A New Zealand Prayer Book / He Karakia Mihinare o Aotearoa

From the Eucharistic Liturgy
Thanksgiving of the People of God

Sections translated into Fijian and Tongan
for use within the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia.

In Fijian



Grace and peace
to you from God.
God fill you
with truth and joy.

Me sa nomuni na loloma kei na
vakacegu mai vua na Kalou.
Me vakasinaiti kemuni na Kalou
ena diva kei na reki.

The Lord be with you.
The Lord bless you.

Me tiko kei kemuni na Turaga.
Me vakalougatataki kemuni na

This is the day which the
Lord has made.
Let us rejoice
and be glad in it.

Oqo na siga ka a bulia na Turaga.

Meda reki ka marau kina.

The Kyries

Na Kerei ni Loloma ni Turaga

Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.

Turaga, ni lomani keimami mai.
Karisito, ni lomani keimami mai.
Turaga, ni lomani keimami mai.

The Absolution

Na Veivaka Bokoci ni
Valavala ca

Through the cross
of Christ
God have mercy on you,
pardon you
and set you free.
Know that you
are forgiven
and be at peace.

Ena vuku ni kauveilatai
i Karisito
me sa lomani kemuni Vosoti kemuni
ka sereki kemuni
na Kalou.
Moni vakacegu ni koni sa Vosoti.

God strengthen you
in all goodness
and keep you
in life eternal.

Me vakaukauwataki kemuni,
na Kalou ena veika vinaka taucoko,
Ka maroroi kemuni ena bula tawa

At the Prayers of the

Na Veimasulaki

During the prayers any of the
following may be used.

Ena gauna ni veimasulaki E dua vei
rau oqo a rawa ni vakayagataki.


For your love
and goodness
we give you thanks,
O God.

Ena levu ni nomuni
loloma kei na vinaka
Keimami sa vakavinavinaka kina
vei kemuni na Kalou.

Let us bless the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

Meda vakacaucautaka na Turaga.
Me vakavinavinakataki na Kalou.

Give thanks to our God
who is gracious
whose mercy endures
for ever.

Me vakavinavinakataki na Kalou
dau lololoma.
O koya sa tawa mudu na nona


God of love
grant our prayer.

Kalou dau loloma
Ni vakadonuya na neimami masu.

God of grace
you hear our prayer.

Kalou na dau veivakacegui
Ko ni dau rogoca na neimami masu.

Lord, in your mercy
hear our prayer.

Turaga ena nomuni yalololoma.
Ni rogoca na neimami masu.

Lord, hear our prayer
and let our cry
come to you.

Turaga, ni rogoca na neimami masu.
Ni laiva na neimani tagi me yacovi
keimuni yani.

The Peace

Na Vakacegu

All standing, the presiding priest
says to the people

Me da tucake kece me qai kaya na Bete.

The peace of Christ
be always with you.
And also with you.

Me tiko vata ga kei kemuni na
veivakacegu i Karisito.
Vei kemuni talega.

The people and presiding priest
may exchange a sign of peace
according to local custom.

Me kidavaki ira nai vavakoso na bete ena
kena ivakarau.

Brothers and sisters,
we are the body of Christ.

Ra veitacini, ko i keda na yago
i Karisito.

By one Spirit we were
baptised into one body.

Eda a papitaisotaki a na dua ga na
yalo ki na dua ga na yago.

Keep the unity of the Spirit
in the bond of peace.

Maroroya na duavata sa solia vei
kemuni na Yalotabu ena vakacegu
koni sa vauci vata tiko kina.

Amen. We are bound
by the love of Christ.

Emeni. Keimami sa vauci vata ena
loloma i Karisito.

At the Preparation
of the Gifts

Na Vakarautaki ni Solisoli

The presiding priest may say

Me qai kaya na Bete veiliutaki tiko

To you, Lord, belongs the
greatness, and the power,
and the glory, and the
victory and the majesty.

Sa nomuni na Turaga, na veika
cecere, kei na kaukauwa kei na
lagilagi, kei na gaga kei na veika

All that is in the heavens
and the earth is yours,
and of your own we give

Sa nomuni na veika kece a to mai
lomalagi kei vuravura ka keimami
sa mai vakacabora vei kemuni na
veika ga ko ni taukena.

At the
Great Thanksgiving

Na Cabori ni Vakavinavinaka

The Lord is here.
God’s Spirit is with us.

Sa tiko eke na Turaga
Sa tiko vata kei keda na yalo ni

Lift up your hearts.
We lift them to the Lord.

Ni vagolea cake na yalomuni.
Keimami sa vagolea cake vua
na Turaga.

Let us give thanks
to the Lord our God.
It is right to offer
thanks and praise.

Meda sa vakavinavinaka vua
na Turaga na noda Kalou.
Sa dodonu me cabo vua na
vakavinavinaka kei na vei

Holy, holy, holy Lord,
God of power and might,
heaven and earth
are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.

Donu, donu, donu Turaga,
na Kalou ni qaqa kei na kaukauwa,
sa vakasinaiti ko lomalagi kei
vuravura ena kemuni serau,
Osana ki cake Sara.

The following may be used.

Se me vakayagataki oqo.

Blessed is he who comes
in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.

Sa kalougata ko koya sa lako mai
ena yaca ni Turaga,
Osana ki cake Sara.

Glory to you,
Lord Christ;
your death
we show forth;
your resurrection
we proclaim;
your coming
we await;
Come Lord Jesus.

Lagilagi ko i kemuni
Turaga na Karisito
na nomuni mate keimami
na nomuni tucake tale keimami
na nomuni lesu mai keimami
Ni kusa rawa mai Turaga Jisu.

Blessing, honour
and glory be yours,
here and everywhere,
now and for ever. Amen.

Na vakarokoroko, na dokai kei na
lagilagi me sa nomuni, eke kei na
vei vanua kece sara edaidai ka tawa
mudu. Emeni.

At the Communion

Na Veivotai kei na Turaga


As Christ teaches us,
we pray

Me vaka e a vakavulici keda kina na
Karisito, me da masu.

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today
our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those
who sin against us.
Save us
from the time of trial
and deliver us from evil.

Tamai keimami mai lomalagi, me vakarokoroko taki na yacamuni, me yaco mai na nomuni matanitu, me yaco na lomamuni a vuravura me vaka sa yaco tiko mai lomalagi, ni solia mai vei keimami a daidai na kakana a rauti keimami, ni vosata na neimami caka-cala me vaka ni keimami sa vosoti ira ka caka-cala ki vei keimami, ni vakabulai keimami ena gauna ni vei vakatovolei, ka vagalalataki keimami mai na ca.

For the kingdom,
the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever. Amen.

Ni sa nomuni
na matanitu, na kaukauwa,
kei na lagilagi a daidai
ka tawa mudu. Emeni.

The priest breaks the bread.
Silence may be kept.

Vakanomodi ni dovia tiko na madrai
na Bete.

We break this bread to
share in the body of Christ.

Eda dovia na madrai oqo ni’da vota
vata na yago i Karisito.

We who are many are one
body, for we all share
the one bread.

Ko i keda na lewe vuqa, eda sa dua
bau ga, Ni’da sa vota a dua ga na

Lamb of God, you take
away the sin of the world,
have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take
away the sin of the world,
have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take
away the sin of the world,
grant us your peace.

Kemuni na Lami ni Kalou,
koni a kauta tani na ca ni vuravura,
ni lomani keimami mai.
Kemuni na Lami ni Kalou,
koni a kauta tani na ca ni vuravura,
ni lomani keimami mai.
Kemuni na Lami ni Kalou,
koni a kauta tani na ca ni vuravura,
ni solia mai vei keimami na nomuni

The Invitation

Na Veisure

The priest may say

Me qai kaya na Bete

Draw near and receive the
body and blood of our
Saviour Jesus Christ in
remembrance that he died
for us.
Let us feed on him in our
hearts by faith with

Ni toro voleka mai, moni mai
vakayagataka na yago kei na dra ni
nodai vakabula ko Jisu Karisito, mei
vakananumi, ni nona a mate ena
Me da mai kana kivua ena yaloda
ni vakabauta kei na vakavinavinaka.

The body of Christ
given for you.

Na yago i Karisito ka a soli ena

The blood of Christ
shed for you.

Na dra i Karisito ka a dave ena



The body of our Lord
Jesus Christ which was
given for you.

Na yago ni noda Turaga ko Jisu
Karisito ka a soli ena vukumu.

The blood of our Lord
Jesus Christ which was
shed for you.

Na dra ni noda Turaga ko Jisu
Karisito ka a dave ena vukumu.



The body of Christ
keep you in eternal life.

Na yago i Karisito ka na maroroi iko
kina hula tawa mudu.

The blood of Christ
keep you in eternal life.

Na dra i Karisito ka na maroroi iko
kina bula tawa mudu.

The communicant may respond
each time

Mera na qai sauma ko ira na
tauri kakana tabu



At the Dismissal

Na Veivakasukai

The congregation is sent out
with these words

Mera na vakasukai nai
vavakoso ena vosa oqo:

Go now to love and serve
the Lord. Go in peace.

Moni lako ena Vakacegu kei na
veilomani ka qarava na Turaga.

We go in the name
of Christ.

Keimami na lako ena yaca i

A Blessing in Fijian

Na Masu ni Veivaka

Na Veivakacegui ni Kalou sa uasivia na ka kecega a kilai rawa, me Vakataudeitaka na yalomuni a na Vuku i Karisito Jisu, ka me tiko kei kemuni ka sega ni mudu, na loloma ni Kalou Kaukauwa Duadua Ga, na Tamada, kei, na Luvena kei na Yalotabu, ena gauna oqo kei na Veigauna sa Vo ka sega ni mudu.

In Tongan


Grace and peace
to you from God.
God fill you
with truth and joy.

Ke ’iate kimoutolu ’a e melino mo e
kelesi ’a e ’Otua
Ke fakaf onu kimoutolu ’e he ’Otua
i he mo’oni mo a fiefia.

The Lord be with you.
The Lord bless you.

Ke ’iate kimoutolu ’a e ’Eiki.
Pea ke ’afio foki ’iate koe.

This is the day which the
Lord has made.
Let us rejoice
and be glad in it.

Ko e ’aho ’eni na’e ngaahi ’e he ’Eiki.

Ke tau fiefia mo nekeneka ai.

The Kyries

Lord, have mercy.
God fill you
Christ, have mercy.

’Eiki ’alo’ofa mai.
Kalaisi ’alo’ofa mai.
’Eiki ’alo ’of a mai.

The Absolution

Through the cross
of Christ
God have mercy on you,
pardon you
and set you free.
Know that you
are forgiven
and be at peace.
God strengthen you
in all goodness
and keep you
in life eternal.

’Ihe kolosi ’o Kalaisi ko Hotau Fakamo ’ui. Ke fakamolemole’i ai ’e he ’Otua kimoutolu, pea mo fakatau’ataina, pea ke mou ’ilo kuo f akamolemole’i kimoutolu, pe ke ’fate kimoutolu ’a a melino. Ke fakamalohi kotoa kimoutolu ’e he ’Otua ’aki ’a a angalelei kotoa pe, pea ke tauhi kimoutolu ki he mo’ui ta’engata.

At the Prayers of the People

During the prayers any of the
following may be used.

Lolotonga ’oku fai
e ngaahi lotu ke fai


For your love
and goodness
we give you thanks,
O God.

Koe’uhi ko ho’o ’of a mo ho’ angalelei.

’Oku mau fakafeta’i ki ho’o ’afio
’e ’Otua.

Let us bless the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

Ke tau fakahikihiki’i ’a a ’Eiki.
Fakefeta’i kiate koe ’e ’Otua.

Give thanks to our God
who is gracious
whose mercy endures
for ever.

Ke tau fakafeta’i ki he ’Eiki angalelei.

Ko ’ene ’alo’ofa ’oku ta’engata.


God of love
grant our prayer.

’Eiki ’alo’ofa e
Tali ’emau lotu.

God of grace
you hear our prayer.

’Eiki a fanongo mai.
’Eiki a fanongo mai ki he’emau

Lord, in your mercy
hear our prayer.

’Eiki a ’i ho’o ’ofa.
Fanongo mai ki he’emau lotu.

Lord, hear our prayer
and let our cry
come to you.

Eiki a fanongo mai ki he’emau lotu.
Pea tuku ke au ’emau tangi
kiate Koe.

The Peace

Ko e Melino

All standing, the presiding priest
says to the people

Tu’u katoa, pea ’e fakaafe’i leva
O"e he Taula’eiki ’a a kakai ke nau
fe’iloaki ’i he melino ’i he anga maheni
fakafonua’o nautolu mo lea pehe.

The peace of Christ
be always with you.
And also with you.

Ke ’iate koe ma’u pe ’a e melino ’a
Pea ke afio foki ’iate koe.

The people and presiding priest
may exchange a sign of peace
according to local custom.

Pea koe fetongi pe ia ’e he Taula’eiki
mo a kakai ’a e faka’ilonga ’o e melino.

Brothers and sisters,
we are the body of Christ.

Fanga tokoua mo a tuofafine.
Ko kitautolu ko a sino is ’o Kalaisi.

By one Spirit we were
baptised into one body.

I he Laumalie pe taha na’e papitaiso
ai kitautolu ki he Sino pe taha ko ia.

Keep the unity of the Spirit
in the bond of peace.

Tauhi a Laumalie ko ia pe taha ’i he
no’o ’o a melino.

Amen. We are bound
by the love of Christ.

’Ameni. ’Oku tau no’ o taha pe ’i
he’ofa ’a Kalaisi.

At the Preparation of the Gifts

The presiding priest may say

Pea ’e lea pehe ’e he Taula’eiki

To you, Lord, belongs the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory and the majesty.

’E’Eiki’oku’o’ou’a a malohi, mo a ivi, mo a naunau, mo a ikuna, pea mo e pule.

All that is in the heavens and the earth is yours, and of your own we give you.

Ko e ngaahi me’a kotoa pe ’i hevani pea mo mamani, ’oku ’a’au ia, pea ’oku mau ’atu pe kiate koe ’a e ngaahi me’a ’oku ’a’au.

At the Great Thanksgiving

The Lord is here.
God’s Spirit is with us.

’Oku ’afio ’ae Eiki ’i heni.
Ko a Laumalie ’oe ’Otua ’oku ’iate

Lift up your hearts.
We lift them to the Lord.

Hiki hake ho mou loto ki Hevani.
’A ia oku ’i ai ’ae kololia mo a pule
’a Kalaisi.

Let us give thanks
to the Lord our God.
It is right to offer
thanks and praise.

Ke tau fakafeta’i ki he ’Eiki ko
hotau ’Otua.
’Oku tau mo totonu aupito ke tau
fakamalo mo fakahikihiki.

Holy, holy, holy Lord,
God of power and might,
heaven and earth
are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.

Ma’oni’oni, Ma’oni’oni, ’oku
Ma’oni’oni ’a e ’Eiki ’o e ngaahi
kau tau,
’oku fonu ’a hevani mo mamani ’i
ho naunau.
Hosana ki ’olunga.

The following may be used.

Blessed is he who comes
in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest.

’Oku monu’ia la ’oku haele mai
i’he huafa ’oe Eiki.
Hosana ’i ’olunga.

Glory to you,
Lord Christ;
your death
we show forth;
your resurrection
we proclaim;
your coming
we await;
Come Lord Jesus.

Kololia kiate koe ’e Kalaisi

ko ho’o pekia ’oku mau fakaha atu

ko ho’o Toefu’u
’Oku mau fakamafola’i;
ko ho’ o ha’ ele mai ’oku mau Teu’ i
Ameni! Ha’ele mai Eiki Sisu.

Blessing, honour
and glory be yours,
here and everywhere,
now and for ever. Amen.

Ko e Kelesi, naunau mo e Kololia ’Oku a’au is ’i heni pea, Ta’efakangata ngata mei he taimi ’ni, pea ta’e ngata, Ameni.

At the Communion

’Ihe Taimi Feohianga


As Christ teaches us,
we pray

Na’e ako’i kitautolu ’e he ’Eiki ke tau
ka to to pea tau pehe

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today
our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those
who sin against us.
Save us
from the time of trial
and deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom,
the power,
and the glory are yours
now and for ever. Amen.

Ko’ emau Tamai ’ oku ’ i hevani
Ke tapuha ho Huafa,
Ke hoko mai ho pule’anga,
Ke fai ho fingalo ’i mamani,
’O hange ko ia ’i Hevani.
Pea foaki mai kiate kimautolu he
ni ha’ a mau me’ akai.

Pea fakamolemole ’emau ngaahi angahala, ’O hange ko ’emau fakamolemole ’a kinautolu ’oku fai angahala mai kiate kimautolu. ’Oua na’ake tuku ’a kimautolu ki he ’ahi’ahi, ka ke fakahaofi ’a kimautolu mei he kovi. He ’oku ’O’ou ’a a pule’anga, pea mo e malohi, mo a Kololia, ’o ta’engata pea ta’engata. ’Ameni.

The priest breaks the bread.

Silence may be kept.

E pakipaki ’ae ma ’ehe Taula’eiki.


We break this bread to share in the body of Christ.

Ko a ma ’oku tau pakipaki ni, ’ikai
koa ko is is ’oku tau ma’u ’inasi ai ’i
he Sino ’o Kalaisi.

We who are many are one
body, for we all share the
one bread.

Neongo ’oku tau tokolahi, ka ’oku
tau ma’u ’inasi ko toa pe ai.

Lamb of God, you take
away the sin of the world,
have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take
away the sin of the world,
have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, you take
away the sin of the world,
grant us your peace.

’E Lami ’a e ’Otua ’a is ’oku ne ’ave
’a e angahala ’a mamani,
’alo’ofa mai kiate kimautolu.
’E Lami ’a e ’Otua ’a ia ’oku ne ’ave
’a e angahala ’a mamani,
’alo’ofa mai kiate kimautolu.
’E Lami ’a e ’Otua ’a ia ’oku ne ’ave
’a e angahala ’a mamani,
tuku kiate kimautolu ’a ho ’o melino.

The Invitation

The priest may say

Pea lea pehe ’a e Taula’eiki

Draw near and receive the body and blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ in remembrance that he died for us.
Let us feed on him in our hearts by faith with thanksgiving.

Mou ’unu’unu mai ’o ma’u e Sino mo e Ta’ata ’a Hotau ’Eiki ko Sisu Kalaisi pea mou manatu’i na’e pekia ’a Kalaisi ma’a moutolu. To’o ’eni ’o kai mo ma’u ia ’i hotau laumalie ’i he tui moe fakafeta’i.

The body of Christ
given for you.

Ko e Sino eni ’o Kalaisi kuo foaki atu
ma ’au.

The blood of Christ
shed for you.

Ko e Ta’ata’a eni ’o Kalaisi kuo lilingi
atu ma’au.


Pe Pehe

The body of our Lord Jesus Christ which was given for you.

Ko e Sino eni ’o hotau ’Eiki ko Sisu Kalaisi kuo foaki atu ma’au.

The blood of our Lord Jesus Christ which was shed for you.

Ko e Ta’ata’a eni ’o hotau ’Eiki ko Sisu Kalaisi kuo lilingi atu ma’au.


Pe Pehe

The body of Christ
keep you in eternal life.

Ko e Sino eni ’o Kalaisi kene tauhi koe
he mo’ui ta’engata.

The blood of Christ
keep you in eternal life.

Ko a Ta’ata’a eni ’o Kalaisi kene tauhi
koe ki he mo’ui ta’engata.

The communicant may respond
each time

Koia ’oku ne ma’u ke ne tall ’Ameni
ma’u pe.


At the Dismissal


The congregation is sent out
with these words

Ke fakatutuku atu a Kainga Iota ’o pehe

Go now to love and serve the Lord. Go in peace.

Mou ’alu atu ’i he melino, pea ’of a mo tauhi ki he ’eiki.

We go in the name
of Christ.

e mau ’alu ’i he huafa ’o Kalaisi.

A Blessing in Tongan

Ko a melino ’ae ’Otua
’a is ’oku lahi hake i he ilo kotoa pe tu’u ke ma’u homou loto’
mo homou laumalie,’ia Kalaisi Sisu ko hotau Eiki,
pea ko a tapuaki ’ae ’Otua Mafimafi,
ko a Tamai, mo a Alo, pea mo a Laumalie Ma’oni’oni,
ke ’iate Kimoutolu he taimi ni
pea ta’engata.