Come Holy Spirit.

We thank you that through the waters of baptism
you cleanse us,
renew us by your Spirit
and raise us to new life.

In the new covenant
we are made members of your Church
and share in your eternal kingdom.

Through your Holy Spirit,
fulfil once more your promises
in this water of rebirth,
set apart in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Amen! Praise and glory and wisdom,
thanksgiving and honour,
power and might,
be to our God for ever and ever.

The bishop or priest baptises each candidate for baptism, either by immersion in the water, or by pouring water on the candidate, saying

I baptise you
in the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.

he iri-iri tēnei nāku i a koe,
i runga i te ingoa o te Matua,
te Tama,
me te Wairua Tapu.

God receives you by baptism
into the Church.
Child of God,
blessed in the Spirit,
to the family of Christ.

Kua tohia koe e te Atua,
ki roto i tāna kāhui
he tamaiti māna,
i roto i te Wairua.
Nāu mai, haere mai,
ki te whānau a te Ariki.

The bishop or priest makes the sign of the cross on each of the baptised, saying

We sign you with the cross,
the sign of Christ.

Ka tohia koe ki te rīpeka
a te Karaiti.

A lighted candle may be given by a representative of the congregation, who says

Walk in the faith of Christ Takahia te ara, i roto i te
whakapono o te Karaiti
crucified and risen.

i rīpekatia nei, i ara ake
i te mate.
Shine with the light of Christ.

Tīaho i roto i te māramatanga
o te Karaiti.

If there are no candidates for the laying on of hands,
The Liturgy of Baptism
continues at The Affirmation.

The Presentation
for the Laying on of Hands
for Confirmation and Renewal

The bishop stands before the congregation.

The baptised who come to profess (or to re-affirm) their faith and receive the laying on of hands by the bishop are brought forward and presented to the bishop with these words

Bishop N, I present N to profess their faith.
[Bishop N, I present N to re-affirm their faith].

The bishop shall then say

N, we welcome you as you come to profess
[and/or reaffirm] your faith.
At your baptism you were made a disciple of Christ,
and we signed you with the cross.
Come now to receive the laying on of hands with prayer,
to strengthen you for the work of God’s kingdom.

The Affirmation

The congregation, the newly baptised, and any candidates for laying on of hands, stand to respond in these affirmations.

Praise to God who has given us life.
Whakamoemititia te Atua, te Kai-hōmai i te ora.
Blessed be God for the gift of love.
Kia whakapaingia te Atua, mō tāna oha o te aroha.

Praise to God who forgives our sin.
Whakamoemititia te Atua, e muru nei i ō tātou hara.
Blessed be God who sets us free.
Kia whakapaingia te Atua, e whakawātea nei i a tātou.

Praise to God who kindles our faith.
Whakamoemititia te Atua, te ahi kā o te whakapono.
Blessed be God, our strength, our hope.
Kia whakapaingia te Atua, tō mātou kaha,
tō mātou tūmanako.

The bishop or priest says to all those present who are baptised Christians

Let us, the baptised,
affirm that we renounce evil
and commit our lives to

Tātou kua tohia nei,
me whakarere te kino
tahuri pūmau ki a te Karaiti.

All respond

Blessed be God,

Whakapaingia te Atua,

The bishop or priest then says to the candidates for laying on of hands and the newly baptised, and/or in the case of children, their parents and godparents

What is your faith?

He aha tō whakapono?

They respond

I believe and trust in
God the Father,
maker and sustainer
of all things;
and in God the Son,
my Saviour Jesus Christ;
and in God the Holy Spirit,
giver of life and truth.
This is my faith.

E whakapono ana ahau
ki te Atua, te Matua,
te Kai-hanga
o ngā mea katoa;
ki te Atua, te Tama,
taku Kai-hoko, a Īhu Karaiti;
ki te Atua, te Wairua Tapu,
te Kai-hōmai i te ora me te tika.
Ko tēnei tāku whakapono.

If children have been baptised, the bishop speaks to the parent(s) and godparents

How then will you care for this child?

The parent(s) and godparents reply together

I will love this child and share my faith with her/him.

The bishop or priest says to the congregation

As the community of faith, we rejoice at this baptism and will share with N what we ourselves have received: a delight in prayer, a love for the word of God, a desire to follow the way of Christ, and food for the journey.

The bishop or priest then says to the child

N, you are now a pilgrim with us.
As a member of Christ’s body, the Church,
you will be challenged to affirm your faith in God
and receive the laying on of hands in confirmation.
May you grow in the Holy Spirit,
fulfil your ministry
and follow Christ your whole life long.

The bishop or priest then blesses the family

God bless you with wisdom and love,
may this child find in you, your homes and families,
Christ’s love and understanding.

The bishop or priest, with the people, prays

God of love,
we thank you for our calling
to be disciples of Christ.
Help us to nurture this child
in the faith we share.
May s/he grow to love, worship and serve you,
and bring life to the world.   Amen.

The parent(s) and godparents return to their places with their children.

If there is not to be a laying on of hands, the service shall continue at
The Celebration of Faith, on page 394.

Commitment to Christian Service

The people being seated, all the candidates for the laying on of hands stand before the bishop, who says


Those who are baptised are called to worship and serve God. From the beginning, believers have continued in the apostles teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers.

  Will you commit yourself to this life?
Candidate I will, with God’s help.
Bishop Will you forgive others, as you are forgiven?
Candidate I will, with God’s help.
Bishop Will you seek to love your neighbour as yourself, and strive for peace and justice?
Candidate I will, with God’s help.
Bishop Will you accept the cost of following Jesus Christ in your daily life and work?
Candidate I will, with God’s help.
Bishop With the whole Church will you proclaim by word and action the Good News of God in Christ?
Candidate I will, with God’s help.


Those who are baptised are called to worship and serve God. From the beginning, believers have continued in the apostles teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers.

  Will you commit yourself to this life?
Candidate I will, with God’s help.
Through God’s grace, I will forgive others
as I am forgiven;
I will seek to love my neighbour as myself,
and strive for peace and justice;
I will accept the cost of following Jesus Christ
in my daily life and work;
with the whole Church
I will proclaim by word and action
the Good News of God in Christ.

The Laying on of Hands

The candidates being conveniently placed, the bishop continues

Let us pray for these who have declared their commitment to Christ’s service.


The bishop and people say responsively

Our help is in the name of the eternal God
Ko te Ingoa o te Atua ora tonu, tō tātou oranga,
who is making the heavens and the earth.
Te Kai-hanga i te rangi, i te whenua.

Come Holy Spirit
Haere mai, e te Wairua Tapu
bearing your gifts of grace
ūhia mai tōu aroha noa.

The bishop prays

God of mercy and love,
new birth by water and the Spirit is your gift,
a gift that none can take away;
grant that your servants may grow
into the fulness of the stature of Christ.
Fill them with the joy of your presence.
Increase in them the fruit of your Spirit:
the spirit of wisdom and understanding,
the spirit of love, patience and gentleness,
the spirit of wonder and true holiness.

E te Atua o te aroha noa,
nāu i whakarite te wai hei tohu whānau hou,
e kore nei e taea te wewete.
Tukua kia tipu āu pononga ki te tino kaumātuatanga
e tutuki ai i tō te Karaiti,
kia hari tonu ai ki roto i a koe.
Kia hira ake ai ki roto i a rātou
ngā hua o te Wairua:
arā te wairua mātau, mārama hoki,
te wairua aroha, humārie, ngāwari,
he wairua hari me te tapu pono.

The bishop lays hand(s) on each candidate in silence and then prays.

Creator Spirit,
strengthen N
with your gifts of grace,
to love and serve
as a disciple of Christ.
E te Wairua Kai-hanga,
whakakahangia a Ingoa
ki ngā manaakitanga
o tāu aroha noa,
kia pūmau ai te mahi, te aroha,
i ngā ara a te Karaiti.
Guide, protect,
uphold her/him
that s/he may continue
yours forever.
Ārahina, tautokona,
tiakina ia
kia ū tonu ai ki a koe,
ake tonu atu.
Korōria ki te Atua.


Creator Spirit,
rekindle in N your gifts of grace,
renew her/his life in Christ
and bring to completion
all that your calling has begun.

At the conclusion of the laying on of hands for all the candidates,
the bishop prays

Living God,
empower your disciples
to bring life to the world.
Te Atua ora tonu,
tukua mai tōu mana
ki āu pononga
hei mau i te ora ki te ao.

The people respond

May we and they together
be found in Christ
and Christ in us.
Ko tātou katou ka kitea
i roto i te Karaiti
me ia hoki i roto i a tātou.

The Celebration of Faith

All standing, the bishop or priest says to the congregation

Let us rejoice with those who have committed themselves to Christ, and celebrate the faith of our baptism.

Do you believe in God the Father?
All I believe in God the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.
Priest Do you believe in Jesus Christ, the Son of God?
All I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died and was buried;
he descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again;
he ascended into heaven,
is seated at the right hand of the Father,
and will come again to judge the living and the dead.
Priest Do you believe in God the Holy Spirit?
All I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting.    Amen.

The service may continue at The Peace in a Eucharistic Liturgy.
During The Peace the newly confirmed may be greeted by the congregation


The service may continue with The Sermon or The Prayers of the People, but The Creed is not said again.


The service may continue with The Lord’s Prayer in one of the following forms

As Christ teaches us we pray

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial
and deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours
now and for ever.    Amen.

Kua akona nei tātou e tō tātou Ariki,
ka īnoi tātou

E tō mātou Matua i te rangi
Kia tapu tōu Ingoa.
Kia tae mai tōu rangatiratanga.
Kia meatia tāu e pai ai
ki runga ki te whenua,
kia rite anō ki tō te rangi.
Hōmai ki a mātou āianei
he taro mā mātou mō tēnei rā.
Murua ō mātou hara,
Me mātou hoki e muru nei
i ō te hunga e hara ana ki a mātou.
Āua hoki mātou e kawea kia whakawaia;
Engari whakaorangia mātou i te kino:
Nōu hoki te rangatiratanga, te kaha,
me te korōria,
Āke ake ake.    Āmine.

Other prayers may follow, concluding with a blessing.

Additional Directions

Arrangement of Services


The Liturgy of Baptism and The Laying on of Hands

These sections are used following the New Testament lesson or Gospel or Sermon

God’s Call
The Baptism
The Presentation for the Laying on of Hands (all candidates)
The Affirmation
Commitment to Christian Service
The Laying on of Hands
The Celebration of Faith
The Continuation of the Liturgy of the Eucharist, or Prayers


The Liturgy of Baptism only

These sections are used following the New Testament lesson or Gospel or Sermon

God’s Call
God’s Call
The Presentation for Baptism
The Baptism
The Affirmation (including, in the case of infants, the final
section for parent(s) and godparents)
The Celebration of Faith
The Continuation of the Liturgy of the Eucharist, or other
service of worship


The Laying on of Hands for Confirmation
(and Renewal) without Baptism

These sections are used following the New Testament lesson or Gospel or Sermon

God’s Call
The Presentation for the Laying on of Hands
The Affirmation (omitting final section for parent(s)
and godparents of children)
Commitment to Christian Service
The Laying on of Hands
The Celebration of Faith
The Continuation of the Liturgy of the Eucharist, or Prayers


An Alternative Order for the Liturgy of Baptism only

These sections are used following the New Testament lesson or Gospel or sermon

God’s Call
The Affirmation (but not including the post-baptismal
questions and exhortation to parents, godparents, child
and congregation)
The Celebration of Faith
Commitment to Christian Service
The Baptism
The Continuation of the Liturgy of the Eucharist, or Prayers

Baptisms normally take place in the context of the Eucharist or Morning or Evening Worship. On other occasions, the priest shall choose a suitable introduction for worship, which shall include a New Testament lesson, and the service shall conclude with prayers, including the Lord’s Prayer and a blessing.

Sentence, Prayer and Readings for the Baptismal Liturgy


I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. Ezekiel 36:26


St Paul said: I implore you by God’s mercy to offer your very selves as a living sacrifice dedicated and fit for God’s acceptance, the worship offered by heart and mind. Romans 12:1


God of grace, by the power of the Holy Spirit you have given us new life in the waters of baptism; strengthen us to live in righteousness and true holiness, that we may grow into the likeness of your Son, Jesus Christ.

Or any of the collects for Pentecost 10 may be said.


Old Testament

Exodus 14:21–29 God saves by water
Isaiah 44:1–5 Water on the thirsty land
Ezekiel 36:22–28 A new heart and a new spirit
Baptism of Adults, and/or confirmation, and/or renewal
Exodus 3:1–2 The Call to Moses
Joshua 24:14–24 Choosing to serve God
Jeremiah 1:4–8 The prophet’s call
Jeremiah 31:31–34 The new covenant

New Testament or Epistle

For all occasions
Acts 2:14–47 The first Christians

Some verses may be omitted

Romans 6:3–11 New life in Christ
Romans 8:11–17 The spirit of adoption
Romans 12:1–13 Renewed service
1 Corinthians 12:3–13 Baptised by one spirit into one body
Galatians 3:23–29 Baptised into union with Christ
Ephesians 4:1–6 Baptism and unity
Ephesians 6:10–20 The armour of Christ
1 Peter 2:4–10 A chosen people
1 Peter 3:13–22 Baptism and Christian living


Mark 1:1–11 The Baptism of Jesus
Mark 10:13–16 Jesus blesses the children
John 3:1–8 Born of water and spirit
Baptism of Adults, and/or confirmation, and/or renewal
Mark 1:14–20 Christ’s invitation: our response
Mark 10:35–45 The cost of discipleship
John 13:3–17 Christian service
John 14:15–21 The Spirit who lives in us

The priest or bishop may use The Readings appointed for the day in place of some or all of the above.


Records of the Baptisms and Laying on of Hands in Confirmation shall be kept by the Church and a copy handed to the candidates.